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1. Gardner questioned the idea of intelligence:

a. ____________________________________________________________

b. _____________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________

A PARADIGM SHIFTER (Smith & Smith, 1994).

2. People have an unique blend of _________________and _____________


3. The ___________________ is tied to ones preference to learning

4. Gardner asserts that people who have ____________________________________

_________________________________________________________________as they
develop skills and solve problems

Derived from:

5. All human beings have _____________________________.

6. These intelligences can be nurtured and strengthened, or ignored and weakened.

7. Traditional belief of cognitive science:



8. According to Gardner:




9. An intelligence : ___________________________________________________

10. He made judgment about this based on: reminiscent more of an artistic judgment than
of a scientific assessment.

11. Formulated a list of SEVEN Intelligence (Tentative)

(a) First two were typically valued in schools


(b) Three were normally associated with arts




(c) Two were personal intelligence


12. Added another TWO Intelligence



13. MI to guide lesson planning

(a) Important to teach through a ________________________ and projects.

(b) Rich and engaging activities to evoke a _______________________________

(c) Ask students to work _________________ and ____________________ to

support both interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences.

(d) Assessment should be integrated into learning: students play an active role to
clarify the goals of classroom activities.

(e) Give students a ________________________________________________. Give

them opportunities to create meaningful projects and authentic presentations.

(f) It is counterproductive to label students with a particular intelligence. Need to

nurture the whole spectrum.

14. What are critics saying?

Its not new!



Its not well defined!




Its culturally embedded!



It defeats national Standards!

Multiple intelligence pedagogy difficult to compare and classify skills and abilities
across classrooms

It is impractical!

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