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Course: Reading Language Arts

Year: 2017-2018

Grade 3

Unit 1: UNIT TITLE: Launching Readers Workshop Approximate Time

Frame: 3-4 of Weeks

Students will review types of genres and comprehension strategies through teacher selected books. Habits of
learning that will be reinforced include independent reading, expectations for the students role working in a small
group and participation in whole group lessons. Selected books will highlight authors craft and make a strong
reading-writing connection.

Unit 2: UNIT TITLE : True Friends and Family are a Gift Approximate Time Frame:
4 of Weeks

This unit will help students understand how authors reveal character through dialogue and actions. They will identify
character traits and discuss how characters interact with each other in varied situations. The stories highlight how
characters differences enable them to work together to solve problems.

Standards Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RL.3.3 Key Ideas Authors create Elements of The Gigantic Characters

and Details: characters with story: character, Turnip by
How do character difference s for a setting, problem, Alesksei Tolstoy Setting
Describe traits help the reason. events, solution
characters in a reading Events
and conclusion.
story and understand a Solution
describe how characters Uncle Jeds
their actions actions or That character Barbershop Genre
contribute to the responses to traits are Identify a theme
identified By Margaree Realistic fiction
sequence of events? Mitchell
events. through dialogue
and action. Fantasy
Identify the
genres realistic
How do fiction and Mama Panyas Folktale
characters folktales by Pancakes
RF.3.3 interaction affect Characters specific features. Compare
the outcome in a interact with By Mary and Rich
RF.3.4 each other in Chamberlain Contrast
RL.3.1 varied ways. Trait
Use illustrations
RL.3.4 to enhance Font
understanding of
RL.3.9 That characters text Teamwork
W.3.4 enable them to Collaboration
work together to
W.3.5 solve problems. Compare/contras Perseverance
SL.3.1 Problem solver
Characters in a
SL.3.1 That characters story. Community
from different
cultures share
L.3.2 common traits. Compare/contras
t characters from
different texts
and genres.

Identify character

Unit 3: UNIT TITLE: Honor Your Country

Approximate Time Frame: 4 of Weeks

In this unit students will read information texts about presidents, patriotism and character qualities of honesty and
integrity. Students will be required to identify relevant main ideas and details and paraphrase in order to summarize
the lives of historical figures.

Standards Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RI.3.2 Key Ideas What actions That authors can Identify main So, You Want to Summary
and Details suggest that a use humor to ideas. Be President?
leader is present Main idea
Determine the honorable? information. By Judith St.
main idea of a George Detail
text; recount the Identify key
details. Key detail
key details and
explain how That text Sequence
structure affects Honest Abe
they support the
main idea. the meaning of Identify the By Edith Evidence
information theme. Kundardt
presented in the Informational text
RF.3.3 Biography
Cite evidence Abes Honest Poetry
RF.3.4 that supports the Words
That information theme.
RI.3.1 Poem
comes from a By Doreen
RI.3.3 variety of sources Rappaport Poet
and genres.
RI.3.4 Sequence main Paragraph
ideas for
RI.3.5 summary. Paraphrase
That information
W.3.2 is organized in Theme
specific ways.
W.3.4 Summarize Humor
information in
W.3.5 informational
W.3.7 text.


SL.3.1 Paraphrase




Unit 4: UNIT TITLE : Reading is a Gift/Education is a Privilege Approximate

Time Frame: 3 of Weeks

Students will summarize fictional text including the theme, moral or lesson. They will locate evidence from the text,
including examples of what characters say and do, in order to support the theme, moral or lesson. Students will read
text that support the idea that learning/education is a privilege.

Standards Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RL.3.2 Key Ideas How do authors That text Identify story Rubys Wish Dialogue
and Details convey the structure affects elements
importance of the meaning of By Shirim Yim Conversation
Recount stories, education across information
determine the Description
cultures, genders presented in text. Cause and effect
central and ages? Tomas and the elaboration
message, lesson Library Lady
or moral and Quotation marks
explain how it is Story can be told Sequence By Pat Mora
conveyed through dialogue. Lesson
through key
Theme The Wednesday
Stories are told in Surprise Theme
a sequential
order. By Even Bunting Cause and effect
RF .3.
Main idea
There are various Foktale
ways to convey Authors
message Myth
RL.3.3 an idea.
RL.3.4 Conclusion

W.3.2 Cause and effect Synonyms Figurative

relationships language
W.3.5 within the text
move a story Simile
SL.3.1 Paraphrasing
forward. Synonym
SL.3.3 Summarize a
There are many story
L.3.1 ways to convey incorporation
an idea theme.



Unit 5: UNIT TITLE Author Study: Nicola Davies, Informational Text Approximate
Time Frame: 4 Weeks

In this unit, students will read multiple works by one author to understand the concept of the authors style. They
will learn to use the features of informational text to construct meaning and share information about a topic.
Students will create a project that demonstrates their understanding of new learning.

Standards Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RI 3. 2 Key Ideas How does the Specific features Identify topic, Nicola Davies Content
and Details organization and help the reader main idea and Author Study vocabulary
features of understand details specific to each
Determine the informational text informational topic
main idea of enhance text.
text; recount the Bat Loves the
understanding? Cause and effect Night (anchor
key tails and
explain how text) Glossary
they support the Non-fiction
authors have Rubbish Town Contents
main idea. Identify a Hero (common
many styles and particular text-read aloud Caption
purposes. authors style. chapter book)
RF.3.3 Labels
The Tiny Turtle
RF.3.4 Bolded text
Informational Identify and Sharks
RI.3.2 text can be explain craft Bullet
biased toward an used in Extreme Animals
RI.3.4 Diagram
authors point of informational Whats Eating
RI.3.7 view. text You? Definition

W.3.2 Index

W.3.4 Genre: How to read/use: Summary

W.3.5 text Tabl Point of view
e of
W.3. contents Perspective
SL.3.1 Authors can be sary
identified by the Capt
crafts they use ions
SL.3.4 repeatedly in a Lab
body of work. els
L.3.1 Bold
ed text
L.3.2 Bull
eted lists

Unit 6: UNIT TITLE : Follow Your Dreams Approximate Time Frame: 4 of Weeks

Students will read and discuss stories in which the main character persevere to reach a goal or fulfill a dream. They
will identify the theme and cite evidence that supports a theme. Students will explore character development and
identify the traits that enable characters to accomplish their goals.

Standards Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RL 3.9 How do authors That stories Compare/contras Peppe the Theme

Integration of demonstrate the reflect real world t Lamplighter
Knowledge and theme through the problems and Genre
Ideas characters issues By Elisa Bartone
actions and words Note-taking from
Analyze how and the events in Point of view
two or more video and text
the story? That readers Town Mouse and
texts address Country Mouse Town
similar themes identify with
or topics in characters and Identify character By Jan Brett Country
order to build How do characters their problems traits
overcome Goal
knowledge or to
compare the obstacles or
Salt in His Shoes persevere
approaches challenges to in That reading can
order to follow Identify theme
authors take. help people solve By Delores Jordan
their dreams? problems

Text to text
That there are
RF.3.4 many ways to
RL.3.1-RI.3.1 solve problems
Identify cultural
RL.3.2-.RI.3.2 and historical
RL.3.3-RI.3.3 Similar themes
can be presented
RL.3.4-RI.3.4 in different
genres Identify point of
W.3.4 view/perspective








Unit 7: UNIT TITLE : Coming of Age

Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks

Students will read and discuss stories in which the main characters encounter life-changing events. Students will
determine the turning point in a characters life (or the story) and explore the impact of that change on a characters
life. Students will identify how characters respond to challenges and summarize fictional text.

Standards Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

How do characters That character Those Shoes by Challenges

respond to actions help the Maribeth Boelts
RL3.2 Key Ideas challenges in reader Identify and state Obstacles
and Details: stories? understand what the theme within
a summary Tone
Recount stories, is important to Down the Road
determine the the character. Narrative
central How does the By Alice Schertle
Find evidence Transition
message, lesson reader understand
or moral and what the That theme is that support the Vocabulary
explain how it is character has revealed through central message Dance on a specific to
conveyed learned? characters Sealskin content text
through key dialogue and
details in the actions. Describe how By Barbara Sequence
text. characters Winslow
respond to Cause and effect
RF.3.3 That tone Theme
supports the
RF.3.4 theme. Central
Identify the message/main
RL.3.1 lesson or moral idea
RL.3.2 in a story.
That the same 1st person
RL.3.3 theme can be
presents by 3rd person
RL.3.4 different authors Cause and effect
and text.

W.3.5 Sequencing
Cause and event
W.3.10 relationships
move a story Paraphrasing

SL.3.3 Summarizing
Literature reflects
L.3.1 real world
problems and
L.3.2 issues

L3.5 Readers can

identify with
characters and
their problems

Unit 8: UNIT TITLE Discrimination and Celebrating Differences

Approximate Time Frame: 4 Weeks

Students will read stories that are centered on the Asian American experiences. This unit supports a grade level
social studies unit about Japan. The stories in this unit present the narrators/characters perspective. Students will
discuss how perspective influence the story. Students will be encourage explore their own perspective.

Standard Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RL 3. 6 Describe How does the Individual see Identify the The Bracelet Narrator
how a narrators narrators speaker and understand narrator (1st
or speakers point of view things differently. person, 3rd By Yoshiko Point of view
point of view influence how the person) Uchida
influences how central message
events are of the story is Perspective is Opinion
described. told? based on what Describe the Heroes
Distinguish your Prediction
someone knows narrators By Dom Lee
own point of or has perspective First person
view from that experienced.
of the narrators Third person
or the Bicycle Man
characters. Describe how Distinguish
New experience perspective By Allen Say
or learning can changes from the
cause beginning to the
RF.3.3 perspective to end of the story.
RF.3.4 change

RL.3.1 Identify the

RL.3.2 Narrators can be events/s or
persuasive reasons that
RL.3.4 caused the
RL.3.9 r to change.
Point of view is
W.3.2 the manner in
which a story is
W.3.4 told (1st or 3rd Identify fact and
W.3.5 person) opinion

W.3.7 Creativity is
SL.3.1 through talents
WL.3.4 and problem




Unit 9: Rocks and Minerals

Approximate Time Frame: 2 weeks

Students will read informational text that supports the concepts taught in grade 3 science unit: Rocks and Minerals.
Students will learn how to use text features (e.g. maps, diagrams, charts, illustrations) to enhance meaning of
informational text.

Standard Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RI.3.7 How does The study of Understand National Informational text

Integration of studying rocks geology impacts cause and effect Geographic Kids:
Knowledge and and minerals our everyday life. relationships. Ultimate Explorer Sequence
Ideas benefit people? Field Guide Evidence
Use information Rocks and Process
gained from Recognize a Minerals
illustrations (e.g. specific sequence Geology
That information that describes a
maps, is organized in
photographs) process or event. Geologist
specific ways. by Nancy
and the words in Honovich hardness
a text to
demonstrate Use text features luster
understanding efficiently
of the text. sedimentary

Text features particles

help the reader Locate specific
RF.3.3 locate information translucent
information. within the text. diamond

RI.3.1 opaque
Illustrations can Draw conclusions metalic
RI.3.3 enhance from information
RI.3.4 understanding of presented in the igneous
text. text.
RI.3.5 metamorphic

W.3.2 transparent
Illustrations may Determine the
W.3.4 include meaning of fracture
information not content and
W.3.5 cleavage
found in the text. academic
vocabulary. quarry







Unit 10: UNIT TITLE Author Study: Cynthia Rylant

Approximate Time Frame: 3 Weeks
Students will explore multiple texts by one author. They will identify the writing craft and illustrations particular to
Cynthia Rylant.

Standard Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RL3. 9 What does the Authors may Compare/contras Author Study: Imagine
Integration of reader learn by express a point t Cynthia Rylant
Knowledge and reading many of view about Describe
Ideas books by one their topic. Point of view Anchor books:
author? Lets Go Home
Compare and Craft
contrast the Compare/contras The Wonderful
themes, setting Authors can be Differ
What crafts can identified by the t perspective Happen
and plots of
stories written be attributed to crafts they use Long Night Moon Rotate
by the same one author to
build recognition Identify authors Night in the Figurative
of a body of work? craft and purpose Country language
That a body of
knowledge can Snow Sens
RF.3.3 be built by ory
reading the Figurative language
RF.3.4 works of one language Simi
author le
RL.3.1 Allit
RL.3.4 Descriptive Met
language aphor

W.3.2 Compare

W.3.3 Contrast

W.3.4 Perspective

W.3.5 Point of view

Authors craft
W.3.8 Mmoire








Unit 11: UNIT TITLE : Celebrate Creativity (optional)

Approximate Time Frame: 4 of Weeks

Students will read two stories and one poem that highlight the ways in which creativity is expressed and celebrated.
Students will identify the characters /narrators perspective and explore how creativity enriches their lives and
enables them to solve problems.

Standard Essential Enduring Skills Content Vocabulary

Question Understanding

RL 3.6 Craft and How does the Creativity is Identify Amazing Grace Point of view
Structure reader understand expressed perspective
what is important through talents, By Mary Hoffman Perspective
Distinguish their to a character and point of view and
own point of Turing point
how the problem solving. Find evidence
view from that characters I am an Artist Creative
of the narrator that
perspectives demonstrates
or those of the impact their By Pat Lowery Creativity
characters. Individuals see perspective Collins
actions? and understand Reaction
things differently.
RF.3.2 Identify the most Gallimoto
How does important part of Narrative Poetry
creativity impact
RF.3.4 our lives? Perspective is the story By Karen Sensory
based on what Williams. language
RL.3.1 someone
experiences and Tone
RL.3.2 Identify the
learns/ feels as a turning point in a
RL.3.3 result. story

RL.3.9 Events in the Text to text

story can change comparison
W.3.1 a characters

W.3.5 Understand
sensory language

Identify tone






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