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Analysis of the therapeutic effect of sulpiride on individual symptoms of so-called major depression

Analysis of the Therapeutic Effect of Sulpiride

on Individual Symptoms of so-called Major

Leszek Tomasz Ro The aim of the study was analysis of therapeutic effects of sulpiride in
individual symptoms of endogenous depressive syndrome, an attempt of
Central University Teaching Hospital general assessment of the therapeutic effectiveness of sulpiride in endo-
with Polyclinic, genous depression, comparison of therapeutic effects of sulpiride in mild,
Armed Forces School of Medicine, medium and severe depressions. Sulpiride is a good, effective drug in
Independent Public Health the treatment of endogenous depression. Its effect after administration
Care Institution, is very rapid and the drug is relatively save it produces few mild
Department of Neurosurgery with complications, frequently including galactorrhoea and amenorrhoea in
Outpatient Clinic, women. Most of benzamide derivatives exert a rather selective effect on
Warsaw, Poland dopaminergic transmission in mesolimbic structures, demonstrate a high
affinity to D2 receptors and, to a lower extent, to D1 receptors, and
some newer benzamide derivatives also to 5-HT2 and 5-HT1A recep-
tors. Pharmacologically, sulpiride is a selective dopaminergic receptor,
namely a D2 and D3 receptor antagonist. Sulpiride selectively blocks
the above-mentioned types of dopaminergic receptors. It is an excep-
tionally hydrophilic drug and not lipophilic as most drugs of this type
are. It causes no strong extrapyramidal symptoms which could result
from D2 receptor blockade in the corpus striatum and which are the
equivalent of catalepsia in animals.
Key words: sulpiride, major depression, therapeutic effects, depression
intensity, galactorrhoea, amenorrhoea

INTRODUCTION thor wrote that the drug is indicated in affective

Sulpiride, an atypical (14) neuroleptic from the
2. Benkert O, Holsboer F (7) used sulpiride in
group of benzamides, exerts antiautistic, stimulating
endogenous depressions in 150 mg daily doses. Ac-
effects. It has also a positive influence on produc-
cording to these authors, low sulpiride doses exert
tive symptoms of psychosis. It shows antidepressant
activity. Analysis of many papers on sulpiride action an antidepressant effect in both severe depression
encouraged the author to use this drug in the treat- and in its milder forms.
ment of endogenous depression. Sulpiride has been 3. The drug exerts an evident antidepressant
unpopular among psychiatrists in the treatment of effect (4).
endogenous depressive syndromes. Nevertheless, 4. Standish-Barry HM et al (6) compared the
numerous reports demonstrate the beneficial effects effects of sulpiride and amitriptyline in patients with
of this drug in endogenous depression. Here are the diagnosis of major depression. Sulpiride demon-
some of them (4): strated an antidepressant effect equivalent to that
1. One of Polish authors (5) stressed in one table of amitriptyline. The assessments were performed
a strong antidepressant effect of sulpiride. The au- after 4, 6 and 12 weeks of treatment. The Hamilton
scale and the Wakefiled depression self-assessment
scale were used. Only in the 24th week of treat-
Address for correspondence: Leszek Tomasz Ro, ul.
Zabociska 6 m. 55, 01-697 Warszawa, Poland. E-mail: ment amitriptyline showed a statistically significant advantage over sulpiride (6).

ISSN 13920138. A c t a medica L i t u a n i c a . 2003. T. 10, Nr. 3

Leszek Tomasz Ro

5. Bocchetta A et al observed patients with bi- verse effects. It has been regarded by some psychia-
polar affective disease treated with lithium prepara- trists as the safest neuroleptic (5).
tions, in whom a recurrence of major depression Sulpiride has been introduced to treatment of
developed. The effects of L-sulpiride and amitrip- psychoses in 1968 (12). Generally speaking, it be-
tyline were compared. It was found that the antide- longs to psychotropic drugs (13), more precisely to
pressant effect of L-sulpiride was equivalent to that the group of neuroleptics of a cyclic structure (3,
of amitriptyline in the 4th week of treatment. For 4). It is an atypical new-generation neuroleptic with
the assessment, the Hamilton Depression Scale was unique pharmacological properties and a very wide
used. In a sulpiride study, it was demonstrated that spectrum of clinical use (11), belonging to the group
the onset of antidepressant action of sulpiride was of benzamide derivatives (4).
more rapid than that of amitriptyline. A significant Benzamide derivatives administered in intramus-
improvement after sulpiride was demonstrated in the cular injections are rapidly absorbed and after 10 to
first week of the treatment. This included somatiza- 20 minutes reach their peak concentrations in blood.
tion of anxiety, depressive mood, feeling of guilt, When administered orally they reach the peak con-
activity and impairment of ability to work (7, 8). centration in blood within 12 hours (4).
6. The drug was used in the treatment of depres- Some authors believe that sulpiride after oral
sion developing in the course of affective diseases (4). administration reaches the maximal blood concen-
7. Among patients with endogenous depression, tration after 24 hours (2).
suicidal tendencies frequently predominate (9). Shinkuma D et al. suggest that taking food and
Therefore, in view of patients life safety, a drug the size of meal before sulpiride administration sig-
is needed with a rapid onset of therapeutic ac- nificantly influence gastrointestinal absorption of
tion and at the same time less toxic in high doses. the preparation. The total amount of sulpiride ex-
Many tricyclic antidepressants exhibit their antide- creted with urine during 48 hours was reduced by
pressant effects only after 24 weeks of treatment 30% if the drug was taken with food. The drug was
(4). Sulpiride, on the other hand, exerts an anti- taken in the form of coated tablets in the total dose
depressant effect more rapidly than the mentioned of 100 mg by 13 healthy male volunteers (14). The
drugs. A significant improvement after sulpiride same authors studied the bioavailability of sulpiride
used to be demonstrated after one week of treat- administered to healthy volunteers in the form of
ment (7, 8). 100 mg tablets coated with polyvinyl acetal diethy-
8. Depressive syndrome, particularly in young lamine acetate which is insoluble at pH above 45.
people, is frequently an initial stage of the schizo- Sulpiride was administered together with sodium
phrenic process. Administration in such cases of bicarbonate, cimetidine, natural orange juice or di-
tricyclic antidepressants could release the produc- luted hydrochloric acid. The biological availability
tive symptoms of schizophrenic psychosis. Sulpiride, was determined on the basis of the total amount of
however, would exert here a therapeutic effect, since unchanged drug excreted with urine within 48 hours.
it is effective in productive symptoms (9). Antipsy- A decrease of the bioavailability was observed if
chotic properties of sulpiride have been confirmed the drug was taken together with sodium bicarbo-
in (10). Some authors regard it as the most potent nate or cimetidine, as compared to administration
antiautistic drug of all neuroleptics (4). of sulpiride alone. An increase of the bioavailability
The author of the current paper used sulpiride occurred with simultaneous administration of orange
in endogenous depression with productive symptoms juice or diluted hydrochloric acid. The results sug-
with a good therapeutic effect on the latter. gested that the bioavailability of sulpiride adminis-
9. It is commonly known that sulpiride is a thera- tered in the above-mentioned coated tablets was
peutically effective drug in gastroduodenal ulcer, influenced by the pH of gastric contents and food
ulcerative colitis, headaches and vertigo (Mnires or beverages taken, which changed the pH of gas-
disease, migraines) (2, 11). tric contents. Therefore, these authors studied in
These diseases were diagnosed in many patients detail the relationship between sulpiride bioavaila-
who came to the author with endogenous depres- bilty and the pH of gastric contents. The above-
sion symptoms, therefore the choice of sulpiride mentioned sulpiride 100 mg tablets were given to
seemed to be most appropriate. healthy volunteers. The biological availability was
10. Besides that, the drug has been commonly assessed by the total amount of unchanged drug
used in neuroses, in lower doses as an anxiolytic, excreted with urine within 48 hours. The fasting
and also in the treatment of drug addiction in early bioavailability varied significantly in individual vol-
abstinence phase, in the treatment of alcoholism, in unteers due to differences in gastric contents aci-
schizophrenia with depressed mood manifestations dity. The influence of meal was also varying among
(4). Sulpiride is a drug with relatively minor ad- the study subjects, being lowest in persons with a

Analysis of the therapeutic effect of sulpiride on individual symptoms of so-called major depression

high acidity and higher in subjects with a low aci- larly within one minute after drug administration
dity of gastric contents. When the coated tablets (17).
were administered during induced achlorhydria, the We also assessed the effect of sulpiride on EEG
fasting bioavailability was very low and no diffe- record. It was most evident two to four hours after
rences were observed between the subjects studied. drug administration. The EEG profile was charac-
After taking a meal the bioavailability increased terized by a relative increase of slow-wave (delta
sixfold, probably due to a high mobility of gastro- and theta) activity and a decrease of alpha (and
intestinal contents, as both the baseline and meal- beta) wave presence (18). Other authors interpreted
stimulated hydrochloric acid secretion in the stom- their results as demonstrating the lack or a minimal
ach was very low under conditions of provoked sulpiride influence on the results of tests used for
achlorhydria (1416). Sulpiride bioavailability was not determination of the vigilance level and degree of
exceeding 30% because of a rather poor absorption autonomous system stimulation (19).
from the gastrointestinal tract. Drug absorption from Nahoum C R et al studied the effect of sulpiride
capsules was better than from tablets (2). on prolactin secretion in humans. The rate of pro-
lactin secretion was studied after sulpiride adminis-
THE MECHANISM OF ACTION tration to 30 ovulating women. A highly statistically
significant correlation was observed between the area
Most benzamide derivatives exert a rather selective under the curve and the level of this hormone 30
effect on dopaminergic transmission in mesolimbic minutes after sulpiride administration (20).
structures, demonstrate a high affinity to D2 recep- Other authors noted that sulpiride therapy was
tors and a lower one to D1 receptors, and some associated with a significantly higher increase of
newer benzamide derivatives also to 5-HT2 and 5- plasma prolactin level (10). The stimulating effect
HT1A receptors (4). of sulpiride was also studied on prolactine secretion
Pharmacologically, sulpiride is a selective dopam- in the late phase of puerperium. Forty-one lactating
inergic receptor, namely a D2 and D3 receptor women were studied. They were followed up for 90
antagonist. days after labour. Twenty women were given
Sulpiride selectively blocks the above-mentioned sulpiride and 21 received placebo.
types of dopaminergic receptors. It is an exception- In the placebo group, prolactin concentration
ally hydrophilic drug and not lipophilic as most drugs elevation after breast feeding decreased significantly
of this type are. It causes no strong extrapyramidal and 90 days after labour it was parctically absent
symptoms which could result from D2 receptor (21).
blockade in the corpus striatum and which are the Other authors in their studies noted that the
equivalent of catalepsia in animals (11). prolactin level demonstrated a significant increase
The receptor studies demonstrated a particular (maximal value after 30 minutes) after sulpiride
affinity of sulpiride to D2 receptors in limbic struc- administration. Twenty-four hours later the prolac-
tures (2). tin level was still higher in relation to the baseline
This affinity was determined according to the value and failed to react to administration of sul-
following scale: piride + placebo and sulpiride + TRH (22).
sulpiride affinity to D1 receptors (+) Generally speaking, sulpiride is a neuroleptic with
sulpiride affinity to D2 receptors (++++) mainly antiautistic, stimulating, and antidepressant
sulpiride affinity to a1 receptors (+) actions (4, 5, 7, 8, 23), antipsychotic (10), and, in
sulpiride affinity to 5-HT2 receptors (+/0). lower doses, anxiolytic effects (23). Some authors
Sulpiride, selectively blocking D2 and D3 recep- believe that it is the most potent antiautistic drug
tors, causes a slight activation of D1 dopaminergic out among neuroleptics. It exerts a positive effect
receptors which, in contrast to D2 and D3 recep- on the productive symptoms of psychosis, although
tors, positively correlate with adenyl cyclase, can weaker than that of some other neuroleptics (4).
exert beneficial effects in cases of neurosis or de- The clinical effect of sulpiride was determined
pression and can control the so-called negative symp- according to the following scoring scale: 4 very
toms of schizophrenia (11). strong effect, 3 strong effect, 2 medium effect,
The effect of sulpiride was also studied on the 1 weak effect, 0 no effect, ? lacking or con-
location of the EEG signal source in the frequency tradictory data.
domain. EEG signal was recorded in 19 leads with According to this scale, sulpiride was evaluated
shut eyes before and 1, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minu- as follows:
tes after intravenous administration of the drug. A sedative effect ?
The location of the source of beta waves was sig- B effect on productive symptoms 1
nificantly shifted upwards and forwards, particu- C antiautistic effect 3

Leszek Tomasz Ro

D stimulating effect 3 and the clinical status (mental and somatic) of the
E antidepressant effect 2. patients was described many times during succes-
sive visits, on the basis of medical examination. The
STUDY AIMS results of laboratory blood and urine analyses, ECG
and EEG records and chest radiogram were also
The aims of the study were as follows: noted. Each patient was examined in detail, at the
1. An attempt of general assessment of thera- beginning and end of the 6-week monitoring pe-
peutic effectiveness of sulpiride in endogenous de- riod, using the 24-point Hamilton Depression As-
pression. sessment Scale and Beck Depression Self-Assessment
2. Analysis of therapeutic effects of sulpiride in Inventory and MontgomeryAsberg Scale.
individual symptoms of endogenous depressive syn- These tests have no normal value range and are
drome. not standardized. Therefore they cannot be used for
3. Comparison of therapeutic effects of sulpiride depression intensity assessment. They can be, how-
in mild, medium and severe depressions. ever, definitely useful for the assessment of thera-
4. Determination of the influence of demographic peutic effectiveness of drugs used in endogenous
factors on the intensity of sulpiride therapeutic effect. depression treatment. These tests served for the
evaluation of clinical improvement in individual
The author evaluated the therapeutic effect on the
Clinical material basis of clinical examination of the patients and also
by CGI, Hamilton scale, Beck Depression Self-As-
Sulpiride was administered to outpatients in the Pub- sessment Inventory and MontgomeryAsberg scale.
lic Health Care Institution, Warszawaoliborz, and Depression intensity was assessed by the author
to patients discharged from the Department of on the basis of clinical examination according to
Neurosurgery, Central University Teaching Hospital ICD-10 (The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and
in Warsaw, 128 Szaserw st. The drug was given to Behavioural Disorders), Clinical Descriptions and
100 patients. For the studies, only persons with the diagnostic guidelines), World Health Organization,
diagnosis of endogenous depressive syndrome were Geneva 1992).
included. These were persons in whom endogenous
syndrome developed for the first, second or third Statistical methods
time. The patients were chosen with endogenous
depressive syndrome of not precisely determined The basic method of statistical analysis was com-
aetiology (first episode). In the case of a greater parison of several groups of patients. The signifi-
number of episodes it was established that the pa- cance of differences among the groups with respect
tients had a unipolar affective disease. to one feature was tested by analysis of variance.
Patients were qualified only if they had no his- The significance of the p value was calculated on
tory of manic episode. The study subjects were tak- the basis of F statistics with several degrees of free-
ing sulpiride and were systematically monitored for dom designated as df Effect and df Error.
six weeks. The drug was administered in a dose For a number of features of low values the so-
from 50 mg to 600 mg daily, only orally, always in called contingency tables were calculated. Frequently,
the form of 50 mg capsules. All the subjects stud- these tables are the basis for calculating the per cent
ied met the criteria of endogenous depressive syn- values important for arriving to a definite conclusion.
drome according to DSM III and DSM IV classifi- In some cases, the contingency tables allow calcula-
cations. During visits, the patients clinical status, tion of a statistical significance (p) resulting from a
i.e. mental and somatic conditions were assessed. given statistical test or correlation coefficient.
Basic laboratory blood and urine analyses, ECG, This was done, e.g., when individual questions in
EEG and chest radiogram were also performed. All the Hamilton and Beck tests were compared in order
patients were always received and treated by the to check whether the results obtained after treat-
same doctor, the author of the paper. The observa- ment were significantly lower than those before
tions were noted in patients case records. treatment. For this purpose, Students t test was used
for dependent variables (23).
Methods The significance of the relationship between these
questions and therapeutic results was studied using
The data for the studies were collected from the the Kendall tau correlation coefficient (24).
case records of patients from the study and control The reliability of Hamilton and Beck tests was
groups. In each record, family history was presented also studied. It was important in the first place for

Analysis of the therapeutic effect of sulpiride on individual symptoms of so-called major depression

the characteristics of our study material. Therefore, A relationship was studied between therapeutic
the Pearson coefficients of correlation between in- effects and the percentage of improvement in a joint
dividual questions and the total result of the test assessment by Hamilton and Beck tests after treat-
were calculated. Also, the Cronbach alpha coeffi- ment in relation to the assessment before treatment.
cients were calculated to characterise the degree of The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4.
agreement of test questions (25).
When two groups were compared, Students t
test was applied. The statistical analysis of per cent Table 3. Relationship between therapeutic effects of
values was done by the chi-square statistical method sulpiride in depression and the percentage of improve-
(26). ment in Hamilton test

Difference (%)
between results Therapeutic effects
A relationship between therapeutic effects and dif- in Hamilton test
before and
ferences of results in Hamilton and Becks scales
after treatment
was studied before and after treatment. The results 1 2 3 4 5
are presented in Tables 1 and 2. 010 0 0 0 2 8
1040 0 0 0 9 0
4060 0 0 7 6 0
Table 1. Assessment of results of depression treatment with 6070 0 7 10 0 0
sulpiride in the Hamilton scale
7090 0 36 4 0 0
Difference in Over 90 6 5 0 0 0
Therapeutic effects
Hamilton scale
05 25% poor, 75% lack of improvement
510 100% poor
Table 4. Relationship between the therapeutic effects of
1015 30% significant improvement,
sulpiride in depression and the percentage of improve-
40% medium improvement,
ment in the Beck test
30% poor improvement
1520 3% complete cure, 70% significant
improvement, 20% medium Difference (%)
improvement, 7% between results in Therapeutic effects
poor improvement Beck test
2030 10% complete cure, 70% significant before and
improvement, 20% medium after treatment
1 2 3 4 5
Over 30 50% complete cure, 30% significant 010 0 0 0 2 8
improvement, 20% medium 1040 0 0 0 12 0
improvement 4060 0 1 5 3 0
6070 0 7 13 0 0
7090 0 38 3 0 0
Table 2. Assessment of results of depression treatment with Over 90 6 2 0 0 0
sulpiride in the Beck scale
Difference in
Therapeutic effects
Beck scale Effects of treatment:
05 25% poor, 75% lack of improvement
1. Complete, persistent remission
510 10% medium improvement, 90% poor 2. Significant improvement
improvement 3. Medium improvement
1015 40% significant improvement, 4. Poor improvement
30% medium improvement, 5. No improvement.
30% poor improvement Analysing the reduction of depression symptoms
1520 70% significant improvement, in the Hamilton scale, sulpiride proved to be a
25% medium improvement,
definitely effective drug in 68% of patients. These
5% poor improvement
2030 15% complete cure,
were patients in whom the reduction of symptoms
65% significant improvement, in the Hamilton scale was over 60%.
20% medium improvement A complete, persistent remission was obtained
Over 30 50% complete cure, in six patients, significant improvement in 48 pa-
50% significant improvement tients, medium improvement in 28 subjects, poor

Leszek Tomasz Ro

improvement in 17 cases, and no improvement in Table 7. Relationship between baseline results before
eight patients. treatment and differences of data before and after treat-
Out of 100 patients treated with sulpiride in the ment in the Beck scale
group studied according to CGI scale, 54 subjects
returned to normal life and occupational function- Absolute difference of total scores
Beck scale
ing, six of them obtained 1 point in CGI scale, and
48 obtained a CGI score of 2 points. (CGI scale: 1 treatment 05 610 1115 1620 2130 31 and
point regression of symptoms, 2 points signifi- more
cant improvement, 3 points slight improvement, 4
Up to 20 1 0 10 8 1 0
points no change).
A relationship was studied between the baseline 21 0 1 6 6 1 0
results in the Hamilton scale before treatment and 2125 0 0 0 13 6 0
the differences of the results were assessed before 2630 3 1 5 0 3 0
and after treatment, both as differences of the ab- 3135 1 5 1 3 8 1
solute values and percentage of improvement. The 36 and more 5 1 0 2 3 5
results are presented in Tables 5 and 6.
The definitely best therapeutic effects were
achieved in patients who had baseline results in the Table 8. Relationship between baseline results before
Hamilton scale below 25 points. treatment and differences of data before and after treat-
A relationship was studied between the baseline ment in the Beck scale
results in the Beck scale before treatment, and the
differences of the results before and after treatment Difference
Beck scale (% of improvement of total score)
were assessed, both as differences of absolute val- before
ues and percentage of improvement. The results are treatment 010 1140 4160 6170 7190 91 and
presented in Tables 7 and 8. more
Up to 20 1 0 1 8 9 1
Table 5. Relationship between baseline results before 21 0 0 2 5 6 1
treatment and the differences of data before and after 2125 0 0 0 4 12 3
treatment in the Hamilton scale
2630 3 5 1 0 3 0
3135 1 6 3 2 7 0
Hamilton Absoulte difference of total scores 36 and more 5 1 2 1 4 3
scale before
treatment 05 610 1115 1620 2130 31 and
The definitely best therapeutic effects were achiev-
Up to 20 1 0 0 5 2 0 ed in patients who had baseline results in the Beck
2125 4 2 7 21 14 0 scale below 25 points.
2630 1 3 4 2 9 0 Attention should be paid to the fact that the
3135 0 1 1 3 5 1 tables show rather evident limits of the H and B
36 and more 4 0 1 1 3 5 test data before treatment and of adequately high
ratios of differences of data before and after treat-
Table 6. Rrelationship between baseline results before The final effects of treatment are strongly de-
treatment and differences of data before and after treat- termined by the baseline summarized results of
ment in the Hamilton scale Hamilton and Beck tests. The result of 25 points
seems to be a significant borderline value for both
Difference tests.
Hamilton (% of improvement of total score)
scale before The borderline of 60% improvement is known
treatment 010 1140 4160 6170 7190 91 and from earlier considerations as indicating significant
more improvement.
Evidently better therapeutic effects were obtained
Up to 20 1 0 1 8 3 3
in patients who scored 25 points or less in the
2125 4 2 2 7 19 4
Hamilton scale before treatment.
2630 1 4 4 0 9 1
Similarly, evidently better therapeutic effects were
3135 0 2 4 1 5 1 obtained in patients who scored 25 points or less in
36 and more 4 1 2 1 4 2 the Beck scale before treatment.

Analysis of the therapeutic effect of sulpiride on individual symptoms of so-called major depression

Depression intensity work (4, 5, 7, 8). Benkert O and Holsboer F stud-

ied in this aspect only 11 patients (7) and Bocchetta
A great improvement was achieved in the study et al 30 subjects (8).
group treated with sulpiride for depressions with a In the study group, restlessness with motor agi-
mild and medium intensity of symptoms. On the
tation was observed in about 40% of patients, while
other hand, sulpiride therapy in severe depressions
nervoussness and irritation were present in 98% of
with a high intensity of symptoms gave only a poor
cases. Sulpiride most effectively controlled restless-
or medium improvement.
ness of medium intensity. The drug even potentiat-
The above conclusions of the author are not in
ed the nervousness of slight intensity.
full agreement with the studies by Benkert O and
No less than 98% of patients developed mental
Holsboer F (7). These authors administered sulpiride
symptoms of anxiety. Sulpiride proved fairly effec-
in a 150 mg daily dose to 11 patients with endo-
tive in extreme and medium anxiety, but was found
genous depression. Sulpiride turned effective in se-
ineffective in mild forms of anxiety. Many authors
vere depression and also in its milder forms.
confirmed the anxiolytic effect of the drug (5, 6, 8,
The author observed a group of 100 patients in
11, 23). Standish-Barry et al studied 36 patients and
whom sulpiride significantly improved the depres-
found that the anxiolytic effect of sulpiride was
sive mood. This action was most effective in pa-
tients with a medium lowered mood. equivalent to that of amitriptyline.
The antidepressant effects of sulpiride were con- In our study group, as many as 88% of patients
firmed by studies of many authors (2, 4, 58, 11, had somatic manifestations of fear. Sulpiride exerted
23, 27). However, these studies involved smaller here an evidently beneficial effect in medium and
groups of patients. Bocchetta A et al studied only significant levels of the above-mentioned complaints.
30 patients (8), Kato K two persons (23), and The drug exacerbated the mild form of anxiety. In
Standish-Barry HM et al 36 subjects (6). In the literature, Bocchetta et al studied somatization of
group studied, about 50% of patients had a feeling fear in 30 patients with endogenous depression.
of guilt associated with delusions of guilt. Sulpiride These authors observed a significant improvement
fairly effectively controlled this symptom, particu- as soon as after one week of treatment.
larly in patients who had a medium-grade feeling of In our study group, 75% of patients showed re-
guilt. Bocchetta et al studied 30 self-accusing pa- duced appetite or complete loss of appetite. Sulpiride
tients in whom sulpiride produced a significant exerted best effects in patients with the complete
improvement. lack of appetite and slightly less good in patients
In the group studied, about 50% of patients had with moderately decreased appetite. The author
suicidal ideation and tendencies. Sulpiride almost found no studies on this problem in the literature.
completely eliminated the actual risk of suicidal Our study group included 89% of patients with
attempt. It showed an outstanding effect in patients systemic somatic manifestations of endogenous de-
with intensive suicidal compulsions. The author pression. Sulpiride proved particularly effective in
found no studies on this problem in literature. the treatment of patients with a significant intensity
About 80% of patients complained of insomnia. of these symptoms and signs. In patients with a
Sulpiride proved to be a particularly useful drug in moderate intensity of the manifestations, the thera-
all types of insomnia. They included difficulties in peutic effect of the drug was satisfactory. In litera-
falling asleep, shallow and intermittent sleep and ture, some authors assessed the effectiveness of the
early awakening with impossibility or difficulty of drug in headache and vertigo (2, 27).
falling asleep again. The author found no studies Lanemark M and Olesen J studied a total number
on this problem in literature. of 37 patients treated with sulpiride and, in another
In the study group, patients with feeling of sig- time period, with paroxetine. Their detailed analysis
nificant fatigue, inability to work and with signifi- demonstrated better improvement in persistent head-
cantly decreased activity accounted for about 85%. ache after sulpiride as compared to paroxetine.
Sulpiride exerted very favourable effects in patients In our study group, 77% of patients had de-
with a medium intensity of this symptom. Patients creased libido. Sulpiride improved potency in pa-
with psychomotor sluggishness, from its mild forms tients with its extreme and medium decrease. The
to stupor, accounted for about 45%. Sulpiride exert- drug proved ineffective in patients with a mild de-
ed an evidently favourable effect in slight and evi- crease of potency. The author found no reports on
dent forms of sluggishness. In the literature, quite a this problem in the literature.
number of authors confirmed the stimulating effect In our study group, 58% of patients had hypo-
of sulpiride and such its features as increasing the chondriac symptoms. Sulpiride exerted a most fa-
psychomotor drive as well as activity and ability to vourable effect in hypochondria of medium and

Leszek Tomasz Ro

extreme intensity. Best effects were obtained in the thors confirmed the antiproductive effects of the
treatment of hypochondriac delusions and slightly drug (4, 5).
less good in the treatment of hypochondriac atti- Patients with inferiority feeling, self-accusation
tudes. In the literature, some authors stressed a accounted for 59% of our study group. Sulpiride
slightly antiproductive effect of the drug (4, 5). rather effectively increased the level of assertiveness
Our group of patients included about 30% of and decreased the feeling of guilt. Bocchetta et al
emaciated subjects with cachexia. Sulpiride in a great treated 30 depressive patients with a great feeling
majority of cases caused body weight gain. The abo- of guilt with sulpiride and obtained fairly good ef-
ve effect was confirmed in the literature by Wojciech fects (8).
Kostowski (2). As many as 92% of patients in our group were
Among our patients 50% had a decreased or no rather pessimistic about their future. Sulpiride
criticism towards depression as a disease. Sulpiride proved very effective in patients with the borderline
was very good in restoring criticism in patients with and medium intensity of the symptom. On the other
its complete loss. The drug proved slightly less use- hand, it was completely useless and even exerted
ful in the treatment of patients with partial reduc- unfavourable effects in the patients who regarded
tion of criticism. The author found no related re- their future as black but in a mild degree. The
ports in the literature. author found no studies on this problem in the lite-
Fifty-six percent of our patients demonstrated cir- rature.
cadian fluctuations of general feeling. Sulpiride was Our study group included 69% of patients who
most effective in patients with the highest intensity felt guilty for their negligence while performing va-
of the symptom and also in those who were feeling rious activities. Sulpiride was here relatively thera-
worst in morning hours, which is pathognomonic of peutically effective but less effective than other
endogenous depression. The author failed to find drugs, e.g., clomipramine. Bocchetta et al effectively
reports on this problem in the literature. treated with sulpiride a group of 30 patients with a
About 40% of our patients showed depersonal- significant feeling of guilt during endogenous de-
ization, derealization and a negative opinion about pression (8).
their own appearance. Sulpiride proved particularly In our study group, 100% of patients were not
effective in the treatment of the above-mentioned satisfied with their work. In the patients with a
symptoms of high intensity. The effect of the drug severe and medium intensity of this symptom, sulpiri-
was barely satisfactory in cases of medium intensity de proved therapeutically very effective. On the
of the symptoms. The author found no respective other hand, the drug was completely useless in the
data in the literature. patients with a mild intensity of the symptom and
In our group, 39% of patients had delusions of even exerted a slight unfavourable effect. No re-
persecution and delusion of reference from depres- ports on this problem were found in the literature.
sion group. Delusions of guilt and punishment de- No less than 100% of patients in our group had
veloped in 16% of patients. Sulpiride turned out to a feeling of dissatisfaction with their own personal-
be an evidently effective drug in these cases. In the ity. In the most severe and medium forms of this
literature, some authors confirmed the antiproductive symptom, sulpiride exerted a very favourable thera-
and antipsychotic effects of the drug (4, 5, 10). peutic effect. In the mild form of the symptom the
Bocchetta et al (8) effectively treated the de- therapeutic effect of sulpiride was slight. The au-
pressive feeling of guilt. In our group, 70% of pa- thor found no reports on this problem in literature.
tients had anancastic symptoms. Sulpiride proved In the group studied, 74% of patients demon-
particularly effective in the treatment of obsessions strated evident tearfulness. Sulpiride failed here to
of high intensity. On the other hand, the drug ex- exert a good therapeutic effect. After the treatment,
erted almost no therapeutic effect on obsessions of quite a large part of the patients who previously
medium intensity. The author found no data on this were relieving their emotions by weeping could not
problem in the literature. weep any more. The author found no studies on
The feeling of helplessness and hopelessness was this problem.
reported by over 90% of our patients. Sulpiride proved Of our patients, 88% isolated themselves from
evidently effective in the treatment of medium and other people and lost interest in the environment.
severe forms of these symptoms. The author found no Sulpiride rather evidently helped to renew old con-
reports on this problem in the literature. tacts with friends and acquaintances, but only in
Our group included 62% of patients with typical patients with a high and medium intensity of this
depressive delusions. Sulpiride was found here to symptom. In patients who only slightly isolated them-
be particularly therapeutically effective. Some au- selves from the environment, the drug exerted even

Analysis of the therapeutic effect of sulpiride on individual symptoms of so-called major depression

unfavourable effects, potentiating the tendencies for CONCLUSIONS

separating themselves. The author found no related
reports in the literature. 1. Sulpiride is a good, effective drug in the treatment
In the study group, 86% of patients had difficul- of endogenous depression. Its onset of action after
ties in decision-making. Sulpiride proved very effec- administration is very rapid and the drug is relatively
tive therapeutically in the patients with great diffi- safe it produces few mild complications, frequently
culties in decision-making. The effect of the drug including galactorrhoea and amenorrhoea in women.
was slightly less good in patients unable to make 2. The general results in Hamilton and Beck tests
any decision and was even unfavourable in patients very strongly correlate with depression intensity and
with minor problems in decision making. The au- therapeutic effects. Only part of detailed assessments
thor failed to find reports on this problem in the of patients status included in the questions in the
literature. Hamilton and Beck scales are related to depression
Many authors analysed the adverse effects of sul- intensity and therapeutic effects; the others occur
piride (1, 2, 4, 28, 29, 30). The drug has been occa- with an equal incidence on various levels of depres-
sionally reported to evoke extrapyramidal symptoms, sion intensity and with various therapeutic effects.
including tardive dyskinesia. The drug exerts no or 3. The treatment of endogenous depression can
only weak parkinsonian and cataleptic effects. A be regarded as effective if the general result of
single case of malignant postneuroleptic syndrome Hamilton or/and Beck tests has improved by at least
with acute renal failure with myoglobinuria was 60%. Treatment is effective usually in the case when
described after discontinuation of sulpiride and ma- the summarized score in the Hamilton and Beck
protiline therapy. scales before treatment is 25 points or lower.
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administered in evening hours. In some patients the Accepted 29 may 2003
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