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Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

Assignment 1 – Informative, analytical and/or argumentative

Does progress pay?

In this world of constant technology progress and continuous improvements in science,

it is almost inconceivable to be left out of this development the world is suffering. Every
day new techniques and products appear to help improve our way of life; some affect it
directly, but others indirectly; several can not change our lives yet, but will make a
great difference in some year’s time. Many of these deal with the theme of health.
Lately, a lot has been investigated about cells and their importance in the transmission
of inherited information. The thorough and fervent study of the origins of life as well as its
bases has led to the discovery of the molecule of DNA and, in the same way, to the
investigation of the genetic code.
Along with genetics engineering and the manipulation of genes came an enormous
controversy regarding the viability of the projects originated by this science. There are
many people who foster the projects of human cloning and genetic modifications, but, as
always, there are groups who deliberately oppose and believe all kinds of cloning should
be banned. Before developing any premature opinion, it is necessary to clarify what
cloning is, and erase any mistaken idea. To clone means simply to duplicate, to copy, not
only whole bodies, but also single cells, and the difference between these types must be
stated. Actually, many industrial processes involve cloning of special breeds of bacteria or
parts of DNA, and they result very useful and applicable in medical, industrial or
agronomic environments.
But these types of modifications are not exactly the protagonists of nowadays’ debates,
the most critical discussions take place around the intervention in the human genetic code.
People who promote the creation of whole human clones have the opposition of those who
believe making clones or means “playing God.” I think there are many sensible reasons for
and against human cloning, all of them acceptable; nevertheless, cloning a person requires
excessive care and involves very expensive processes, which would finally make me
believe it is still not the right moment to start creating clones.
Most arguments in favor of human cloning sound cruel and cold-blooded, since the
majority involves the creation of a human being to obtain a benefit and then “get rid” of it.
Some of these ideas include creation of clones that would allow sterile people to have their
own babies; homosexual couples to get pregnant; parents who have lost a child to recover
him. Also, clones could be destined to be operated on to take their organs for
transplantation. These ideas may sound extremely barbarous and self-centered as they
suggest the use of a person for our own benefit and it is due to this that human cloning is
outlawed in most countries. However, there are some possible solutions for these
problems, which means that human cloning can still wait until better research and
investigation has been done. There are treatments for infertile people which can, though
slowly, enable them to have their children. Apart from this, a lot has been investigated
about organ tissues and it has been possible to obtain cloned organs; cells have been
extracted from special tissues and by genetic engineering their cloning was achieved,

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

which means we can create individual compatible organs for transplantation. Anyway, all
these procedures still need testing and evaluation to finally start using them massively.
Other reasons for human cloning which have more support are the creation of humans to
help in medical research of diseases. Once again, scientific advances can help to improve
our quality of life.
On the other hand, people against these manipulations sustain that clones may have
several psychological problems of lack of individualism. But the truth is that we have to
take into account that clones do not grow from one day to another and therefore would
have a great difference in age with their parents; clones would be like twins, only with
different ages. They also believe that having clones around the world would destroy the
sense of uniqueness of individuals. Many are also concerned about the dangers that
involve cloning; in order to obtain one healthy and viable embryo, hundreds have to die.
Still, I believe that for everything we have to run risks, it is not possible to obtain
something or succeed in the area of medicine if we don’t take risks; it is part of the game.
Finally, we have seen that there are as many arguments in favor as there are against.
Human cloning could help us greatly improve our way of life, by providing answers and
help to cure special types of diseases; by genetic planning we can ameliorate a lot our
health as well as our relatives’. But still there are some ideas that do not fully convince me;
as always, there are cruel ideas which some people support that can degenerate and ruin all
the devised projects, as well as throw away years of research and investigation. The best
course of action is to continue investigating and slowly lead to the creation of human
clones when the world is ready to receive them and give them the treatment they deserve:
equal to human beings. In this way when we are ready to, we can go on with this science;
meanwhile we can do nothing but continue studying the complex and never ending nature.

Although rather too long, this is a coherent and consistent piece, where the candidate
describes and reflects effectively upon her own experience over the issue of human
cloning. There are insignificant language errors. Paragraphs are well constructed and
linked to clarify writing as a whole. That is why I allot this piece 37 out of 40 .

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

Assignment 2 – Imaginative, descriptive and/or narrative


Scene 1 – Emergency Rest Room

[Dr. Manley is dozing half-falling from a narrow stretcher, barely covered by an old blanket.
Every once in a while he startles and whispers something incomprehensible, probably product
of a momentary nightmare. Those nights staying at the Emergency Guard were never easy, and
even less today, after a whole day of teaching at University. But it’s been a peculiarly and oddly
calm night and Dr. Manley is apparently getting the rest he has needed for a long time… Yet,
there’s something going on. He senses it. That’s why he can’t conciliate sleep. He is running
through a corridor… Chasing something… Or otherwise: he is being chased. He is getting there;
he is reaching the door, just one more step...]
Nurse: Sir, we have an emergency, a man has just dropped in, we don’t know what’s going on with him…
Dr. Manley: [Suddenly jumping off the stretcher, his glasses have almost fell and hang only from one ear,
they are completely crooked] Heh?! Hum, what?! Okay, okay, don’t panic, I’m coming! Quick!
Where is he? Duh, where are my glasses… Oh! Here! They’ve fell on the floor; oh, just what I
needed: a pair of broken glasses… Well, I’ve the spare one in my pocket. Now, back to work!
[A resident student enters the place with an expression of horror on his face. It must be his
first time at Emergency. Those guys always panic at the sight of a blood drop when it’s their
first patient. They just freeze and don’t know what to do. Seeing the extremely worried look,
Dr. Manley simulates to be worried too, just not to ridicule or embarrass the young doctor.]
Dr. Manley: [As they leave the room running] Yes, so, Dr…? Jim Farrell, yes, Dr. Jim Farrell, tell me about
the man, what is he showing signs of…?
Dr. Farrell: [Very agitated] Well, his blood pressure is sky-high, and there’s no way to lower it by any means.
His heartbeats increase second by second. We’ve already provided him with a beta-blocking, but
he doesn’t seem to respond. He has goose bumps and doesn’t stop sweating… [They arrive
where the stretcher with the man is] This is the third sheet we have to change, he leaves them
completely wet…
[Dr. Manley carefully examines the man. He is about 25 years old. He is shaking convulsively and
his hair is electrified. After some minutes the patient becomes stiff. He stops shaking and
seems to be peacefully asleep. The professional seems very confused. A person with that blood
pressure and heartbeats cannot simply “calm down” in that way. He tells Dr. Farrell to go and
sleep for a while: everything is under control. He sits down beside him. After some minutes, he
sees the man moving.]
Dr. Manley: Hello there… Can you hear me? Do you understand me? I don’t really know your name, and
neither the reason why you are here, but we’ll try find out, okay? I just need to know your name
and any useful phone number to call any relative… Hey! Are you listening to me? Can you speak?
[The man keeps looking around completely stunned and frenetically. He is absolutely lost and
perplexed. Abruptly, he shows his intention of talking, but only some stammering comes out.
He cannot pronounce a word, or, at least, nothing understandable.]
Man: Dub… Yub… Argg… Stub…
Dr. Manley: Calm Down, calm down. Just relax, we have time. So, can you try and tell me your name? Or at
least where you come from?

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

[The man keeps moving hysterically, until he suddenly freezes. He has given a good look at Dr.
Manley and is paralyzed, as if he had recognized him, or remembered something.]
Man: [Running out of breath] Na… Num… 34… Number… 342? Tom… Tommy… You ok…? Where…
Tommy! I… I found you! Oh… can’t… believe it… escaped! it’s you…!
Dr. Manley: Sir, in case you can listen to me, my name is Dr. Joseph Manley, and you are at the hospital right
now. We want to know what’s happening to you, we just need… Sir? Hey! Sir?!
[The man has ceased to move. His body is stiff. His eyes wide open, but apparently lifeless. He
seems as frozen by an invisible frost. The doctor immediately begins his work to revive him:
electro-shock, respirator. The whole room has become a chaos, people entering and leaving,
bringing and taking out things.]

Scene 2 – Hospital Corridor, Analysis Lab

[It is a normal day at hospital. Nothing apart from the quotidian: Dr. Manley has just finished
checking his patients, everything is in order. But he has good spirits; he is expectant as he
starts for the Analysis Lab]
Dr. Manley: Hi everyone, how’s everything going? Tough day, heh? Well, we all have one every once in a
while… It’ll do, don’t worry, it’ll do. Meanwhile… Mark, please tell me you have what I want…
Yes… Exactly, oh yes, make me a happy man and tell me you’ve made it…
Dr. Glauber: [In an ironic and joking way] Well… That depends… Nah, you owe me a big one there, Joe…
Here, take it and disappear, away, go, go…
Dr. Manley: [Almost jumping in happiness and gratification] Thank you sooo much! You can’t imagine what
you have just done for me. I couldn’t simply let the death of that man pass inadvertent as it
was… Something must have killed him, he can’t just die. Tell me, anything unconventional on his
blood test results?
Dr. Glauber: Hmm… Well, everything’s fine: glucose levels, erythrocytes number ok, leucocytes too, plasma…
The only striking result is the adrenaline level, it’s exorbitant. But… No, no, it can’t be possible,
it must be a mistake. Don’t worry about it, you know, you can never trust technology! Ha ha ha!
Dr. Manley: Are you sure? That would be the only abnormal thing in that man, the only possible cause of
death. I’ll think about it.
Dr. Glauber: I don’t think so, it’s a very strange result. But listen, why didn’t you do an autopsy if you are so
interested in him?
Dr. Manley: Why didn’t I do it? I wanted to, but the authorities wouldn’t let me. Since no one has claimed
for his body, and he doesn’t have any identification, they won’t waste their time on him. But I
can’t just stay here when a man has died in my hands and I find no reason. Ok, I guess I’ll
continue searching in case I find something else. If not, we’ll have to blame his high levels of
adrenaline, though they have to be drastically high to kill him… And it would be a really odd
case, really hard to explain this hormonal overproduction. Bye Mark, and thanks again, I owe you
a big one!
Dr. Glauber: No problem, go on, in case I find something I tell you. See you later at lunch.


Scene 3 – Hospital Cellar

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

[Two men are squatting behind some old syringe boxes, under some debilitated dusty shelves.
They are whispering in an almost imperceptible way, trying to avoid being heard or seen.]
Dr. Manley: So what is it that you’re telling me? Do you want me to believe there’s a vast net of people in
this town who are conspiring behind us and manipulating us and our society? I’m sorry Madam,
but I’m not quite sure I get your idea…
Woman: It’s not my idea, I’ve already told you! [Starts to get nervous] You’re gonna blow my top… I’m
trying to warn you! Listen, I know my appearance doesn’t help, but I’m pretty sure of what I’ve
been seeing and listening for the past years: There’s a group of people under the abandoned
mall where I sleep who are kidnapping others to play with them! To harm them! To manipulate
their bodies! If you don’t believe me who will? I’ve got to go right now, but please, just trust me
and visit that place, just try not to be seen. They’re making doubles over there, they’re making
experiments. Go there and try to save that people, please, trust me. Bye…
Dr. Manley: [A loud chilling sound is heard from above. They both stand up very quickly, but Manley hits his
back with one of the shelves and it falls down] Ouch!
Woman: [Worried] Are you okay? Look, look what you’ve done to yourself! You have a great scar under
your neck that has reopened! Your neck is bleeding…
Dr. Manley: [Calming her down] Oh, don’t worry, it happens all the time. It’s an old scar I’ve always had;
probably a fall when I was a kid, I really never knew. The fact is that my skin there is very weak,
and at the slightest touch it opens. Nothing to worry about. Let’s go.
Woman: Okay, yes, I’d better be going. Bye, and thanks for listening, I hope you trust me and go to the

Scene 4 – Down the mall

[Manley has hardly managed to get into the mall, after having to fight with some beggars who
live there. He has escaped from the security men of the cellar, and gotten into a kind of secret
installation that resembles a hospital. He is now in the Conference Room, hiding at the back of
the auditorium. Everybody is silent, and a video is about to be played.]
Man: Welcome everybody! I’m glad to introduce you to the new world of technology! [Applause] After
15 years of research and experimentation, we are ready to present you with the medicine of the
next millennium: genetic techniques to modify any problem in people and achieve the birth of
better human beings, and individual cloning! [Applause] The video that follows will explain our
work step by step, and show you the future of health. Thank you very much. [Applause]
Video: “After years of undercover research, Genetech is glad to introduce you with the first human
clones in the Earth. At the same time, we want to show the creation of genetically improved
human beings, who have a better performance in everyday life, thanks to their special protein
production. All the studied individuals were kept here numbered under exam. In the first place,
we introduce you to the first human beings to be modified in order to produce higher levels of
adrenaline. In this way, their functioning is longer and better; they have much more energy to
continue working and doing everyday activities, without needing to sleep that much. On the
other hand, Genetech has been able to modify individuals providing them with genes that
stimulate the formation of new nervous branches; due to this, it is possible to regenerate any
broken nerve in the body. And related to this topic, some other experiments were held. Our
main objective about the nervous system was to improve the treatments in diseases related to
the spinal marrow: cancer, body paralysis, etc. To contribute to these experiments, certain
specifically chosen individuals were cloned. They were studied and kept here numbered for
some time, and then a part of their marrow was surgically extracted to continue the studies, as
well as certain organs in some cases. This was achieved by a dorsal incision, right under the

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

1883 words!!
This is too long. Your stage directions can be reduced because in many parts they sound
more like a novel, rather than stage directions. Also choose the most important entries of
each scene.

Assignment 2 – Imaginative, descriptive and/or narrative

Scene 1 – Emergency Rest Room

[Dr. Manley is dozing half-falling from a narrow stretcher, barely covered by an old blanket.]
Nurse: Sir, we have an emergency, a man has just dropped in, we don’t know what’s going on with him…
Dr. Manley: [As they leaves the room running] Yes, so, Dr…? Jim Farrell, yes, Dr. Jim Farrell, tell me about
the man, what is he showing signs of…?
Dr. Farrell: [Very agitated] Well, his blood pressure is sky-high, and there’s no way to lower it by any means.
His heartbeats increase second by second. We’ve already provided him with a beta-blocking, but
he doesn’t seem to respond. He has goose bumps and doesn’t stop sweating… [They arrive
where the stretcher with the man is] This is the third sheet we have to change, he leaves them
completely wet…
[Dr. Manley carefully examines the man. He sits down beside him. After some minutes, he sees
the man moving.]
Dr. Manley: Hello there… Can you hear me? Do you understand me? I don’t really know your name, and
neither the reason why you are here, but we’ll try find out, okay? I just need to know your name
and any useful phone number to call any relative… Hey! Are you listening to me? Can you speak?
[The man keeps looking around completely stunned and frenetically. He is absolutely lost and
perplexed. Abruptly, he shows his intention of talking, but only some stammering comes out.
He cannot pronounce a word, or, at least, nothing understandable.]
Man: Dub… Yub… Argg… Stub…
Dr. Manley: Calm Down, calm down. Just relax, we have time. So, can you try and tell me your name? Or at
least where you come from?
[The man keeps moving hysterically, until he suddenly freezes. He has given a good look at Dr.
Manley and is paralyzed, as if he had recognized him, or remembered something.]
Man: [Running out of breath] Na… Num… 34… Number… 342? Tom… Tommy… You ok…? Where…
Tommy! I… I found you! Oh… can’t… believe it… escaped! it’s you…!
Dr. Manley: Sir, in case you can listen to me, my name is Dr. Joseph Manley, and you are at the hospital right
now. We want to know what’s happening to you, we just need… Sir? Hey! Sir?!
[The man has ceased to move. His body is stiff. His eyes wide open, but apparently lifeless. He
seems as frozen by an invisible frost. The doctor immediately begins his work to revive him:
electro-shock, respirator. The whole room has become a chaos, people entering and leaving,
bringing and taking out things.]

Scene 2 – Hospital Corridor, Analysis Lab

[It is a normal day at hospital: Dr. Manley is expectant as he starts for the Analysis Lab]

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

Dr. Manley: Hi everyone, how’s everything going? Tough day, heh? Mark, please tell me you have what I
want… Yes… Exactly, oh yes, make me a happy man and tell me you’ve made it…
Dr. Glauber: [In an ironic and joking way] Well… That depends… Nah, you owe me a big one there, Joe…
Here, take it and disappear, away, go, go…
Dr. Manley: [Almost jumping in happiness and gratification] Thank you sooo much! You can’t imagine what
you have just done for me. I couldn’t simply let the death of that man pass inadvertent as it
was… Something must have killed him, he can’t just die. Tell me, anything unconventional on his
blood test results?
Dr. Glauber: Hmm… Well, everything’s fine: glucose levels, erythrocytes number ok, leucocytes too, plasma…
The only striking result is the adrenaline level, it’s exorbitant. But… No, no, it can’t be possible,
it must be a mistake. Don’t worry about it, you know, you can never trust technology! Ha ha ha!
Dr. Manley: Are you sure? That would be the only abnormal thing in that man, the only possible cause of
death. I’ll think about it.
Dr. Glauber: I don’t think so, it’s a very strange result. But listen, why didn’t you do an autopsy if you are so
interested in him?
Dr. Manley: Why didn’t I do it? I wanted to, but the authorities wouldn’t let me. Since no one has claimed
for his body, and he doesn’t have any identification, they won’t waste their time on him. But I
can’t just stay here when a man has died in my hands and I find no reason. Ok, I guess I’ll
continue searching in case I find something else. If not, we’ll have to blame his high levels of
adrenaline, though they have to be drastically high to kill him… And it would be a really odd
case, really hard to explain this hormonal overproduction. Bye Mark, and thanks again, I owe you
a big one!

Scene 3 – Hospital Cellar

[Dr. Manly and a woman are squatting behind some old syringe boxes, under some shelves,
whispering so as not to be heard]
Woman: It’s not my idea, I’ve already told you! [Starts to get nervous] You’re gonna blow my top… I’m
trying to warn you! Listen, I know my appearance doesn’t help, but I’m pretty sure of what I’ve
been seeing and listening for the past years: There’s a group of people under the abandoned
mall where I sleep who are kidnapping others to play with them! To harm them! To manipulate
their bodies! If you don’t believe me who will? I’ve got to go right now, but please, just trust me
and visit that place, just try not to be seen. They’re making doubles over there, they’re making
experiments. Go there and try to save that people, please, trust me. Bye…
Dr. Manley: [A loud chilling sound is heard from above. They both stand up very quickly, but Manley hits his
back with one of the shelves and it falls down] Ouch!
Woman: [Worried] Are you okay? Look, look what you’ve done to yourself! You have a great scar under
your neck that has reopened! Your neck is bleeding…
Dr. Manley: [Calming her down] Oh, don’t worry, I have had it for a long time. Let’s go.
Woman: Okay, yes, I’d better be going. Bye, and thanks for listening, I hope you trust me and go to the

Scene 4 – Down the mall

[Dr. Manley has gotten into a kind of secret installation that resembles a hospital. He is now in
the Conference Room, hiding at the back of the auditorium. Everybody is silent, and a video is
about to be played.]

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

Man: Welcome everybody! I’m glad to introduce you to the new world of technology! [Applause] After
15 years of research and experimentation, we are ready to present you with the medicine of the
next millennium: genetic techniques to modify any problem in people and achieve the birth of
better human beings, and individual cloning! [Applause] The video that follows will explain our
work step by step, and show you the future of health. Thank you very much. [Applause]
Video: “After years of undercover research, Genetech is glad to introduce you with the first human
clones in the Earth. At the same time, we want to show the creation of genetically improved
human beings, who have a better performance in everyday life, thanks to their special protein
production. All the studied individuals were kept here numbered under exam. In the first place,
we introduce you to the first human beings to be modified in order to produce higher levels of
adrenaline. In this way, their functioning is longer and better; they have much more energy to
continue working and doing everyday activities, without needing to sleep that much. On the
other hand, Genetech has been able to modify individuals providing them with genes that
stimulate the formation of new nervous branches; due to this, it is possible to regenerate any
broken nerve in the body. And related to this topic, some other experiments were held. Our
main objective about the nervous system was to improve the treatments in diseases related to
the spinal marrow: cancer, body paralysis, etc. To contribute to these experiments, certain
specifically chosen individuals were cloned. They were studied and kept here numbered for
some time, and then a part of their marrow was surgically extracted to continue the studies, as
well as certain organs in some cases. This was achieved by a dorsal incision, right under the

Still too long, but we can see how well Agustina has constructed her script around
organized action, providing entertainment and sound food for thought. Characters
are well developed, while unity is achieved; therefore, I see no reason why the
number of words should be considered self-penalising. On the contrary, I do believe
we should recognize Agustina’s nack as a writer. I allot this script 38 out of 40 points.

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

Assignment 3 – Reading and Writing

Extract from the novel Anthills of the Savannah, by Chinua Achebe

“ He dug his hand into his shirt pocket and pulled out a folded sheet of paper and carefully
unfolded it on his knee. “I wrote this strange love-letter last night. May I read it?” I nodded.
"The original oppression of Woman was based on crude denigration. She caused Man to fall. So
she became a scapegoat. No, not a scapegoat which might be blameless but a culprit richly deserving
of whatever suffering Man chose thereafter to heap on her. This is Woman in the Book of Genesis.
Out there, our ancestors, without the benefit of hearing about the Old Testament, made the very same
story differing only in local colour. At first the Sky was close to the Earth. But every evening Woman
cut off a piece of the Sky to put in her soup pot or, as in another version, she repeatedly banged the
top end of her pestle carelessly against the Sky whenever she pounded the millet or, as in yet another
rendering – so prodigious is Man's inventiveness – she wiped her kitchen hands on the Sky's face.
Whatever the detail of Woman's provocation, the Sky finally moved away in danger, and God with it.
"Well, that kind of candid chauvinism might be OK for the rugged taste of Old Testament. The
New Testament required a more enlightened, more refined, more loving even, strategy – ostensibly,
that is. So the idea came to Man to turn his spouse into the very Mother of God, to pick her up from
right under his foot where she'd been since Creation and carry her reverently to a nice, corner
pedestal. Up there, her feet completely off the ground she will be just as irrelevant to the practical
decisions of running the world as she was in her bad old days. The only difference is that now Man
will suffer no guilt feelings; he can sit back and congratulate himself on his generosity and
“Meanwhile our ancestors out here, unaware of the New Testament, were working out
independently a parallel subterfuge of their own. Nneka, they said. Mother is supreme. Let us keep
her in reserve until the ultimate crisis arrives and the waist is broken and hung over the fire, and the
palm bears its fruit at the tail of its leaf. Then, as the world crashes around Man’s eras, Woman in her
supremacy will descend and sweep the shards together.
“Do I make sense?”
“As always, go on.”
“Thank you BB. I owe that insight to you. I can’t tell you what the new role of Woman will be. I
don’t know. I should never have presumed to know. You have to tell us. We never asked you before.
And perhaps because you’ve never been asked you may not have thought about it; you may not have
the answer handy. But in that case everybody had better know who is now holding up the action.”
“That’s very kind of you!”
“That was the first part of this love-letter, the part I owe specifically to you. Here’s the rest.
“The women are, of course, the biggest single group of oppressed people in the world and, if we
are to believe the Book of Genesis, the very oldest. But they are not the only ones. There are others –
rural peasants in every land, the urban poor in industrialized countries, black people everywhere
including their own continent, ethnic and religious minorities and castes in all countries. The most
obvious practical difficulty is the magnitude and heterogeneity of the problem. There is no universal
conglomerate of the oppressed. Free people may be alike everywhere in their freedom but the
oppressed inhabit each their own peculiar hell. The present orthodoxies of deliverance are futile to
the extent that they fail to recognize this. You know my stand on that. Every genuine artist feels it in
his bones. The simplistic remedies touted by all manner of salesmen (including some who call
themselves artists) will always fail because of man’s stubborn antibody called surprise. Man will
surprise by his capacity for nobility as well as for villainy. No system can change that. It is built into
the core of man’s free spirit.” ”

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

A myriad of differences

One of the most controversial debates taking place in the world these days is the
discussion about social differences among people. In this extract of a letter written by the
character Ikem Osodi in the novel Anthills of the Savannah, we can clearly appreciate not
only the situation of women throughout the years and in diverse parts of the world, but
also the circumstances in which other oppressed groups live. Despite the myriad of wars,
battles and struggles in seek of equality and universality, it is shameful to have to admit in
the 21st Century that these differences continue and affect a great number of people. In this
extract, Achebe masterfully succeeds in presenting a very clear idea, by means of his
character Ikem, about the position of these groups of people and how they have changed
since the origins of civilization, as well as his opinion as regards this topic.
Osodi begins his letter by going back to the origins of civilization, according to the
Bible, when Woman started to be cornered by Man, until reaching the point of “crude
denigration.” We can notice the writer’s opposition to this idea when he implies this was
done due to the fact that Woman was in some way stronger than Man: “She caused Man to
fall. So she became a scapegoat.” In this line he also suggests Man needed somebody to
put the blame on and punish, and this role was taken by Woman, who had to carry all the
culpability, or supposed culpability, leaving Man free of guilt. Further on, he compares this
religious story to the native one, an African legend, probably to show the reader that this
attitude was not only adopted by certain groups of people, but also by others who had no
contact at all, suggesting may be, that having the need of blaming somebody for their own
actions is in Man’s nature. In the second story, we are told that Woman is supposed to be
the one who caused God to go away, accusing her again of being the culprit of the world’s
evils. The choice of the word “chauvinism” clearly denotes his opposition to the course of
action taken by the people at that time. The reference to this particular ideology similar to
that of narcissism, suggests ideas of egotism/self-absorption, absolutism and xenophobia
from Man’s part, who cares only about himself to the point of reaching perverse, merciless
and cruel manifestations. But then the writer tells us by an excellent use of irony and a
masterful choice of words, that long after that Man had to ‘disguise’ what he had done; the
suffering Woman had to go through could now sound terribly sanguine and abusive, and
that’s why he chooses to change a bit her position in society. But what can he do to revert
the situation? Exactly that: completely revert it; by making Woman pass from being the
lowest thing on Earth, to being the highest in Heaven - God’s Mother. The irony in this
idea makes emphatically clear his opinion about Woman being treated like an object whose
position can be changed from one day to another; it is absolutely sensible and asserted to
fight for social equality. Man without Woman would never survive, they need each other to
do this, and there is no reason to believe one is inferior to the other. This is why the idea of
the supremacy of one sex over the other is completely absurd.
The effect of irony reaches its climax when Osodi insinuates that now that Woman is in
her “nice corner pedestal” Man can finally be content with himself and fully proud of his
actions, his questionable/pretended heroism. His critics make sense when we realize that,
despite Woman has now ascended position, she still has no right or power of decision; she
continues to be useless and insignificant when talking about the world’s management.

Coursework portfolio
Cardozo Tomás, Agustina

Parallel to this, we are told that the African people created an analogue story in that
Woman was held back until a moment of crisis when she would come and settle everything
down, a moment which, eventually, would never come.
In the second part of the letter, Osodi starts to go to the more general idea, not centering
anymore in the oppression on Women that continues even today in some countries of
Africa and Asia. Now, he refers to every other marginalized group of people and wants to
highlight the idea that every minority is different from the others, each has its own story
and suffering, what makes them unique. He also makes emphasis on the fact that ‘free’
people are far from knowing or realizing about this, which isn’t quite the exact situation;
what he accurately really thinks is that Man is aware of what these people suffer, but he
simply ignores and disregards it. No matter what happens, Man will always try to avoid
the oppressed and their problems, there will always be a new excuse and reason for acting
as if he was surprised, and in this way, be able to escape from the situation. Nothing will
change that because it is in Man’s nature.
To conclude, by means of this sincere letter Osodi is able to transmit what he thinks
about women’s marginalized treatment along the years in different places, as well as other
minorities’. I personally agree with the writer in the fact that men and women should be
treated as equals, since one without the other would never survive. The same happens with
ethnic, political or economic differences; there’s no reason to believe one is superior over
the others, we are all human beings. We should all have the same rights and treatments. By
a very effective and provoking speech, the writer is able to create a forceful impact on
readers making his ideas and the way of expressing them memorable.

Again, an impressive piece, where this candidate shows her excellent selection of
reading passage plus her sound judgment, expressed in very good language. Agustina
draws inferences, evaluates them effectively, compares, analyses and synthesizes the
author’s plus her own opinions. I allot this piece 10 out of 10 points.


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