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Teodor Konakchiev

Group IV
Fac. No. 26081
Vocabulary Assignment 2
(based on A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess)

make + N
make a suggestion
"How about you putting me in for this thing, sir, if I may make so bold as to make the
make the best of
"But one of the chassos came back to say that he had to make the best of it and share
a bunk with whoever would let him, otherwise it would have to be the floor. "

V + truth
tell the truth
"So my dream had told truth, then."

assume + N
assumed responsibility
"21 is the symbol for human maturity, or used to be, since at 21 you got the vote
and assumed adult responsibility."


SF idea
idea a plan for action; a formulated thought or opinion; whatever is known or
supposed about smth; an entity (as a thought, concept, sensation, or image)
actually or potentially present to consciousness
"Dim not ever having much of an idea of things and being, beyond all shadow of
a doubting thomas, the dimmest of we four."
notion an individuals conception or impression of smth known, experienced, or
imagined; a theory or belief held by smb; a personal inclination
"My book was Kennedyan and accepted the notion of moral progress."
SF think so/not be sure
presumably by reasonable assumption; very likely
"Readers of the twenty-first chapter must decide for themselves whether it
enhances the book they presumably know or is really a discardable limb."
suppose to lay down tentatively as a hypothesis, assumption, or proposal; to
hold as an opinion
"He looked at me with very cold glazzies like I had become a thing and was no
more a bleeding very tired battered chelloveck. "I suppose I'll have to be in court
tomorrow." "
SF offend
insult a rude or offensive act or statement
"I got this like picture in my mind's glazzy of this insulting chelloveck howling
for mercy with the red red krovvy all streaming out of his rot [...]"
SF embarrassed
awkward lacking ease or grace; causing embarrassment
"A very awkward thing, son. He got into a bit of trouble with the police and was
done by the police."
SF make visible
show to cause or permit to be seen
"And then a top millicent came in with like stars on his pletchoes to show he was
high high high, and he viddied me and said: "Hm." "
exhibit to show or display outwardly especially by visible signs or actions
"To exhibit you at public meetings will be a tremendous help."

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