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Best Work

Throughout my years in high school, I have accomplished a multiple of achievements;

like becoming a member of the International Trade Education Program (ITEP), strengthening the
music academy at Carson High, and partaking in various organizations, like the Assembled
Student Body, and student operated clubs, like Go-Green. However, my greatest accomplishment
was completed in the fall of 2014. Tammy Bird, the head of the Environmental Science,
Engineering, and Technology department, took 12 selected sophomores on a journey to explore
the wilderness of the Teton Mountains at the Teton Science Center in Wyoming. Most of my
fellow peers, and occasionally Ms. Bird, forget that I was never a biology student in her class.
Either way, I was still asked to join her on the expedition to the Tetons.
I was not the best student coming into high school and the way I was introduced to Ms.
Bird was through her 0 period. How most teachers here at Carson see it, it was nothing too
special. This is where I began to be intrigued with the works of ESET. The amount of effort and
care teachers in this academy put into the school is far superior than anyone else or anything else.
I was in a different biology class my freshman year and I personally would say that it was harder
than honors biology. This class was ran by Mr. Kill, it was not that he was a terrible teacher, the
matter was that he got easily irritated by a slight annoyance of a teen so he filtered his anger to
everyone else by failing them. This was how I became more acquainted with Ms. Bird and this
led me to a different future.
In a moment of complete disappointment, some goodness always manages to find its way
in. This has occurred to me on multiple occasions throughout my achievements, especially
before the trip to the Tetons. Since Ms. Bird had basically become my biology teacher
throughout the entire year, I asked her for a letter of recommendation for a summer program at
UCLA, the Summer Math and Science Honors Academy (SMASH). To summarize it, this
program is a 5 week intense college level course to advance my mathematics and science skill,
but I was denied. This was, at the time, my greatest defeat, but there is always something great to
happen around the corner. The following school year I was asked to join Ms. Bird in the
Wyoming trip.
Pictures and awards are always nice to have as a momento or reminder, but when I travel,
I go for the experience. For one week in the winter season, two groups of 6 suburban 15 year
olds were sent to explore the surroundings and discover the unknown of the Tetons. Throughout
the week we learned about Leadership through Environmental Science by combining both
science and leadership to inspire ourselves to make change occur at home and had lessons about
the environmental impacts between a city and forest. We experienced temperatures below zero
degrees and the real snow, not the Big Bear snow. By the end of the week we were given the
task of a surprise presentation about anything that is recognizable in our surrounding
environment. Our group of 6 decided to study how the width of the water can change the
temperature of the creek and the life of the micro-organisms under the icy sheet. This is my
greatest accomplishment I have completed because I earned the best experience from complete
strangers who I gained relationships with and still communicate with till this day.

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