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January 9 2006


I have this wild idea that I can write something that will change the world as we know it today, to the
world that the majority of us dream of.

One without people starving and people dying in wars, thievery and shootings.
One with proper medical care for all and proper care for our elderly.

A world that is fair to all and guarantees everyone proper shelter and food.
One that accepts each other as family.
One where everyone knows the difference between right and wrong.
One that is fair and can easily be accepted by all.

One based on the proverb


That of course is not a new idea, sounds like a great idea, but it never took.

I wonder why?

The human mind is the problem. They think small in a world that’s tall
At birth we are alike. Gimmee some food and get me out of these dirty diapers.
The mind gradually learns to control the body functions and is hugely driven by what it observes.
Everyone knows what I am trying to say. They are highly influenced with what they see and every
mind develops relative to their environment.

So minds growing up in a wealthy family see life in a completely different perspective than those
This is no brilliant observation but the point that I am trying to make is that obviously life is not
fair from the outset.
Given the choice their can be no doubt who we would choose for our parents but since that is not in
the cards we adapt to our lot in life.

Life is a struggle that will never see the average person reach the status that the baby born of wealth
had at birth.
There is a huge advantage when you are born having all that we, the majority can only dream of.
They who have at birth have no idea what we are all about, no fault of their own, it is just the way it is

We of course have no idea of what they are all about either.

It is simply them vs us

Their problem is to get us lazy bastards to work so they can pile up more money.

Our problem is to work for those lazy bastards so that we can afford to eat so that we can work for
those lazy bastards.

They know, without us they would be like us and surely they do not want that..
We know, without us they would be like us and surely they do not want that.
Too many chefs spoil the broth and everyone can not be chefs or where will the ingredients come

On the other hand who needs a chef if there is nothing to go into the soup?

Kinda like, which comes first, the chicken or the egg ?

The answer to that question would be fact but unfortunately all that we humans can do is stimulate our
minds for a moment in an attempt to respond.

Any thoughts one way or the other would only be a belief until actually proven to be fact.

Of course one or the other most likely is fact but we humans do not know.
Well, for sure I do not.

One thing I do know as do most people is that the world is round.

However, for an eon people believed that it was flat and they existed fine without anyone falling over
the edge.

Of course it was only a belief that the world was flat even though nobody could ever have actually
seen the edge of the world and yet they accepted it as fact.

It is the stubbornness of the human mind, no, that is not right, It is the nature of the human mind to
accept that there is nothing more than it comes to know in the environment it develops in.

So what they see and what ever is instilled in them by their parents, friends and educational and
religious organizations within their environment becomes a matter of fact but in reality it is just their
belief as to what is fact.

Religions serve their purpose no matter what eventuality the Fact may be but it is my belief if any
religious body produced conclusive evidence there would only be one religion or I should say no
religion at all because the beginning and end would be Fact and therefore not a belief and we would
all be of one realigion.

Can you believe that?

Perhaps some believe that the creator has special plans for those practicing their beliefs?
I guess my ignorance is showing.
Perhaps there is a creator for every race.

Then which race is the human race?

There are so many questions and so many answers for each question and until we turn the last page
may we know the correct one.

I for one am not entering that race.

I choose to believe that no matter our beginning and no matter what waits at the end we all are in the
same boat while we are here on earth. We are here, not by choice and we will end, not by choice.

How we put in our allotted time has not been our choice although we are led to believe that it is.


It sure as hell can be.

Belief: Intellectual acceptance of anything as true; the act of believing; a faith or creed
Syn: Assurance, confidence, credence, creed, faith, reliance, trust

Fact: Anything actually done or existing; a statement of actuality; in a case at law; the
circumstances and acts that bear upon the allegation.

I should mention that as fair as the definition read with reference to the law, only the wealthy have the
resources to ensure all the facts fur are presented and facts agin are removed.

Sure its not fair and sure its against the law but sure it happens.
Believe what you like, you have that right

Remember this, as impressive as the word Intellectual associated with the word Belief may be we
must remember that the intellects once believed the world to be flat.
It is of the utmost importance to understand the difference between belief and fact.
That which we observe in the world today is fact. The starvation, poverty, everything is fact.
Is it fact that the wealthy have the power or is it the power that has the wealthy?
Like the chicken and egg thing it just doesn’t matter.
It just doesn’t work for the majority.

OKAY, you might say. If it is true and not just a belief, what can we do about it?

Obviously, it would not be fair to proceed without proof that what I say is Fact.
Which court would you present our case in?

If I am right then how can we win in any court of our land?

It just so happens that there is a way.

We Canadians are very lucky, living in a democracy and all

Democracy: in my dictionary
1 Rule by the people.
2 A community so governed
3 The quality of being democratic

Rule by the people

Why is it then that the people have so many grievances?

Do we have Democracy? Or do we have a belief? Is democracy similar to religion?

Do we get to see democracy without turning the last page ?

There are so many ways that I do not know where to start.
It’s all so easy with a simple mind. EH ?

I wonder how many buildings and different layers of government we need to support to get a job done.

Just to get a person evicted from my place in Keswick on June 6 2005 I had to go to Scarborough to
file an application with the Ontario Housing Rental Tribunal and paid them $150 after taxes.
The tenant had signed two documents April 13 2005 and May 6 2005, both indicating how much he
owed me for unpaid rent since July 31 2004 and he also agreed to leave on May 31 2005.

He filed a fabricated dispute to contest my application and stated verbally the same at the hearing and
even went as far as to say that he had documents to prove his lies. He of course had no documents and
he even denied ever seeing nor signing the two documents that we both had signed and had been
witnessed. I provided the witness to prove that he had signed them. The other very important matter
was that he had not signed these agreements with his proper signature.
This along with the fact that he denied ever seeing these documents made it abundantly clear that he
was up to something crooked.

The Tribunal found for me and Don was ordered to leave my premises on August 18 2005 and ordered
to pay me back rent and costs totaling over $10,000.

When the judicator acknowledged that she knew what was happening I said “There should be a law”
to which she replied “There is”
At the end of the hearing I asked if she would be laying charges for his signing a fabricated dispute.
She said on occasion cases warrant looking into and that she has the authority to forward them on for
investigation. I queried this twice but I did not get a yes.

The Sheriff was ordered to remove him from my place on the 19th if he had not left.
But this would cost me $330 I am told at the Sherriff’s Office. I am also told that I can file there for
civil court to get the tenant to pay me the $10,000 which he was ordered to pay and that would cost
me something also.

I couldn’t believe it. This man was ordered by the Tribunal to leave my place and pay me.
The order also directed the Sherriff’s Office to remove him.
The tenant does not obey the order and neither does the Sherriff. I have to pay two more fees and go
back to court again if I want my money.
No charges were laid against him for filing a fabricated dispute.
So I attempt to contact the Judicators Office which won’t deal with the matter because the file has
been closed when the order is issued.
I wrote many letters to the Enforcement and Investigations unit to attempt to get charges laid but to no
I then went to the York Regional Police and after two meetings and a few writings I get the same
negative response.

Sorry we can’t help you.

I am still waiting for a response to my letter to Armand P. La Barge dated January 2 2006 which is a
request for a written response which Inspector Michael Fleming #272 said that I should get after he
filed his report after meeting with me November 8 2005.

This man is obviously a con artist and yet four public offices involved with law feel they are helpless
to deal with this matter.

I was told that my particular situation goes on all the time yet nobody has felt the need to deal with
this matter.

I took the matter to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on January 3 2006 where my concerns have
been reviewed and the portion of my request dealing with the Corporations Act have been forwarded
to the Commercial Crime Section of the R.C.M.P.
I await their response on that matter.

There was no mention of the dealing with the fraud and the fabricated dispute.
That is five different offices supported by tax payers money that I have approached to get a job done
to no avail.

The first office being aware of this problem should have taken steps to deal with this matter.

If the legal system doesn’t deal with such matters it becomes a joke.
If you don’t plug the leak then you will spend the rest of your life pumping air.

I for one am fed up with paying taxes for hot air.

There is no doubt in my mind that the courts are filled with people who were never dealt with when
they should have been allowing them to continue in their criminal way of life.

I wonder how many people have been scammed by this man.

I know the tax payers are being scammed by the system.

How long will they get away with this and will those who knowingly allow this to continue be held
responsible as accomplices to the crime.

There is no doubt that the legal system is designed by and influenced by lawyers who are the obvious
benefactors of the neglect of their compatriots in the public service.

This same scenario plays over and over again with many of the professions, I am sure, but it is
difficult to get people to come forward.


I cover the rip off by the Ontario Land Surveyor and the City Land Survey Property Management
extensively in my 19 writings to management which they refused to respond to.
Now that it has been forwarded to the Mayor’s Office they took 4 ½ months to tell me that they have
received my documents and another month to regret informing me that they have no record of these
documents ever coming through the Mayor’s office.

This is what the tax payers are paying for. Less than nothing.
This matter must be brought to everybodys attention so that it may be dealt with properly. I suspect
that the legal system is not the place for the people to get a fair trial but bring enough attention to it
and others will come forward.

At the very least we may get the laws corrected leaving nothing for lawyers to argue and the tax payer
will have a heads up when they go to the polls.

The tax payers have been primed by recent events of the federal government and payouts to our War
Veterans after death.

These scandals are far from being new to the public and it is quite surprising that more have not

Of course it is a premeditated conspiracy of the wealthy and the lawyers and professionals, well
educated working hand in hand to scam the workers, peons and serfs.

Nothing has changed since the written words of history began. The people are ravished and raped in a
less bloody way but it goes on and on.

We out number them which should be an important advantage in a democratic country.

We shall see.



Could you please let me know if you received the missing attachment to my January 5 2006 e-mail to
you which was addressed to the Deputy City Manager, Farid Amin.

Please note that his name is actually Fareed Amin.I got the incorrect spelling from Carmen Smith’s e-
mail dated October 5 2005.

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