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Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam

Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

1. A study was carried out to determine the relationship between the diameter of a molecule and its
movement through a membrane. The graph below shows the results of the study.


Relative ability to move

through a membrane

0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
Molecular diameter / nm
[Source: Knox, et al., Biology, Mcgraw Hill, Sydney, 1994, page 65]

(a) From the information in the graph alone, describe the relationship between the diameter
of a molecule and its movement through a membrane.





Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

A second study was carried out to investigate the effect of passive protein channels on the
movement of glucose into cells. The graph below shows the rate of uptake of glucose into
erythrocytes by simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion.

400 facilitated diffusion
Rate of glucose uptake / 300
mmol cm 3 cells hr 1 250
50 simple diffusion
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
External concentration of glucose / mmol dm 3

(b) Identify the rate of glucose uptake at an external glucose concentration of 4 mmol dm3

(i) simple diffusion; .........................................


(ii) facilitated diffusion. .........................................


(c) (i) Compare the effect of increasing the external glucose concentration on glucose
uptake by facilitated diffusion and by simple diffusion.







Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(ii) Predict, with a reason, the effect on glucose uptake by facilitated diffusion of
increasing the external concentration of glucose to 30 mmol dm3.




(Total 9 marks)

2. The electron micrographs below show mitochondria in longitudinal section. The mitochondrion
in A is from a bat pancreas cell and that in B is from a mouse liver cell.



[Source: Tribe and Whittaker, Chloroplasts and Mitochondria, (1972), 31, pp 2829]

(a) Annotate the micrographs to show two similarities in the structure of the mitochondria.

Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(b) The mitochondria differ in size. State two other differences that are visible in the

1. ..........................................................................................................................

2. ..........................................................................................................................

(c) Predict, with two reasons, which of the mitochondria would have been able to produce
ATP at a greater rate.





(Total 7 marks)

3. (a) Distinguish between diffusion and osmosis.




(b) Explain how the properties of phospholipids help to maintain the structure of the cell
surface membrane.





Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(c) State the composition and the function of the plant cell wall.




(Total 5 marks)

4. The electron micrograph below shows part of several pancreatic islet cells.


Storage vesicles



Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(a) Identify the structures labelled I, II and III in the micrograph above and give a role for
each one.

Structure Role

(b) (i) Using the letter A, identify one location on the micrograph where transcription
takes place.

(ii) Using the letter B, identify one location on the micrograph where chemiosmosis

The large, black vesicles store products of the cells that are released into the capillaries of the

(c) (i) Suggest what product each cell is likely to be making.


(ii) Explain how the products are transported from the site of production and released
from the islet cells.






(Total 9 marks)

Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

5. (a) State the typical size of

(i) a bacterium; ......................................................................................................


(ii) an average eukaryotic cell. ...............................................................................


(b) Explain the importance of the surface area to volume ratio in limiting cell size.






(Total 4 marks)

6. (a) Distinguish between the terms resolution and magnification when applied to electron





Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

The electron micrograph below shows part of a cell.

[Source: M Turmaine, UCL]

(b) Identify the structures labelled I and II.

I ................................................................................................................................. .

II ................................................................................................................................ .

(c) State one function of the structure labelled II.


(d) Deduce, with a reason, whether this cell is eukaryotic or prokaryotic.


(Total 6 marks)

Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

7. According to cell theory all cells arise from pre-existing cells. The following diagram shows
the cell cycle of a eukaryotic (body) cell of a diploid organism.


(a) Define the term diploid.



(b) Identify the parts of the cell cycle labelled A and B.

A .................................................................................................................................

B .................................................................................................................................

(c) State three activities that occur during part A of the cell cycle.





Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(d) Outline the differences in cytokinesis in animal and plant cells.






(e) Explain the significance of complementary base pairing in relation to the cell cycle.








(Total 10 marks)

8. (a) Define osmosis.



Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(b) Outline how transport occurs across membranes by facilitated diffusion.





(c) Explain how the properties of phospholipids help to maintain the structure of cell




(Total 6 marks)

9. (a) List two functions of membrane proteins.

1. ..........................................................................................................................

2. ..........................................................................................................................

(b) Oxygen (O2 ) moves across the membrane by diffusion. Define the term diffusion.



Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(c) Potassium can move across the membrane by passive or active transport. Distinguish
between active transport and facilitated diffusion of ions.





(d) The hormone insulin leaves the cell by exocytosis. Describe the process of exocytosis.




(Total 6 marks)

10. (a) Explain how the surface area to volume ratio influences cell sizes.








Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(b) State one function for each of the following organelles.

(i) Ribosomes


(ii) Rough endoplasmic reticulum


(iii) Golgi apparatus


(c) Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in regards to three different features.

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

1. ........................................................... ...........................................................
........................................................... ...........................................................

2. ........................................................... ...........................................................
........................................................... ...........................................................
3. ........................................................... ..........................................................
........................................................... ...........................................................
(Total 9 marks)

11. (a) State two processes which involve mitosis.




Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(b) Explain the importance of the surface area to volume ratio as a factor limiting cell size.








(c) State one difference between the proteins produced by free ribosomes and those produced
by ribosomes attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.


(Total 6 marks)

12. The diagram below shows the structure of a cell.

(a) State the names of I and II.

I: ...........................................................................................................................

II: ...........................................................................................................................

Topic 1 (Old Curriculum) Past Exam
Data and Short Response QUESTIONS

(b) Calculate the actual length of the cell, showing your working.

Answer: ...................................................................................................................

(c) State the function of the structure labelled III.


(d) Deduce which type of cell is shown in the diagram, giving reasons for your answer.






(Total 7 marks)


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