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REVEALED: Discover 12 Powerful Energy Tools You Can
Apply InstantlyTo Raise Your Vibration And Clear Your
Manifesting Blockages Allowing You ToFinally Accept
Everything The Universe Sends You From Love To

Message from the Publisher of Love or Above

Are you satisfied with your ability

to attract or manifest?
Seminars. Classes. Hatha Yoga. Transcendental Meditation. Article after
article. Hours of listening to a personal growth guru talk, talk, and talk.

Chances are youve tried one of these or maybe even all of them.

Maybe theyve helped. Youve attracted some of the things you want in life, but if
youre like 99% of the rest of the world you have plenty more goals you want to
accomplish, tons more wealth to be created and a lot more joy to be had.

Perhaps youve invested your money, but are waiting on returns.

Maybe you have a car, but not the one you wanted.

Maybe youve got a great job, but its not your dream career.

Perhaps your healthy, but youre not as fit as you want to be.

In other words, youre stuck in a manifesting rut. Youve hit a level that may be
above average, but it is not nearly where you want to be or know you can be.

The reason for this is not because you havent worked hard enough or you havent
attended enough seminars, and its not that you havent tried enough things.

Its because you havent tried raising your vibration.

Ill say that again because its so important. You havent tried raising your vibration.
The sole reason why you are where you are is because youre vibrating at the
average human level of 207 on a scale that reaches 1000.


Founder of Love or Above

Christie Sheldon is an Intuitive Healer and Medium. She connects to the Infinite
realm to shift, change, and transform peoples lives. She has worked with over
20,000 Clients and demonstrates these talents on the Radio and in Seminars.

The Vibration Scale & Why This Understanding

willshape the way we view the world
Even at the tiniest level, Quantum Mechanics has discovered that atoms and sub-
atoms are in fact composed of packets of energy. Now, leading research on human
consciousness is showing that this energy vibrates on a Scale.
The Vibration Scale operates on the discovery that each human emotion has a
vibration in the exact same way that matter does.

Heavy emotions like Fear, Anger or Shame vibrate at low frequencies. But
feelings like Love, Joy and Peace vibrate at high, uplifting frequencies.

One of the most interesting things discovered about energy is that your energetic
frequency can affect the energetic frequencies of those around you. For example,
one person operating at a level of 500, which is Love, can lift 750,000 other people
to the level above 200.

Further supporting evidence, done by many other researchers and Universities,

shows that its not just other people you can affect with your vibration but also
other objects and even your reality!

DID YOU KNOW Your Energetic Frequency Influences

the Reality Around You?

Numerous other studies have shown that a conscious or sentient being, like a
person, can change what happens to another object by affecting that objects
energy. Dr. William Brauds research is one such study with very compelling

Dr. Braud and his colleagues at the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio
designed and conducted some of the most ingenious and rigorous bio-PK
experiments (Bio-PK is the study of how psychokinesis affects other biological

One of Dr. Brauds many experiments showed that people could slow down the rate
that red blood cells die in a lab dish. Though the effect was small, the results
proved significant beyond chance and were replicable by other scientists. This
proved that our thoughts and energy directly affects the things around us!
A Simple Shift in Your Energetic Frequency Can Have
an Instant andDramatic Impact On EVERY Aspect of
Your Life
You see, its not just other biological organisms that peoples energetic frequency
can affect. People can also positively or negatively affect the energy of objects. A
stone in the room of a negative person for example, vibrates lower on the Scale
than say a stone that is in the room of a Zen Master.

Another fascinating research study that shows evidence of people affecting the
energy of objects, is the famous one done by Dr. Masaru Emoto.

In his spectacular study, Dr. Emoto took water and exposed it to different objects
environments. What he did was project a thought onto a glass of water, or put the
water next to a specific object. Then the water was frozen and the resulting water
crystals were observed under the microscope.

Amazingly, when a glass of water had a piece of paper with a written word of high
energetic frequency like Love stuck to it, the water crystals formed beautiful
patterns that were pure in color and in perfect symmetry.

Your life is the same.

After all, your body is made up of mostly water. It is involved in every bodily
function, and makes up 70- 75% of your total body weight. Your thoughts are
having a direct influence on your body. This we know, but the larger picture is that
your thoughts are having a direct influence on everything in your life. What do you
think happens to you when your thoughts and energy are primarily set to those of
Love or Above?

Yes, your vibrational frequency will attract emotions and physical manifestations of
things that vibrate at the same frequency.

If your energetic frequency is low, youll be attracting into your life disruption and

But if you shift your energetic frequency to higher levels, youll start attracting a life
that serves you, one aligned with your true, whole self. Life will suddenly become
so much easierand youso much happier.

Now, while we still dont have the specifics of how this works, the important thing is
that the evidence clearly shows that it does work. Just knowing how to shift your
energetic frequency to harness this power into your life is what really matters.
Heres a shocking fact. If Enlightenment is at a level of 1,000 The average
human only vibrates at 20% of that.

Vibrating at 20% is just the beginning. Like I said earlier, this is the level where a
person reaches an awareness that their thoughts and actions influence their reality.
However, there is still much more to go before you can become an instant attractor
of your desires.

Historical figure like Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Abraham
Lincoln operate at 70%
The most important level of consciousness is at the 500 level, which I have called
Living from Love or Above. This includes vibrating from Love (50%), Peace &
Compassion (60%) and everything else above towards higher consciousness.
Once a person opens their awareness to this level, theyll begin to experience an
entirely different life.

Does it come as a surprise to you then, that the average human being is
vibrating at 20% of their full potential? Is it any surprise that millions of people
around the world dont know how to get out of feeling stressed, anxious, sad, and
fearful leaving them unable to move forward toward truth and fulfillment?

The Choice Is Yours: Do You Want To BecomeA

Magnet For Your Desires Today?
The real truth is, its so easy for anyone to change their lives if they simply choose
to connect to their true purpose and raise their vibrational frequency. Believe me,
Ive done over 20,000
personal consultations, and Ive seen some spectacular changes in people when
they simply choose to vibrate at higher frequencies.

Thats why its my highest joy to help people raise their vibrational frequency to
Love or Above. Im really happy that youre here with me today, and Im as excited
to be able to reach out to you as you are excited to discover how you can easily
shift your energetic frequency.

Shifting to vibrations of Love , Joy, Peace & Compassion, Enlightenment and

beyond isnt just an exercise for the mind, it is a total life shift that engages
the HEART and the SPIRIT.
My highest joy is to help peopleraise their vibrational frequency

Christie on stage during live Event in San Diego

How do I Raise My Energetic Vibrations?

The Answer is Simple :

Use These Tools to Make The Shift
After conducting over 20,000 personal consultations, I know exactly what tools and
techniques are required to raise your vibrations for success and joy. These tools
and exercises are so easy anyone from 1 to 100 can benefit from them. Theyre fun
to use and I know youll look forward to them everyday. All you need is your energy.

But before I go straight into these spiritual tools, I want you to take a look at how
your life will change when you make the Shift from Lower Self to Infinite Self.

The Shift in Your Love Life


Push away true love: In vibrations of guilt or shame, youll push away the love of
your life from coming into your reality. Your vibrations may also push away the love
that is given to you from someone already present in your life.

Unfaithful lovers or other fears come true: Whatever your greatest fear is, your
vibrations will attract it. For example, if you fear your partner is unfaithful, then your
partner will cheat on you.

Tug of War: At levels of anger and/or pride, your vibration attracts a Tug of War
relationship based on Give or Take. Youll then attract drama, and fighting
becomes a central part of your relationship.


Attract true love: You will allow the love of your life to enter into your reality, or it
will further deepen the connection with the love you are with. If the one you are with
is not aligned with your true self of purpose, you will joyfully attract one that is.

Unconditional love: You will attract a relationship filled with unconditional love,
where you cherish each other for who you both truly are with trust and respect.
Generous love: A higher vibrational relationship takes on a more generous
viewpoint to lovingly give, which is healthier, happier and more balanced than a
Give or Take relationship.

What this means to YOU:

When you learn to shift your energetic frequencies to Love or Above you will
experience a richer, more fulfilling, and more enrichingand lasting love life.

The Shift in Your Wealth & Abundance


Struggle to make ends meet: You associate struggling or being poor with
nobleness and holiness. This vibration of guilt automatically shuts the flow of
money to you and you attract hardship, or find it difficult to make ends meet.

More pain, but no gain: Your vibrations send out the message that there isnt
enough money to go around, and so you attract a situation where you end up
working harder and harder and yet seem to move nowhere.

Win & lose: You make lots of money but it stems from anger or pride, such as if
you came from a poor family and youre set to prove that youll never be poor. This
vibration acts as an attractor for anger in some part of your life, like relationships or
poor health. It may also attract an ongoing cycle where you make a lot of money
and then lose it all, then once more make a lot of money only to lose it again and


Abundance constantly flows in: The flow of money is open to you because you
know that money is neither good nor bad, its just energy that helps you facilitate
freedom, generosity and compassion.
Able to serve your life purpose: You understand that high vibrations you attach to
money will serve your purpose, whereas attaching negative vibrations like fear or
judgment to money will not serve your purpose. For example, Mother Teresas high
vibrational frequency manifested millions of dollars into her reality, which she chose
to give away to serve her life purpose.

Money is orchestrated for your benefit: Money comes into your life generously
and is perfectly orchestrated for your benefit. You are able to receive money and
facilitate what you want to do in your life without frustration and insecurity.

What this means to YOU:

When you learn to shift your energetic frequencies to Love or Above you will be
able to easily attract money to meet your needs, desires and purpose.

The Shift in Your Career & Job


Stress, burnout and relationships strained: At guilt or shame, you send out the
vibration that you dont deserve more or that youll just settle for the path that
societys expectations have programmed into you. You then attract a job that hurts
your heart and diminishes your life source. This can often lead to burnout, stress,
and can even affect your family and closest loved ones.

Stuck in a rut: You stay in an unfulfilling job that doesnt serve you and so your low
vibrations shut out greater possibilities from entering your reality.


You are living your joy: The job you do is the kind of job that you would do even if
it didnt pay you money, or you would continue doing it anyway even if youve
already earned all the money you need.
You are on a guided path that serves you: Even if you are job-hopping, each
stop joyously contributes to your personal growth and purpose. Every step feels
like the right thing for the moment, and you are not stuck in a place where you feel
you have no direction or fulfillment.

What this means to YOU:

When you learn to shift your energetic frequencies to Love or Above you will be in a
career that fulfills you and your family. Your job turns into your passion. And your
passion becomes your mission. If youre currently not in a fulfilling job, expect
change and opportunity to start coming your way.

The Shift in Your Relationships


Disconnected and distant: Past emotional baggage and negative vibrations stuck
in your programming could push away your spouse and/or children from connecting
deeply with you.

Your family walks on eggshells around you: Your vibrations will send out
feelings of control and manipulation, pushing everyones buttons and causing them
to be reactive to you. You end up attracting tense relationships with your children,
spouse, parents, siblings and other loved ones.

Hold back your loved ones from happiness Energy cording is strongest in families,
so your low vibrations can bring down your familys happiness and joy, even if they
are not physically around you or have no reason to be feeling upset


Deep connection and lifetime bond: Your children, spouse, parents, siblings and
other loved ones are drawn toward you. The deep connection and lifetime bonds
are easier. Even if your loved ones have issues that block them from being close to
you, youll feel clear about their choice.

Solve problems and diffuse fights: Your high vibration gives you a birds eye
view when your children or your spouse come to you with a problem, and you are
able to find solutions that serve everyone.

Raise your family consciousness: Your high vibrations can also lift the low
vibrations of those close to you, making them happier and more joyful, simply by
being in their livesand simply by just being YOU!

What this means to YOU:

When you learn to shift your energetic frequencies to Love or Above, you will have
more joy, more love, more peace and more laughter with your spouse, children,
siblings, parents and your closest loved ones.

The Shift in Your Health


Expensive medication and a burden to your loved ones: You accumulate long-
term chronic pain or disease caused by stuck or stagnant energies of low vibration.
Stress, unhealed heartache and anger can be lodged in body systems. Medication
can serve as temporary relief and maybe not a permanent cure, unless you release
these energies. This can become very costly for your wallet, and even become a
burden upon your loved ones.


Happier, healthier, longer life: You are aware of how to clear stuck or stagnant
energies of low vibration. This allows your bodys natural
healing abilities to take charge. Your body is then arranged for good health and
naturally eliminates ailments and diseases. You significantly reduce your chances
of disease, and lead a happier, healthier, longer life.
What this means to YOU:
When you learn to shift your energetic frequencies to Love or Above you will be
able to enjoy life to the fullest, without being held back by common aches and pains
or disease. Your body heals itself more rapidly and you no longer look your age.

Go Beyond Vision Boards or Affirmations, These New

Tools Can Now Bring this State of Supreme
Healing, Connection and Abundance into Your
Life within Weeks

When you begin operating from your Infinite-Self at vibrations of Love or Above,
youll experience profound transformation in ALL areas of your life. Youll laugh.
Youll cry. Your life will changein the blink of an eye.

I know this because Ive found that choosing to live my life intuitively at Love or
Above is the only way that I can live and be truly happy.

If you choose to do the same, then Im really so happy for you! And Im happier to
be able to share with you all the tools and techniques that Ive used to shift my life
into higher vibrations :)

So here it is

Introducing Your Spiritual Toolkit

A Powerful Set of Energetic Tools and Techniques
toRaise Your Vibration to Love or Above
To accelerate your connection to higher vibrations, I have specially handpicked a
selection of Energetic or Spiritual tools which Ive seen are the most powerful and
transforming in my 15 years of experience. Some of the tools are exercises, some
are Guided Meditations, and some are visualization techniques.
But what each share in common is the fact that when applied into your life, they
provide you with a quick and sometimes instantaneous way to shift your energetic
vibrations to higher levels.

Tool : Muscle Testing

Make the Right Decisions at All Times
Have you ever wanted a reliable tool to help you get answers to big life questions
such as, Should I take this job?, and Is this the best school for my childrens
personal growth?

This technique now allows you to quickly and easily get answers. Muscle testing is
based on the fact that our bodies are tapped into a higher intelligence at a subtle
level. High energy causes a different response in our muscles than lower energies.
By learning to distinguish these responses you can ask yourself a question such as
Is he/she the right partner for me? and get an intuitive pulse on whether the
answer is yes or no. Imagine how this can change the quality of your decisions in

Muscle Testing

Tool : How to Ask Life-Changing Questions

Learn the Simple Questions That Can Open UpA
World of Possibility
You know whats so amazing about children? Theyre always asking questions and
growing! But as we get older society starts to box us into levels of thinking and
societal constructs that range from the absurd to the harmful. And we stop
questioning things as often. This has probably limited your possibilities and
awareness of your true purpose.

Thats why questions are the biggest door opener, but youve got to ask the right
questions in the right way! Only then will you get new awareness, new answers and
new opportunities. This essential guide shows you exactly how to ask the right
questions and receive the right answers, so you move towards a life that serves

Life-Changing Questions

Tool : The Wisdom Meditation

Connecting to Your Infinite-Self
Are you feeling lost or not sure what to do? Maybe youve got a problem at work
that you dont know how to solve. Or maybe you just need a little inspiration or pick-

This 30-minute guided meditation connects you to your Infinite-Self. Tapping into
your higher self will give you the answers you seek, fill you with inspiration and
allow you to harness those parts of yourself that you rarely use. Best of all, the
more you connect to your Infinite-Self, the happier you become!
Wisdom Meditation

Tool : Connecting to Your Guides Meditation

Getting Support from a Higher Power
This tool is a favorite for many! When you open your awareness and connect to
your Guides, youll get access to answers and guidance previously closed to you.
You also start to find elegant synchronicities appearing in your life : unexpected
phone calls, chance encounters, and opportunities falling into your lap.

The greatest thing about connecting to your Guides is they will know exactly what
unique spiritual gift youll need at this point in your life, and theyll
generously supply you with your very own spiritual gifts and opportunities to help
you overcome obstacles and move towards a life of purpose.
Connecting to Your
Guides Meditation

Tool : The Energy Detox

Cleaning up Negative Residual Energy from
Your Being
Were always picking up energy from around us during our day. You could pick up
negative energy in the subway on your commute, or maybe somebody is mad at
you and youve received the negative energy they directed at you.

Thats why, just like taking a shower, its important you routinely clear energy. This
exercise clears your energy field of emotional scars and negative energy that you
picked up along the way, clearing low vibrations and maintaining your energy levels
in positive fields. It results in you feeling more energetic and powerful and radiant
as you go through your day.
Energy Detox

Tool : Energy Radar

Becoming Immune to the Negative Energies of
Those Around You
What if the majority of your thoughts in your head are not actually your own
thoughts? Maybe youve stopped at a red traffic light and suddenly feel annoyed,
even though youre not running late. You could actually be picking up on the
negative energy of the driver behind you whose running late!

Because your body often picks up on lower energies coming from someone else,
this could unnecessarily be holding you down. So Ive put in this technique which
will help you identify the true source of negative energy, and show you how to
release and return the energy with blessings and love.
Energy Radar

Tool : The Cord Cutting Meditation

Removing Old, Unresolved Energy Patterns that
No Longer Serves You
Energy cords are very present within families and are often from negative
emotions like fear, anger and worry. Energy cords holding you back often come
from ex-partners or ex-lovers. We form these energy cords with anyone weve
had an intense encounter with, whether sexual or anger. Some cord are good, but
many are negative and keep you tied energetically to people you may want to let

Thing is, whatever trauma or main event that happens in your life will leave a mark
in your energy. And if its negative, it can act as a kink in your future manifestation
if you dont clear them. This 30-minute meditation cuts the old, unresolved energy
that your body is begging you to release.
Cord Cutting Meditation

Tool : Vision Board Energizer

The Next Level in the Vision Board Exercise
Im sure you know that a vision board is a very powerful tool to recreate your life,
right? Well, if it hasnt really been working for you, then its probably because
youve attached negative energy to the vision board. For example, a creeping doubt
or self-esteem issue is preventing you from fully embracing something on your
board. Maybe you desire a perfect relationship, but have self-esteem issues that
secretly make you fear commitment. Its time to energize your vision board to clear
away these blockages.

This power-boosting exercise will quickly align higher vibrational frequencies with
your vision board, so you can have the reality of your choosing.
Vision Board Energizer

Tool : Key to Self-Mastery

How to Manifest Your Desires, Faster and More
Ever feel like sometimes you just get lucky, and sometimes you dont? Or that
sometimes what you visualize manifests, and sometimes it doesnt? Well, there is a
way to be lucky all the time.

This exercise helps you uncreate and destroy the viewpoints that are not working
for you. At the end of it, youll get clear about what it is you truly desire in life. If
theres one thing you need to truly master life, this is it.

When you practice this exercise, its no longer going to be hit or miss. Youll be able
to choose a life you love and then simply allow it into your existence!
Key to Self-Master


Tool : Getting into Your Heart Space

Creating a Calm, Cool Confidence to Stride
Towards Your Dreams
When things get stressful, when people are relying on you to make quick decisions,
or perhaps when youre simply feeling overwhelmed, its time to connect to your
heart space. The heart center is the point of awareness where feelings and energy
are. It is a space of consciousness and not just an organ that pumps blood. In its
highest energy form, the heart space has the quality of peace and light.

This tool helps you tap into your heart space and center your inner self by helping
you connect to the source of your awareness in its purest form. Youll come out
feeling calm and revivedand able to tackle the challenges that lie in your way.
Getting into Your Heart Space


Tool : Blessing Ball of Light

Learning the Art of Giving Blessings
Imagine if you could hold in your hands a ball of light, and in this ball of light you
can put in all the goodness that you can imagine. From happiness to joy,
forgiveness to productivity and anything else your heart can imagine, this glowing
ball of light will grow bigger and bigger with each blessing. And then whoosh!
you can project this radiant energy vibration into your heart, or you could even send
this energy to someone elses heart, like your loved ones or children.

Well, you dont have to imagine anymore because this is the Blessing Ball of Light.
Remember, you are a creator capable of creating your life, and with this tool you
can make changes to your day, or someone elses, ahead of time.
Blessing Ball of Light


Tool : Spiritual First-Aid for Families

Spiritual First-Aid for Families
Energy cords between family members are the strongest, and the level of your
family consciousness will have a great affect over you, vice versa. Ive put in this
tool because I know how important it is to simultaneously help raise your family
consciousness to vibrations of Love or Above.

These tools and blessings will help you heal relationship wounds, create stronger
bonds, enhance intuitive communication and deepen the connection you have with
your loved ones and those who really matter to you.

Spiritual First-Aid for Families

Thats not all you can further lock in yourenergetic
frequencies at vibrations of Love or Above using:

Light Contract: A proven declaration to make the Universe aware of your

intentions so it can support you in every way

Attitudes of Gratitude Journal: 3-Step guided action plan to double your

energetic frequency

Truth Detector: Recognizing your true intuition

Fear-Buster: What to do if fear or anger show up

Space Cleanser: Instantly suck out negative energy out of any space or

Intuitive Awareness Questionnaire: Supplements the Life-Path Optimizer

to help you recognize the right answer
Companion Workbook
This workbook goes hand-in-hand with the toolkit to lift your vibration easier
and faster.

The step-by-step practical exercises also have additional tips, examples and
information to strengthen your understanding as you progress through each

Dont Decide Now Take All The Time You NeedAnd

Try Love or Above For A Full 30 Days.
Each copy of Love or Above comes with a triple guarantee and peace of mind

Guarantee 1# : QUALITY
Youll notice the highest level of quality in every aspect of this program, from the
detailed and structured way each technique and lesson is delivered, to the highly
personalized attention, right down to the audio clarity of the call. We pride
ourselves on bringing you the best product we possibly can, but if youre unsatisfied
for any reason, simply email us for a prompt and courteous refund.
Guarantee 2# : POWERRESULTS
If listening to the modules, following the workbook and using the spiritual tools has
not created a significant positive change in a weak area of your life, write to us and
a Personal Success Coach will be specially assigned to you and will give you free
tips and inspiring ideas to help you experience quality results. If youre still not
satisfied, you will still get a full refund.
Guarantee 3# : HAPPINESS
You will start to walk with a bounce in your step. Flashes of elation and well-being
may sweep over you at unexpected moments, and as your chest expands with a
swelling sensation, you may want to take deep, satisfying breaths. If using Love or
Above doesnt spill this type of happy-for-no-reason into your daily life, simply
contact us. We will offer you the opportunity for free personal guidance or a full
refund. The choice is always yours.

We want you to take your time when deciding whether Love or Above is right for
you. Thats why were giving you the chance to try it for 30 days risk-free.If you
decide its not the right approach for you for any reason, simply drop an email to tell
us that youre sending it back and you will receive a prompt and courteous refund.

Yes, Show Me How To Raise My Energetic Frequency!

Bonus 1

In-depth InsightsIntimate Interviews with

Christie Marie on the FuturePurpose of
Humanity and Your Role Today

Join me in these eye-opening intimate interviews as I look into the future purpose of
humanity and the role you play. The 3 interviews youll get to enjoy are:

Raising Conscious Children

Raising Conscious Children

2012: What it Really Means to Your Energy & Life Purpose

Bonus 2

Love or Above Transcript SeriesTranscriptions

in PDF for All Modules & Bonus Interviews
I want to make sure that every learning style is supported, so I want you to have the
transcripts of all the modules where Im teaching you how to use your Spiritual
Toolkit. You can choose to listen, read, or do a combination of both! Simply do
whatever suits your learning style the best.

Order Today &

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