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Teacher ID: 1393103 Teacher Name: JENNIFER QUIROS
School Year: 2016-2017 School Name/DBN: 10X085-P.S. 085 Great Expectations

In each observation, all components for which there is observed evidence must be rated. Each form must
contain lesson-specific evidence for each of the components observed during a classroom observation.

This observation was: (check one)

Formal Observation (full period) Informal Observation (15 minute minimum)

Date of Observation: 12/19/2016 Time/Period: 10:02 to 10:54

Component/Rationale for Score

1a (obs): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 3- Effective

The teacher displayed solid knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline
and how these related to one another. This was evidenced by the teacher
following the structure of a problem solving lesson. She read the problem to the
students twice, front loaded the vocabulary such as solution, had students work
independently on the task for 5 minutes, gave students an opportunity to work in a
small group with manipulatives, and facilitated a discussion during the share.
The teacher demonstrated accurate understanding of prerequisite relationships
among topics. This was evidenced by the teacher's choice of the math task. The
task focused the students on finding out if a given solution was correct or not. It
addressed a key fifth grade standard, Numbers and Operations in Fractions. This
lesson built upon student's prior learning of addition of fractions with like

1e (obs): Designing coherent instruction 3- Effective

Most of the learning activities are aligned with the instructional outcomes and
follow an organized progression suitable to groups of students. This was
evidenced as the students worked in groups to discuss their reasoning, challenge
each other's thinking and come to consensus on a solution to the problem.
The learning activities have reasonable time allocations; they represent significant
cognitive challenge, with some differentiation for different groups of students and
varied use of instructional groups. This was evidenced in the timing of the different
parts of the lesson. There was a 5 minute Private Work Time where students
explored the tasks on their own, a 25 minute Small Group Time, which was
followed by a Share/Discuss section where students analyzed their results as a
whole group. Within the lesson the teacher organized groups based on
assessment results partnering a higher level student with a mid level student. For
example, Walerin who has a better understanding of fractions worked with two

Last Revised: 02/13/17 1:18:35 PM By ekurppe

other students who, through her explanation fo the problem gained a better
understanding of the task.

2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport 4- Highly Effective

Classroom interactions between the teacher and students and among students are
highly respectful, reflecting genuine warmth, caring, and sensitivity to students as
individuals. This was evidenced as the teacher affirmed with excitement: student
contributions as she said, "I heard some really great thinking and solutions that
you are working on in your groups."
Students exhibit respect for the teacher and contribute to high levels of civility
among all members of the class.
The net result is an environment where all students feel valued and are
comfortable taking intellectual risks. This was evidenced a the teacher worked
with students. She reminded them to use their fraction pieces to represent the
fractions and had student come to understandings. For example, Alyissa said,
"When I put these pieces together I saw that I did not get a whole. I see that 4/8 is
the same as 3/6.

2d: Managing student behavior 4- Highly Effective

Student behavior is entirely appropriate. This was evidenced by the students
raising their hands during the whole group segments of the lesson and during
partner work as students took turns speaking. In addition, the students used all of
the lesson materials appropriately.
Students take an active role in monitoring their own behavior and/or that of other
students against standards of conduct. This was evidenced by the teacher saying,
"Show me what you are saying. So you think that when you put them together you
don't have a whole. Think about that and we will discuss it further."
Teacher monitoring of student behavior is subtle and preventive. This was
evidenced as the teacher used proximity with Wilson as he began to lose his
focus. In doing so he was able to refocus and engage with his partners.

3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 3- Effective

While the teacher may use some low-level questions, he poses questions
designed to promote student thinking and understanding. This was evidenced by
the following questions: ""What do you think about Tim's answer? If you put these
fractions together will you get 4/2? Explain to me. Who can explain what she was
The teacher creates a genuine discussion among students, providing adequate
time for students to respond and stepping aside when doing so is appropriate.
This was evidenced during partner work and during the share. The teacher asked
students, "What is different from Denzel's work. How is Chris' work similar to
Walerin's? How is it different? Explain to us."

3c: Engaging students in learning 3- Effective

The learning tasks and activities are fully aligned with the instructional outcomes
and are designed to challenge student thinking, inviting students to make their
thinking visible. This was evidenced with the choice of task that the teacher chose,
which encouraged students to evaluate an answer to find if it was correct or not.
This technique results in active intellectual engagement by most students with
important and challenging content, and with teacher scaffolding to support that
engagement. The teacher scaffolded student learning through the use of
manipulatives, students drawing models, students discussing what they thought as
they worked together on the task.

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3d: Using assessment in instruction 3- Effective
Students appear to be aware of the assessment criteria, and the teacher monitors
student learning for groups of students. This was evidenced as the teacher asked
students to represent their thinking using models, pictures, words, and equations.
Questions and assessments are regularly used to diagnose evidence of learning.
This was evidenced as the teacher asked students to explain their thinking and as
the students defended their thinking. This was particularly evident when students
were asked to find similarities and differences among others thinking.

4e (obs): Growing and developing professionally 3- Effective

Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development to enhance content
knowledge and pedagogical skill.
Ms. Quiros is learning more about the teaching of ELL's as she is currently
engaged in a Master's Program. During this lesson she incorporated the use of
cognates into the lesson and provided the students with many opportunities to use
language in conversations with partners.
The teacher participates actively in assisting other educators and looks for ways to
contribute to the profession. Ms. Quiros has opened her doors to her colleagues
to observe her practice with other bilingual teachers across grades.

Last Revised: 02/13/17 1:18:35 PM By ekurppe

Teacher ID 1393103 Teacher Name JENNIFER QUIROS


In this section of the form, evaluators should rate evidence for components 1a, 1e, and 4e that was
observed within fifteen (15) school days prior to the classroom observation as part of an assessment
of a teachers preparation and professionalism. Each form must contain teacher-specific evidence
for each of the components observed.

Component/Rationale for Score

1a (p&p): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy N/A

1e (p&p): Designing coherent instruction N/A

4e (p&p): Growing and developing professionally 3- Effective

Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development to enhance content
knowledge and pedagogical skill. This was evidenced during a PLC meeting when
Ms. Quiros introduced her colleagues to the upcoming Writing Unit. She created a
powerpoint of the important pieces of the unit, provided resources for the teachers
to use, and took the teachers through specific lessons within the unit.
Teacher actively engages with colleagues and supervisors in professional
conversation about practice, including feedback about practice. Ms. Quiros
participates will engage with her supervisor Ms. Kurppe about her practice. she
will present her thoughts about her lessons and asks for the opinion of her AP. In
addition, she works closely with her fifth grade colleagues on planning fifth grade
activities for the grade.

Additional Evaluator Notes (please attach more pages, as necessary):

Mrs. Kurppe appreciated the thoughtful conversation that took place following this observation. Stduents
were cognitively engaged in the lesson and the group work enabled students to push each other's thinking.
Ms. Quiros is to be commended for these strengths in her practice. Mrs. Kurppe is looking forward to future
visist to see the students grow further in mathematics.

As a next step Ms. Quiros is to begin her Math Blck with a 10 to 15 minute Number Talk to get the students
ready for Math.

Mrs. Kurppe will be in during the month of March to see a Math instructional lesson.

Teacher's signature: Date

(I have read and received a copy of the above and understand that a copy will be placed in my file.)

Evaluator's name (print): KURPPE, EILEEN

Evaluator's signature: Date

Last Revised: 02/13/17 1:18:35 PM By ekurppe

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