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Selected Bibliography of the Works of


Authored Books
The WomenS Liberation Movement in Russia: Feminism, Nihilism and
Bolshevism 1860-1930. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1978.
Simultaneous paperback. Named Outstanding Academic Book by
Choice. Expanded paperback edition with a new Afterword,
Princeton, 1991.
Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Social Experiment in the
Russian Revolution. New York: Oxford UP, 1989. Awarded the
Wayne S . Vucinich Prize of the American Association for the
Advancement of Slavic Studies for the best book in Slavic Studies
published in 1989. Revised Paperback, 1991.
Russian Popular Culture: Entertainment and Society Since 1900.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1992.

Edited Books
P.N. Miliukov. The Russian Revolution, Vol. I: The Revolution Divided,
Ed. Richard Stites, trans. by R. and T. Stites. Gulf Breeze, FL:
Academic International Press, 1978. Named Outstanding Academic
Book by Choice. Miliukov and the Russian Revolution, in the
NEP Russia: Society Culture Politics (Special issue of Russian History,
IW2-3 (1982).
With Lars Kleberg, Utopia in Russian History, Culture, and Thought: A
Symposium (Special Issue of Russian History, IU2-3 [SummerFall
19841). Utopias in the Air and on the Ground: Futuristic Dreams in
the Russian Revolution in the above, pp. 236-57.
With Loren Graham: Alexander Bogdanov, Red Star: The First
Bolshevik Utopia. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1984. Fantasy and
Revolution: Alexander Bogdanov and the Origins of Bolshevik
Science Fiction in the above.
With Abbott Gleason and Peter Kenez, Bolshevik Culture: Experiment
and Order in the Russian Revolution. Bloomington: Indiana UP,
1984. Paperback edition, 1989. Iconoclastic Currents in the Russian
Revolution in the above.
12 . Journal of Popular Culture

With Sheila Fitzpatrick and Alexander Rabinowitch, Russia in the Era of

NEP: Explorations in Soviet Society and Culture. Bloomington:
Indiana UP, 1991. Bolshevik Ritual Building in the 1920s in the
Vera Figner, Memoirs o f a Revolutionist. Northern Illinois UP, 1991. A
Study in Rebellion in the above.
Culture and Entertainment in Wartime Russia I941 -I945. Bloomington:
Indiana UP, 1995. Holy War and Frontline Brigades in the
With James von Geldern, Mass Culture in Soviet Russia: Tales, Poems,
Songs, Movies, Plays, and Folklore, I91 7-1953. Bloomington:
Indiana UP, 1995.

Contributions to Books
Editorial and bibliographical assistant to The American Historical
Association Guide to Historical Literature, second edition. New
York: Macmillan, 1961.
Women and the Intelligensia: Three Perspectives, in D. Atkinson, A.
Dallin, and G. Lapidus, eds., Women in Russia. Stanford: Stanford
UP, 1978.
The Womens Liberation Issue in Nineteenth Century Russia, in Tova
Yedlin, ed., Women in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. New
York: Praeger, 1980.
Alexandra Kollontai and the Russian Revolution, in J. Slaughter et al.,
eds., European Women on the L e f . Westport: Greenwood, 1981.
English Women in Two World Wars, with N. Goldman; Russian
Women in War and Revolution, with A Griesse; and a translation
from French of D. Amrane, Algeria: Anticolonial War, all in N.
Goldman, ed., Female Soldiers. Westport: Greenwood, 1982.
Stalin: Utopian or Antiutopian?, in J. Held, ed., The Cult of Power.
East European Monographs. New York: Columbia UP, 1982.
Trans. and ed., M.L. Mikhailov, Women: Their Education and
Significance in the Family and in Society, in Women the Family
and Freedom: The Debate in Documents, ed. S . Bell and K. Offen, I
(1750-1880). Stanford: Stanford UP, 1983.
Aleksandr Bogdanovin Mars-romaanit: Punainen tahti ja Insinoori
Menni [Alexander Bogdanovs Mars Novels: Red Star and
Engineer Menni], in Matti Savolainen, ed. Tieteiskir allisuuden
maailmota [The World of Science Fiction]. Tampere: Tampere
University Department of the Arts, 1984. Reprinted as Aleksandr
Bogdanov-aktiivinen utopisti in ibid. (Helsinki: Kirjastopalvelu,
Selected Bibliography . 13

Women and the Russian Revolution in Connecting Spheres: A

Textbook in Womens History, ed. M. Boxer and J. Quataert, New
York: Oxford UP, 1987.
Women and the Russian Revolutionary Process, in Becoming Visible:
Women and European History, 2nd ed., C. Bridenthal, C. Koonz,
and S. Stuard, eds. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1987.
The Origin of Soviet Ritual Style: Symbol and Festival in the Russian
Revolution, in Claes Arvidsson and L.E. Blomqvist, eds. Symbols
of Power: the Esthetics of Political Legitimation in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe. Stockholm: Almqvist and Wiksel, 1987.
Vallankumoiksen ja isanmaan sankarittaret: Venajan ja Neuvostoliiton
naiset sodassa [Female and Male Heroism: Russian and Soviet
Women at War] in Eva Isaksson, ed., Nainen a sotalaitos [Women
and the Military System]. Helsinki: Suomen Rauhanlitto, 1988.
The Family in the Russian Revolution: Bolshevik and Feminist Views,
in Basil Kerblay, ed., L evolution de modeles familiaux duns les
pays de IEst euroneens et en U.R.S.S. Paris, 1988.
Russian revolutionary culture: its place in the history of cultural revolu-
tions in Paul Dukes and John Dunkley, eds., Culture and
Revolution. London: Pinter, 1990.
Stalinism and the Restructuring of Revolutionary Utopianism, in The
Culture of the Stalin Period, ed. H. Gunther. New York: St Martins
Press, 1990.
World Outlook and Inner Fears in Soviet Science Fiction, Science and
the Soviet Social Order, ed. Loren Graham. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard UP, 1990.
Festival and Revolution: the Role of Public Spectacle in Russia, 1917-
1918, Essays on Revolutionary Culture and Stalinism: Selected
Papers from the Third World Congress for Soviet and East European
Studies, ed. John W. Strong (Columbus: Slavica, 1990).

Articles in Journals
Womens Liberation Movements in Russia, 1900- 1930, Canadian-
American Slavic Studies, Winter, 1973.
Translation of K. Rasmussen, Hans Bogbinder and Russia,
ScandoSlavica (Stockholm), Summer 1973 (from Danish).
An American in Gentofte (in Danish), I skole, VI/2 (1973), a personal
and pedagogical note on teaching in the Danish school system.
Kollontai, Inessa, and Krupskaya: Some Recent Literature, Canadian-
American Slavic Studies, Spring 1975.
Zhenotdel: Bolshevism and Womens Liberation, 1917-1930, Russian
History, 3/2 (1976).
14 Journal of Popular Culture

Wives, Sisters, Daughters, Workers: New Books on Russian Women,

Russian History, 3/2 (1976).
Editor, Special Issue of Russian History 3/2 (1976) on Revolutionary
Russian Women.
Women in Communist Revolutions: Some Comparative Observations,
Studies in Comparative Communism, XIV/2-3, Summer-Autumn,
Prostitute and Society in Pre-Revolutionary Russia, Jahrbucher fur
Geschichte Osteuropas, 1 (Spring, 1984).
Utopias of Time, Space, and Life in the Russian Revolution, Revue
des etudes slaves, 1 (1984).
Punainen aika: taivas ja helvetti Neuvostoliiton vallankumo uksel-
lisessa tieteiskirjallisuudessa [The Red Age: Soviet Science Fiction
in the 1920~1,Aikakone [Time Machine] III/3 (Summer, 1984).
Adorning the Russian Revolution: The Primary Symbols of
Bolshevism, 1917-1918, Study Group on the Russian Revolution,
Sbomik (Leeds, England) 10, Summer, 1984.
K o m mu n i k o ke i 1u t j a n i id en 1o p pu Ve n aj an v a 11an ku mo k s e s s a

(19171934) [Communal Living and its Fate in the Russian

Revolution, 1917-19341, Tiede la edistys [Knowledge and Progress]
X/1 (Helsinki, 1985).
Hopes and Fears of Things to Come: the Foreshadowing of
Totalitarianism in Russian Fantasy and Utopia Nordic Journal of
Soviet and East European Studies 311 (Stockholm, 1986) 120.
Heaven and Hell in Russian Revolutionary Science Fiction, in Study
Group on the Russian Revolution, Sbornik, 13 (1987); reprinted in
Soviet Observer (October, 1988)
On the Border with the Soviet Avant-garde, Soviet Observer
(September, 1988).
Equality, Freedom, and Justice: Women and Men in the Russian
Revolution, Hebrew University, Mayrock Center for Soviet and
East European Research Papers, 67 (Jerusalem, 1988).
Soviet Popular Culture in the Gorbachev Era in Harriman Institute
Forum, March 1989.
Wheres the Soviet Funny Bone? Pop Culture Tells the Tale of National
Character, The Los Angeles Times, July 8, 1989, pt. 11, p. 8.
Soviet Studies in Helsinki, AAASS Newsletter, xxxi/l (January,
Civilization on Trial: Noted Russian dissident Andrei Sinyavsky ren-
ders judgment on the Soviet system, The World and I (February,
Soviet Movies for the Masses and for Historians, Historical Journal of
Film, Radio and Television, xi/2 (June, 1991).
Selected Bibliography . 15

Doing Film History in the Soviet Union: a Research Note, Russian

Review (October 1991).
Dusky Images of Imperial Russia: Prerevolutionary Cinema, Russian
Review (April 1994).
Venajantutkimusta Slaavilaisessa kirjastossa [Russian Studies at the
Slavonic Library], Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston tiedotuslehti, IV
Russian Studies at the Slavonic Library, English original reprinted in
Universitas helsinqiensis, XV/38 (1996)

Encyclopedia Articles
Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History, (1975); All
Russian Social-Revolutionary Organization; Bardina, S.I.;
Balabanova, A.I.; Black Partition; Bobrovskaia, Ts.; Figner,
V.N.; Filosofova, A.P.; Mikhailov, M.L.
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union. 2 ed. Ed. Arch
Brown and Michael Kaser. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1994: Russian and Soviet Popular Culture and Jazz.

Works in Progress
vols. Volume I in progress
Coauthoring with Catherine Evtuhov and David Goldfrank: A HISTORY
OF RUSSIA. On contract with Houghton Mifflin, near completion.
Coediting with Aviel Roshwald: EUROPEAN CULTURE IN THE
GREAT WAR, 1914-1918, on contract with Cambridge University
Press. Introduction and Days and Nights in Wartime Russia.
Edited Section of Oxford Handbook of Russian Culture.
Freezing Point: Russian Cold War Propaganda in the 1950s for Cold
War Propaganda in the 1950s, Macmillan.
Melody Drama: Gentry and Merchants in Search of Adventure at the
Opera in Old Russia, for Louise McReynolds and eds. Russian

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