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// Arup Guha

// 9/27/00
// Program Description : Implements a simplified version of the game
// minesweeper. The user must clear off squares
// one by one, and is not allowed to mark bombs.
// Any time the user hits a bomb, they lose, just
// like the original game. Play will halt if all
// non-bomb squares have been cleared, and the player
// is declared the winner in this situation.

// Edited on 5/28/08 to change language from C++ to C.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

const int SIDE = 8; // side length of the board

const int NUMBOMBS = 10; // number of bombs on the board
const double EPSILON = 0.001; // Tolerance so adjacent bombs get counted properly.

void printboard(char[][SIDE]);
int numberbombs(int,int,int[][2]);
int domove(char[][SIDE], char[][SIDE], int[][2], int, int, int*);
void getbombs(int[][2]);
void getmove(int*, int*);
int valid(int,int);

int main() {

int gameover = 0; // used to check if the game is over or not

char uncovered_board[SIDE][SIDE]; // board that stores the location of all

// the bombs and numbers of adjacent bombs.

char current_board[SIDE][SIDE]; // stores the current board as it should be

// printed out.

int totalmoves; // stores the total moves left for the user before they win.

int i,j;
int x,y;

int listbombs[NUMBOMBS][2]; // stores (x,y) coordinates of all bombs.

srand(time(0)); // Seed the random number generator.

// Initialize the current board.

for (i=0;i<SIDE;i++) {
for (j=0;j<SIDE;j++) {
current_board[i][j] = '_';
uncovered_board[i][j] = '_';

// Randomly choose where the bombs will go.


// Place the bombs onto the board.

for (i=0;i<NUMBOMBS;i++)

totalmoves = SIDE*SIDE - NUMBOMBS;

// Continue playing until the game ends.

while (!gameover) {

// Get a move from the user.

printf("Here is the board : \n");
printf("at 7 1 when get move is %c\n", current_board[7][1]);

// Execute that move.

gameover = domove(current_board,uncovered_board,listbombs,x,y,&totalmoves);

// Check if they have won.

if ((!gameover) && (totalmoves==0)) {
printf("Great! You win!!!\n");
gameover = 1;

return 0;

// Pre-condition: Nada
// Post-condition: x and y will be set to the values of the coordinates that
// the user desires to uncover on the board.
void getmove(int *x,int *y) {

// Read in move.
printf("To enter a move for row 2 column 3 type 2 3\n");
printf("Enter your move, (row column) -> ");
scanf("%d%d", x, y);

// Re-read if invalid.
while (!valid(*x,*y)) {
printf("Sorry those aren't valid coordinates. Please try again.\n");
printf("Enter your move, (row column) -> ");
scanf("%d%d", x, y);

// Pre-condition: The character array passed into the function must be a

// square 2 dimensional array with each dimension of size
// SIZE.
// Post-condition: The board passed into the function will be printed out
// exactly according to the characters stored in the array.
void printboard(char board[][SIDE]) {

int i,j;

// Print out side labels.

printf(" ");
for (i=0;i<SIDE;i++)
printf("%d ", i);

// Print out actual board.

for (i=0;i<SIDE;i++) {

printf("%d ", i);

for (j=0;j<SIDE;j++)
printf("%c ",board[i][j]);

// Pre-conditions: Both character arrays are squre 2D arrays with each

// dimension of size SIZE, the first dimension of the
// list of bombs array should be of size NUMBOMBS,
// row and column must represent the row and column of
// the player's move, and totalmoves must equal how many
// more squares the user must uncover before winning.
// Post-conditions: The procedure will execute a single move in the game
// and make the necessary changes to the auxiliary
// data structures to ensure the game runs properly following
// the move.
int domove(char board[][SIDE], char realboard[][SIDE],
int listbombs[][2], int row, int column, int *totalmoves) {

int i, j, num;

// Take care of the case that the user loses.

if (realboard[row][column]=='*') {

for (i=0;i<NUMBOMBS;i++)

printf("Sorry, you lose!\n");
return 1;

// Take care of the case that the user chooses a square already chosen.
else if (board[row][column]!='_') {

printf("That square as already been cleared, try again!\n");

return 0;

// Execute a normal non-losing move.

else {

// Calculate the number of adjacent bombs, and place this number on

// the regular board.
num = numberbombs(row, column, listbombs);

// Cast is to make sure we store a character in the array.

// If there are no adjacent bombs, we can recursively clear.
if (num == 0) {

// Loop through all adjacent indexes to the current square.

for (i=-1;i<2;i++) {
for (j=-1;j<2;j++) {

// We only want to clear this new square IF it hasn't

// previously been cleared, so check that first.
if (valid(row+i,column+j) && (board[row+i][column+j]=='_'))
domove(board, realboard, listbombs, row+i, column+j, totalmoves);

} // end-if num==0

return 0;

} // end else

// Pre-conditions: None
// Post-conditions: Returns 1 iff the coordinates given are within the bounds
// of the gameboard.
int valid(int row, int column) {

// Check four possibilities for an invalid coordinate.

if (row < 0) return 0;

else if (row >= SIDE) return 0;

else if (column < 0) return 0;

else if (column >= SIDE) return 0;

// If we get here we're good.

else return 1;

// Pre-condition: The size of the first dimension of listbombs is NUMBOMBS,

// and row and column indicate where the user last moved.
// Post-condition: The function will compute how many bombs are adjacent to
// the square the user desires to uncover.
int numberbombs(int row ,int column ,int listbombs[][2]) {

int i;
int count = 0;
for (i=0;i<NUMBOMBS;i++) {

// Check each bomb one by one against the square to uncover.

if ((abs(row-listbombs[i][0])<=1+EPSILON) && (abs(column-listbombs[i]
[1])<=1+EPSILON)) {

return count;

// Pre-condition : The size of the first dimension of listbombs is NUMBOMBS.

// Post-condition: The function will randomly select the appropriate number
// of bombs and place them on the board, storing the
// information in bomblist.
void getbombs(int bomblist[][2]) {

int i;
int help;
int curbombs[SIDE*SIDE];

for (i=0; i<SIDE*SIDE; i++)

curbombs[i] = 0;

// Keeps track of number of bombs currently placed.

i = 0;

// Continue until all random bombs have been created.

while(i<NUMBOMBS) {

help = rand()%(SIDE*SIDE);

// Only add the bomb if it is not a duplicate.

if (curbombs[help]==0) {

bomblist[i][0] = help/SIDE;
bomblist[i][1] = help%SIDE;
curbombs[help] = 1;

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