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Danielle Palmer

5th hour
SECTION 1: STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four

specific categories- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM also integrates

them into a learning based on the real-world applications ( Science is our

natural world from the sun, moon, and stars to the diversity of nature animals (large or small) the

list is almost endless, it's important that we have science because it solve problems, disprove

false information, and new discoveries. The career opportunities that will open within science

are; Nurse, Doctor, Pharmacist, Physical Therapist, and Medical Social Worker. Technology

today means computers and smartphones, but technology is communication, complete research ,

problem solving, and anything that can be used as a tool to get the job done. Technology is

important because you have skills to communicate, access, manage, integrate, evaluate design

and create information to improve learning in all subject. Technology gives plenty of careers

because nearly all jobs require technology. Engineering designs buildings, bridges, machines,

and even the first wheels on a car. It's important because without it we wouldn't have a lot of

essentials such as cars, hospitals, buildings, and bridges. Career opportunities in the real-world

with a degree in engineering are; Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Bioengineer and

Construction Engineer. We use Mathematics at grocery stores, the bank, on tax forms, and

dealing with investments of family budgets. Mathematics is important because it's tied to

everything we do in our day-to-day activities like purchasing items at the store or measuring the

amount of seasoning in your food. Having a degree in mathematics have career opportunities

such as numerical analyst, math teacher, professor, mathematician or theoretical mathematician.

SECTION 2: STEM categories are related in so many ways. Science use the different

type of technology to conduct experiments. Science is the state or fact of knowledge; knowledge

comes from observation, study, and experimentation . Science and Technology is related because

the tools scientist use are involved with technology such as, goggles for protection, microscope

or telescope for a closer and better view of the object, or thermometer for temperatures. Science

is related to engineering because in order for scientist to perform experiment science have to

depend on engineers to build and design laboratory equipment. Science is related to mathematics

because in science you have to accurately calculate or measurements, formulas and objectives.

Engineering is the ability to gain understanding of the real world though problem solving,

designing, and building things. Engineering and technology is related because both solve

problems in the real world. Engineering is needed in technology because engineers design tools

for technology to communicate, solve problems, and complete research. Engineering and

Mathematics is related because math is used to help design and develop new products

( Technology is when we use tools that can solve problems and do tasks.

Technology and mathematics is related because math is involved in every decision we make

( calculator we use to solve equations would be an example of

technology and mathematics. Mathematics is geometry, time, space, weight, and ratios basically

math is all around us tied into everything we do. Math also interpret results such as charts,

statistics, graphs, and probability.

SECTION 3: STEM is important because we use it everyday from waking up on the

morning until going to sleep at night. STEM impact our everyday life. Science affects us
everyday by simple things such as using light. Light is electromagnetic radiation. For example,

switching the light from off to on is electricity and that causes electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

Electromagnetic radiation consists of electromagnetic waves and spectrums its classified by

frequency and wavelength it includes; microwaves, radio waves, visible light, X-rays, and

gamma rays. Technology also have a very big role in our everyday activity. Technology helps in

various ways. The most popular is the use of cell phones. Cell phones allow people to explore the

internet, stay updated on weather and events, and communicate with each other through texting,

calling, emailing, video-calling and social media. Another way STEM impact our everyday

activity is through engineering. Engineers manufacture materials and products essential for our

modern society( Without engineers designs we wouldn't have bridges, buildings,

cars, buses, trains, bikes, shoes, and machines. Engineers design new and improved things so we

have a safe and easy life. The final way we our daily lives are impacted by STEM is through

mathematics. Mathematics is in every decision, situation, and movement we make. Mathematics

affect our daily lives because math is in everything such as cooking for accurate amounts,

cleaning estimating the of material that is needed, the distance between home and school, and

also counting money.

SECTION 4: Within STEM there are plenty of careers, but my interest is in Chemistry.

The requirements of chemist with a masters degree is required to complete 1 to 2 years of

college and with a doctoral degree is required 4-6 years of college. There will be numerous of

opportunities with either degrees such as Chemical Engineer, Chemical Technician, Chemistry
Professor/Teacher, Forensic Chemistry and many more. Chemistry is involved in all categories of

STEM. Chemistry is a branch of Science that studies matter, composition, and properties and

how/why substances combine or separate to for other substances (

Engineering is involved in chemistry because engineers design, develop, and test tools for

chemist to use. Engineers also produce devices such as microscopes, telescope, computers,

scales, and different shape beakers to make experiment easier. Technology is involved in

chemistry by manys of ways one example would be the equipment used in chemical labs.

Technology helps the chemist to perform procedures, complete research, and test materials

( Mathematical skills is applied in chemistry because without it calculations,

ratios, equation, and statistics would be inaccurate. A secondary career Im interested in is Health

Sciences and its also tied with STEM. Within the categories of STEM there dozens of careers

such as Nursing, Dental Hygiene, Dental Assisting, Surgical Technology, Pharmacy Technology,

Phlebotomy, Anesthesia Technology, or Emergency Medical Technology. Health Sciences is the

application to the real world of knowledge to improve health and patient centered health care,

and to ultimately improve the quality of life. Health sciences use of science, technology,

engineering, or mathematics in the delivery of healthcare. STEM and health sciences focuses on

the design and evaluation of medical-technological, behavioral, and organizational interventions

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