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Dear Magazine,
Im 15 . . . Am I too young to have sex? A lot of kids my age have been doing it and
Im not sure is right for me.
From @tinax

Dear @tinax,

A lot of teens wonder if there is a right age to have sex. Here are some things that people
consider when they try to determine if theyre ready to have sex:

Have you and your partner talked a lot about why you want to have sex, what you
expect from it, what worries or fears you might have about it and what you think it
will be like? Have you talked about how it might change your relationship? What
does having sex mean to each of you?
Have you also talked to your parent(s) or guardian(s) or another trusted adult about
your decision?

Why do you want to have sex? Are you thinking of having sex because it seems like
everyone else is having sex?.

Here are some things you need to be able to do before youre ready for sex. Talk to your
partner about your relationship, sex, birth control and/or safer sex, sexually transmitted
diseases (STDs) and your feelings about each of those things. Visit a clinic near you to get
the information and protection you need to be safe and responsible.If youre afraid to have
any of these conversations with your partner or to visit a clinic or see your doctor about
birth control and safer sex, then youre not ready. Wait until youre sure. Youll be happiest
when you do whats right for you.

From Magazine
Dear Magazine,

I think Im ready to have sex for the first time. Will it hurt? Will there be any blood?

From @puppies1

To @puppies1

Some dont experience pain or bleeding the first time they have sexual intercourse. Some

Most vaginas have a hymen, which is a thin elastic (stretchy) piece of skin that partially
covers the entrance to the vagina. When there is pain or bleeding during first-time vaginal
intercourse, it may be due to the hymen getting stretched or torn.

Some hymens are very thin, and others are thick. Hymens can be stretched or torn by things
like riding a bike or doing gymnastics before sexual intercourse. If you have a thick hymen, it
may be slightly painful to attempt sexual intercourse or to put on a tampon.

The most common reason that sex can be painful is because of too little vaginal lubrication
because the person hasnt been sexually aroused enough during intercourse. During sexual
arousal, the walls of the vagina respond by releasing a liquid that wets or lubricates the
vagina. This makes it easier for something to enter the vagina. If the person hasnt been
sexually aroused, their vagina can be dry, making it uncomfortable to have anything

From Magazine

Dear Magazine,

After becoming pregnant how long is too long to wait before you have an

From @cupcakesprinkles

To @cupcakesprinkles,

Abortion is a safe and legal option for teen and adult women. If a woman is pregnant and
wants to get an abortion, she has until the end of the second trimester (or up to six
months) to get it.
It is really important for teen and adult women to seek an abortion as early in the
pregnancy as possible because most providers only perform abortions early in the
pregnancybefore 14 weeks.

During the second trimester, a procedure that removes the contents of the uterus is used
after 14 weeks of pregnancy. This procedure requires the cervix to be opened wider than
for a first-trimester abortion.

Third-trimester abortions, which are done during the last three months of pregnancy, are
very rare. Less than 1 percent of abortions are performed during the third trimester.
Theyre usually done because of serious health problems with either the mother or the

In the third-trimester, the fetus, may be able to live outside the uterus on its own. While
no one should feel rushed into making a decision about an unintended pregnancy,
waiting until the third trimesteror even the later part of the second trimesterisnt a
good idea because the procedure becomes more complicated.

From Magazine.

1. T here is enough sperm in one single man to impregnate every woman on the
planet who is fertile.
2. Daily sex helps reduce sperm DNA damage and improve fertility.
3. Sex can temporarily wipe your memory.
4. Honey can be used as contraceptive.


1. Contraceptives did not exist in the time of the ancient Egyptians.

False, because the Ancient Egyptians actually used honey or crocodile dung as
a contraceptive.
2. Infertility is uncommon.
False, because 1 out of 6 adult couples are infertile!
3. Every woman is born with one uterus.
False, because the uterus starts off as two tubes and later merges into one,
but some women are born without their uterus tubes merged.
We interviewed a group of 13 to 14 year olds about puberty and they had some
interesting answers. The group expressed how they feel about puberty as annoying
and difficult. Most teenagers feel this way, going through puberty can be very
unpleasant. We asked them what they disliked most about it, and their answers
were: mood changes, growth of breasts(girls), pubic hair, growth of the body, larger
appetites, grumpiness etc.

To all teenagers, remember that you are not the only one going through puberty.
Dont be embarrassed to talk about it to a parent or guardian.
We interviewed our mothers about the course of pregnancy. These were the
answers they gave us:

1. Becoming pregnant:
Was the pregnancy planned?
Yes, I and your dad thought about it for a while and then we decided to do it.

Was it easy?
Yes it was, it didnt take me a long time to get pregnant.

2. The course of pregnancy:

What changed?
You get fatter and you can hold more moisture. Your appetite changes, you
dont like the things you normally like a lot and you like the things you
normally dont like a lot. For example in my moms 7th month till her 9th month
she ate a lot of ice cream but normally she doesnt eat that as much as then.

How did it feel?

I was a big baby so she got really fat and I kicked a lot. I even contused my
mom's ribs because I kicked so hard. Her skin was really tense, but when her
fleeces broke that reduced. But she says it was also nice to feel the kicks
because its beautiful to feel theres life growing in your belly.

3. The course of birth:

She said that her water broke at 02:00 a.m and I was two weeks early. When
she got to the hospital she was in shock and in pain. The nurses put a monitor
on her stomach to know her heart rate. She knew that she had to do an
operation not a natural birth because I was in a Frank Breech position. The
nurses did a C-section at 07:00 a.m. So therefore she was in labour for around
five hours.

What are STIs?
STI stands for Sexually Transmitted Infections. They are also known as STDs (Sexually
Transmitted Diseases) They are diseases caused by many different bacteria and viruses.
The effects are not limited to the reproductive organs and do not always have to involve
sexual activity, but usually they do. Most STIs caused by bacteria, protozoa and other small
organisms can be cured with antibiotics, topical creams and lotions. Some STIs that can be
cured can cause serious complications if they dont get treatment. There are also STIs that
cant be cured. In most cases when a STI cant be cured there is still a possibility to get help
with the symptoms.

How can you get an STI?

STIs are transmitted by unprotected anal-, oral- or vaginal sex with someone who already
has an STI, sometimes you can get an STI even if youre using a condom. They can spread
even if there are no symptoms. STIs can also be spread by genital touching.

How can you prevent an STI?

You can get vaccinated against some forms of STIs. You can also prevent it by condoms but
sometimes that goes wrong. To decrease the chance of getting an STI you should know
your sexual partners and limit their numbers.

Examples of the most prevalent STIs

In the Netherlands a few of the most prevalent STIs are:
Chlamydia : This is the most common STI in the Netherlands. it often shows very few
symptoms or none at all. It can be treated but will have serious consequences
untreated. Women between 20 and 25 are at most risk.
In women consequences can be:
Inflammation of the fallopian tubes
Inflammation of the pelvic area
Reduced fertility
In men consequences can be:
Inflammation of the epididymis
Inflammation of the prostate
Reduced fertility
Genital warts : These are warts on the genitals and around the anus.
Symptoms are:
Warts around the vagina or penis
Non-visible warts in the vagina or on the cervix
Warts around the anus (also possible without anal sex)
Itching, pain, burning sensation

Different stages of in human life
1. Infancy - 0-1 yrs old
2. Early childhood - 1-3 yrs old
3. Middle childhood - 3-6 yrs old
4. Late childhood - 6-12 yrs old
5. Adolescent - 13-17 yrs old
6. Young adult - 18-30 yrs old
7. First adulthood - 30-45 yrs old
8. Second adulthood - 45-70- yrs old
9. Late adulthood - 70+ yrs old

The primary and secondary sex characteristics

Primary sex characteristics are the ones you were born with.
In females for example:
In males for example:
Secondary sex characteristics are the ones that evolve through puberty.
In females for example:
Enlargement of breasts
Widening of hips
In males for example:
Growth of facial hair
Enlargement of penis

Sex steroids
Sex steroids are the hormones that interact with vertebrate androgen and the estrogen
receptors. Hormones are important for the production of sex cells. They have only effect in
cells that respond to them. Hormones are produced by the pituitary gland. In a woman the
production of hormones start decreasing at the age of 50. In males the pituitary gland is
active until about the age of 70.
How the body changes during puberty
During puberty both boys and girls have a growth spurt. It differs for every person how long
this will take and how tall you will be at the end of it.
Girls : During puberty your breasts will grow and your hips will widen. Also, their
menstruation starts. In girls their cilitoris will grow a little too. Body hair will also start to grow,
this is especially in your armpits, around and above your vulva and the hairs on your legs will
probably be thicker and longer. Pimples might also appear.
Boys: During puberty your testicles and penis will get bigger. Body hair will also grow on
your scrotum and above your penis, in your armpits and on your legs your hairs will probably
get thicker and darker too. Most boys will have facial hair too. Your voice will also get
deeper. PImples might also appear.

We investigated the Birth Control in three specific countries (India, Germany and the

Indian families prefer to have boys
because when a girl marries she
becomes part of her husband's
family and contributes nothing
further to her parents future
welfare. This is a big population
problem. While there are many
different types of birth control, it still struggles to slow Indias fast growing

The prefered types of birth control are Condoms and IUD(a small, flexible
contraceptive device that is inserted into the uterus. It releases a hormone that
prevents the pregnancy.)

In the Netherlands, most women use the pill as a contraceptive instead of condoms
or IUD like in India.

If you look at the population density in the two countries (the Netherlands has a
higher population density than India) I think the contraceptive methods in India are
more effective because there is a lower population density there.
67% of the women in the USA who use contraception currently use
nonpermanent methods, hormonal methods (like the pill, patch, implant,
injectable and vaginal ring), IUDs and condoms. 25% of the people use
female sterilization and 8% use male sterilization. The two most commonly
used since 1982 are the pill and female sterilization.

Just like in the USA, the pill is one of the most commonly used contraceptive
in the Netherlands.

Since the pill is one of the most commonly used in both countries I think both
countries have an equally effective birth control system.

All common methods of contraception are easy to get in Germany. Condoms
can be bought in every drugstore or pharmacy. Hormonal contraceptives (the
birth control pill, implants, injections), IUDs, and diaphragms have to be
specified by a gynecologist.

In Germany the pill is the most used contraception, just like in the
Netherlands. You can also get contraceptives easily in both countries.

I think there are not many differences between the Netherlands and Germany
when youre talking about birth control. They often use the same
contraceptives and you can easily get contraceptives in both countries.

In a relationship it's normal to have likes and expectations but it's also important to
have limits and to respect each other's limits.


1. loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind and below the penis
4. entrance of the vagina
5. small projection of erectile in the vulva of the female reproductive system
8. oval organs that lie in the scrotum, they are responsible for making testosterone.

2. a pair of tiny glands in the pelvic cavity and the most important organs of the female productive
3. walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis.
6. the tube that leads from the bladder and transports and discharges urine outside the body
7. hollow muscular organ in the female reproductive system that is responsible for the development of
the embryo and fetus.

1. scrotum - loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind and below the penis
4. vulva - entrance of the vagina
5. cilitoris - small projection of erectile in the vulva of the female reproductive system
8. testicle - oval organs that lie in the scrotum, they are responsible for making testosterone.
2. Ovaries - a pair of tiny glands in the pelvic cavity and the most important organs of the
female productive system
3. prostate gland - walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis.
6. urethra - the tube that leads from the bladder and transports and discharges urine outside
the body
7. uterus - hollow muscular organ in the female reproductive system that is responsible for
the development of the embryo and fetus.

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