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Ruben Pascual

MALT 652
Dialectical Journal Entry #10
Week of May 1, 2017

What I Observed What I Think

Teachers need to try new strategies when This week I learned that taking risks and
things are not working out. trying new things as a teacher is important for
growth. Ive been having problems with a few
classes at one school for the majority of my
internship. I dont understand why but I feel
like I was holding myself back because I was
afraid of trying something new to better my
situation. I would talk to friends and
colleagues about my difficulties and they
would advise me. I never did anything with
the advice they would give me. I didnt think
anything would work.

I finally did try something new this week. I

created a seating chart for those problem
classes by randomly dividing the students into
4 groups/teams. I also developed a point
system so that I could encourage good
behavior. The classes in which I implemented
this new seating arrangement completely
changed. There is one class, in particular, that
I could never teach anything. I was finally
able to gain control of the classroom and
create a learning environment for that class. I
was finally able to teach them something in
depth because I had their attention. It is so
late in the game now. I only have 4 more
weeks before my internship ends, but I feel
more confident in trying new things. I feel a
little ashamed that it took me so long to try
something new. I should have implemented
this seating arrangement from the start.

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