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Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535

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Energy gleaning for extracting additional energy and improving the

efficiency of 2-axis time-position tracking photovoltaic arrays under
variably cloudy skies
Stephanie White Quinn
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, 409 Dana Research Center, 360 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Positioning a photovoltaic (PV) array in the optimal orientation increases the collection of solar radiation
Received 25 October 2016 and the production of electricity. Many methods for determining the optimal tilt angle of a fixed PV array
Received in revised form 16 January 2017 have been reported in the literature; however, few methods have been proposed for finding the optimal
Accepted 5 February 2017
tilt angle of a 2-axis time-position tracking PV array. This paper derives and validates a simple formula for
directly calculating the optimal tilt angle of a 2-axis time-position tracking PV array under varying sky
conditions. By modifying the conventional tilt angle as the sky conditions change, the tracking PV array
can glean the additional small amounts of irradiance that are overlooked and unused on cloudy days. The
Energy gleaning
validity of this formula was verified using 24 months of weather data from an installation in the north-
Photovoltaic systems eastern United States where clear skies occur about 39% of the time. Simulations indicated that modifying
Solar energy the conventional 2-axis tracking angles in response to changing cloud cover results in 2.3% increase in
2-axis tracking collected insolation and 2.4% increase in AC energy over a 24-month period. During hourly and sub-
hourly intervals with cloud cover, the increase in energy collection can reach up to 50%. The ability to
modify the conventional tracking angles in response to changing cloud cover allows the PV array to glean
the previously uncollected energy, thereby capturing more of the total available irradiance and increasing
electrical power production.
2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction with the irradiance collected by a fixed PV array that is positioned

at optimal tilt and azimuth angles. They referred to (Kelly and
1.1. Overview of problem and definition of energy gleaning Gibson, 2009) in noting that a horizontal position may be more
optimal for a 2-axis tracking array when the amount of diffuse irra-
There are three types of photovoltaic (PV) installations fixed, diance is great.
single-axis tracking, and 2-axis tracking. A review of several kinds Although 2-axis trackers are typically installed in dry, sunny
of tracking arrays is presented by (Mousazadeh et al., 2009). Com- locations with consistently clear skies, the number of installations
mercial 2-axis tracking arrays are divided into two categories: in cloudier locations has increased rapidly in recent years. The dis-
trackers that use light sensors to find the brightest point in the advantage of 2-axis tracking PV arrays that use an astronomical
sky and trackers that use an astronomical algorithm based on the algorithm is that they track the apparent position of the sun even
suns apparent position. when it is obscured by clouds. On clear, sunny days, the total irra-
Although more costly and complex than fixed PV arrays, the diation on the PV array is composed primarily of direct irradiation
advantage of 2-axis tracking arrays is the efficiency in which they from the sun. However, on cloudy days the direct irradiation is very
capture the solar radiation, especially on clear, sunny days. There is small and the total available irradiation is composed primarily of
an average of 34% more irradiance collected by a 2-axis tracking diffuse irradiation that is scattered from the clouds and ground.
array when compared with a fixed array in the same location Several papers have reported that more irradiation could be col-
(Lubitz, 2011). For locations in the continental United States lected on cloudy days if the PV array did not track the sun
(Lave and Kleissl, 2011) calculated a 2545% increase in irradiance (Burduhos et al., 2015b; Gulin et al., 2013; Kelly and Gibson,
collected by a 2-axis time-position tracking PV array in comparison 2009, 2011; Quesada et al., 2015; Quinn and Lehman, 2013).
Fig. 1 shows the irradiance measured on a cloudy day by two
sensors at a 2-axis time-position tracking installation located in
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0038-092X/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
26 S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535

Normal to
z horizontal surface


Fig. 1. 15-min measurements of Plane of Array (POA) irradiance and Global

Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) during an overcast day in Middlebury, Vermont
(October 29, 2014). More irradiance is measured by the GHI sensor that is fixed
horizontally (tilt angle of 0) than by the POA irradiance sensor that is mounted on East
the 2-axis tracking PV array. South
Normal to tilted

Vermont, USA. A sensor measuring Plane of Array (POA) irradiance Fig. 2. Solar geometry. aS is solar altitude angle, b is the tilt angle of the collector
is mounted on one of the PV arrays tracking the sun. About 100 m with respect to the horizontal, c is surface azimuth angle, cS is solar azimuth angle, h
is angle of incidence, and hZ is zenith angle. All angles are in degrees. (Adapted from
north of this POA sensor, a second sensor measuring Global Hori-
(Duffie and Beckman, 2006)).
zontal Irradiance (GHI) is mounted at a tilt angle of zero degrees.
As seen in Fig. 1, the GHI measured by the horizontal sensor
exceeds the POA irradiance measured by the sensor that is tracking b hZ and c cS 1a; b
the sun. This suggests that more irradiance could be captured by
These angles assume that the only source of sunlight is the
adjusting the conventional 2-axis tracking tilt angle to a more hor-
direct beam from the sun. However, research published in the past
izontal position. Each instance where the GHI exceeds the POA
few years indicates that the conventional tilt angle of b = hZ is not
irradiance represents an opportunity to collect more of the total
necessarily optimal under partially cloudy or overcast skies.
available irradiance and generate more electrical power.
The concept of collecting these additional small amounts of
solar energy during cloudy intervals is called energy gleaning.
1.3. Review of methods for finding optimal tilt angles of 2-axis tracking
Borrowed from the agricultural term for gathering the overlooked
PV arrays
crops that are left behind in the fields after the primary harvest,
energy gleaning collects the additional small amounts of power
For fixed PV arrays, there have been many papers suggesting
that are overlooked and otherwise unused on cloudy days by
methods for calculating the yearly or monthly optimal tilt angle
changing the orientation, in particular the tilt angle, of a 2-axis
based on site parameters, weather conditions, cloudiness, or other
tracking PV array. During hourly and sub-hourly intervals of vary-
parameters (Calabro, 2013; Lave and Kleissl, 2011; Lubitz, 2011;
ing cloud cover, the increase in collected irradiance can reach up to
Quinn and Lehman, 2013; Yadav and Chandel, 2013). However,
50% (Kelly and Gibson, 2009). By capturing these small amounts of
for 2-axis time-position tracking PV arrays, only a few papers have
additional power throughout the year, the annual energy produc-
proposed methods for finding the optimal tilt angle under varying
tion of the PV installation could potentially increase by 0.53%,
sky conditions. These methods are briefly summarized in the fol-
depending on the installations location and climate (Quinn and
lowing subsections.
Lehman, 2013).

1.2. Definition of solar angles and conventional 2-axis tracking angles 1.3.1. Tracking advantage based on the ratio H/DTS
The concept of 2-axis tracking advantage (TA) was introduced
Fig. 2 shows the solar geometry and angles used in modeling in (Kelly and Gibson, 2009). They defined the ratio H/DTS, where
irradiance. Two angles, the zenith angle hZ and the solar azimuth H is the irradiance on a horizontal sensor and DTS is the irradiance
angle cS, describe the apparent position of the sun. The zenith angle on a sensor pointed directly toward the sun. Six sensors mounted
is the angle between the zenith and the suns direct beam. The on horizontal and tilted surfaces measured irradiance on four over-
solar altitude angle aS is the complement of the zenith angle. The cast days in Detroit, MI, where 50% of the days are cloudy. The H
solar azimuth angle cS is the angle between the north-south axis sensors measured 2082% more irradiance throughout the day
and the suns projection onto the horizontal plane. than the DTS sensors, with a mean increase of 47%.
The position of a tilted surface is defined by two angles, the tilt Additional experiments were conducted with four identical PV
angle b and the surface azimuth angle c. The tilt angle is the slope arrays fixed at tilt angles of 0, latitude tilt, latitude  15 and lat-
of the surface with respect to the horizontal plane. The surface azi- itude + 15 with a LI-COR irradiance sensor mounted on each array
muth angle is the angle between the north-south axis and the (Kelly and Gibson, 2011). The ratio H/DTS was calculated from irra-
tilted surface. The angle of incidence h is the angle between a line diance data recorded for 30 min during solar noon, where H/
that is normal to the tilted surface and the incident light. DTS = 1 represented the boundary between tracking and non-
There are differences in the literature on the designation of the tracking. There was a tracking advantage when H/DTS < 1, and
starting point on the north-south axis. In this paper, the convention 340 W/m2 was proposed as the threshold for determining whether
in (Duffie and Beckman, 2006) is used where south is defined as 0, to track the sun or position the array horizontally. A 1% increase in
north as 180 or 180, east 90, and west +90. yearly irradiance for Detroit was estimated using this method. This
The conventional tracking angles for a 2-axis time-position approach considers two components (direct irradiance and diffuse
tracking array that is continuously tracking the sun under clear irradiance) of the total available irradiance, but does not consider
skies (Braun and Mitchell, 1983; Duffie and Beckman, 2006) are: the ground-reflected irradiance. It gives only two options for
S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535 27

positioning the 2-axis tracking array: (i) place it in a horizontal angles were calculated at 15-min intervals. The daily trajectory
position when the sky is overcast, or (ii) track the suns path. was set once before sunrise based on a day-ahead weather fore-
cast. Simulation results showed that on a clear day, the conven-
1.3.2. Tracking advantage based on the critical hourly global solar tional tracking angles (b = hZ and c = cS) were optimal for both
radiation, IC types of trajectories. On an overcast day, the optimal positions
In (Quesada et al., 2015), the tracking advantage concept was were a tilt angle of 0 and an azimuth angle oriented due south
extended by using the Liu and Jordan isotropic irradiance model for the deterministic trajectory. However, for the stochastic trajec-
(Duffie and Beckman, 2006) to include ground-reflected irradiance tory, the optimal tilt angles were found to be 2030 less than the
in the total irradiance on a tilted surface, IT. The decision to track clear sky optimal angles (hZ). The azimuth angles were c = cS. On
the sun was based on the critical hourly global solar radiation, IC, the partly cloudy day, the irradiance profile was primarily diffuse
which was defined as the value of IH for which IT/IH = 1. Commer- in the morning and direct in the afternoon. Throughout the day,
cial software calculated the electricity produced by a hypothetical the optimal azimuth angle was cS for both types of trajectories.
PV system connected to the grid. Under cloudy skies, the hourly During the afternoon (clear sky), the conventional tracking angles
electrical energy produced by the horizontal PV panel was 18.8 (b = hZ) were optimal for both the deterministic and stochastic tra-
46.9% greater than for the tracking panel on a winter day, and jectories. However, in the morning when the sky was cloudy, the
2.324.7% greater on a summer day. The increase in electrical optimal tilt angle varied from about 15 to hZ for the deterministic
energy was minimal (04.7%) on a cloudy winter day with high trajectory, and from 35 to hZ for the stochastic trajectory. The elec-
ground reflectance due to snow. tricity produced by a 2-axis tracking array using the DE trajectory
In (Guillon et al., 2015) experiments were conducted using two was 0.37% greater than for an array using the conventional tracking
identical solar panels in Montreal, Canada one mounted horizon- angles, and 1.27% greater than for an array that continuously
tally and the other mounted on a 2-axis tracker. During one cloudy adjusted its tracking angles to maximize irradiance collection irre-
day, the measured short-circuit current, ISC, of the fixed horizontal spective of the energy consumed by the tracker.
panel was 4.132.3% greater than the tracking PV panels ISC. On a These results indicate that the optimal tilt angles depend on the
different cloudy day, the total electrical energy produced by the cloudiness of the sky and are not limited to the values of 0 and hZ.
fixed horizontal panel was 27.37% more than the tracking PV This approach requires historical weather data to develop the daily
panels energy. trajectories. Since the tracking arrays daily trajectory is set once
The following algorithm was proposed in (Quesada et al., 2015): before sunrise, it may not be possible to alter the trajectory in
Under clear skies or partially sunny/cloudy skies (IH > IC), the 2-axis response to sudden changes in sky conditions.
tracking array tracks the sun. When the sky is overcast and there is
no snow, the tracking panel is placed horizontally. When the sky is 1.3.5. Mathematical model of maximum global solar irradiance (MGSI)
overcast and snow is present, the panel is fixed in a south-facing In (Burduhos et al., 2012) the performance of a 2-axis tracking
position at the locations optimal tilt angle. This approach assumes PV module was compared with that of a south-facing PV module
that a tilt angle of 0 is the optimal solution when IT < IH. However, fixed at the optimal tilt angle for three days (sunny, cloudy, and
simulations by (Gulin et al., 2013; Quinn and Lehman, 2013) indi- partially cloudy) at a location in Romania. They reported that plac-
cate that the optimal tilt angle depends upon sky conditions and is ing the tracking array in a horizontal position on cloudy days
not necessarily either hz or 0. resulted in increased irradiance collection and less power con-
sumption in moving the actuators.
1.3.3. Computational methods using irradiance models and weather A mathematical model for finding the direction of the maxi-
data mum global solar irradiance (MGSI) was proposed in (Burduhos
In (Quinn and Lehman, 2013) the yearly POA irradiance was cal- et al., 2015b). The optimal elevation angle of the collector surface
culated for a 2-axis tracking PV array in 21 U.S. locations in was a function of the normal component of direct irradiance, the
MATLAB using Typical Meteorological Year 3 (TMY3) (Renewable normal component of diffuse irradiance, and the elevation angle
Resource Data Center, 2008) data. The hourly solar radiation on of the sun. The collectors azimuth angle was set equal to the solar
the tilted surface was calculated as the tilt angle was varied from azimuth angle. Two tracking algorithms were simulated using
0 to 90 in fixed steps of 1. The tilt angle corresponding to the lar- measured weather data for sunny, cloudy, and partially cloudy
gest POA irradiance was declared the optimal tilt angle for the days. The first algorithm changed angles every hour to track the
hour, and then the largest POA irradiance values for all hours of suns position. The second, adaptive algorithm, adjusted the track-
the year were summed to obtain the annual POA irradiance. ing position in unequal steps toward the direction of the maximum
Depending on the local climate, the yearly POA irradiance was solar irradiance, Gmax. The adaptive algorithm showed an 8%
0.563.48% greater than the yearly POA irradiance calculated using increase in captured irradiance on a cloudy day.
the conventional 2-axis tracking angles. For Detroit, the increase in In (Burduhos et al., 2015a), they proposed using global horizon-
yearly POA irradiance was 1.88%, in comparison with 1% estimated tal irradiance and diffuse irradiance sensors with the adaptive glo-
in (Kelly and Gibson, 2011). The increase in yearly POA irradiance bal irradiance tracking algorithm to position the tracker in the
for Burlington, Vermont was 2.57%. Furthermore, the optimal tilt direction of the maximum solar irradiance. The decision to change
angles for collecting maximum irradiance ranged between 0 and the tracking angle depended upon the measured clearness index
hZ depending upon the sky conditions. and the calculated threshold clearness indices for clear and over-
cast skies. The adaptive global irradiance tracking algorithm and
1.3.4. Differential evolution (DE) optimization the sun-tracking algorithm were simulated using measured
In (Gulin et al., 2013), differential evolution (DE) optimization weather data. On a cloudy day the adaptive algorithm collected
was used to generate 100 different daily trajectories for maximiz- about 10% more solar irradiance and consumed less energy
ing the electricity production of a 2-axis PV array under clear, because the tracking mechanism required fewer steps. On partially
partly cloudy, and overcast skies. Weather data from Washington, cloudy and sunny days, both tracking algorithms collected about
DC, and data on the energy consumed in positioning the array were the same amount of irradiance and required the same number of
used to produce two types of trajectories a deterministic trajec- steps.
tory and a stochastic trajectory based on the uncertainty in the The proposed adaptive algorithm indicates that the value of the
weather data and irradiance models. Optimal tilt and azimuth optimal tilt angle can vary between 0 and hZ depending upon the
28 S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535

direct and diffuse irradiances. However, it does not take into POA irradiance, and AC power. Section 3 presents the results of
account the ground-reflected irradiance, and it requires historical these three methods (computational, S Formula, and conventional
weather data to establish the threshold values for clearness 2-axis tracking). Section 4 discusses and compares the results with
indices. the simulations and experiments reported in the literature. Sec-
tion 5 presents conclusions and future work.
1.3.6. Derived from mathematical model of solar radiation absorbed
on PV panels cell surface
In (Quinn and Lehman, 2013), a simple formula for estimating 2. Methodology
the optimal tilt angle of a PV panel was derived by taking the
derivative of the equation for solar radiation absorbed on the cell 2.1. Weather, irradiance and power data from a 2-axis tracking PV
surface of a tilted photovoltaic panel (Duffie and Beckman, 2006), installation
and solving for b. The Parent S Formula is a function of latitude,
declination angle, hour angle, surface azimuth angle, ground reflec- 2.1.1. Site and location
tance, transmittance-absorptance products of the diffuse and This study used weather and power data from a PV installation
reflected radiation streams, and clearness index. This formula located at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, (latitude of
directly calculates the optimal tilt angle that maximizes irradiance 44.0N, longitude 73.2W). It is a 143 kW installation consisting of
collection for a 2-axis tracking array for any surface orientation at 34 AllEarth Renewables 2-axis trackers. Each tracking array holds
any time of the year. Simulations in MATLAB using TMY3 weather one string of twenty Evergreen ES-A 210 multicrystalline photo-
data for 21 U.S. locations indicated that annual insolation increased voltaic modules for a total DC capacity of 4200 W, and each array
up to 2% for cloudier locations. The conventional tracking angles of is connected to an SMA America SB4000US 240V inverter. An
c = cS were used in the simulations. albedo (or ground reflectance) of 0.2 was assumed for the
1.4. Contribution and organization

The contribution of this research is a simple formula for calcu- 2.1.2. Data and instrumentation
lating the optimal tilt angle of a 2-axis tracking PV array under Two 12-month periods of data were separately analyzed:
varying sky conditions. Placing the array in the optimal position November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014 and November 1, 2014 to
allows it to glean additional small amounts of solar energy October 2015. About 15 days of data were missing from 2015.
throughout the year. The proposed formula, called the S Formula, The Draker Monitoring weather and power data for this location
has the following features: are averaged and recorded at 15-min intervals.
Two sets of instrumentation are located at the PV installation.
 It takes into account all three components of irradiance (direct, One tracker has a Kipp & Zonen CMP11 pyranometer that measures
diffuse, and ground-reflected) because it is derived from the the Plane of Array (POA) irradiance and a Draker KL206 sensor
equation for solar radiation absorbed on the cell surface of a measuring the back-of-module temperature. This particular track-
photovoltaic panel. ers DC current and DC voltage are also recorded.
 It is a function of the conventional 2-axis tracking angle (hZ), Located about 109 m northwest of this particular tracker is a
which is multiplied by an expression containing the clearness second set of instrumentation. It consists of an Irradiance Inc.
index (g(kT) = Id/I), ground reflectance, and transmittance- RSR2 rotating shadowband radiometer with a LI-COR LI-200SA
absorptance products of the direct, diffuse and ground- irradiance sensor. According to the manufacturers specifications,
reflected radiation streams. the LI-200SA has an error of 5% under daylight conditions and sta-
 It helps in understanding the theory behind other researchers bility of less than 2% over a one-year period. The rotating shadow-
simulations and experimental results; that is, the optimal tilt band radiometer has a shading ring and measures Global
angle is 0 during periods of overcast skies and hZ (zenith angle) Horizontal Irradiance (GHI), Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI),
during periods of clear skies. It also shows why another angle and Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI). There is also a Campbell Scien-
other than 0 or hZ may be optimal depending on the sky con- tific CS215 ambient temperature and humidity sensor, and a Met
ditions and ground reflectance. One 034B anemometer and wind vane.
 It calculates the optimal tilt angle during any interval of time. A weather station at the Middlebury State Airport (Station ID
 Its optimal tilt angles approximate those found using the com- K6B0) records weather data and conditions about every 20 min.
putational method when measured diffuse irradiance and Glo- It is located about 7.5 km southeast from the PV installation. The
bal Horizontal Irradiance data are used. reported weather conditions are clear, partly cloudy, mostly
cloudy, overcast, haze, fog, ice fog, thunder, light drizzle, moderate
The validity of the S Formula is investigated using two years of drizzle, heavy drizzle, light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain, light
measured weather data from a 2-axis tracking PV installation snow, moderate snow, heavy snow, light rain thunder shower,
located in Middlebury, Vermont, U.S. where clear skies occur about heavy rain thunder shower, moderate thunder shower, and
39% of the year. The S Formulas optimal angles are compared with unknown precipitation. These weather observations were used to
the optimal tilt angles found by using the computational method eliminate periods of precipitation from the original Draker data
described in Section 1.3.3 and (Quinn and Lehman, 2013). The set. About 38.07% of the daytime values were classified as clear
yearly POA insolation and AC energy are calculated for three meth- during November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014, and about 39.82%
ods the S Formula, computational method, and conventional 2- during the period of November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015.
axis tracking.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2.1 discusses the
installation parameters, instrumentation, and data quality and 2.1.3. Data quality and screening
screening. Section 2.2 explains the computational method for cal- All data points occurring during nighttime intervals were elim-
culating POA irradiance, AC power, and the optimal tilt angle. In inated first. About 25% of the daytime data points were removed
Section 2.3 the proposed S Formula is derived. Section 2.4 explains based on criteria suggested by (Li and Lam, 2000; Notton et al.,
the S Formula method for directly calculating the optimal tilt angle, 2006) or for other reasons, as shown here:
S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535 29

 Data occurred at sunrise and sunset, or when the zenith angle 2014 to October 31, 2015. The program was run for each 12-
was greater than 87. month period.
 GHI was greater than the corresponding extraterrestrial irradi- Referring to Fig. 3, it was assumed that the surface continues to
ance value. track the sun from east to west (c = cs). During each time period,
 DNI was greater than the corresponding extraterrestrial irradi- the tilt angle was varied from 0 to 90 in one-degree increments
ance value. and the POA irradiance was calculated at each value of b using
 POA irradiance was less or equal to 0 (occasional negative val- the isotropic sky diffuse model (Duffie and Beckman, 2006; Liu
ues did occur). and Jordan, 1963). The optimal tilt angle boptimal was the angle at
 GHI was 25% more than the ideal Clear Sky GHI model as calcu- which the maximum POA irradiance occurred during that particu-
lated in (Masters, 2004). lar time period. The value of maximum POA was then used to cal-
 DNI was 25% more than the ideal Clear Sky DNI model as calcu- culate the AC power at that time.
lated in (Masters, 2004). POA irradiance and AC power at the conventional tracking
 Data occurred during periods of precipitation as indicated by angles (b = hZ and c = cs) were also calculated in MATLAB and the
the weather conditions recorded at Middlebury State Airport. PV_LIB Toolbox with the same installation parameters and weather
 AC power calculated in the PV_LIB Toolbox was less than 0 W. data. This is not shown in Fig. 3.

Table 1 shows the weather conditions for the two 12-month 2.3. S Formula method for directly calculating the optimal tilt angle
data sets used in the simulations. Each data set represents a 15- under varying sky conditions
min interval. As can be seen in the table, clear skies occurred dur-
ing 43% of the intervals and overcast days about 31% of the time. In this section, the derivation of the proposed S formula is pre-
About 23% of the intervals were classified as either partly cloudy sented. The equations shown in (2)-(9) previously appeared in
or mostly cloudy. These intervals of varying cloud cover represent (Quinn and Lehman, 2013). Starting with (10), the derivation has
potential opportunities for energy gleaning. been revised to show the S Formula as a function of hz.
The solar radiation absorbed on the cell surface of a photo-
2.2. Computational method to find optimal tilt angles voltaic panel, IPV, is (Duffie and Beckman, 2006):
1 cos b 1  cos b
As mentioned in Section 1.3.3., one method for finding the IT;PV M sab Ib Rb sad Id sar Iqg
2 2
optimal tilt angle of a PV array is to use weather data and
irradiance models to compute the POA irradiance received by
the collecting surface as the tilt angle is varied from 0 to 90 where M is the air mass modifier, b is the tilt angle of the PV panel,
(Atmospheric Science Data Center, 2012; Lubitz, 2011). Fig. 3 Rb is the ratio of the direct radiation on a tilted plane to the direct
gives an overview of the process used in finding the optimal tilt radiation on a horizontal plane, qg is the ground reflectance, I is
angle. A program written in MATLAB and functions from the the irradiation on a horizontal surface, Ib is the direct irradiation
PV_LIB Toolbox were used in the simulations. The PV_LIB Toolbox on a horizontal surface, and Id is the diffuse irradiation on a horizon-
was developed for use in MATLab by Sandia National Laboratories tal surface. The symbols (sa)b, (sa)d, and (sa)r are the
(PV Performance Modeling Collaborative, 2012). The PVPMC transmittance-absorptance products of the direct, diffuse, and
website describes in detail the models that are the basis of each reflected radiation streams.
function. The value of Rb is calculated as:
The following parameters for the installation, previously given
in Section 2.1.1, were provided to the program: latitude, longitude, cos h
Rb 3
ground reflectance, PV module part number, inverter part number, cos hz
and the number of panels and strings. A soiling factor of 0.02 was
where the angle of incidence of the direct radiation on a surface, h,
assumed in calculating the AC power. The local timestamp was
converted to solar time in the program. The 15-min weather data
(POA, GHI, DHI, DNI, and ambient temperature) that had been cos h b1 cos b b2 sin b b3 cos b b4 sin b b5 sin b 4
screened according to the criteria in Section 2.1.3 were input to
the program. There were 13,273 data points, each representing a and the zenith angle of the sun, hz, is calculated by:
15-min interval, for the period of November 1, 2013 to October cos hz cos d cos u cos x sin d sin u b3 b1 5
31, 2014, and 12,945 data points for the period of November 1,
with the coefficients b1, b2, b3, b4, and b5 defined as follows:

b1 sin d sin u 6a
Table 1
Description of the weather conditions for each data set used in simulations. Each data b2  sin d cos u cos c 6b
point represents a 15-min interval.

Weather Nov. 1, 2013 to Nov. 1, 2014 to b3 cos d cos u cos x 6c

observation Oct. 31, 2014 (13,273 Oct. 31, 2015 (12,945
data points) (%) data points) (%)
b4 cos d sin u cos c cos x 6d
Clear 42.53 44.35
Partly cloudy 12.61 12.34
Mostly cloudy 9.98 10.66 b5 cos d sin c sin x 6e
Overcast 32.54 30.65
Fog 0.99 1.24 where d is the declination angle, u is the latitude of the PV panel, c
Haze 0.32 0.43 is the azimuth angle of the PV panel, and x is the hour angle.
Thunder 0.20 0.32 Id = I  g(kT) is the hourly diffuse irradiation where g(kT) is
Thunder; fog 0.00 0.01
No reported observation 0.82 0.00
defined by correlations proposed by (de Miguel et al., 2001; Erbs
et al., 1982; Lam and Li, 1996; Mondol et al., 2008; Orgill and
30 S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535

Fig. 3. Finding boptimal by calculating POA irradiance as tilt angle is varied from 0 to 90. POAmax is the POA irradiance occurring at the optimal tilt angle, boptimal, and is used in
calculating the AC power in PV_LIB Toolbox.

Hollands, 1977; Reindl et al., 1990; Skartveit and Olseth, 1987) and The numerator in the first term of (10) is the angle of incidence of a
other researchers. vertical wall (b = 90) (Duffie and Beckman, 2006). This expression
kT is the hourly clearness index, and it is defined as the ratio of is equivalent to sin hZ cos (cS  c). Recall that there are two equa-
the hourly irradiation on a horizontal surface to the hourly tions for calculating the angle of incidence. One equation is shown
extraterrestrial radiation. as (4). The second is a function of the zenith angle, solar azimuth
angle, surface tilt angle, and surface azimuth angle (Duffie and
kT 7 Beckman, 2006):
cos h cos hz cos b sin hz sin b coscs  c 11
Ib is the hourly direct (or beam) irradiation on a horizontal surface,
and it is calculated as: Setting (4) and (11) equal to each other and substituting b = 90
results in:
Ib I  Id 8
 sin d cos u cos c cos d sin u cos c cos x cos d sin c sin x
Substituting (3)(8) into (2) results in the following expression:
  sin hz coscs  c 12
b1 b3 cos b b2 b4 b5 sin b
IT;PV M sab Io kT 1  gkT
cos hz Notice that the numerator of (10) is the same as the term on
1 cos b 1  cos b the left-hand side of (12). Substituting the term on the right-
sad Io kT gkT sar Io kT qg hand side of (12) into the numerator of (10), as well as substitut-
2 2
ing (5) into the denominator, yields a simpler and more meaning-
ful equation:
After taking the derivative of (9) with respect to b, setting it  " #
sinhz coscs  c 2sab 1  gkT
equal to zero, solving for tan b, substituting the constants shown tanboptimal
coshz 2sab 1  gkT sad gkT  sar qg
in (6a)(6e), and multiplying the numerator and denominator by " #
2(1  g(kT)), the following equation results: 2sab 1  gkT
  tanhz coscs  c
sindcos u cos c cosdsin u cos c cos x cosdsin c sin x 2sab 1  gkT sad gkT  sar qg
sindsin u cosdcos u cos x 13
" #
2sab 1  gkT It is assumed that the 2-axis PV array will follow the sun using

2sab 1  gkT sad gkT  sar qg the conventional tracking angles of c = cS. Thus, the optimal tilt
10 angle can be found from:
S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535 31

" #
2sab 1  gkT The following equations for Mean Bias Error, Mean Absolute
tan boptimal tan hz  Error, and Root Mean Square Error from (Zhang et al., 2013) were
2sab 1  gkT sad gkT  sar qg
used to analyze the errors between the optimal tilt angles found
14 through the computational method (Fig. 3) and the optimal tilt
As can be seen in (14), the optimal tilt angle is a function of the angles calculated using the S formula (Fig. 4),
zenith angle, the clearness index, the ground reflectance, and the r
1 XN
transmittance-absorptance products. Recalling from (1a) in Sec- MBE i1 i
y  xi 15
tion 1.2, the conventional 2-axis tilt angle is b = hZ, which can be
rewritten as tan b = tan hZ. Eq. (14) is the tangent of the conven- r
1 XN
tional 2-axis tilt angle multiplied by a function of g(kT), qg, and MAE jyi  xi j 16
(sa)b, (sa)d, and (sa)r. Since the clearness index, kT, is an indicator N i1

of sky conditions, this function modifies the conventional tilt angle r

as the sky conditions change. 1 XN
RMSE i1 i
y  xi 2 17
Considering that Id = I  g(kT), and if measured data is available N
for GHI and DHI, then the ratio DHI/GHI (that is, Id/I) may be sub- where yi = ith boptimal found using the computational method, xi = ith
stituted for g(kT) in (14). boptimal calculated using the S formula, and N = number of data
2.4. Finding optimal tilt angles using the S Formula
3. Results
Fig. 4 shows the process used to calculate POA irradiance and
AC power using the optimal tilt angles calculated by the S Formula This section presents the results of simulating three methods of
((14) in Section 2.3). It is assumed that the 2-axis tracking PV array 2-axis tracking (computational, S Formula, and conventional 2-axis
tracks the sun from east to west using the conventional 2-axis azi- tracking) using measured weather data and the installation
muth tracking angles (c = cS). The parameters and data sets parameters.
described in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.3, and used in Section 2.2 for Fig. 5 displays the results of the computational method (Sec-
the computational method, were used in the calculations. A new tion 2.2 and Fig. 3) for three days in 2014. The conventional 2-
MATLAB program was written to directly calculate boptimal using axis tracking angles are shown for all daytime intervals, including
(14); however, the PV_LIB functions used by the computational those intervals at sunrise and sunset when hZ may be greater than
method were again used to calculate POA irradiance and AC power. 87. On the overcast day (Fig. 5a), the optimal tilt angle is about 0.
It was assumed that the transmittance-absorptance products were On the clear day (Fig. 5b), the optimal tilt angle is near the conven-
ideal, so (sa)b, (sa)d, and (sa)r were set to 1. Since g(kT) = Id/I, the tional 2-axis tracking angle of hZ, except around 06:30 when the
measured values for Id and I were substituted in (14) to calculate angle is near 0 during fog conditions. In Fig. 5c, a day of varying
the optimal tilt angle. sky conditions, the optimal tilt angle changes throughout the

Fig. 4. The S Formula calculates boptimal during each 15-min interval. boptimal is then used to calculate POA irradiance and AC power.
32 S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535

Fig. 6. Results of MATLab simulations showing the optimal tilt angles for three days
in 2014 (a) an overcast day (May 28th), (b) a clear day (August 19th), and (c) a day
Fig. 5. Results of MATLab simulations showing the optimal tilt angles for three days
with a mix of clouds and clear skies (August 27th). The blue dotted trace represents
in 2014 (a) an overcast day (May 28th), (b) a clear day (August 19th), and (c) a day
the optimal tilt angles calculated by the proposed S Formula. Shown for comparison
with a mix of clouds and clear skies (August 27th). The red dotted trace represents
are the conventional tilt angles of b = hZ (black solid line). Each step represents a 15-
the optimal tilt angles calculated by the computational method where POA
min interval. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
irradiance is calculated as the tilt angle is varied from 0 to 90. Shown for
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
comparison are the conventional tilt angles of b = hZ (black solid line). Each step
represents a 15-min interval. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 2
MBE, MAE, and RMSE between the optimal tilt angles found using the S Formulas
method of directly calculating the optimal tilt angle, and the computational method
day, starting at about 0 before 08:00, varying between 25 and hZ
of varying the tilt angle to find the maximum POA irradiance.
through 15:30, approaching 0, and finally ending at about hZ.
Fig. 6 shows the optimal tilt angles that were calculated using Parameter Nov. 1, 2013 to Nov. 1, 2014 to
Oct. 31, 2014 Oct. 31, 2015
the S Formula (Section 2.4 and Fig. 4) on the same three days.
The plots are similar to the ones shown in Fig. 5, with the calcu- MBE, Mean Bias Error 0.0268 0.0311
MAE, Mean Absolute Error 0.2459 0.2464
lated optimal tilt angle of about 0 on the overcast day (Fig. 6a),
RMSE, Root Mean Square Error 0.4579 0.4413
near the conventional 2-axis tracking angle of hZ on the clear day
(Fig. 6b), and varying between 0 and hZ on the day with variable
weather (Fig. 6c).
The plots shown in Figs. 5 and 6 appear to be the same for both In reviewing the literature (Section 1.3), some researchers gave
the computational and S Formula methods. However, there were a range of values for the percentage increase in POA irradiance
sometimes small differences between the angles that are not visi- when the PV panel is placed horizontally during cloudy periods.
ble in Figs. 5 and 6. To evaluate the errors between the two meth- The histogram displayed in Fig. 8a shows the percentage increase
ods, the MBE, MAE, and RMSE were calculated (Table 2). in POA irradiance when using the S formulas optimal tilt angles
Fig. 7 shows the calculated POA irradiance values for a 2-axis versus the conventional tilt angles. Each column label indicates a
tracking array whose tilt is being adjusted using the S Formulas range of values. For example, the column labeled 15% means
optimal tilt angles. During most of the overcast day (Fig. 7a), more 10% < x%  15% where x% is the percentage increase in POA irra-
POA irradiance is collected using the S Formulas optimal tilt diance. In Year 1, 58.7% of overcast intervals showed an increase of
angles. On the clear day (Fig. 7b), the calculated POA irradiances 15% or more in POA irradiance using the S Formulas optimal tilt
for both the S Formula and conventional methods are about the angles. In Year 2, 55.5% of overcast intervals had a minimum
same. On the day with variable weather (Fig. 7c), the S Formulas increase of 15%. Fig. 8b shows the net increase in POA irradiance
tilt angles capture more of the POA irradiance during the periods in W/m2 when using the S Formulas optimal tilt angles versus
of overcast skies. the conventional tilt angles. The percentage of overcast intervals
S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535 33


# of 15- minute intervals

Year 1
Year 2



0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60%
% increase in POA irradiance

# of 15- minute intervals

700 Year 1
600 Year 2

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Increase in POA irradiance (W/m2)
Fig. 8. Histograms showing the (a) percentage increase and (b) increase in W/m2 of
POA irradiance during overcast skies when optimal angles are calculated using the S
Formula versus using the conventional tilt angles. Number of overcast intervals is
shown for two 12-month periods Nov. 1, 2013 to Oct. 31, 2014 (Year 1) and Nov.
1, 2014 to Oct. 31, 2015 (Year 2).

the second term on the right-hand side of (14)) to approach 1. This

reduces to boptimal  hz, which is in agreement with the conven-
tional 2-axis tilt angle shown in (1a). In Fig. 6b, the S Formulas
Fig. 7. Results of MATLab simulations showing the POA irradiance collected for
optimal tilt angles are about the same as the conventional tilt angle
three days in 2014 (a) an overcast day (May 28th), (b) a clear day (August 19th),
and (c) a day with a mix of clouds and clear skies (August 27th). The blue dotted (boptimal  hz). The weather conditions for this day (August 19,
trace represents the POA calculated by a hypothetical 2-axis tracking PV array using 2014) were clear skies, except for a short period of fog occurring
the proposed S Formula to adjust the tilt angle. Shown for comparison is the POA at around 6:30 am.
collected by the hypothetical array using conventional tilt angles of b = hZ (black For overcast skies the correlation g(kT) approaches 1, so the
solid line). Each step represents a 15-min interval. (For interpretation of the
numerator of the modifying function in (14) will approach 0. This
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.) reduces to boptimal  0. Fig. 6a shows that the S Formulas optimal
tilt angles are about 0. On this day (May 28, 2014), there were
overcast skies starting at 6:30 am and continuing through the rest
with an increase in POA irradiance of 20 W/m2 or more was 46.2% of the day. The tilt angles calculated by the S Formula agree with
(Year 1) and 45.3% (Year 2). the recommendations of several researchers to place the PV mod-
Table 3 presents the yearly POA insolation and Table 4 lists the ule in a horizontal position (bopt = 0) on overcast days (Burduhos
yearly AC energy, as calculated in PV_LIB for three methods: con- et al., 2012; Guillon et al., 2015; Kelly and Gibson, 2009, 2011;
ventional 2-axis tracking, optimal angles found computationally, Koussa et al., 2011; Quesada et al., 2015; Quinn and Lehman,
and S Formulas optimal tilt angles. For the first year (Nov. 1, 2013). In (Gulin et al., 2013) the PV modules optimal tilt angle
2013 to Oct. 31, 2014), yearly POA insolation increased 2.35% was 0 for the deterministic trajectory but 20 to 30 less than
and yearly AC energy increased 2.42% when using the S Formulas the zenith angle for the stochastic trajectory.
optimal angles. For the second year (Nov. 1, 2014 to Oct. 31, 2015), On the overcast day (May 28, 2014), Fig. 7a shows that the S
yearly POA insolation increased 2.33% and AC energy increased Formulas POA irradiance exceeded the conventional trackings
2.40% when using the S Formulas optimal tilt angles. POA irradiance during each 15-min interval. The increase in POA
irradiance ranged from 3.14% at midday to 52.49% before sunset.
On the same day (May 28, 2014) and 160 km north in Montreal,
4. Discussion Canada, the short circuit currents of two identical solar panels
were recorded under overcast skies (Guillon et al., 2015). One
As shown in (14) in Section 2.3, the tangent of the S Formulas panel was mounted at a tilt angle of 0 and the other mounted
optimal tilt angle is equal to the tangent of the conventional 2- on a 2-axis tracker. The short circuit currents were measured every
axis tilt angle (hz), multiplied by a function of g(kT), qg, and (sa)b, hour for 12 h. During overcast periods, the fixed horizontal panels
(sa)d, and (sa)r. Since the clearness index, kT, is an indicator of short-circuit current, ISC, was 4.132.3% greater than the tracking
sky conditions, this function modifies the conventional tilt angle PV panels ISC. These experimental results appear to support the S
as the sky conditions change. For clear, sunny skies, the correlation Formulas simulation results for this particular day under overcast
g(kT) approaches 0, thereby causing the modifying function (that is, skies.
34 S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535

Table 3
Yearly POA insolation calculated for three sets of tilt angles conventional 2-axis tracking, optimal angles found computationally, and S Formulas optimal tilt angles.

Method Nov. 1, 2013 to Nov. 1, 2014 to

Oct. 31, 2014 Oct. 31, 2015
Insolation (kWh/m2) Increase over conventional Insolation (kWh/m2) Increase over conventional
Conventional 2-axis tracking 1616.82 1570.50
Computational method 1654.83 2.35% 1607.02 2.33%
S Formula method using measured DHI and GHI 1654.83 2.35% 1607.03 2.33%

Table 4
Yearly AC energy calculated for three sets of tilt angles conventional 2-axis tracking, optimal angles found computationally, and S Formulas optimal tilt angles.

Method Nov. 1, 2013 to Nov. 1, 2014 to

Oct. 31, 2014 Oct. 31, 2015
AC energy (kWh) Increase over conventional AC energy (kWh) Increase over conventional
Conventional 2-axis tracking 6244.70 6066.26
Computational method 6395.83 2.42% 6211.56 2.40%
S Formula method using measured DHI and GHI 6395.87 2.42% 6211.60 2.40%

In Fig. 6c, the S Formulas optimal tilt angles vary between 0 reflectance, such as when the ground is covered with snow. In
and hz. According to weather observations from the Middlebury (Guillon et al., 2015), it was suggested when the sky is overcast
State Airport, the sky conditions changed throughout the day with and snow is present, either falling or on the ground, that the 2-
periods of mostly/partly cloudy, overcast, and clear skies. The trace axis tracking PV array should be fixed in a south-facing position
in Fig. 6c is similar to the traces in Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b; that is, the at the locations optimal tilt angle, rather than placed horizontally.
optimal tilt angle is 0 during overcast skies and the optimal angle As mentioned earlier in this section, the S Formulas optimal tilt
is hz during periods of clear skies. However, as Fig. 6c shows, there angle is the tangent of the conventional 2-axis tilt angle multiplied
are also other angles neither 0 nor hzthat are optimal during by a function of g(kT), qg, and (sa)b, (sa)d, and (sa)r. This multiply-
periods of varying cloud cover. This agrees with the simulations ing function modifies the conventional 2-axis tilt angle. A quick
of (Gulin et al., 2013) which showed that the optimal tilt angle var- calculation using the S formula may indicate why the horizontal
ied from about 15 to hZ for the deterministic trajectory, and from position is not optimal. Assuming that g(kT) = Id/I = 0.1 for an over-
35 to hZ for the stochastic trajectory. cast sky, the multiplying term is 0.222 for qg = 0.2; however, the
The optimal tilt angles found using the computational method multiplying term increases to 0.677 for qg = 0.8 for snow.
(Section 2.2) were compared with the S Formulas angles. The The goal of this research was to propose a simple, direct method
optimal tilt angles shown in Fig. 5 (computational method) and for calculating the optimal tilt angle under different sky conditions
Fig. 6 (S Formula) are similar. The low values of MBE, MAE, and at any given time, and to validate the method through simulations
RMSE shown in Table 2 indicate that the S Formula is able to esti- using real weather data. For commercial 2-axis time-position
mate the computational methods optimal tilt angles. In this tracking arrays, the mechanisms for physically moving the arrays
study, measured DHI and GHI data from the installations sensors and the intervals at which they change positions vary among man-
were substituted into the S Formula; however, the errors may be ufacturers. The S Formula allows different kinds of 2-axis tracking
larger if using a correlation for g(kT). Identifying an appropriate arrays to be moved to the optimal position at the time increments
correlation for g(kT) to use in the S Formula is an area for future chosen by the designer or engineer. In a real-world implementa-
study. tion, data from two irradiance sensors, one measuring diffuse irra-
Fig. 8a shows the percentage increase in POA irradiance when diance and the other measuring Global Horizontal Irradiance, may
using the S Formulas optimal angles instead of the conventional be used in the S Formula to calculate the optimal tilt angle at the
tracking angles. All 15-min intervals that occurred during overcast time interval required by a particular 2-axis tracking array. After
skies throughout the year were distributed into bins of 5%. The lar- showing the feasibility of the S Formula method through simula-
gest number of overcast intervals had an increase in POA irradiance tions using 24 months of original weather data from a 2-axis track-
of 5% or less. The remaining overcast intervals are somewhat ing installation, we hope to arrange a research partnership and
evenly distributed with increases in POA irradiance ranging from conduct experiments in the near future.
10% to 50%. This range is similar to that reported in (Kelly and
Gibson, 2009) where the horizontal sensors measured 2082%
more irradiance throughout an overcast day than the sensors 5. Conclusions
pointed directly toward the sun.
Capturing these small amounts of increased POA irradiance This paper has proposed a simple formula for directly calculat-
throughout the year potentially leads to an increase in the yearly ing the optimal position of a 2-axis time-position tracking PV array
insolation and AC energy, as shown in Tables 3 and 4. The increase under varying sky conditions. The S Formula is a function of hZ,
in POA insolation was 2.35% for the first year and 2.33% for the sec- clearness index, ground reflectance, and transmittance-
ond year. These results are similar to the 2.57% increase in yearly absorptance products that mathematically explains the experi-
insolation that was calculated in (Quinn and Lehman, 2013) for mental results reported in the literature. The optimal angles calcu-
Burlington, Vermont, using the computational method, the Hay, lated by the S Formula reduce to the conventional tracking angles
Davies, Klucher, and Reindl (HDKR) anisotropic sky model and b = hZ under clear skies and the tilt angle of b = 0 under overcast
TMY3 weather data. skies. Under partially cloudy skies, the S Formula shows that there
In this research, it was assumed that the ground reflectance was exist intermediate values between 0 and hZ.
0.2 throughout the year. An area for future study is how well the S By adjusting the conventional 2-axis tilt angle to a more
Formula estimates the optimal tilt angles at larger values of ground optimal angle as the cloud cover changes, the PV array can glean
S.W. Quinn / Solar Energy 148 (2017) 2535 35

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