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MEC 628; Modol Testing ond Anolysis

Fokulti Kejuruteroqn Mekonikol

Univensiti Teknoloqi MARA

Assign: 29 April20t4
Due: fsnlqtively on 31 May 2014

Assignment 2: Group ossignment (Each group member should not be more

thon 3 persons) (COz,CO3)

select o suitoble component qnd perform on experimentol modsl testing

using 4 chqnnel onolyser in the dynomic loborotory to extroct its modol
porometers. The component used by eoch group should not be of the same
mqteriol. Some importont considerqtions in performingthe test ore:

1. Schemotic diogrom of the component

2. Sufficient number of point of meosurements
3. Setting of onolyser such ss window used, FFT points, bondwidth,
averages etc
4. Noturql frequencres, no. of onimqted modes ond residues obtqined.

Eoch group is reguired to submit o single report. The report must contoin
the introduction, moin text, discussion ond conclusion , ref erences.
MEC 628: Modal Testing ond I Nome: Score:

@ Anolysis
Fokulti Kejuruterqan Mekonikol
Universlti Teknoloqi MARA I StD:

Assign: 29 April2014
Due: tentotively on 31 May 2Ot4

Assignment 1: Choose one of the topics below ond discuss in detoil. (COZ)

L. Piezoelectric tronsducers: You con choose either force or

occelerometers ond discuss in detoil of thetype, construction,
ottachment to structure, odvontoges ond drow bocks, limitqtions of
opplicotion etc which very much related to its opplicotions in vibrotion

2. Excitotion mechonism used in modol testing, You con choose o

particulor exciter ond eloborote in detoil on the operotion,
construction ond opplications with ossistonce of sketches, diogrorns,

3. Anolyzer use in vibrqtion meosurement. fn the topic you should discuss

the stages of processing thqt is corried out in the anolyzer until the
f inol output thqt [s shown. Again ossist you explonation ond discussion
with chorts, diogroms, etc

This ossignment is an individuol ossignment. It should be hqnd written with

inclusive of written text, diogroms, pictures, figures etc not to exceed 5
poges. The report must contoin the introduction, moin text, dlscussion ond
conclusion, ref erences. Ftgures, diogroms, pictures elc which ore not drown
con be qttqched either by glue or seporote sheef of poper on your

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