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o Maksud :
- Language .. can be defined simply as a formalized
method of communication consisting of
(1) the signs and symbols by which ideas can be
represented, and
(2) the rules governing these signs and symbols
Language occurs among a community of language
users, which means that the person expressing the
linguistic message and the person or persons receiving
it must have shared meanings attached to the message

- implies a transfer of knowledge, ideas, opinions, and
feelings. Most often this transfer is via language.
However, there are other means. For example, body
language can be a powerful tool of communication.

- Speech .. is the vocal or spoken production of
language and, as such, is the fastest and most efficient
means of communicating. It may be defined as the
motor production of speech sounds (i.e., the
individual consonant and vowel sounds). Speech
sounds have rules governing their use and combination.
Motor production involves the movements made by the
various parts of the body in order to produce sound
waves that travel through the air, eventually impinging
upon the listeners ears. Motor production of speech
sounds will be referred to as articulation.

Oyer, H.J., Hall, B. J. & Haas, W. H. (1994). Speech, language and hearing disorders :
A guide for the teacher. pp. 6 7. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

D. Komponen Bahasa :

o Fonologi : peraturan berkaitan sistem bunyi bahasa

o Semantiks : aspek berkaitan maksud perkataan dan

kombinasi perkataan

o Sintaksis : peraturan berkaitan penyusunan perkataan

supaya menjadi perkataan yang membawa
maksud tertentu.

o Morfologi : berkaitan dengan tambahan prefixes dan

suffixes kepada perkataan supaya makna

o Pragmatiks : berkaitan penggunaan bahasa dalam

konteks social untuk tujuan yang tertentu

E. Bahasa Reseptif :
- kemahiran memahami bahasa yang diterima
secara lisan : kemahiran mendengar
secara tulisan : kemahiran membaca

F. Bahasa Ekspresif :
- kemahiran menyampaikan mesej dengan penggunaan
secara lisan : kemahiran bertutur
secara tulisan : kemahiran menulis

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