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I am Dralian. I have recently been nominated to uphold the

position of Deputy Director of National Intelligence, which I
have been working to achieve once again for a while now. I am
honored to have even received this nomination, and thank you for
your time to read my speech. Let me start off with my
Executive Branch:
Intelligence Community:

1)Former DDNI
2)Former CIA D
3)Former NSA D (acting)
4)Former NSA DD
5)Former USCC D
6)Former FBI SAIC
7)Former SSO Commissioner
8)Former APNSA
9)HICOM in every IC agency
1)Former Secret Service Director x2
2)Former Secret Service Deputy Director x3
3)Former DSCA Director
Legislative Branch:
1)Former Representative x3
2)Former Speaker Pro Tempore
3)Former Clerk of the House
Judicial Branch:
1)Former Attorney
2)Former Federal Judge
3)Former Public Defender
Moving on, I want to bring forth some of my plans to
further the Intelligence Community:
(a) Throughout the 2 years I have been in the
Intelligence Community, I have witnessed
firsthand the ups and downs. Being witness to
that, I have learned ways to counteract these
struggles, which I hope shall benefit the
entirety of the Intelligence Community. During
my first day, I have already gone down to certain
agencies experiencing these struggles, and told
them what I expect and what I WANT from them.
This way, we can ensure each agency is up to
required standards.
(b) I have recently applied for Director of National
Intelligence in the SurpriseParty campaign. In
my application, I emphasized that a key for
success is transparency. We want the American
people having TRUST in their Intelligence
Community that we are keeping them safe.
Therefore, I want to further the communitys
transparency, and to do so I plan on establishing
an even better Press Secretary system in the
community, who will host weekly press conferences
regarding the community. This will allow people
to voice their concerns regarding the
Intelligence Community & give general feedback.
(c) My final plan going on this document is a bit
more complex, yet agreed on upon the community.
Once again, a plan of mine that was in my
application for the SurpriseParty campaign, which
was called: Operation Formatting. This idea goes
as follows:
- A format document will be sent to each HICOM
member of an IC agency whom can propose
operations. They will fill out the document as
follows, and send it as normal. However, this
idea benefits organization, and ensures that
agencies fill out a legitimate document for
operations and dont just start it bluntly.

Court cases I have been involved in:

I know that these plans dont seem like a lot, however,
I can ensure that they will further the progress of the
Intelligence Community for the better. I can also
ensure that if more plans are brought up, that the
Congress as an entirety will be notified.

Thank you for your time,

Deputy Director of National Intelligence Nominee,

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