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Metaphysical personalism.


2 views of man
-Karol Wijtyla ethical analysis of the act.
-Metaphysical concept od man Krapiec. Krapiec broad humanist.
Free and responsible university formation. Firmyl supported realism.

3 phases of revelation of the person. Form an integral whole. Essential

anthropological question. Fundemental Sould first act of body.
Indidivudal active mans existence as man. Unity of human being.
Proper and proportional. Being belings to subsisting person. Man in the
aspect of what man does and dos. Ethics of the virtues. Krapiec as a
continuation of realistic philosophy of being. Synthesis of these
conceptions enrich the human cognitive spectrum. Existential
Thomism. Vision that really considered them to be as such with their
tools. Autonomy of philosophical autonomy.


Anthropological, as a metaphysical personalism. Universal knowledge

based on metaphysics, being as being. Thesis of every classical
philosopher that the aim of philosophizing is to understand the world.
Not in the sense of instrumental knowledge. A kind of Wisdom. The
name philosophy is deep. We are searching for Wisdom. Philsophy was
the only science that indicated the way towards Wisdom. Krapiec and
other. Our knowledge must be wisdom centric. Knowledge as an
instrument of having, as having. Not how wisdom works. For what?
Who are you and what is reality, for what? Classical aim of philosophy
can rehabilitate our idea of being. The true significance of the human
being. Wisdom helps us understand who we are. It is our natural desire
to know. Want to retrieve this truth of our life, pure reason, as
discovered by the first philosophers. Want to understand the world and
sense. Same question as the first philsophers. Nothing has changed in
this regard. Even if the culture has changed. The essence of man is
always the same. Defending the classical aim is defending this truth. It
is his mission he must defend. The truth is with him. Defending it even
against the whole world. They follow him from the other side. Even if
we say man has no nature, but it doesnt change the truth about you.
The power of reality

Desire of freedom is desire for God. Full taste of reality.

Misunderstanding in a system of knowledge based in metaphysics.
Many people think that if metaphysics is the basis of knowledge, every
kind of knowledge is metaphysics. Particular metaphysical
presupposition, experience of man. Knowledge is constructing the
building. An oeiginal experiential fact. Metaphysical method of
justifying understood as a necessity of indicating the real existing
reason of fact. Without it fact wouldnt exist, must be BY NECESSITY
real reason, not only conceptual. Experience is a fact and real. Must
exist as a cause. The ontic fundamental. Not only strictly conceptual.
Not giving only 1 thought. The arm of realistic philosophy. System of
universal knowledge. Everything that exists is a being. Only and always
from fact. Realistic philosophy is in fact a man thinking in a normal
way. Use

Wojtyla Ethics, must have an idea of self, I must create true

anthropology important for Wojtyla to understand well the nature of
man. Start from experience.

Krapiec, metaphysics not ethics, search concentrated on the same

topic. True anthropology, who is man? Two anthropologies
complementary. Phenomenological method JPII, Krapiec metaphysics,
for both is human experience. Nuetral starting point. Without
apriorism. No thesis in the beginning. Must always start from
experience. Understand who we are, how to act toward to good. What
kind of being we are. Philosophy must understand the being, is also
knowing implications and consequences. Krapiec said many times,
anthropology is important for every human being, even more in our
times. When when we dont obvious

Existential before essential. See something existing, before knowing

that it is. Only indicate, empty of content does not equal lack of
existence. Existence never is alone, something exists. Only in doing
can I be conscious of my I only in an act. Action reveals, I is always
doing I. Manifestation of the I. The intellect is most perfect in Man.
Needs something more perfect to exist. Not strictly consciousness, we
must observe that. Synchronic order. Essence of contents,
epistemologically, we absorb only essences. Feel or fact of meaning of
existances. One existence influences another existence. To know
something it must exist before, realistic option. The world existed
before we started knowing things. I must remember. First taken from

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