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Persentation : Nutrition needs in the body

Compiler :

Serly Dwi Irmayanti Supriatno






First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writter finished writing the
paper entitled Nutrition needs in the body right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writting this paper is to fulfiil the assignment that given by Mr.Thunder as
lecture English Nursing.

In arranging thia paper , the writter trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
hrlp of many individuals, those abstructions could passed, writter also realized there are still
many mistakes in process or writting this paper.

Bandung, 13 May 2017


Preface .......................................................................................................... i

Table of contens............................................................................................ ii

BAB I Preliminary......................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background....................................................................................1

1.2 Formulation of the problem...........................................................1

1.3 Writing purpose.............................................................................2

BAB II Dissucion.......................................................................................... 3


BAB III Cover............................................................................................... 11

3.1 Conclusion.....................................................................................11




1.1 Background
The body needs energy for body organ functions, body movement, maintaining
temperature, enzyme function, growth and replacement of damaged cells. Metabolism is all
the biochemical processes in the body cell. Metabolic processes can be anabolism (build) and
catabolism (solver).
Nutritional problems closely related to the intake of food and metabolism and the factors
that influence it. In general, factors affecting the nutritional needs are physiological factors
for the need for bassal metabolism, pathological factors such as the presence of certain
diseases that interfere with digestion or increase the need for nutrients, socio-economic
factors such as the ability of individuals to meet the nutritional needs.
Research in the field of nutrition studies the relationship between food and beverages on
health and disease, especially in determining the optimal diet. In the past, research on
nutrition has been limited to the prevention of malnutrition and determining the standard
nutritional basic needs of living things. Numbers of basic nutritional needs (nutrients) is
known in the international world with the term Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA).
Along with scientific developments in the field of medical and molecular biology, medical
evidence suggests that the RDA is insufficient to maintain optimal body function and prevent
or assist the handling of chronic diseases. Medical evidence suggests that the root of many
chronic diseases is oxidative stress caused by excess free radicals in the body. The optimal
use of nutrients, known as Optimal Daily Allowance (ODA), is proven to prevent and deal
with oxidative stress that helps prevent chronic disease. This optimal level can be achieved
when the amount and composition of the nutrients are used appropriately. In the treatment of
disease, the use of nutrition as a complementary treatment can help the effectiveness of the
treatment and at the same time overcome the side effects of treatment. Therefore, nutrition /
nutrition is closely related to optimal health and improved quality of life. The results of
measuring can be done with the method of anthropometry.

1.2 Formulation of the problem

The benefits of this problem are expected to be utilized as follows:
a. Meet the nutritional needs
b. As a benchmark of nutritional balance

1.3 Writing purpose

1.3.1.General purpose
Students are able to understand the basic concepts of nutrition.
1.3.2.Special purpose
a. Explain the notion of the concept of nutrition.
b. Identify nutritional problems with clients.
c. Describe how to overcome nutritional problems.



2.1 Definitions
Nutrition is the chemical bond that the body needs to perform its functions, namely
energy, building and maintaining the network, and regulating the processes of life (Soenarjo,
2000). According to Rock CL (2004), nutrition is the process by which the human body uses
food to form energy, maintain health, growth and for the normal functioning of every organ
both between nutritional intake and nutritional needs.
According to Supariasa (2001), nutrition is a process of organisms using normally
consumed foods through the process of degestion, absorption, transport, storage, metabolism
and expenditure of substances not used to maintain the normal life, growth, and function of
organs , And generate energy.

2.2 Nutrition Types

Nutrients are organic and inorganic chemicals found in food and obtained for the use of
body functions.
Nutrient consists of several, diantarannya:
1. Carbohydrate
Carbohydrates are compositions comprising carbon, hydrogen and oxygen elements.
Carbohydrates are divided into:
a. Simple carbohydrates (sugar); Can be monosaccharides (single molecules composed
of glucose, fructose, and galactose). Can also be disaccharide (double molecule),
examples of sucrose (glucose + fructose), maltose (glucose + glucose), lactose
(glucose + galactose).
b. Complex carbohydrates (starch) are polysaccharides because they are made up of
many glucose molecules.
c. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate obtained from plants, can not be digested by the body
with little or no caloric yield but can increase the volume of stool.
Carbohydrates have various functions in the body of living things, especially as fuels
(eg glucose), food reserves (eg plant starch and glycogen in animals), and building
materials (eg cellulose in plants, chitin in animals and fungi). Carbohydrate needs 60-
75% of total energy needs.
2. Protein
Protein is very important for the formation and maintenance of body tissues. Some
high-quality protein sources are: chicken, fish, meat, pork, lamb, turkey, and liver.
Some sources of vegetable protein are: groups of peas (eg beans, peas, and soybeans),
nuts, and seeds.
Protein is an important constituent in all cells, this nutrient type is a complex nutrient
structure consisting of amino acids. Proteins will be hydrolyzed by proteolytic
enzymes. To release amino acids which will then be absorbed by the intestine. Protein
a. Proteins replace lost proteins during normal metabolic processes and processes
Normal wear.
b. Proteins produce new tissue.
c. Proteins are needed in the manufacture of new proteins with special functions in the
body ie enzymes, hormones and haemoglobin.
d. Protein as an energy source
e. Protein requirement 10-15% Or 0.8-1.0 g / kg BW of total energy requirements.

3. Fat
Fat is a compacted source of energy. Fats and oils comprise glycerol combined with
fatty acids. Needs fat 10-25% of total energy needs. Fat function:
a. As an energy source; Is a compressed energy source by giving 9 cal / g.
b. Participate in building body tissues.
c. Protection.
d. Insulation / isolation, fat will prevent heat loss from the body.
e. Feelings of satiety, fat can delay gastric emptying time and prevent hunger coming
back soon after eating.
f.Vitamins are fat soluble.
Arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the two essential fatty
acids, especially in the infancy of the infant brain that progressed very rapidly during
the second 6 months of life. In this period, AA and DHA play a major role in mental
development and infant viewing power. Since most of the weaning foods contain little
AA and DHA, fortified milk supplemented with AA and DHA will be an important.
4. Vitamin
Vitamins are organic materials that can not be formed by the body and serves as a
catalyst of the body's metabolic processes. Vitamins are divided into two major classes
of water-soluble vitamins (vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12) and fat-soluble vitamins
(vitamins A, D, E and K).
Here's a breakdown of some vitamins and essentials:
a. Vitamin A, This vitamin helps the development of the baby's viewing power. It also
plays a role in the work process of bone cells. Children who are deficient in vitamin
A will suffer from night blindness and impaired growth. They are also susceptible to
infection. Sources of vitamin A include: eggs, cheese, and liver.
b. Vitamin B-complex, all B vitamins help produce energy, and help the baby's brain
cells form. Vitamin B1 and niacin (one of the B-complex members) help the body's
cells produce energy. Vitamin B6 helps the body fight disease and infection. B12 is
used in the formation of red blood cells. Adequate vitamin B-complex helps prevent
growth retardation, anemia, visual impairment, nerve damage, and heart problems.
Foods such as bread, grains, and liver contain vitamin B-complex. Each member of
vitamin B-complex is sourced from certain foods such as: B1 of beans and pork;
B12 from meat, fish, eggs, and milk.
c. Vitamin C, Children can get vitamin C from oranges and various vegetables. They
need vitamin C to form some chemicals and move other chemicals (one member of
the B group of vitamins, for example) in order to use the body. Vitamin C also helps
the absorption of iron. Those with vitamin C deficiency can suffer from bone
weakness, anemia, and other health problems.
d. Vitamin D, Sunlight helps the body make its own vitamin D, even in some children,
the need for vitamins This has been fulfilled with the help of sunlight. Vitamin D is
very important because it helps the calcium into the bones. This is why vitamin D is
sometimes added to cow's milk (called "fortified" milk). Unfortunately, many dairy
products favored by children are not fortified with vitamin D. Cheese and yogurt
Rich in calcium but no vitamin D. Vitamin D fortified foods are better than vitamin
supplements. Children who consume diets low in vitamin D can suffer from
ricketsia, a disease that weakens bones or makes bones defective.

5. Minerals and Water
Mineral is an essential element for the normal function of some enzymes, and is
very important in controlling the body's fluid system. Minerals are an essential
constituent of soft tissues, liquids and skeletons. Framework contains most of the
minerals. The body can not synthesize so it must be provided through food. Three
functions of minerals:
a. Bone and dental constituents; Example: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.
b. Formation of soluble salts and control of body fluid composition; Eg Na, Cl
(extracellular), K, Mg, P (intracellular).
c. Basic ingredients of enzymes and proteins.
Approximately 6% of adult human body is made of minerals. Water is the most
basic food substance needed by the human body. The human body consists of over
50% -70% water. In adults, water intake ranges from 1200-1500cc per day, but it is
recommended as much as 1900 cc as the optimum limit

2.3 Nutrition Needs According to Age Growth Rate

1. Baby
The baby refers to the age of 0-12 months. Calories required about 110-120
calories / kg / day. The fluid requirement is about 140-160 ml / kg / day. Babies as
early as 6 months of staple nutrition are breast milk. ASI is very suitable given until
the age of at least 4 months.
The benefits of breastfeeding are:
a. Breast milk is a complete nutrient
b. In breast milk lactobacillus bilidus is a microorganism in breast milk that is useful
to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms in intesnial.
c. Protein in many breastmilk
d. Breast milk contains lipose to help immature babies with fatty acids.

2. Child child tolder (1-3 years) and pre-school (3-5 years)

Childhood is important to educate the right diet. Habits that should be taught at
this age include:
a. The provision of food in various variations
b. Restrict sweet foods
c. Consumption of a balanced diet
Caloric needs in children aged 1 year = 100kcal / day and children aged 3 years 300-
500 kcal / day.

3. School children (6-12 years old)

Patterns of food at this age need to be considered, because in this sia children
love food sold outside the home.
Nutritional needs of children by age group in years:
Age Calories Protein Cal Fe Vit A Vit B Vit C
10-12 1900 60 0.75 8 2500 0.7 25
7-9 1600 50 0.75 7 2500 0.6 25
5-6 1400 40 0.50 6 2500 0.6 25
Year Cal Dr Dr Mg U Mg Mg
4. Adolescents period of adolescence (13-21 th)
The need for calories, protein, minerals, and vitamins is very high with regard to
the growth process.
Increased body fat will lead to obesity so that will cause stress to the body image
that there are resulting health problems.
5. Adulthood Young (23-30 th)
Nutritional needs of this age for growth, maintenance and body repair,
maintaining a nutritional state.
6. Adulthood (31-45 years)
Adulthood productive period is particularly related to physical activity, because
this age is the peak for the activity of life in the work activities. Nutritional needs are
distinguished between light, heavy, and moderate work levels.
7. Old adult (46 years and above)
The need for nutritional elements is much reduced, in the elderly the BMR will
be reduced by 10-30%. So the activity is degenerative
8. Pregnancy women breastfeeding
Pregnant women and nursing mothers are in need of good food And enough. As
a consideration to produce 1 liter of breast milk must provide calories as much as
150 cal while breast milk contains 75 cal, 12 grams protein, 45 gr fat lactose
Nutritional needs for pregnant and lactating mothers
Type of need Pregnant mother Breastfeeding mothers
Calories 2500 gr 300 gr
Protein 85gr 100 gr
Calcium 1.5 gr 2gr
Ferum 15 gr 15 gr
Vit A 8000 UI 8000 UI
Vit B 1.8 mg 2.8 mg
Vit C 100 mg 150 mg
Riboflavin 2.5 mg 3 mg
Vit D 400-800 UI 400-800 UI
Water 6-8 glasses 6-8 glasses

2.4 Problems Nutrition Needs

In general, impaired nutritional needs consist of overweight and excess nutrients,
obesity, malnutrition, Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension, Coronary Heart, Cancer,
Anorexia Nervosa.
1. Lack of nutrients
Lack of nutrition is a state experienced by a person in a state of not fasting (normal)
or weight loss risk due to inability of nutritional intake for metabolic needs.
Clinical signs:
a. Weight 10-20% below normal
b. Height below ideal
c. The middle arm triceps skin is less than 60% standard size
d. The presence of weakness and tenderness in muscles
e. The presence of decreased serum albumin
f. There is a decrease in transferrin
Possible cause:
a. Increased caloric needs and difficulty in digesting calories due to infectious diseases
or cancer
b. Dysphagia due to neural abnormalities
c. Decreased nutrient absorption due to crohn's disease or lactose intolerance
d. Decreased appetite
2. Excess nutrients
Excess nutrients is a condition experienced by someone who has a risk of weight gain
due to excessive intake of metabolic needs.
Clinical signs:
a. Weight of more than 10% of ideal weight
b. Obesity (more than 20% of ideal weight)
c. Triceps skin fold more than 15 mm in men and 25 mm in women
d. Excessive amount of intake of activity decreased or monotonous
Possible cause:
a. Dietary changes
b. Decrease in taste and smell function

3. Obesity
Obesity is a problem of weight gain that reaches more than 20% of normal weight. Its
nutritional status is in excess of the calorie intake requirement and the decrease in caloric
4. Malnutrition
Malnutrition is a problem associated with nutritional deficiencies at the cellular level
or can be regarded as a problem of nutrient intake that is not in accordance with the
needs of the body. Symptoms are generally low weight with adequate intake of food or
less intake of body needs, muscle weakness and decreased energy, pallor to the skin,
mucous membrane, conjunctiva and others.
5. Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of nutritional needs characterized by the presence of
carbohydrate metabolism disorders due to lack of insulin or excessive use of
6. Hypertension
Hypertension is a nutritional disorder that is also caused by various problems of
nutritional needs such as the cause of the existence of obesity, as well as intake of
calcium, sodium, and excessive lifestyle.
7. Coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease is a nutritional disorder that is often caused by an increase in
blood cholesterol and smoking. Currently, coronary heart disease is often experienced
because of unhealthy behavior or lifestyle, obesity and others.
8. Cancer
Cancer is a disorder of nutritional needs caused by excessive consumption of fat.
9. Anorexia nervosa
Aneroxia nervosa is a sudden and prolonged weight loss, characterized by
constipation, body swelling, abdominal pain, coldness, allergy, and excess energy.



3.1 Conclusions

Nutritional needs are closely related to other aspects and can be achieved if there is a balance
with other aspects. Nutrition also affects the functions of organs, body movement,
maintaining temperature, enzyme function, growth and replacement of damaged cells. And
with the fulfillment of nutritional needs for the human body, it will be protected from disease

3.2 Suggestions
Nutritional needs in the body of each individual is very important to be pursued. Efforts to
increase the nutritional needs can be done by eating foods with balanced nutrition with the
imbangi circumstances clean life for each individual. It should be done every day, because
without every day the human body can get sickness due to imune body decline.


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