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Differentiation / Considerations

Sports Carnival
Aspergers Child practice running around the oval. Ensure program provided to parent/student a
couple of days prior to event. Use positive pressure only comments like have a try. Pre-
teach/explain what Good Sportsmanship is, what it looks like, sounds like and feels like to give
and receive encouragement and congratulations.
Refer parents to this website:

Assembly Participation NAIDOC Week Item

As discussed at team meeting dated 12.5.14:
GATS paired with Physically impaired students could share-read the Indigenous story and ESL /
Aspergers / low vision / low sight students could do actions / use symbols to assist in story telling
up in front of the assembly. This ensures all students are participating in a way adapted to need.

Building a simple robot using a toy:
(This was the link about making a toy into a robot could link in with our toy lesson).
Simple Circuit Lesson Idea:

Coding Activities:
Students with Additional Needs:
Board Game called Robot Turtles teaches children the basics of computer programming and
coding skills without a computer.
Bits & Bytes card game that assists develops logical thinking process together with concepts
like debugging and functions.
Excellent site to assist parents to understand what coding is and links to activities:

ESL Students: Teaching ESL through coding engages students in conversation as they
create stories and other applications.

A simple coding language is needed, a language that is easy to learn and intuitive. The students
need to focus on creating a program, not stressing over or being confused about how to use the
coding language. The coding needs to result in success and not become an exercise in failure.
Scratch is an excellent language for this activity. It is easy to learn, friendly, students drag and
drop commands so they don't need to worry about the spelling and syntax that the programming
language uses, and it is free.

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