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To whom it may concern,

Having the opportunity to complete my student teaching as an intern from the University of

Redlands has been beneficial to me as an educator because I am gaining valuable teaching experience I

will use for the rest of my career. I have experience as a long term substitute teacher, have strong

classroom management, and am willing to go above and beyond to make sure I am the best educator I can

be. Since February 2016, I have been the long term substitute teacher for a 7th grade World History class

at Chemawa Middle School in the Riverside Unified School District. I started substitute teaching in

November 2012, right after I graduated from the University of California, Riverside. I have learned a lot

of classroom management strategies from substitute teaching that I use in the classroom I am currently

long term substituting in. As a long term substitute, I plan, prepare, and implement daily lessons. I work

closely with all the history department teachers to discuss each unit and ask any questions I may have

about the material I teach. I also try to observe other history teachers if they are teaching the same

material before I teach it in my classroom. I also voluntarily attend all department collaboration meetings

and staff meetings to ensure that I am well informed about school goals, announcements, and all other

school related information that is given to the permanent teachers. I understand that being an educator to

young students is a great responsibility that will require patience and determination inside and outside of

the classroom. I am determined to be successful as an educator and determined to be a life long learner

who continously developed my teaching throughout my career.


Diana Noriega

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