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Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography exactly what it sounds like. Its a bibliography that has
annotations to go with it. Your task is to complete a chart for each of the sources
provided. Keep in mind that this information will help you narrow the focus of this paper
and help classify evidence which will be used to support the argument in your paper.
Keep the prompt in ond and you review your sources: Are gender inequalities most
influenced by the economy, society, or religion? Defend your stand with evidence.

Bibliographic Information: Economy, Society, or

5 to 8 sentence summary of the claims made by the author. Must be complete

sentences. A bulleted list will not be accepted.

1. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment Society

Ratification of the Equal rights amendment to the Constitution of the United States of
America: report of the Joint Privileges and Elections Committees of the General
Assembly to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia. Richmond:
Commonwealth of Virginia, Dept. of Purchases and Supply, 1974. Print.

Under the Equal Rights Amendment, Equality of rights under the law shall not be
denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. This was
attempted to be ratified in the 70s but was denied by congress in 1982. The
amendment's main opponents were religious and political organizations who fought to
keep the society the way it is. Facts given by these organizations such as these allow
some people to believe that the ERA can impact society drastically. At the end of the
ratification process, many senators and representatives came to the realization of the
difficulty of amending an act and the act itself would of changed the society in way
people have never seen.

2. Why Most Women will Never become CEO Society

In Gene Marks article, he uses his own experiences to express why women are not as
present in the upper-tier in the corporate world. He states that men and women are
viewed so differently in society and what is expected for them are completely different
as well. The way they are treated is different as well; for example, Men can sprinkle
profanity in their conversation and it endears them as one of the folks. God forbid if a
woman drops an f-bomb in the office shes a total you-know-what. He also says that
most women cannot take the pressures of working in the corporate world at a high-tier
and they decide to take care of their families. To end the article, Marks states,
Unfortunately, the business world hasnt advanced along with them. Im not sure this
will change anytime soon. Because remember: MY son and his idiot friends are the up
and coming generation. It aint pretty.

3. Culture and Religion Should Not Justify Gender Religion


In this article, the author states that Swazi custom dictates that when a woman loses
her husband she should be in seclusion and mourning for a period of at least two
years. The author is stating that women who decide to end their marriage are treated
worse and is considered bad luck. The way that these people treat their women in
the society indicates that there has to be a change in Swaziland. The author also
states, We cannot use tradition and religion to justify gender-based violence and
gender inequality. We need to free women's voices and promote equal human rights.
Religion and culture should empower women, not constrain and silence them. He
believes that there has to be a change and that the voice of a woman has to
represented in the society. Also, he does not want religion to hold them back, but
instead to empower them.

4. How Different Groups Spend Their Day (infographic) Society

In the New York Times infographic, published by Shan Carter, Amanda Cox, Kevin
Quealy and Amy Schoenfeld, it illustrates how men, women, and families with different
with number of children spend their hours of the day. Most men spend most of the day
working, and when they are done working they spend the most time watching
television. Women on the other hand, spend less time working and more time staying
home and doing household chores. Though most are in the house all day, they still
spend less time watching television compared to men. For families with two or more
children, they spend more time watching television, doing household activities, and
doing family care compared to a family with one child. The differences in lives of these
groups of people display the overall continuity that each one of these groups do follow
the stereotypes that they possess.

5. Title IX Society

Title IX protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or

activities that receive Federal financial assistance. As said in the document, Title !X
also would allow No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be
excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial
assistance. This is allowing anyone to do anything relating to education and/or
activities without discrimination. Many people state that Title IX is all about quotas
even when it is not advertised . Though it gives everyone the ability to participate,
studies show that men are simply more interested in sports than women. This creates
backlash from many people that money is being used in schools to fund programs that
are not as valuable.
6. Gender Equality- Fox News Society

In the Bill O'Reilly Show on Fox News, two women are their stand on a statement made
by Phyllis Schlafly, which states that women choose to make less than men. The
woman on the right in the debate agrees with Schlaflys argument by using recent
studies to prove that women decide to marry men who are more successful. This is
done because women decide to work less to stay at home to take care of the family.
The woman in the middle states that the wage gap is what really is the reason for
women making less. Id women are making less, how can they ever make more than

7. True gender equality is when both women and men

have a voice


8. Commercial Clips Society

In the commercials, they show a continuity of the themes that relate to gender
equality. In the Shark Tank commercial, it shows how the product was originally made
for both boys and girls, but when the product expanded, it became predominantly for
girls. The product is pink and though its product that can be used by boys and girls, the
visuals of the product show that is it girls only. This shows how companies choose to
only focus on one side of the spectrum to gain more popularity, An engineering
product only for girls is more marketable, than a product that uses a more generic
approach for boys and girls.

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