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BUS-4563Strategic Marketing Management

Simulation Team Presentation

20% of Course Grade (10% report, 10% individual presentation)

Due Week 13

AM April 17

PM April 18

Project learning outcomes

CL0 Perform extensive environmental, customer and competitive analysis using a
2 range of sources and theoretical frameworks
CL0 Compare and contrast different approaches for creating competitive and
3 sustainability market positioning
CL0 Appraise the role of branding, innovation, integrated marketing
4 communications and customer relationships etc. for creating customer value
CL0 Develop innovative marketing strategies for business organizations

Project Overview
This is a Group Marketing Plan Presentation based on the SimBrand simulation and
includes an individual component of 10%. This is not conducted at the
commencement of the simulation but rather several weeks into it. Therefore the
presentation should reflect elements and changes that have occurred during the initial
stages (rounds/years) of the simulation. It is therefore recommended that students
take this assessment very seriously and start working on it in conjunction with the
simulation, as parts will change as the stages of the simulation change elements of
the environment.

The purpose of this presentation is to show students ability at synthesis and adaption
of information and marketing tools, within a changing and dynamic business

There are a wide range of resources already available to students to provide both
background and direction including the SimBrand Case Description and the SimBrand
Marketing Research guide. In addition to these resources which are available in both
the simulation resources section and the BbLearn course site, students have the
progressive Market Updates within SimBrand itself plus the results and changes from
the initial rounds as they make their way through the simulation.

Students are also required to look at the course materials whether that be utilizing the
text or PowerPoint summaries that have been provided via the BbLearn course site. In
addition there are numerous online resources they can utilize to add to and enhance
the quality of their work.

MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)
Project Requirements
This presentation needs to be scheduled and completed by all team members during
class time before the end of Week 12. All team members must be present, and all
team members are to give equal input and effort to the running and quality of the
presentation. 70% will be an overall group grade and 20% is given as an individual
component. It is estimated the presentation should be approximately 15-20 minutes in

Your Teams Task

Your team is in charge of all marketing decisions for your smart phone company which
manifest themselves through the SimBrand Simulation. Over the course of the coming
weeks you will not only have to think about your weekly decisions which represent
years within the market place, but you need to devise a more long term strategy using
the current market data as well as the strategic moves made by competitors.

Your presentation can be broken in to five sections:

A) Background Information

Brand overview Name and Logo, products, and any other scene setting information
you feel you need to provide.

B) Current Situation and Trends

Summaries of relevant background information on the market, competition and

microenvironment, and trends therein, including size and growth rates for the overall
market and any key segments.

C) Key Issues and Objectives

Identification of the main opportunities and threats to the products that must be dealt
with in the coming years, and the relevant strengths and weaknesses of the products.
Objectives will set out the goals in terms of sales volume and market share.

D) Marketing Strategies

Summary of the overall strategic approaches that will be used to meet the plans

E) Action Plans

This specifies for each product or set of products:

The target to be pursued

What specific actions will be taken with regard the 4Ps

For additional information on these components students should refer to the Week 9
PowerPoints regarding marketing plans. It is also assumed that students would use
Chapter 17 which those PowerPoints are based on from their course text (Mullins,
John/ Walker, Orville (2013) Marketing Management: A Strategic Decision-Making
Approach (8th ed.) McGraw-Hill ISBN:9780078028793)

MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)
Students are reminded that the following declaration should be included on any
written submissions at HCT. When given presentations without any written
component, it is assumed you have agreed with the following declaration:

Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged
other sources in the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment; I have
not previously submitted this work to the HCT; I understand that I may be orally
examined on my submission.

MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)
Grading Criteria

Assessment Criteria
Comments and Suggestions for Improvement
Knowledge & Understanding:

Knowledge of the object of study and its

appropriate academic field
Understanding of key concepts

Use of Sources of Evidence:

Knowledge and use of an appropriate range

of sources
Use of evidence in making an argument

Competence in analysis through the application of

appropriate methods, concepts and theory
Evaluative and critical reflection on analysis

Structure of Argument:

Development of clear, logical and structured argument (including

introduction, synthesis of ideas and evidence and conclusion)

Scholarly Conventions:

Compliance with citations and referencing conventions, including


MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)


Marker Grade Date


A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D

% Direction and structure

Group clearly defined, well Apparent communication Some attempt at
Structure: 10 Evidence of some
organised goals, mostly well structure and
Organisation, logical communication goals and
throughout, logical use organised, generally organisation but No structure or
order of material, of organisation.
of successful use of inappropriate or organisation
clearly defined Inappropriate or
materials that aids materials and unsuccessful on the
communication goals unsuccessful
audience comprehension information whole
and interest
MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)
% Some understanding
Group of subject, some No
Content: 30 understanding
Relevant, Mostly relevant, Generally relevant, irrelevancies,
Comprehensiveness demonstrated,
comprehensive, factually reasonably sufficient understanding of generally not
, relevance, inaccurate
accurate, coherent, comprehensive, good subject matter, lacks focus, focused,
coherence, Use of throughout,
excellent and creative understanding of subject some inaccurate,
illustrative material, totally
use of illustrative matter, good use of inaccuracies,illustrative occasional use of
originality, unfocussed,
material appropriate to illustrative material material used but illustrative material
accuracy, inappropriate
medium and/or appropriate to medium inappropriately to medium but not always
imaginative, and/or audience. and/or audience. use of
audience. appropriate to
creative illustrative
medium and/or material.
Delivery and % Audience clearly
identified and catered Some attempt at
presentation: Pace, 30Individual Audience identified and, Reasonable attempt at identifying
for, appropriate use of No audience
audibility, audience generally, catered for, identifying audience,
medium, interesting, audience, identified,
targeting, ability to generally appropriate use some evidence of an
clear inappropriate use of unclear, no
of medium, well appropriate use of
hold audience communication, well- medium, some pace, chaotic,
communicated, good medium, basically clear,
attention, clarity, pace not no ability or
paced, pace, demonstrates a paced, demonstrates a
professionalism, always well judged, competence
Demonstrates a high good level of professional satisfactory level of
understanding of demonstrates some demonstrated.
level of professional competence. competence.
medium. competence.
% Technically
Technical expertise: Group unsophisticated,
10 Technically sound, Technically
Appropriate use of Technically sophisticated, Technically satisfactory, demonstrating a
inept, no
demonstrating a high demonstrating a good demonstrating a general basiclevel of
medium, understanding of
level of proficiency and level of proficiency and level ofproficiency and proficiency and
understanding of medium or
an understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
professional practices, professional
professional practices. professional practices. professional practices. professional
proficiency. practices.

% Generally well co- Evidence of co-ordination Some evidence of

GroupVery well co-ordinated ordinated and work and work distribution - but coordination but
Badly co-
Teamwork: 20 with equitable ordinated, no
distributed reasonably suggestions of unequal inequitable
Ability to operate as a distribution of work workloads. Slight lack of team focus, no
equitably. Generally distribution of work
team. load and clear unity of unity of purpose. unity of
demonstrates unified load. Unity of
purpose. purpose. purpose.
purpose unclear.

MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)
Grade A: Excellent
Overall, a very impressive and excellent piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
Demonstrates an understanding of the task which may be beyond what is expected, but which is always relevant.
Original perspective on the problems in question. Contextualization of sources and viewpoints and comprehensive evaluation of
contributions. Insightful application of relevant theories in addressing the issues/questions.
Use of wide range of relevant sources, which are integrated and critically evaluated.
Well-structured and organized with a clearly developed line of reasoning. Appropriate length.
Referencing follows consistent academic conventions with all references fully and accurately cited.
Clear, articulate style with accurate spelling, word choice and grammar. Target band level surpassed by 1.0

Grade B: Good
Overall, a good and commendable piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
Demonstrates sound understanding of the task. Presentation of points and arguments generally relevant to the question.
Sustained commentary on evidence and materials used. Inclusion of appropriate critical perspective. Use of theoretical models in a relevant
way to address the issues/questions.
Sound understanding of main sources of literature, well summarized and used in a critical and relevant way.
Clear structure and presentation. Control of length.
Generally consistent and accurate referencing.
Generally accurate spelling, word choice and grammar. Target band level surpassed by 0.5.

Grade C: Satisfactory
Overall, a satisfactory piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
Understands main point of the task. Most points and arguments presented are relevant to the question.
Adequate commentary on evidence and materials used. Some evidence of critical awareness. Use and understanding of theoretical models,
but in a fairly pedestrian way.
Adequate range of source material consulted. Clear understanding of the literature used.
Good structure and presentation, minor problems in organization do not impede communication. Control of length
Generally consistent referencing.
Comprehensible spelling, word choice and grammar, inaccuracies do not impede meaning. Target band level achieved.

Grade D: Marginal Pass

MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)
Overall, a bare pass. Includes the majority of the following features:
Understanding of basic concepts and effort made to relate them to the question.
Argument mainly descriptive points and/or points which requires greater substantiation. More development of ideas needed to sustain an
argument. Identification of main issues, but little critical awareness.
Some evidence of reading and understanding of the literature, but range and /or relevance very limited.
Attempt made at coherent presentation, but ideas not well integrated. Length may be considerably off target.
Some attempt at consistent referencing.
Comprehensible spelling, word choice and grammar, although inaccuracies may sometimes impede meaning. Below the target band level.

Grade F: Failure
Overall, a very poor piece of work. Includes the majority of the following features:
Inadequate or misunderstanding of task. Purely descriptive account with little or no analysis.
Irrelevant comments and/or assertions, which are not supported by meaningful evidence. Little evidence of integration of various sources to
sustain an argument. Lack of any critical or appreciative framework.
Few relevant sources used and/or little use of literature.
Unstructured presentation and/or lack of coherence, which impedes understanding. Length problematic.
Little or no attempt at consistent referencing.
Major inaccuracies in grammar, word choice and spelling. Well below the prescribed proficiency IELTS.

MGrantham-AAC (updated 2016 with thanks to SWC for presentation rubric)

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