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Cecilia Pitchford

6th period

Part 3
My first rule is No interfering with the teaching and learning of others. An article that supports
this rule is "Green_eyed_gal." Keep Your Hands to Yourself.....Aaarggghhhhh!! N.p., n.d. Web.
09 Sept. 2016. I chose this article because it correctly goes over why each student should
understand why interfering with others or the teacher can be very disruptive in the learning
process of the classroom.

My second rule is Respect others. An article that supports this rule is

"NGSS Life Science." How to Create a Safe Classroom Environment Using Respect. N.p., n.d.
Web. 09 Sept. 2016. I chose this article because it describes how being respectful to others can
benefit both you and the other person.

My third rule is Follow directions. An article that supports this rule is

"Why Is It Important to Follow School Rules?" Reference. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. I
chose this article because it explains why students should follow direction and if not these
student who aren't following direction should get consequences. ( referral, detention, etc)

My fourth rule is Come to class prepared. An article that supports this rule is
"University of the Sciences in Philadelphia." Class Management- Teaching Tips. N.p., n.d. Web.
09 Sept. 2016. I chose this article because it talks about class management, and in order to have
proper class management each student should be prepared and on time to class.

My fifth rule is finish assigned work on time. An article that support this rule is
By the End of Class the Students' CPA Answers Are Dated, Having Been Used and Responded
to in Class. We Simply Scan the CPAs for Whether the Student Showed a Good Faith Effort.
"How to Get Your Students to Come to Class Prepared." Faculty Focus Higher Ed Teaching
Learning. N.p., 2015. Web. 09 Sept. 2016. I chose this article because it explains why students
should finish work on time and how effective it is to have work done on time instead of waiting
last minute.

Concise Essay
I picked those five rules, because they would go well with my classroom. These rules will
contribute to success and an orderly environment for learning new materials.Students will
understand the learning process in a better way, Students should know what to expect and
understand tasks given at hand. I will make my classroom as easy and fun as it can be for each
and every student with my rules.

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