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ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 2017 2018
Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3
1 WBSETCL DINHATA- GIS 603 days 22-07-16 05-04-18

2 MILESTONES 583 days 22-07-16 16-03-18

3 Customer Milestone 447 days 22-07-16 30-10-17

4 LOA 0 days 22-07-16 22-07-16 22-07

5 Cleaarance for LUP 90 days 22-07-16 26-10-16 4

6 Drawing & Details of 50MVA Transformer 0 days 10-04-17 10-04-17 122 10-04

7 Supply of 50MVA Transformer-1 0 days 30-09-17 30-09-17 484 30-09

8 Supply of 50MVA Transformer-2 0 days 30-10-17 30-10-17 488 30-10

9 S&W Milestone 569 days 05-08-16 16-03-18

10 SUBSTATION MILESTONE 569 days 05-08-16 16-03-18

11 Civil Engineering Milestone 349 days 30-09-16 26-09-17

28 Electrical Engineering Milestone 340 days 05-08-16 22-07-17

37 Supply Milestone 449 days 05-08-16 15-11-17

53 Civil Erection Milestone 525 days 05-08-16 31-01-18

70 Electrical Erection Milestone 569 days 05-08-16 16-03-18

91 SUBSTATION WORK 589 days 05-08-16 05-04-18

92 ENGINEERING 393 days 18-08-16 26-09-17

216 PROCUREMENT 474 days 05-08-16 10-12-17
423 CONSTRUCTION 521 days 09-08-16 31-01-18

510 TESTING & COMMISSIONING 78 days 18-01-18 05-04-18

Task Project Summary Inactive Milestone Manual Summary Rollup Deadline

Project: Dinhata Schedule Split External Tasks Inactive Summary Manual Summary Critical
Milestone External Milestone Manual Task Start-only Critical Split
Summary Inactive Task Duration-only Finish-only Progress

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