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Review Report

Relationship with client

Liaison with client
In Unit 32 Assignment 3, we had to create a client liaison diary. This was used to
write down what the client said when we had meetings with them. In my contact
log, i wrote down what was said in the first meeting. My client thought my
suggestions were ok. She then gave me some practical ideas. In the report, I had
to write down comments from the client. The first one was Shown the client
hand drawn logo and she likes the link with the grid-like pattern and liked the
choice of colours.

Dealing with difficulties or complaints

This is my diary from Unit 34 which was an animation creation unit. I found
working on Flash quite a challenge at times as it sometimes got a bit hard to
control what you want to do as it has a lot of controls.
After moving him to where I wanted him to, I double clicked off him so I can add
him eating the burger and the chips.
I found it difficult to move the arm to his mouth, I changed the centre of rotation
points but realised I had to bring his arm in front of his body so it wont look right
at the beginning of the animation.

Revisions to brief
The image below is the assignment brief of Unit 34, Assignment 2.

The client asked for us to create a short animation about healthy eating. We had
to have a target audience of young children which we had to get the message
across to. The requirements were that we had to have an ILP and we had to
create a sources document, a proposal and we had to do a research task on the
chosen software we were to use, the alternative choices of styles and also the
research campaigns already produced.

Revisions to plan
We had to create an evaluation to evaluate our work overall and how we feel
about how it turned out. The statistical analysis was included in the evaluation.
The headings included Genre, Content, Style, Narrative, Character, Techniques,
Technical Qualities, Aesthetic Qualities and Creative Qualities.
Evidence needed for a written report/Podcast/PPT/Pitch
I had to create pitches on PowerPoints to present to my peers. I did one pitch this
year on a video game idea I created. I had to talk about my game idea and my
target audience.

Constraints experienced
Legal/ Regulatory codes of practice
Copyright law
The copyright law is used so people basically dont steal other peoples work and
use it as their own. It was made to mainly protect the persons work so others
dont take it. The copyright law was created in 1988 where people can be fined
for stealing someone elses work. It is much easier now to steal peoples
images/videos/sounds because of the internet, you can easily edit it to make it
your own. Before the law was made, you couldnt do much if someone took your
work as their own which could cause a real problem so the law is helpful in a way.
To take someones work now, you need permission from the owner to use it. If
the owner of something passes, their work is usually handed down to the owners

Ethical considerations
For my animation, I need to be fair to all of my audience. I cant be biased to one
gender or one race especially as I'm targeting both genders as you will lose a lot
of your audience. You need to consider different races, genders, sexualities, the
disabled, peoples nationalities, their class, and the age range. This means I cant
post anything which may offend any of these groups. Each person who creates a
site or presentation always has to consider these groups and protect the site
from racist, sexist and comments about ageism. Any offensive comments found
about these categories may be reported on the site and can lead to the company
being sued. Live shows like radio shows or TV shows need to be extra careful
what they say as once said, it cannot be deleted or edited out. They are very
strict on swear words being said as well. The internet may seem like an easy way
to send offensive, harmful comments to someone, but it is an option now to track
the person who sent it. Being a public site, I cant suggest that a certain group of
people are superior to another as this will be considered as offensive.
This is my full legal and ethical document for Unit 78, Assignment 2 which was
an animation unit for a video game design.

Time management and working to agreed timescales
To keep up with my time management, I had an ILP which helped me track what I
need to do and when on my assignment. The image below is my ILP for
Assignment 2 of Unit 34, where you can see we had 6 sessions to complete it.
After every session, we had to write what we did that session. For example, I
wrote, This lesson we had an introduction to unit 34 by watching previous
animations, had a client meeting and started on the research task.


For each assignment, we had a deadline of when it needed to be in. it said on the
assignment brief, but we also used out ILPs to realise when the deadline is. We
are also able to see how many sessions we had left.
Communication skills
I have done Communication Skills in Unit 78, Assignment 3.

In any jobs, it is important to have at least a C in Maths and English

Language at GCSE level, and in this case, ICT. This is because especially
with English creating a TV ident, you need to be able to read and
understand the client brief clearly otherwise you could easily make a
mistake whilst creating it and mess up what the client wants.

Meeting requirements
We had to create an evaluation to evaluate our work overall and how we feel
about how it turned out. The statistical analysis was included in the evaluation.
The headings included Genre, Content, Style, Narrative, Character, Techniques,
Technical Qualities, Aesthetic Qualities and Creative Qualities.
Revisions to plan
We had to do an evaluation to self-assess ourselves on how we got on in the
overall unit. In this evaluation, I had to talk about my original intentions and
compare them to the turnout of my final piece.
On my front cover, I didnt change much except from the colour of the pixels
font. Originally I said I was going to do black or white, but I decided to do yellow
for house style as I used yellow in the A3 poster too. I also made the album name
fit across the screen and I put a rectangle box around it but with a low opacity so
you can still see the background.
Achieving agreed outcomes
We had to create a diary in this unit. A diary is to help us to not only point me to
where Im at in my work, but if the computer was to crash and I was to lose all
my work, I would have a detailed diary of everything I did when creating my
From peers
I created a questionnaire for my peers to fill in to get feedback on my animation.
I asked questions such as: Are the settings appropriate for healthy eating? and
Are my characters appropriate in my animation in a way which appeals to the
target audience?

I then created a statistical analysis based on the feedback I got. I included pie
The final question I asked them was "what would you change if anything?" And
my replies were varied. Half of my peers said that they'd change nothing and it's
fine how it is. However, the other half had replies such as I need to change how
the arms moved because sometimes they jump out of place which I noticed, and
also the voice overs because there is a point where the voiceovers overlap, only
because the original voiceover ran overtime, so I had to fast forward it. Looking
back, I should've fixed those errors before it was too late.
Final/Overall conclusions/Evaluations
We had to do an evaluation to self-assess ourselves on how we got on in the
overall unit. In this evaluation, I had to talk about my original intentions and
compare them to the turnout of my final piece.
On my front cover, I didnt change much except from the colour of the pixels
font. Originally I said I was going to do black or white, but I decided to do yellow
for house style as I used yellow in the A3 poster too. I also made the album name
fit across the screen and I put a rectangle box around it but with a low opacity so
you can still see the background.

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