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Who is the enemy in the White House? They are the synagogue of satan.

Revelation 2:9
...And I am aware of the slander of those who falsely claim to be Jews, but are in fact
a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though
they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet..


90% of today's Jews are NOT of Hebrew decent. They come from the line of Noah's
son Japheth, his son Gomer, and his son Ashkenaz. They call themselves Ashkenazi
They are Khazarians who converted to Judaism in and around the 7th century AD.
Their "holiest" book is NOT the Torah, but the Babylonian Talmud. They worship the
Kabbalah, lucifer. They do not deny ANY of this, so I am not making accusations, I
am simply pointing out a truth that has been there all along. Christians have been
deceived!! Deceived into thinking that the Jews who occupy Palestine today are in
fact, God's chosen people. They are NOT. They are those that claim to be Jews
(Hebrews) and are not. The Hebrew people of the bible never went anywhere. They
still occupy the land of Judea and Samaria today. They have, since the destruction of
the temple in 70 AD. They are the Palestinians. The old testament prophecies about
the people returning to their homeland (the dry bones) was fulfilled when the
Hebrews returned to Palestine after their captivity in Babylon. The Israel you see
today is a counterfeit. The TRUE land of Israel will be restored when Yeshua returns.
It will be inhabited by every nation, tribe, tongue, and people... us.

The 'Jew' lie is one of the greatest deceptions of all time. Did you know that the
word 'Jew' is not even in the bible? The original word was 'Yehuwdiy' or 'Judahite', of
the tribe of Judah. The translation was changed from 'Yehuwdiy' to 'Jew' in 1775.
One reason why I only use the 1611 King James Authorized version of the bible, the
original. It was written so that anyone could understand it. But look at how many
translations of the bible there are today. Coincidence? NO. Verses have been
removed, words changed, and meanings altered. This is exactly why Yeshua said to
watch so that you are not deceived! But Christians stopped watching. They just
went along with whatever they were told and never questioned anything. That is
exactly how the tares got in!

Christians, you need to WAKE UP! Why are you listening to false teachers in the
pulpits? Don't you know that it was the Jews who paid Scofield to print the bible that
would spread this lie throughout the entire United States of America? It began with
the Charismatic and Evangelical movements. BEWARE OF MOVEMENTS!!

It is these false Jews that will be responsible for ushering in the antichrist and the
beast system. They will be responsible for the deaths of millions of Christians during
the tribulation. Unfortunately, the Lubavitch movement has already infiltrated the
US government, Congress, and now the White House. Donald Trump is a Jew, and so
are his children.

In 1991, George H. W. Bush signed into law, the Talmudic Noahide Law. This law
states that anyone who blasphemes the god of the Jews (the antichrist) will be
punished by beheading. It is now legal to kill Christians in the United States by
guillotine. Look it up. It is HJ Res. 104 and please read this article, it explains
everything...The Government Can Now Legally Kill Christians

Please understand that satan is a counterfeit. Everything he does mirrors what God
does. If Yeshua was a Hebrew, or according to them, a Jew..then you can assume
that the antichrist will also be Jewish. He may even use the name "Jesus". Yeshua
said, "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come
in his own name, him ye will receive." He will probably also fulfill every prophecy in
the Torah about the messiah. That's how deception works.

(There is some debate about the name "Jesus" and how it was translated, which is
why I use the Hebrew name, Yeshua. I certainly don't want to be accidentally using
a pagan name for my Savior.)
Sorry for making this so long, but I love my brothers and sisters in Christ and don't
want to see any of them fall for this deception. The bible says that GOD sends a
powerful delusion, not the devil.
2 Thessalonians 2:11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that
they will believe the lie.
(I am not saying that this is THE lie, but it certainly is ONE of the biggest I've ever
seen. There are others, but that is for another day.)

Please take some time to do some research on this. I promise you, it'll be worth it.
Don't be deceived. Truth is hard to grasp when you've believed a lie for so long. You
just have to be willing to accept it. Trust me, I know. I only started waking up a little
over a year ago. My job now is to try and help others wake up too. I pray that God
will open your eyes and ears, and that you will be blessed.

In Christ,

Here is a written documentary called "The Thirteenth Tribe" by Arthur Koestler, a

Jew who witnessed the REAL holocaust of 10 million Ukrainian people, by the
Bolshevik Jews, the Holodomor famine in 1932-1933

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