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Assignment cover sheet

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Student ID Number/s: Student Surname/s: Given names:

S00118748 Paraman Rachel

Course: Bachelor of Education Primary School: Education

Unit code: EDMA 202 Unit title: Learning and Teaching Mathematics 1

Due date: 11/04/2014, 5pm Date submitted:

Lecturer-in-Charge: Vince Wright Tutorial Group/Tutor: Vince Wright, Tuesday 10am

Assignment Title and/or number: One: Interviews, Growth points, Nutshell Statements and Lesson Plans


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Signature of student(s): ___________________________________________ Date:___/___/___

Student A: (If suppression of name required call them A)
Grade/Year: 1
Date Interviewed: 2/04/2014
Note: Attach the original record sheets from your interview of each student to the back of the hard
copy you submit to the Faculty of Education dropbox. Keep a photocopy for yourself as backup.
1. Growth Point Table
Domain Assigned Growth Point
Counting 2
Place Value 0
Addition and Subtraction 0
Multiplication and Division 0

Who checked your growth point judgements?

Students name: Date:
Note: Their signature/s should be on the hard copy beneath each table.

2. Nutshell Statement (Maximum 150 words)

Student A counts forwards in ones up to 32, and backwards in ones from 10 to 0. Student A lacks
knowledge of the meaning of teen and ty numbers for example that nineteen is different to ninety,
and that ninety consists of nine tens. This lack of knowledge appears to confuse Student As
understanding of the number sequence and limits student As ability to count forwards in ones from 30
and backwards in ones from 20. Student As ability to add and subtract also appears limited due to gaps
of knowledge in the forwards and backwards counting sequence. Student A can subitise small quantities
of up to 6 in their head and relies upon counting strategies such using one-to-one correspondence for
simple addition problems. Developing a relational understanding of the number sequence and its
properties will enable Student A to simultaneously adopt skip counting strategies as well as understand
the cardinality principle. These strategies will ultimately lead to the development of counting on
strategies for addition and subtraction problems, and identifying groups of in regards to multiplication
and division type questions.
3. Lesson Plan (Use the template below and write into it. Maximum of 500 of your own words)
Lesson Title:
Learning intention/s:
What do you want the student to learn from the lesson? (refer to AusVELs Content Descriptors but you need to create a
specific and measureable learning outcome)

At the conclusion of this lesson Student A should have a better understanding of the number sequence,
particularly naming the numbers between 10 and 20 correctly. Student A will also demonstrate an
understanding that the last number counted in the group indicates how many there are in the group as
a whole (cardinality) and have an introductory understanding of the counting on concept.

Relevant AusVELS content descriptors:

Develop confidence with number sequences to and from 100 by ones, from any starting point. Skip
count by twos, fives and tens starting from zero.

Recognise, model, read, write and order numbers to at least 100. Locate these numbers on a number

Represent and solves simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including
counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts.


Lesson introduction (aligning-tuning in-motivating- the hook)
How will your lesson begin? How will you engage the student?

This lesson will begin with the introduction of the teddies from the MAI kit. The lesson will be based
around the theme of the Teddy Bears Birthday Party which will be the hook to draw in the students
attention. The counting strips will also be used as the teddy bears picnic rugs to assist in the counting
for this task.


What specific tasks or problems will the student work on? (Make sure you state the actual problem/s as presented to the
student, including the wording you will use no general task descriptions please)
How will you use the Pirie-Kieren model (Materials to images to properties) to develop their understanding?

Today we are going to the Teddy Bears Birthday Party and we are going to practice some counting.
How does that sound?
So here we have the teddy bears special picnic blankets (number lines), that the teddy bears are going
to sit on, but they cant just sit anywhere, they are going to be moving around depending on what game
they are playing at the party, so we are going to need to keep counting to make sure that they are all

The number lines and the teddies are going to be used to practice the material phase of Pirie-Kierens
model in this lesson. With practice, Student A will then be able to transfer the properties of the
materials and use this as a visual schema when solving mental computation problems. When Student A
can achieve this, they will have entered the visual phase of the Pirie-Kieren model. The student will
practise the number sequence using the counting line and explore the concept that the end number on
the line represents how many are in the group (cardinality). Student A will also learn to identify the
teen sequence from 11-19

On the first picnic rug, we have 6 teddies. Can you please show me six teddies on the number line?

When the child has demonstrated six teddies on the number line, ask the child, How many teddies are
on the picnic rug?

If they count using one-to-one correspondence counting from one ask the child, Do we need to count
all of the teddies again? Is there another way that we already know how many there are when the
teddies are sitting on a number line?

This will enable the child to explore the concept that the last number that the teddy is sitting on tells
you how many teddies there are altogether and thus exposes them to the concept of cardinality.

Ask the same question numerous times, making sure that the sixth teddy is never the same colour as
the last. The child may associate the colour of the teddy with the number rather than associate the
number with the amount of teddies that are in the group.

Repeat these types of problems focusing on numbers between 11 and 20, correcting and scaffolding
any mistakes in the naming of these.

Adjusting the lesson (What do you anticipate will happen? What strategies you will use to adjust the lesson?):

I anticipate that student A will still mistrust their counting and begin counting using one-to-one
correspondence beginning with number one. If this is the case, I will instruct Student A to place the
teddies above the numbers as they are counting them, to associate the number with the amount of
teddies that are on the line. I will also always ask how many teddies there are altogether and ask what
the last number is on the number line to try and make the connection that the last number tells you
how many are in the group (cardinality). I presume that Student A will have difficulty naming the teen
numbers, however I feel that once this has been corrected, they will be able to manage this task and
reorganise their knowledge of ty numbers accordingly.

If the child is managing well with the task after numerous repetitions of practice, the task can be
extended by asking similar questions to the child except having the child turn the number strip over and
visualise the numbers in their head whilst the line is still there. If Student A can establish how many
teddies there are without having to recount them from one, they are demonstrating an understanding
of cardinality.

Further extension of this activity could be the introduction of counting on to solve basic addition
problems, asking questions similar to, There are six teddies sitting on the face-painting picnic rug at the
party and three more join the line. How many teddies do we have now? Wait and see what the child
does first ie. Whether they count all of the teddies up starting from one, or whether they add on three
more and then count all of them from one, or perhaps they may even start counting on from 6 straight

If they do not use the counting on strategy, ask them if they can think of a faster way to work it out. If
the child cannot think of another way, scaffold the question by asking how many teddies we had at the
start of the question. Then repeat the problem that 3 more joined the line. You could say, Do we
already know that there were 6 teddies in the line to start with? Do you think we need to count them all
again? Maybe we could start at 6 because we already know there are 6 there and count on the 3 that
joined? Lets try that and see if we get the same answer.


Making connections
How will you help the student notice and connect the important mathematical idea(s) at the end of the lesson?
How will you assess whether or not the student has met your learning intention? (Be specific. Give the question/s or task/s
you will use and what you will look for in the students response)


Ask: Can you see that all of the numbers from thirteen to nineteen end in a teen sound?
What does the last number of teddies tell you about the group of teddies?
Does it matter whether the last teddy is a different colour? Will there still be the same number of


Ask: There are thirteen yellow teddies invited to the party. Can you please show me thirteen teddies
on the number line? Once the student has demonstrated thirteen teddies, ask the child how many
teddies there are. If Student A can correctly name the number, regardless of whether they count on or
use the cardinality principal, they are demonstrating an understanding of the teen sequence.


Ask: There are 8 teddies standing in line for some birthday cake. Can you please show me 8 teddies on
the number line?

Student A will have mastered cardinality if they answer 8 when you ask them, How many teddies are
on the number line? WITHOUT re-counting the teddies. This means that they have made the
connection that the end number tells you how many are in the group.


Ask: There are 3 green teddies sitting down, eating fairy-floss on the picnic rug and 3 more green
teddies decide to join in. How many green teddies are there sitting on the picnic rug eating fairy-floss

Student A will demonstrate that they can count on if they count on 3, 4, 5, 6 rather than counting
using one-to-one correspondence from the first green teddy.

What materials/equipment will you need for the lesson?

Number lines
4. Lesson Rationale (Maximum of 200 of your own words)
Why did you choose the intentions and tasks/problems you did? (Link this back to your nutshell
statement and the interview).
Justify your choices by referring to lecture notes, tutorial notes and readings. If you use ideas from your
readings or online website acknowledge these resources by citing and referencing them in APA style.

Student A demonstrated confusion with their teen and ty numbers which appeared to limit their
forwards counting by ones above 32 and significantly impaired their backwards counting between 20
and 10. Placing the teddies on the numbers on the number line builds an association between the
spoken name for the number and the symbol (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, Falle, Frid &
Bennett, 2012), as the numbers are being counted. Student A demonstrated an instrumental
understanding of the number sequence when they could not manipulate this conceptual knowledge
and apply their understanding in various other contexts (Skemp, 1976; Young-Loveridge, 2005).
Distinguishing the difference between ty and teen numbers is a difficult, yet crucial concept to
establish in order to understand the number sequence (Reys et al., 2012) All students approach maths
differently according to their confidence (Maida & Maida, 2005). Student As hesitance to have a go at
questions and lack of confidence in their counting was evident during the interview.

Using materials such as the teddies and the number line makes the lesson more engaging and fun for
the student, which can influence their future attitudes towards maths in a positive manner (Maida &
Maida, 2005; Reys et al., 2005). Such positive experiences and familiarity with materials can also be
used as a visual reference for the child in future learning during the visual phase of the Pirie-Kieren
model (New Zealand Ministry of Education, 2010).

This lesson is congruent with the writing of Reys et al., (2012) as it encourages a sound understanding of
the number sequence between 1 and 20, before introducing other counting strategies such as counting
on. Counting and understanding of number ultimately influences the development of concepts such as
the four operations (Reys et al., 2005) and hence needs to be addressed first. It is evident by the results
of Student As interview, that performance in sections B,C and D will significantly improve once the
concept of numbers and the number sequence has been established to a relational level of
understanding (Skemp, 1976; Young-Loveridge, 2005).
Student B: (If suppression of name required call them B)
Grade/Year: 3
Date Interviewed: 2-04-14
Note: Attach the original record sheets from your interview of each student to the back of the hard
copy you submit to the Faculty of Education dropbox. Keep a photocopy for yourself as backup.
5. Growth Point Table
Domain Assigned Growth Point
Counting 6
Place Value 3
Addition and Subtraction 5
Multiplication and Division 1

Who checked your growth point judgements?

Students name: Date:
Note: Their signature/s should be on the hard copy beneath each table.

7. Nutshell Statement (Maximum 150 words)

Student B counts forwards in ones up to 113, and backwards in ones from 24 to zero. Student B
demonstrates sound understanding of the cardinality principle, allowing for derived and basic
strategies to be applied in place of counting on strategies when solving basic addition and
subtraction problems. Relational knowledge and understanding of the number sequence aids
Student B in their ability to count in both directions, perform addition and subtraction operations
and their application of skip counting, doubles, and up and over decades strategies. Student B
demonstrates confidence when using counting materials such as a calculator, bundles of sticks and
teddies, and transfers this knowledge into a mental visual schema when performing mental
computation questions. Student Bs ability to subitise small quantities also assists in this process.
Connections between skip counting and groups of will aid Student Bs approaches when
addressing multiplication problems and thus will aid in the development of understanding the
principles and connections to division.
7. Lesson Plan (Use the template below and write into it. Maximum of 500 of your own words)
Lesson Title:
Learning intention/s:
What do you want the student to learn from the lesson? (refer to AusVELs Content Descriptors but you need to create a
specific and measureable learning outcome)

At the conclusion of this lesson Student B will be able to demonstrate the connections between skip
counting, multiplication and their times tables. Student B will demonstrate this by offering different
strategies to solve the same question.

Relevant AusVELs content descriptor:

Make links between skip-counting and multiplication


Lesson introduction (aligning-tuning in-motivating- the hook)
How will your lesson begin? How will you engage the student?

This lesson will begin by bringing Student B to a table with a container of wooden cars. The cars will be
used as the hook, as most young boys like to play with toy cars.

Today we are going to learn about multiplication, but we are going to make it fun and interesting
because we are going to be using these little wooden cars to help us. How does that sound?

The wheels on the cars are going to be used to make connections between the number of cars vs. the
number of wheels with the skip counting patterns of the number 4 and the 4s times tables.


What specific tasks or problems will the student work on? (Make sure you state the actual problem/s as presented to the
student, including the wording you will use no general task descriptions please)
How will you use the Pirie-Kieren model (Materials to images to properties) to develop their understanding?

Today we are going to look at the number of wheels on the cars and we are going to put them on a
graph. The counters are going to represent how many wheels there are in relation to how many cars
there are. Can you tell me how many wheels are on this car here (holding one car)?
Where will we put this information on the graph?
Why will we put it here?
Can you show me this many wheels on the graph using the counters we have here?
Great! Now lets have a look at two cars. How many wheels are there altogether?
Can you show me this information on the graph too?

According to the Pirie-Kieren model, using materials such as the wooden cars will help the student to
make a meaningful understanding of the task, which they can refer to when visualising the problem
without the materials for future activities (when they move onto the visual phase of the model).Repeat
this process up to four cars. Stop and ask the child if they notice any patterns that have arisen.
If they dont notice any patterns or connections with skip counting by fours, continue the process and
stop again after eight cars and ask the question again. Once all twelve cars have been investigated and
represented on the graph, introduce the worksheet with the table on it.

Adjusting the lesson (What do you anticipate will happen? What strategies you will use to adjust the lesson?):

Based on Student Bs competence with skip counting shown in the interview, I predict that Student B
will be receptive to the counting in fours pattern that is beginning to unfold from the task. If Student B
recognises the pattern, I will ask if they can predict how many wheels there will be for the next number
of cars, using their knowledge of skip counting to help them. This refers to the visual phase of the
Pirie-Kieren model where the student is visualising to predict what is going to happen next, before they
have done it. After they have made the prediction, we can validate the prediction by counting and
double-checking how many wheels there in total and hence emphasise that this activity is following a
counting pattern in fours.


Making connections
How will you help the student notice and connect the important mathematical idea(s) at the end of the lesson?
How will you assess whether or not the student has met your learning intention? (Be specific. Give the question/s or task/s you will use and what you will
look for in the students response)

Here is a sheet with a table on it. Have you used a table before? It is another way that we can show the
information about the cars that we have just discovered.

What do you notice about the graph and the table (point to the headings on each as you ask this as
they are the same)? Do you think you can use the information we have put in the graph to put into the
table we have here?

When the table is full, ask the child if they notice anything familiar about the numbers in the table.

What else do we know about counting in fours? Is it similar to our four times tables?

Lets have another look at the table and say our four times tables while we are looking at it.

While the child is saying the times tables out loud, point to the 1 and the 4 when the child says,
one four is four and continue this process until they have finished twelve fours are forty-eight.

Can you see that the table shows us our four times tables?

Lets see if it is the same for the graph. Tell me your four times tables again.

Again point to the relevant parts of the graph as the student is saying their tables. This will further
connect their knowledge with their times tables and the worksheet table alongside the graph.

Can you see any connections between what we have just explored?

If I asked you how many wheels there are on 5 cars. How would you work it out?

What is another way you could work this out?

If the child is able to provide more than three of the answers (or similar) below, it can be assumed that
the child has made the connection between skip counting by fours and the multiplication tables:

-the graph tells you that there are 20 wheels on 5 cars

-the table tells you that there are 20 wheels on 5 cars
-If I count by fours, five times (4,8,12,16,20), it tells me that there are 20 wheels altogether
-five times four equals 20
-four times five equals 20

What materials/equipment will you need for the lesson?

-12 Wooden toy cars with four wheels

-Pre-made graph on butchers paper with the number of wheels labelled down the y-axis and the
number of cars labelled along the x-axis with the numbers 1-12
-A texta and ruler to make the graph on the paper
- Pre-made table on a worksheet with two columns labelled number of cars and number of wheels
and the numbers 1- 12 in the rows under the number of cars column
-Coloured counters

8. Lesson Rationale (Maximum of 200 of your own words)

Why did you choose the intentions and tasks/problems you did? (Link this back to your nutshell
statement and the interview).
Justify your choices by referring to lecture notes, tutorial notes and readings. If you use ideas from your
readings or online website acknowledge these resources by citing and referencing them in APA style.

Student B has the foundations for multiplicative thinking development as they have a grasp on additive
thinking and skip counting, however the links between the two have not yet been established
(Young-Loveridge, 2005) which is indicated by the results of the interview. This activity explores
multiplication in a fun and interesting way with use of a familiar context (wooden cars) which promotes
the notion of a positive experience with multiplication, to a positive attitude towards multiplication for
future encounters (Maida &Maida, 2005; Reys et al., 2005). This lesson promotes understanding
towards multiplication in a relational manner (Skemp, 1976; Young-Loveridge, 2005) as the student is
exploring the idea that multiplication has a variety of meanings which can be expressed in various
different formats (Wallace & Gurganus, 2005) such as a graph or a table and the times tables sequence.
Hence this activity also provides the child with different strategies to use to solve the problem if they
cannot recall the answer off the top of their head straight away (Wallace & Gurganus, 2005). This
activity exemplifies the first stage of multiplicative thinking where materials are used (Young-Loveridge,
2005) which is also congruent with the material phase of the Pirie-Kieren model (New Zealand Ministry
of Education, 2010). Wallace & Gurganus (2005) further emphasise the importance of concrete
materials such as wooden cars for introductory lessons on multiplication with primary-aged children.
This lesson heavily relies upon discussion between the student and the teacher during and after the
activity, deepening the students understanding and forming links between the sub-parts of the activity
(Campbell, Rowan & Suarez, 1998; Maida & Maida, 2005; Whitenack & Yackel, 2002). The
understanding of multiplication is ultimately essential for development of other concepts such as
measurement in regards to area and perimeter (Mulligan, Prescott, Mitchelmore & Outhred, 2005) as
well as division as it is a reversal operation (Young-Loveridge, 2005).
9. References
Use APA referencing style to document any sources you used in this assignment. This must also include
any on-line lesson ideas you accessed and any readings from the unit. Using cite as you write with
Endnote is a good option but that is not compulsory.

Campbell, P., Rowan, T., & Suarez, A. (1998). What criteria for student invented alogorithms? In J.

Morrow & M. Kenny (Eds.), The teaching and learning of algorithms in school mathematics.(1),

49-55. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Maida, P., & Maida, M. (2005). How does your doughnut measure up? Mathematics Teaching in the

Middle School, 11(5), 212-219

Mulligan, J., Prescott, A., Mitchelmore, M., & Outhred, L. (2005). Taking a closer look at young students

images of area measurement. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 10(2), 4-8

New Zealand Ministry of Education. (2010). The Main Phases of the Teaching Model. Retrieved from

Reys, R. E., Lindquist, M M., Lambdin, D. V., Smith, N. L., Rogers, A., Falle, J., Frid, S., & Bennett, S. (2012,

1st Australian Edition). Helping children learn mathematics. Milton, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.

Skemp, R.R. (1976). Relational understanding and instrumental understanding. Mathematics Teaching

in the Middle School, 12(2), 88-95.

Wallace, A. H., & Gurganus, S. P. (2005). Teaching for mastery of multiplication. Teaching Children

Mathematics, 12 (1), 26-33

Whitenack, J., & Yackel, E. (2002). Making mathematical arguments in the primary grades: The

importance of explaining and justifying ideas. Teaching Children Mathematics, 8(9). 524-527

Young-Loveridge, J. (2005). Fostering multiplicative thinking using array-based materials. Australian

Mathematics Teacher, 61 (3), 34-40

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