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Unit 2

preguntas con what

1. What time does she arrive from school? (A qu hora llega de la


2. What time is it? (Qu hora es?)

3. What is your name? (Cul es tu nombre?)

4. What is she doing? (Qu est haciendo?)

5. What is your phone number? (Cul es tu nmero telefnico?)

6. What is your address? (Cul es tu direccin?)

7. What is your surname? (Cul es tu apellido?)

8. What is your marital status? (Cul es su estado civil?)

9. What did you do yesterday? (Qu hiciste ayer?)

10. What is that? (Qu es eso?)

11. What do you like? (Qu te gusta?)

12. What would you like to eat? (Qu te gustara comer?)

13. What is the weather like? (Cmo est el clima?)

14. What are you going to do tomorrow? (Qu vas a hacer


15. What did you say? (Qu dijiste?)

16. What is your favorite singer? (Cul es tu cantante favorito?)

17. What are they planning? (Qu estn planeando?)

18. What did you do last weekend? (Qu hiciste el fin de semana

19. What do you think about it? (Qu piensas al respecto?)

20. What can you do to solve the problem? (Qu puedes hacer
para resolver el problema?)

20 Ejemplos oraciones con do o does para dar nfasis en ingls y


1. She does read the newspaper every day. (Ella lee el peridico
cada da)

2. We do come to school by bus. (Nosotros vamos a la escuela en


3. You do work very hard. (T trabajas muy duro)

4. She does like to sit in the sun. (A ella le gusta sentarse en el sol)

5. We do play in the park every day. (Nosotros jugamos en el

parque cada da)

6. He does watch his son in the park. (l observa a su hijo en el


7. We do try to arrive on time. (Nosotros siempre tratamos de llegar

a tiempo)

8. He does walk to school. (l siempre camina para ir a la escuela)

9. Mr. Green does work with my uncle. (El Sr. Green trabaja con mi

10. We do eat together every day. (Nosotros comemos juntos todos

los das)

11. She does attend church every day. (Ella va a la iglesia todos los

12. I do speak several foreign languages. (Yo hablo varias lenguas


13. She does eat in the cafeteria every day. (Ella come en la
cafetera todos los das)

14. He does teach mathematics. (l ensea matemticas)

15. She does kiss me every morning. (Ella me besa cada maana)

16. You do watch television every night. (T ves televisin todas las

17. He does carry the books in a briefcase. (l lleva los libros en un


18. He does enjoy his English class. (l disfruta su clase de ingls)

19. The bus does stop at the corner. (El autobs se detiene en la

20. She does want to learn French. (Ella quiere aprender francs)

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