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Research Proposal

Puja Patel

Research Title
Healthcare Management: Is HIPAA Protecting or Providing Comfort?

Overview of Research
The research study revolves around the importance of medical records and their ability
to hold information about a patient for a long period of time. Medical records are created
by doctors, who add different types of documents and files in the records. Healthcare
managers implement technological innovation for hospitals and clinics. Medical records
influence patients and doctors because they expand upon the efficiency of treatment plans
and prescriptions. Electronic medical records are the most beneficial types of files
because they allow for images, cross-referencing, and specific details about treatment to
be included.

Background and History of the Issue

Many hospitals implement the use of paper medical records, which are less descriptive
and efficient as compared to electronic health records (EHR). A variety of research has
been conducted on the various types of medical records. The evidence reveals several
possible conclusions as to which format is the most advantageous for hospitals and
clinics, and most sources present electronic health records as the most effective for
doctors. Electronic health records provide doctors with the opportunity to cross-reference
the drug intake of the patient, which creates efficiency in hospital visits. The patients are
less likely to revisit the hospital for the same medical problem because the treatment
plans are more probable to result in a positive outcome. Some previous research suggests
that paper medical records are popular in the healthcare field, but they are not compared
to electronic medical records.

Many hospitals and clinics utilize electronic health records and keep updated systems.
Although this is true, many companies and healthcare buildings are not advancing their
filing systems to an electronic version, so this creates issues and discrepancies between
clinics and hospitals. Electronic health records allow doctors to follow-up with patients
due to a set reminder schedule and include images of body parts and detailed descriptions
of the patients visit.

Problem Statement and Rationale

Medical records are important for the healthcare field because they provide the ability to
centralize all of a patients files into a single folder. Doctors rely on health records
because they need information about intake of other prescription drugs while prescribing
medications and to conduct follow-up phone calls or appointments to understand the
outcomes of the given treatment plan. By researching this issue, hospitals and clinics are
positively impacted due to the innovation in the healthcare field. By concluding that
electronic health records are the most efficient, the healthcare management department of
hospitals and clinics advances and contributes to the future expectations of the medical
field, which will lead to a higher level of productivity and improvement. Following this,
patients will be treated correctly through cross-referencing. Recently, Obamacare has
impacted the healthcare field by implementing a cap on the amount of money that the
government subsidizes each hospital, which results in the need to plan for the costs
before the fiscal year begins. Legislation is restricting the money given to hospitals
because healthcare managers are required to expand the clinics within restrictions and
doctors need to provide effective treatment plans to patients the first they visit to lower

Research Methodology
Research Question and Hypothesis
What is the most efficient type of filing system for hospitals and clinics?
In comparison to paper health records, which does not hold the risk of
technological errors, vast amounts of expenses, and limited data storage space,
electronic medical records are more beneficial for hospitals and clinics because
they allow for cross-referencing, details about the outcomes of a doctors visit,
and a set reminder schedule to conduct follow-ups.

Basis of Hypothesis
The research hypothesis is mainly focused on the impact of the electronic health
record on the productivity of a hospital or clinic. Cross-referencing between
doctors provides information about prescription drugs to all medical professionals
so that a patient does not receive contradicting medications. Electronic medical
records contain detailed notes about the symptoms of a patient and the outcomes
of the doctors visit, as well as images of the important body parts that are
sustaining injuries or pain. A reminder schedule manages a doctors schedule by
notifying them about necessary follow-ups, which allows doctors to view the
results of the treatment plan. Electronic medical records will lead to innovation
and a high level of efficiency in the healthcare field.

Research Design
During this correlational research study, seven interviews will be conducted with
professionals in the field. The COO of the University of Maryland Medical
Center, creator of Epic, professional in electronic medical records, expert in paper
medical records, financial manager of Shock Trauma, financial manager of
Radiology, and a healthcare administrator will be interviewed to understand the
management aspect of healthcare. This research will be qualitative because
factual information will be provided through interviews with professionals in the
healthcare field.

Operational Definitions
Electronic Medical Record: A type of filing system that is kept on a computer through a
Paper Medical Record: A type of filing system that is kept on physical documents.
Medical Record: A technique for doctors to manage patient files and create a centralized
unit for each patient.

Product Overview
At the end of the year, a presentation will given to an authentic audience of healthcare managers
to advocate for an electronic health record. The primary research will be explained in further
detail by presenting factual evidence derived from the interviews. The final conclusion of the
study will be included in the final product. In addition, an article will be written to embed in a
local newspaper because patients must be informed about medical risks and their rights to hold
their personal medical records and information. This article will contain information about
HIPAA and the abilities of professionals to access patient information. Computer science and
hacking methods allow outsiders to gain information about people and understand the outcomes
of medications and current statuses of patients.

The audience will consist of healthcare managers, and possibly students taking courses for
business and healthcare at Howard High School, because they make an enormous impact on the
healthcare field through their positions in hospitals and clinics or their future standings in the
area. In the final product, the first slide will inform the community about the Intern/Mentor
course. The body will consist of the research hypothesis and the information found in the
primary and secondary research. Finally, the conclusion will be incorporated at the end to
generalize the given information and state the discoveries. The local community will benefit
from the knowledge included in the article because patients need to understand their rights.

Logistical Considerations
First, the primary research will require a recording device, paper, and pen. A computer will allow
for the transcribing interviews. A pen and paper are needed during the interview for taking notes
and writing down essential points. Although many materials are essential for completing the
primary research, they are attainable through a variety of ways.

Student Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _____________

G/T Resource Teacher Signature: ______________________________ Date: _____________

Mentor Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _____________

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