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Ct)e Bo&e of l^atnt Albans

Bofee of ^aint aiftans;








TKaitb an ^ntro^uctio^ bi?


Sl^anlooli 31 am, t^ecefove 31 me Delpg^t
'QTo ^unt and ^atoke, to nouci^t) up and fede
'C^e gre^^ounde to t^e course, t^e tiatoke to t^* aiffl^t,

and to t)c0trpde a pod and lustp 0tede/'

y From Sir Thomas More's Pomu.

DEC 17 15



EVERAL independent printing preffes were eftablifhed

in England before the clofe of the fifteenth century

and from them iffued numerous books which are

invaluable to all ftudents of antiquity from the light

they throw upon the focial habits and literary

progrefs of our nation. Of thefe it may fafely be faid that not one
exceeds in intereft that work of an unknown typographer, which is

here prefented in facfimile, and which, from the town in which it

was compiled, as well as printed, is known to all bibliographers as

" The Book of St. Albans." This work has always been a favourite,
partly becaufe our feelings are appealed to in favour of the writer
who for centuries has taken rank as England's earlieft poetefs, and
is ftill, in all our Biographical Dictionaries, reckoned among " noble

authors;" and partly becaufe we love myfleries, and a myflery has

always enfhrouded the namelefs printer. The fubjefts, too, fo

curioufly alliterative Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry, have an

enticing and antique flavour about them, being juft thofe with
which, at that period, every man claiming to be "gentle" was
expe<5led to be familiar ; while ignorance of their laws and language
was to confefs himfelf a "churl."
" Introduction.

As to the language and orthography of the book, it is a never-

failing fource of intereft, being quite different from any other
printed work of the fifteenth century, except the St. Albans*
Chronicle from the fame prefs. Among bibliographers it ranks as
ratiffimus" the known copies being fo few that they might pro-

bably be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Looking at the book, then, all round, it will be a convenient
plan to confider thefe fubjedls feparately, and to treat the volume
in its four afpe<5ls of Authorfhip, Typography and Bibliography,
Subje6l-matter, and Philology,


ISTORIANS and Biographers, together with Libra-

rians and Bookfellers, have a natural antipathy to

anonymous books ; and, wherever they can, are wilHng

to accept the smalleft amount of evidence as proof
of paternity. It faves much trouble and avoids
numerous errors in cataloguing, when a recognifed name can be
affociated with an anonymous work. From this tendency a bad habit
has arifen of attributing to particular writers books concerning which
the evidence of authorfhip is doubtful, if not altogether untruftworthy.
In this very book we have a ftriking inftance of fuch erroneous
attribution. The three treatifes, of which the book is made up, are

quite diflinft, and to a portion only of one of thefe is there any

author's name attached. Yet that name, "Dam Julyans Barnes,"
altered by degrees to " Dame Juliana Berners," is now univerfally
received as the name of the authorefs of the whole volume. With
even lefs fhow of reafon (he is credited with the authorfhip of
a " Treatife on Filhing " for which there is not the fhadow of evidence,
that treatife having been added ten years later by Wynken de Worde,
who, when reprinting the Book of St. Albans, thought that the subje(5t
of Fifhing would complete the work as a Gentleman's Vade Mecum.
There are really four diftindl tra(5lates in the Book of St. Albans,
although the two laft being on Heraldry are generally counted as one.

8 Authorfhip.

The firft is on Hawking ; to this no name of the author is

attached, but it has a prologue which no one acquainted with the

other writings of the printer can doubt to be his. Of this we (hall

have more to fay anon.

The fecond tra6late is on Hunting : it is fpecially affociated

with the name of Dame Juliana Berners, and will require a more
extended elucidation than the others.
Here the evidence of authorlhip is as good as for moft pieces

of fifteenth-century produdlion a period at which literary rights

did not exift, and when the fcribe, if at all acquainted with the
fubjeft upon which the book he was copying treated, did not fcruple

to interpolate his own ideas, and that without any egotiftical vanity,

but merely from a feeling that all books being written for the good
of men, and not from vanity in the author, it was a duty to
improve them where poffible. But as improvement moftly meant
the addition of fomething on the fame fubje6l taken from another
manufcript, we have the conftant occurrence of one MS. being a
compilation of two or three others, and yet appearing under the
name of the laft compiler.
In this treatife on Hunting we have the exprefs ftatement at
the end of the twenty-fourth page " Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes."
This might certainly apply to the tranfcription only, but, when taken
with Wynken de Worde's verfion, the probability is, that the lady
compiled as well as wrote it In the reprint by Wynken de Worde,
only ten years later than the original, he varies the colophon thus :

" L Explicit dame Julyans Bernes do6lryne in her boke of huntynge,"

the whole reprint ending " Enprynted at weftmeftre by Wynkyn the
Worde the yere of thyncarnacon of our lorde . M CCCC . . Ixxxxvj."
So that he, a contemporary, evidently believed her to be the authorefs.
Later authorities attributed the whole book to her pen, but as
they were in poffeffion of no more evidence than we now are, and
probably not fo much, we fhould attach no weight to fuch ftate-

ments, which were founded fimply on a vivid imagination.

Authorjhtp. 9

But what is known of the lady who is admitted to have com-

piled the twenty-four pages on Hunting ? Who was Dame Julians
Barnes ? Here, unlefs a fentimental and inventive fympathy be
employed to throw an artificial light upon the darknefs, we are in

total ignorance. A biography of her has certainly been written,

and all our Di6lionaries and Encyclopaedias devote a page or two
to her hiftory, which, in 18 10, under Haflewood's nurture, attained
its full development. Even fo far back as 1549, or nearly a
century after her fuppofed death, the learned Bale, who wrote
an account of all our Englifh celebrities, allows his gallantry to
bedeck her memory with garments
fine. " Fcemina illuftris " he
exclaims, " corporis et animi dotibus abundans ac forma elegantia
fpedlabilis " (An illuftrious lady ! abundantly gifted, both in body
and mind, and charming in the elegance of her mien). Confidering
that the name of the lady is the whole of the text upon which
Bale had to build, this is by no means a bad fpecimen of imagina-
tive biography, and became a good foundation for future commen-
tators. The ftory, however, fared rather badly at firft; for Holinfhed,

in 1577, while echoing Bale very exaftly, is made, by a curious

error of the printer, who miftook the letters rn for m, to call the
authorefs Julyan Be^es ; while Baker in his Chronicles, too carelefs
even to refer to the original text, adds another blunder to the
ftory, and, thinking that Julyan muft be a man's name, dubs the
authorefs " a gentleman of excellent gifts, who wrote certain treatifes

of Hawking and Hunting."

Chauncy, in 1700 (Hiftory of Hertfordftiire), reftored her fex
to the lady, and then fet to work upon making a family hiftory

for her. His firft difcovery was that, being a " Dame," ftie was of
noble blood. Finding alfo that the family name of Lord Berners
was, in olden time, fpelt occafionally Barnes, he foon fupplied a
father for our authorefs, in the perfon of Sir James Berners. And
fo the game of making hiftory went on merrily up to the time of
Jofeph Haflewood, who. in 18 10, reprinted Wynken de Worde's
lo Authorjhip,

edition of the Book of St. Albans, and fupplied a full-blown

biography of the authorefs, giving particulars of her birth and
education, the occupations of her youthful days, and a moft impofing
pedigree. Let us quote Haflewood's own words: "Julyans, or
Juliana, Barnes, otherwife Berners, who has been generally defignated
as the authorefs of the prefent volume, is fuppofed to have been
born, towards the latter end of the fourteenth century, at Roding-
Berners, in the county of Effex. The received report is that fhe
was the daughter of Sir James Berners, whofe fon was created
Baron Berners, temp. Henry IV., and that fhe once held the
fituation of Priorefs of Sopwell Nunnery, in Hertfordfhire." He
then attributes to her the authorfhip of all four works in the Book
of St. Albans. The difficulty of accounting for a lady fo placed
writing upon fuch fubje6ls, is cleverly, if not fatisfadlorily fettled
by affuming that fhe paffed her teens at court, partaking of the
amufements of the field, and writing for her own ufe a common-
place book on various fubje6ls. Then retiring through difappoint-
ment (doubtlefs a love affair) to a cloifler, her rank raifed her to
the pofition of priorefs. There in her feclufion, writing amidft the

folitude of lifllefs hours and vain regrets, fhe verfified the gene-
ral rules of fport from her own pleafant recolle6lion, and from the
diaries of her youthful happinefs, which fortunately fhe had preferved.
If we remember the mania which feized all claffes for diary-keeping

at the beginning of this century, when Haflewood wrote this, it will

deepen our fenfe of humour to note that he attributes private diary-

keeping to a young lady who lived ante 1450.
But enough of fuch fham biography ; let us return to fa6ls.

The word " Dame " did not in the fifteenth century, as it does
now, imply any conne(5lion with a titled family, it meant fimply
Miflrefs or Mrs. Chaucer fpeaks of Dame Partlet in this fenfe;
and had the Dame Julyans Barnes of the fifteenth century lived
now, fhe would have been jufl " Mrs, Barnes."
Similarity of name in hiflory, like fimilarity of found in philology.

Authorjhip. 1

is a will-o'-the-wifp which has led many a writer into a bog.

Allowing that Lord Berners* name was fometimes fpelt Barnes,
is that fufficient reafon for making our authorefs a member of
his family ? I think not.
That the greater portion of the book on Hunting was compiled
by Miftrefs Barnes, is probably corre6l,* and had fhe written
much more, and produced even an original work on the fubje<5l,

(he would not have flood alone, even at that early period, as an
authorefs. Cryftine de Pifan, two of whofe works were printed
by Caxton, was contemporary with Julians Barnes, and left not
only numerous original writings behind herone of which was
upon the Art of Warbut left her mark, and that no mean nor
ignoble one, upon the political courfe and moral development of
her countrymen. But Dame Julyans' work upon Hunting is certainly
not original, as indeed very few works upon any fubje6l were at
that period. This is evident from a glance at the text and the
grouping of the fubje6ls. It begins with diftinguifhing the varieties
of beafts and their ages ; the proper names by which to defignate the
beafts, fmgly and together ; on hunting and dreffmg a Roe, a Boar,
a Hare ; of flaying ; of the horns of a Roebuck ; of the Hart ; of the
feasons; of the Hare. Then follows, from another fource, an inter-

polation of a difcourfe between a M after of the Hunt and his man,

going over portions of the fame ground again ; and this ended, we
get back again to the original MS. and the difmemberment of various
beafts. All through, with the exception of the interpolated conver-
fation, the text is addreffed to **
My deare childe." Thus we read
"Do fo, my child," "Think what I fay, my fon ;
" "My lief

childer "
" Say, child, where you go ? my dame taught you fo."

Evidently that portion was originally written for a mother to ufe

Taking Berners and Barnes to be the lame word, it is curious to note in connexion
with the work attributed to Dame Juliana, viz.. The Book of Hunting that the mailers
of that (port employed men called Berners, to be ready with relays of horfes and to feed
the hounds. See Halliwell's " Didionary of Archaic and Provincial Words."'

I a Author/ktp.

as a fchool-book, by which her fon would learn to read, and, at

the fame time, become familiar with the terms of venery.

In the Bodleian Library is a fmall manufcript on the Terms

of the Chafe, the beginning of which is :

** Mi dere fones, where ye fare, be frith or by fell.

Take good hede in his tyme how Triftram wol tell.**

This manufcript was probably copied by fome youth as a fchool-

exercife, which would account for the following odd colophon
" Explicit, expliceat, ludere fcriptor eat."

Compare the above with the opening llanza of the verfes we

attribute to Miftrefs Barnes :

" Wherefoever ye fare, by frith or by fell,*

My dear child, take heed how Triftram doth you tell." f

The reft of the Oxford MS. is in fimilar accord with the print,

but nowhere in it is there a word about Miftrefs Barnes.

The words " Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes" have been confidered
to prove that the lady was alive when the book was printed. If,

however, Sir James Berners were her father, of which there is no

evidence, flie muft have been clofe upon a hundred years old
in i486, as he died in 1390. But this is importing a needlefs
difficulty into the theory, which is not rendered more probable
by making the authorefs and printer contemporary.
It may here be as well to fay a few words about Sopwell
Nunnery, over which, without a particle of evidence, our authorefs
is fuppofed to have prefided. Sopwell Nunnery, Hertfordftiire,

was founded about 1 140, under the rule of St. Benedict, and
fubjedl to the Abbot of St. Albans, from which it was not far

* " By frith or by fell " = by foreft or by plain ; but fee Halliwell's Diftionary.
t Sir Triftram, the well-known knight of the Round Table, was a mighty hunter, and
the great authority upon all fubje6ts connefted with the chafe. Popular belief attributed
to him the origin of all the fpecial terms ufed in hunting, and his name was invoked to give
authority to any ftatement upon this fubjeft, juft as in a later century the arithmetical rule*
of Cocker give rife to the popular phrale
** According to Cocker."

Authorfliip. 1

diftant. The rule of life among the inmates was very fevere, and

at the firft the nuns were enclofed under locks and bolts, made
additionally fure by the feal, on the door, of the Abbot for the
time being (Chauncy's Hiftory, p. 466). How long this lafted,

and how the nuns liked it, hiftory faith not; but, in 1338, a
re-organifation had become imperative, and the Abbot of St.

Albans, among other inftru6lions, ordered that no nun fhould lodge

out of the houfe, and no gueft within it (Newcome, p. 468).
There does not feem much fcope left here for the Priorefs to
take an adlive part in field fports, though a hundred and fifty years
later, which was about the period of our " Dame," many relaxations
of the ftrid; rules may have become common. But, then, we have
apparently accurate lifts of all the Prioreffes of Sopwell in the
fifteenth century, and the name of Juliana Barnes does not appear
at all in them. The known dates are these: In 1416, Matilda de
Flamftede was Priorefs. Four years before her death, which was in
1430, fhe was fucceeded by Letitia Wyttenham. The next whose
name is known was Joan Chapell ; the date of her appointment is

not recorded, but as fhe was fet afide in 1480 on account of her
age, (he had probably occupied the pofition for many years. In

1480, Elizabeth Webb fucceeded Joan Chapell.

What is really known of the Dame is almoft nothing, and may
be fummed up in the following few words. She probably lived at
the beginning of the fifteenth century, and ftie poffibly compiled from
exifting MSS. fome rhymes on Hunting.
There is ftill the authorftiip of the other parts of the book to
determine, and if fimilarity of wording and phrafeology may be taken
as evidence, they were all from one pen.
At the end of the book on Heraldry the printer has put the
following " Here endeth the book of Blafing of Arms tranflated and
compiled together at Seynt Albons." Here we have the printer's

own ftatement as to the origin of his text, and doubtlefs this, as well
as the treatife on Hawking, were made up or " compiled " from more

14 Author/hip.

than one manufcript in French. Haflewood gives a lift of fuch as are

in the Britifh Mufeum, in feveral of which portions of the printed

work are contained. Works on Hunting and Hawking were not

uncommon in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and are ftill found
in all large colledlions of manufcripts. There were feveral in the

libraries of the Dukes of Burgundy in the fifteenth century, and many

are ftill extant in the national colle6lions of England and France.
The other tra<5lates in the volume have an origin very fimilar
to that of the Book of Hunting. The Book of Hawking is an evident
compilation from feveral manufcripts, which accounts perhaps for its

deficiency in arrangement and want of continuity. The Book of Coat

Armour alfo has two diftin(5l fources in contemporary works, one of
which was the " De Officio Militari" of Nicholas Upton. From this

the fchoolmafter copied Book IV. almoft word for word, fupple-
menting it from " The Book of the Lineage of Coat Armour," as
ftated already. The only other literary work which can be attributed
to our printer is the extenfive compilation known as the St. Albans'
Chronicle or the Frudlus Temporum. But neither in the Chronicle,

where he fimply combined two hiftories into one, nor in the Book of
St. Albans, which is alfo a compilation, does the fchoolmafter ftiow
any literary ability above the average of fcholars of his period.

As fpecimens of the fchoolmafter' s powers of compofition we

annex the following, the originals of which can be feen in the en-

suing facfimile pages :

Prologue to tfie IBooi^ of i^atoliing.

"In fo much that gentlemen and honeft perfons have great delight
in Hawking, and defire to have the manner to take hawks : and alfo

how and in what wife they fliould guide them ordinately : and to

know the gentle terms in communing of their hawks : and to under

ftand their fickneffes and infirmities, and to know medicines for them
according, and the many notable terms that be ufed in hawking

Author/hip. 1

both of their hawks and of the fowls that their hawks fhall flay.

Therefore this book following in a due form fliows very knowledge

of fuch pleafure to gentlemen and perfons difpofed to fee it."

Prologue to ^\%\xz%% TBarne^' Compilation on 5)unting*

" Likewife, as in the Book of Hawking aforefaid are written and

noted the terms of pleafure belonging to gentlemen having delight
therein, in the fame manner this book following fhoweth to fuch gentle
perfons the manner of Hunting for all manner of beafls, whether they
be beafts of Venery, or of Chace, or Rascal. And alfo it fhoweth all

the terms convenient as well to the hounds as to the beafl:s aforefaid.

And in certain there be many diverfe of them as it is declared in the
book following."

prologue to tjje IBoofe of Coat armour*

Here in this book following is determined the lineage of Coat
Armours : and how gentlemen fhall be known from ungentle men, and
how bondage began firfl in angel and after fucceeded in man kind,
as it is here fhowed in procefs, both in the childer of Adam and alfo

of Noe, and how Noe divided the world in three parts to his three
fons. Alfo there be fhowed the nine colours in Arms figured by the
nine orders of Angels, and it is fhowed by the forefaid colours which
be worthy and which be royal ; and of regalities which be noble and
which be excellent And there be here the vertues of Chivalry, and
many other notable and famous things, to the pleafure of noble perfons
fliall be fhowed, as the works following witneffes, whofoever liketh to
fee them and read them, which were too long now to rehearfe. And
after thefe notable things aforefaid followeth the Blafmg of all manner
Arms in Latin, French, and Englifh."

So wrote the fchoolmafler. Let us now fee what kind of book

this is typographically.

Cppograpl)^ anD 'Bitiiogtapbg^

LD books muft be loved, and their idiofyncrafies carefully

ftudied, before they will yield up all their treafures;

that done, the obfervant lover will obtain poffeffion

of both foul and body ; he may revel in the intelledlual

feaft provided by the author, or he may ftudy the

material and mechanical features of the books as reprefented by the
peculiarities of paper and the habits and cuftoms of the various
printers. Then, by grouping thefe as a botanift does his flowers,

according to their organifation into claffes, orders, genera, and fpecies,

he may extra(5l from his volumes true replies to queftions which
otherwife would remain hidden for ever. So true is the di(5lum, " The
Mind it is which fees, and not the Eye alone."

Many bibliophiles, however, of education and tafte have been

pofitively blind when outfide the circle of their own particular ftudies.

So it was with the Rev. Dr. M'Neille, a well-known critic and book-
colle6lor of fixty years ago. When addreffmg Dr. Dibdin he wrote thus
of " The Book of St. Albans " " This book is itfelf ufelefs, and only
a bon vtorceau for the quizzical colle6lor." With fuch feelings

towards one of the mod curious works which this country produced
during the infancy of the printing prefs, it was fimply impoffible that
the intereft of its pages fliould be revealed to him ; and however rich

in divinity and editiones p<rincipes of the claffics the library of the

Typography mid BidCiograpky. n
worthy do6lor may have been, it is evident that our Book of St.

Albans could never have been aught but an alien on his book-fhelves.
The works printed by William Caxton were almoft without
exception in the Englifh tongue, while the contemporary preffes of
Oxford, St. Albans, and Machlinia were nearly all in Latin. Of the

eight books at prefent known to have been printed at St. Albans, the

only two in Englifh were the " Fru6lus Temporum " and the work

under review. The " Fru6lus " or St. Albans' Chronicle is the fame

as that printed two years previoufly by Caxton, with the addition of

certain ecclefiaflical events and Papal chronology, probably added by
the printer himfelf to pleafe the monks.
The Book of St. Albans' and the St. Albans* Chronicle make a
clafs of themfelves ; but as it is impoffible to underftand their pofition

without a glance at the other works from the fame prefs, we will give
a tabulated defcription of the whole eight.


Date of No. of Size of Lines

Title of Book.
Size. Print- Printed Type Printed
Signa- Printed
Ink. in
guage. tures. Initials. cuts.
ing. Leaves. Page. Page.

I Auguftini Dacti ele- Latin 4to n. d. 18 I S|x3i none none black none none 36
2 Laur de Saona Rhe-
: Latin ! 4to 1480 '8l 2-1 S|x3i signed none black none none 24
torica nova
3 Albert! modo Latin 4to I4S0 46 3-1 5ix3i signed none black none none 32
4 Joan: CanoniciQueft. Latin fol. I481 174 3 8x5 signed none black none none 44
fup. Phys. Arift.

5 Ezempla facre fcrip- Latin 4to I481 3 3 51^3* signed none black none none 32
6 Ant. Andreae fuper Latin 4to 1482 33S 3 SfxSi signed none black none none 32
Logica Ariftotelis ;

7 Chronicles of Eng- Engl. fol. 1483? 29s 2 8x5 leaf yes black with !
yes 32
land signed &red
8 The Book of St. Engl. foL i486 88 2-4 8x5 signed yes black with yes 32
Albans &red

But who was the printer ? What was his name .'*
Was he affociated
with the great Abbey .'*
and is there any internal or external evidence in
his works to connedl him with any other printer or any other town }

The only notice we have of the printer is an accidental one by

Wynken de Worde, who, in reprinting the St. Albans' Chronicle, fays
8 "

1 Typo^aphy and Bibliography.

in the colophon, " Here endith this prefent Chronicle . . . compiled

in a book and alfo enprinted by our fometime Schoolmafter of St.
Alban." He was a fchoolmafter, then, and this will account for the
nature of his early works, all fcholaftic and all in Latin. Not till the
end of his typographical career did he realife the fadl that the print-

ing-prefs, inftead of being the hobby of a few learned men, was the
educator of the people, the whole nation ; and then he gave his country-

men what they wanted a hiftory of their own country and a book
upon the whole (secular) duty of the gentleman, as then underftood.

The name of the fchoolmafter-printer is quite unknown. No

notice of him is found in the records of the Abbey, nor does he
appear in any contemporary document. Yet here, as in Miftrefs
Barnes's cafe, imagination has come to the refcue and a legendary
name has been provided.
Finding that the Prologue to the Book of Hawking began with
the words, *' In/omuch as gentle men and honeft perfons have great
delight in Hawking ;
" finding alfo that the St. Alban's Chronicle
from the fame prefs began thus :
" In/omuck as it is neceffary
and bearing in mind that certain old authors had veiled their names
in the firft words of their works, Dr. Chauncy arrived at the fagacious

conclufion that the St. Albans printer wifhed to veil his name, which
really was " Infomuch." The joke, for it almoft feems like one, does
not bear even the fcrutiny which itfelf invites, for although the fchool-
mafter ufes the words in two other places, in neither cafe are they
at the beginning of a chapter.* It fhould be added that in this the
worthy hiftorian of Hertford fhire only followed the lead of both
Bale and Pits.

Was he connected with the Abbey ? I think not. There is not

a word to fuggeft fuch a connexion, although we may take it for

granted that the Abbot and his fraternity could not have frowned upon
* On sig. a " Cote Armour " is " Infomuch as all gentlenefs comes of God "
\ refto of ;

and upon sig. h iiy verfo is " Infomuch that in the fifth quadrat," &c. The ufe of the word
in thefe cafes could have no veiled meaning, and it was probably only a peculiarity of
diftion which had become a habit with the ft:hoolmafter.

Typography and Bibliography. 1

the printer, or he would never have eftablifhed himfelf. His imprints

all mention the town of St. Albans, but never the Abbey, and his por-
tion was probably fimilar to that of Caxton, who was fimply a tenant
of the Abbot of Weftminfter, but, fo far as is known, nothing more.
Was he connedled with Caxton and the Weftminfter prefs ? With-
out a ftiadow of doubt I fay, No ! Mr. E. Scott, of the MS. depart-
ment in the Britifli Mufeum, has indeed ftrung together a number
of furmifes to ftiow that the Schoolmafter was employed by Caxton,
and that all the books without date or place hitherto attributed to
Weftminfter were really printed at St. Albans. But internal evidence
is againft any fuch gratuitous affumption. There is nothing in common
between the two printers in any of their habits or cuftoms except the

poffeffion of Caxton's No. 3 type. This is the only one of Caxton's

types ufed outfide his own office (for W. de Worde, his succeffor
in houfe and bufmefs, muft not be regarded as a feparate printer).
Caxton employed it from his arrival in England in 1477 till 1484,
when it makes its laft appearance in the headings of " ^fop," the
"Order of Chivalry," and "The Golden Legend." In 1485 Caxton
obtained a new fount, fimilar in ftiape and charadler, and from that
time the old No. 3 difappears to make way for the new and fmaller
type No. 5. This being more fuited to the tafte of the day, we
find the larger and worn fount paffmg over to the country prefs of
St. Albans, where the Schoolmafter firft ufes it in i486, being the
identical year in which its fucceffor appears in Caxton's " Royal
Book." We may here obferve that after the ftoppage of the St.

Albans' Prefs the fame fount finds its way back again and is feen
in W. de Worde's reprint, in 1496-97, of the two Englifli St. Albans
books. But the difcovery of a copy of Caxton's Boethius in the
old Grammar School at St. Albans, and the numerous fragments of
old books extrafted from its covers, are quoted as confirming the idea.
Yet the book itfelf and all thefe fragments were from Weftminfter,
not a fingle one being from a known St Albans book, and they
included the Caxton "Chronicles," 1480, the " Dictes," 1477, and the

0 Typography and Bibliography.

ftill earlier " Life of Jafon ;

" fo that we had better at once remove the
whole Weftminfler prefs, dated and undated, to St. Albans, if fuch an
argument is to have any force. Thefe fragments, indeed, can only
point to the fa6l that the copy of Boethius was bound in the printing
office, as was commonly the cafe with the books from Caxton's prefs.

Again, Mr. Scott draws attention to the fa6l that a page of the
St. Albans' Book, i486, has been copied by a contemporary writer
on to the blank leaves of one of Caxton's earliefl books. 'Tis true

but this copying of part of one book into another, printed ten years
before, has no typographical bearing whatever. Laftly, the name
Caufton appears in an old St. Albans' Regifler of the early part of the
fifteenth century. But this, again, means pofitively nothing. Caxton's
name was not at all uncommon ; there were Cauflons or Caxtons in
nearly every Englifh county, and I have quite a long lift of them.
It is highly probable that Caxton, while at Weftminfler, in the
van of all the literature of his day, would have communications
of fome fort with the important town of St. Albans ; but that the
two printers affifted one another in the production of books, is, fo far

as any evidence goes, a pure fiction.

Let us now glance at the bibliographical afpe6l of the book.

The work itfelf has no title. It is difficult in our time, accuftomed
as we are to " teeming millions " of books, each with its own title-

page, to conceive a period when the prefs fent out works without
even the fhadow of a title-page. Before the invention of printing,
the author fimply headed his firft page with the name of the work,
as " Here begins the Confeffio Amantis," or " Hie incipit Parvus
Catho," and, without preface or more ado, the text commenced.
Sometimes even this little notification was omitted, and, as in

Caxton's "Jafon," "The Chefs Book," "Tulle," and many other

fifteenth-century books, the fubjeft of the work had to be learned
by reading the text. So it is with the book now under review;
it comprifes four diftin6l works, but to one only is there any
heading, and that has the bare line " Incipit liber armorum."

Typography and Bibliography. 21

The firft, "The Book of Hawkinor," darts ftraight off " This is

the manner to keep Hawks," and occupies three fignatures, a, |),

and r, of eight leav^ each, and fig. U, which has but four leaves,
on purpofe that this portion might be complete alone, if fo defired.

The fame idea controlled the arrangement of " The Book of

Hunting," which, beginning on fig. Z j, ends with Dame Juliana's
Explicit " on the re6lo of fig. f Hiy This left the laft feven pages
of the quaternion to be filled up. Now it was a common pra6lice,

both with the fcribes and with the early printers, when they got
to the end of their text and found that a page or two of blank
paper was left, to occupy the blank pages with fuch common
houfehold aphorifms or popular rhymes as came eafily to the memory,
or were at hand in fome other book. So here the fchoolmaster-
printer fills up his vacant pages with a number of odd fentences and
rhymes, moft of which occur over and over again in numerous manu-
fcripts of early poetry. Among others we notice the well-known :

" Arife erly,

ferue God deuouteli,

and the world befily,"

&-C. &c.
Alfo the folks proverb :

" Too wyues in oon hous.

Too cattys and oon mous.
Too dogges and oon boon,
Theis ihall neu accorde oon."

Then the lift of proper terms to be ufed by gentlemen and thofe

curious in their fpeech is of very common occurrence :

" An herde of Hertis

An herde of all man dere
A pride of Lionys
A fleuth of Beeris."
&c. &c.

This was evidently copied from fome MS., and ends with "IT Ex-
plicit," and nothing more. On the next page we have the proper
terms for carving or dismembering beafts, fowls, and fifties, followed
on the laft leaf by a lift of biftioprics and provinces.

22 Typography and Bibliography.

Having thus filled up all his leaves, the printer begins his third
fubjedl on a frefh fignature, and introduces the " Liber Armorum
with the Preface (already printed). A long work on the " Blafing
of Arms" follows, beginning on fig. C J, and ending on fig. f lo.

This is extremely interefting, both in matter and in the very

rude woodcut reprefentations of armorial bearings with which the
text is profufely illuftrated. Except in one or two cafes of uncommon
tints, thefe are all colour-printed, as are the initials to paragraphs.
In the Grenville copy, the preffman having forgotten to roll the
"forme," the initials all appear in that femi-tinted ftate which
would be the natural refult of fuch an omiffion. We notice, too,

that where the coats of arms require, say, three colours on one page,
then the initials are alfo in three colours ; but if only one colour
is required for the arms, only one colour, and that the fame, is ufed
for the initials. Occafionally, where a peculiar colour was neceffary,

a brufli was ufed to infert that tint by hand.

In workmanfhip the St. Albans printer, efpecially in the Englifh
books, is much inferior to the contemporary iffue from the Weft-
minfler prefs. The types are worfe, the arrangement worfe, the
preffwork worfe, and the ink worfe. From this point of view alone,
the theory that he would print for Caxton fo much better than he
did for himfelf, is not worth ferious confideration.
The Book of St. Albans went through many editions, particu-

lars of which are difficult to obtain.

i486. The Boke of St. Albans (Brit. Mus.). 15- By W. Copland. "In Lothebury"
149-. By Wynken de Worde " at the fygne 4to.
of the Sonne." 15. By W. Copland. " In faynt Martyns
1496. By Wynken de Worde (Brit. Mus.). parifh in the Vinetre upon the three
5 By W. Powell. "Imprinted at London crane wharfe."
in Fleteftrete at the fygne of George 1548 " Imprynted at
By W. Copland.
next to faynt Dunfton's Church by LondonVyentre vppon the
in the
Wyllyam Powell. thre Craned Wharfe by Wyllyam
15- By W. Copland. "Imprinted at Copland."
London in Flete Street at the fygne ^SS^' By W. Powell. " Hawkynge Hun-
of the Rofe Garlande by Wylliam tynge and Filhynge." 8vo. Lon-
Copland for Richard Tottell don.
(Brit. Mus.). 1551 ? By Abraham Vele.

Typography and Bibliography. 3

'5 By Henry Tab. " Imprynted at G. M. (Gervafe Markham). Lon-

London in Paul's chyrch yarde by don. 4to. (Brit. Mus.).

me Hery Tab" (Brit. Mus.). 1596. By Wolffe.

15 By Waley. " Imprinted at Lon- 1596. By Iflip. " Hawking Hunting Fowl-
don in Fofter laen by John Waley ing and Fifhing," by Adam IlUip.

4ro. 4to.

1561. By Copland. In this year Copland 1596. By E. Aide. " Hawking Hunting
was fined for "a book of Hawkyng, Fowling and Fiftiing," by Edward
Huntyng, and fysfhynge cotrary to Aide.
the orders of this howse iiij d
1600. By WolfFe.
(Herbert, p. 367). 1606. By WolfFe.
1586. By E. Aide. 4to. (Bib. Dec). 1614. By Helrae. "A Jewell for Gentrie
1590. By John Wolfe " at the fygne of the by S. T." 4to. (Brit. Mus.).
Gunne." 1793. "The Book of Cote Armour." Lon-
By H. Lownes. "The Gentleman's don, 4to, reprinted by J. Dalla-
Academic or the Booke of St. way, with an excellent introdudtion
Albans * * * Compiled by Juliana (Brit Mus.).
Barnes in the year from the incar- 1 8 10. The Boke of Hawking Hunting and
nation of Chrift i486. And now Cote Armour. Hazlewood's re-

reduced into a better method by print. London. 4to. (Brit. Mus.).

How did the fchoolmafter at St. Albans obtain his types ? This
is a puzzling queftion in the prefent ftate of pal^otypography. Mr.
Bradfhaw of Cambridge has, by unwearied ftudy of early printed
books, thrown great light upon the connedlion and genealogy of
numerous founts ufed by fifteenth-century printers, and fyftematic
attention to the minute peculiarities of each printer is doubtlefs the
only way in which thofe old books can be forced to yield up their
fecrets ; but the tafk is immenfe, and beyond the powers of any one
man to complete. Some day, however, when the palaeotypography
of this country, as well as of the Continental preffes, fhall have
received that full technical and philofophical analyfis which time
is fure to bring, the more fortunate bibliographer of the future
will be able with certainty to track the footfteps and operations of
the early typefounders, and will be enabled to ftate for certain to
what extent Caxton and the St. Albans printer were their own
typefounders, and to what extent and to whom they looked for
outside help. As the cafe now ftands, we can only confefs our
ignorance of where the St. Albans types came from.


Cfie ^ubjectjBf Created.

N the rude civilifation of the fifteenth century, a year's

experience of which would fend moft of us to our
graves, the mental occupation as well as the bodily
recreation of our anceftors was almoft confined to

hunting and hawking. " Fifhing with an Angle

came in as a bad third, being too tame a purfuit for men who were
no men if not men of war. Mimic war war on the beafts of the
field and the fowls of the air war which could be purfued in times

of peace, and which yet required knowledge, patience, fortitude, and

courage this had great attra6lions, and we cannot wonder at the

general popularity of thefe purfuits.

The firft treatife in the following reprint is upon Hawking, a
paftime effentially ariftocratic from the great expenfe it entailed in
the purchafe, breeding, and maintenance of the birds. This, indeed,
coupled with the diminution of game confequent on the progrefs of
civilifation and the increafe of the population, led to the gradual
decadence of the fport, and nearly to its extindlion in the eighteenth
century, although, in very rare cafes, falconry is even now practifed.

As we have feen, one of the moft difficult objects in hawking

was to obtain an eafy command of the proper vocabulary, and fo at
firft ftart our author inftrudls us in " The manner to fpeak of Hawks,
from the egg." We muft not fay a young hawk is hatched, but
The SudfeSfs Treated. 25

difclofed ;
they do not breed but " eyer " it was a want of culture

in any falconer to fay that hawks were building their neft, they
" timbered " it. When the young could firft leave the neft they were
Boweffes," and when they could fly they were " B ranchers," and
then was the time to catch and train them.
When the young were caught, which was with nets, the firft thing

was to "enfile" them, that is, to "take a needle and thread and
few up the eyelids," fo that they " fee never a dele." After a night
and a day the threads were cut foftly for fear of breaking the " lyddis
of the ighen," then they were fed with well-wafhed flefli, but kept
awake the next night and day, after which they were fuppofed to

be tame, or **
The various difeafes to which Hawks are liable are then explained,
and medicines prefcribed for them. Some of thefe are very abfurd
and fome contradictory. Then comes a variety of terms for every
movement and habit, for every limb or part of the body, and for
almoft every feather in the plumage. In this minute defcription the
author begins at the feet of the bird and fo works upwards, as when
Knyghttis been harneffide."
Next we are inftrudled how important it is to be careful of the
manner of guiding the Hawk the firft time it is ready to " nomme '

a partridge ; how to reward her by giving her the head and neck, after

which on no account is flie to fly again till flie has **

rejoiced," i.e.^

ftiarpened her beak and fliaken her feathers. More medicines follow,
among which is how to get rid of " lies " (lice). " Take a piece of

rough blanket and hold it to the fire till it is quite hot ; wrap the
hawk therein, and without hurting hold her *
foftely and ftylly ' in your
hands, and all the vermin will creep into the cloth." A happy thought

The " Gefle," or ftrip of leather by which the Hawk is held when
carrying her on the hand, is next defcribed, together with the creance
or long line. More medicines ftill, and then how to treat Hawks when
" in mew," or moulting, a matter of great importance. To promote

26 The SuhjeSls Treated.

mewing " give the flefh of a kid, a young fwan, and efpecially rats

flesh ; ftewed adders are alfo ftrongly recommended, or chickens which

have been fed upon wheat foaked in broth of vipers.

Gout feems a common difease in various parts of the Hawk's body,


which may be known by fwelling and " ungladnefs " alfo rheum and
fever and blains and agrum, which lafl is cured by a red-hot filver

needle thruft into the noftrils. Botches in the jaw fliould be **

with a knyfe." More terms follow for various habits and actions, the

lafl paragraph being upon the variety of Bells ufed for Hawks. There
fhould be two, one a " femytoyn " (femitone) below the other. " The
Bells of Melen (Milan?) were the befl, but," fays the author, "there
be now ufed Dutchland bells, of a town called durdright (Dordrecht),
and they be paffmg good, fonowre (fonorous) of ringing in flirillnefs,

and well lafl:ing."

The whole ends with a lift of various fpecies of Hawks and their

appropriatenefs to the various ftations of life, among which are

An Eagle for an Emperor. A Merlyon for a Lady.

A Gerfalcon for a King. A Gofhawk for a Yeoman.
A Peregrine for an Earl. A Sparehawk for a Prieft.
A Mufkyte for " an holiwater clerke."

The fecond treatife is upon Hunting, and has a fhort preface, which
probably came, like the firft, from the pen of the Schoolmafter.
The work is all in metre, and evidently intended for boys to learn
by heart. It begins by telling " my dere chylde " the various kinds
of beaft to be hunted ; the changes of name they take as they grow
older ; the variety of horns ; how to (kin and difmember ; the various
cries and noifes to be ufed ; the feafons of hunting various beafts.
Then follow inftrudlions how to hunt the Hare, and what to fay
to the hounds, who muft always be addreffed in French, as " arere

when he enters the kennel-door ;

this is the firft word, my fon, of

venery." " Sa fa cy auaunt," " Sweff mon amy sweff," and other fimilai
cries are noted down, fome to be fliouted twice only and fome thrice,

The Subjects Treated, 27

the chief cry being " So how." The knowledge of when and how often
thefe cries fhould be ufed was moll important, as their proper ufe would
bring " worfhip among all men." Here, apparently, in the midfl of
one effay, another is interpolated, and we are treated to a portion of

fome old dialogue like " The Mafter of the Hunt," in which the
Man " afks all forts of queftions and the " Mafter " replies. It might
indeed be dubbed " The Hunter's Catechifm." This occupies eight
pages, and then we fall back upon the original rhyme again and the
inftru6lions of the Dame to "my childe," ending with the " Explicit"
of Dam Julyans Barnes. Some leaves remaining to be filled up, the
moral and other fentences, as already defcribed at page 21, were added.
Perhaps the third treatife upon Coat Armour and the Blafon of

Arms is the moft interefting portion of the book. The quaintnefs of

fome of the explanations is very amufing, and many people will
find more points of fympathy, both hiftorical and technical, with this

than with the others.

The headline, " Incipit Liber Armorum," gives us at once the
title of the manufcript from which the text was compiled. " Heraldry

Run Mad" might indeed have been an appropriate title for this, as

well as all fimilar tractates ; for the author, in his anxiety to honour
the fcience, does not fcruple to take the reader back hiftorically not to

Noah Adam, whofe fpade, he tells us, was the firft

only, but to fhield

in Heraldry, and who was the firft to bear Coat Armour. The argu-
ment, if it may fo be called, is : All " gentilnes " comes from God ;

there were originally in heaven ten Orders of Angels bearing Coat

Armour, but now only nine, Lucifer with " mylionys of aungelis
having fallen out of heaven into hell and other places. As a bond-
man might fay that all men come from Adam, fo might Lucifer fay he
and his angels came from heaven.
Cain, for his wickednefs, was the firft churl, and all his ofififpring

were churls alfo by the curfe of God. Seth, on the other hand, was
a gentleman by his father's bleffing ; Noah, too, was a gentleman by
nature, but of his three fons, " Sem, Cham, and Jafeth," Cham, for

28 The Subjects Treated.

his unfilial conduct, was made '*

ungentle." The addrefs of Noah to

his three fons is curious, and is thus fupplemented :

" Of the offfpring of the gentleman Japhet came Abraham, Mofes

Aaron, and the prophets, and alfo the King of the right line of Mary,
of whom that gentleman Jefus was born, very God and man, after his

manhood King of the land of Judah and of Jews, a gentleman by his

mother Mary, and Prince of Coat Armour."
Some fay that Coat Armour began at the fiege of Troy, but it

was of far greater antiquity than that, and was founded upon the nine
Orders of Angels, who were crowned each with a diadem of precious
ftones the Topaz (truth), Smaragdus (hardihood), Amethyft (chivalry),

Loys (powerful), Ruby (courageous). Sapphire (wifdom). Diamond, a

black Hone (durable), Carbuncle (doughty and glorious). Thefe
reprefent Gentleman, Squire, Knight, Baron, Lord, Earl, Marquis,
Duke, and Prince. Here we probably have the origin of the fhape

of various crowns and coronets. Everything is treated in nines, and

the nine virtues and nine vices of gentlenefs follow, with nine rejoic-

ings, nine articles that every knight fhould keep, and nine manner of
gentlemen, in which we learn that the Evangelifts and Apoftles were
all gentlemen of the right line of that worthy conqueror, Judas
Machabeus, who in courfe of time had fallen to labour, and fo were
not called gentlemen. The four doctors of the Church St. Jerome
Ambrofe, Auguftine, and Gregory were alfo gentlemen of blood and
of Coat Armour. There are nine differences of Coat Armour and nine
quadrats, all of which are explained. The " Blafyng of Arms" comes
next, the preface to which is by the author, and not by the printer.

It begins with the varieties of the Crofs as borne in arms, each being
illuftrated by a rude woodcut printed in its proper colours, and the
blafon, or technical defcription of each is given in Latin, French,
and Englifh. All varieties of arms follow, with the myfteries of
bends, engrail, borders, chequers, balls, cakes, rings, &c., offering

but little which can be quoted, but forming an interefting and ufefuJ

book of reference.



HERE is a ftrongly marked individuality in the fpelling

throughout all the treatifes in this work. If the

Hunting rhymes belong to Dam Julyans, their ortho-

graphy, like the profe portions, is that of the School-
mafler, who appears to have been a North-countryman,
many words leading to that conclufion. The formation of the plural
by adding the letters " is " or " ys " ftrikes the attention at once. Thus
the plural of bells is bellis ; egg, eggis ; vetch, fetchis ; fulmert, ful-

mertis ; hawk, hawkys ; herd, herdys ;

person, personys, and so on.
The change of a jv at the end of a word to an t is common, as onli,
fofteli, unthrefti ; and for if ; algate ; awth for all the ; bowke ; chylder
clepit ; knaw ken yowre and many others are Northern. As
clees ; ; ; ;

might be expected, many Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman words now

obfolete are found, fuch as benymme, blynne, byzete, canell, clepit,
colver, dagon, gobbit, kawe, kydde, liggen, merde, nafethrils, nym,*
raton, and many others.
The following vocabulary will fhow the chief words in which
peculiarity of fpelling or diale(5l are noticeable :

al/e, half and, used for " if" am, are

algate, always appillis, apples aj/bne, as foon

* In the dang of thieves tojieal i to nim at thi day.

30 Philology.

awntelere, antler i/coluer, a dove fetchis, vetches

awth, aught colode, cold feldis, fields

awth, all the cogh, cough fg/lerys, forefters

barris, bars contenyt, contained folowys, follows

bee/lys, beafts cowples, couples Jlee, flay

beke, beak croampe, cramp forder, further

bellis, bells currage, courage forrgeet, forget
bene, be cum, cumme^ come fojlewl, foil

benymme, take away dais, days fowrilh, fourth

blynne, to ceafe ^dagon, a piece (^fulmertis, polecats
boon, bone dayfes, daifies gedder, gather
^^^^, body deeil, a portion ^glayre, white of an egg
bowellis, bowels defawte, default gobbit, piece

bott, but diueris, divers gres, greafe

bottre, butter dookes, ducks groyn, grown

bowke, crooked doon, do gyde, guide
bridde, bird doys, does habull, able
broght, brought echeon, each one hawkys, hawks
byfprenged, fprinkled ech, each hawtyn, proud
byzete, gain kakke, hack
call, called eegis, eggs kaare, hare
calde, called ellis, else heepis, heeps
catlisflejh, cat's flefh elis, eels kedgis, hedges
^-canell, cinnamon errabull, arable herdys, herds
callifh, call (imper.) efeli, eafily howndys, hounds
chycon, chick eiieri, every hoole, whole
chykynne&, chickens i^^uero/e, rofewater hoold, holde, old
chooce, choice ^W)'^, eetien, even koont, home
chylder, children ^;'^, air hudge, fmall
clepil, called W^> ^yghen, eye, eyes huntid, hunted
cloos, close febulne/s, feeblenefs hunterys, hunters
communeli, commonly fechens, floats hennys, hens
commythe, cometh faukeneris, falconers huicles oppon hir
cownlenanjis^ counte- feeder is, federes, houghis
nances feathers - kanylon, wiles of a fol
Philology, ?1

igh,ighe,iyen, eye, eyes medecyne, medejyn, pennydy feathered

ingraylyt, engrailled medlide, mingled perfonySy perfons
inowgh, enough meeUy melts, meal, pellittiSy pellets

ilich, alike meals pikey pick

iren^ iron medill, mingle proceisy procefs

ilke, each much

tnoch, puttithy putteth
juse, juice mony, many pratyy pretty
kawe, call mowothe, mouth properteisy properties

^, know moyjlour, moifture quarterity quartered

knaw, knawe, know myddeSy midft rady ? afraid
knottis, knots mynney mine ratony a rat
kneys, knees nafetkriUis, noftrils rejlithy refteth

kow, cow nareSy noftrils redey ready

knyue, knife naamySy names rebukety rebuked
kydde, known nathelefsy nevertheless roysy roes

kyndeli, natural y^ neppe, catmint roungeth

kut, cut nettisy nets row/ey roufe

layferly, leifurely notabull, notable faauuey fave

lew wartne no moOy no more ferveny few
leppys, leaps nombury number femytoyny femitone
leify dear noty a nut y^, fee

leuer, liver nyghtisy nights JhewySy fhows

/z^5, lice ny^Hy nomme, take, JlaUy flow
linne, lynne, linen taken fnakySy fnakes
/^V/y/, little okys, oaks fofteliy foftly

liggyn, lie onli, only fomwatty fomewhat

/>^^ water onyy honey foore, fore
lyddis of the ighen, 07ieSy onys, once fowre, foar
eyelids oouen, oven foper, fupper
lymayally iron filings jc;, one fowkyngy fucking
looff, loaf oppytiy open fonnySy fons
maakey make ordenatili fpanyelliSy fpaniels
mary, marrow owtey out fnakySy fnakes
markeris, markers parlous perlouSy
peril- taake, take

merde, dung ous takySy takes

3 Philology.

tempur, temper varri red^, very red wroght, wrought

termys, tennis, terms veri, very w<?^<?, zt/^/i/, would
tho, thei, they vnthrefti, unthrifty wight, fwift

tkridde, third vreyne, urine woddys, woods

Oieyem, them warbellith, warbelleth wylis, while

threisy thrice watt, what ^r^^, each

tkeys, thighs weerCy where yghes, eyes

togeydeVy together weere, weary yolow, yellow

toon, two ware, were yowre, your
tweysy twice wengys, wings yowris, yours
tymeli, timely whaan, when
thredisy threads whole nat, wot not

We have now traced the various afpe6ls in which this curious work
may be viewed. There is not one of them that would not repay
much deeper ftudy, and the reader will, doubtlefs, fympathife with
the writer in the wifh that more could be difcovered concerning the
fchoolmafter-printer. That his pioneer attempts to eftablifh a printing

prefs met with many difcouragements was a matter of courfe ; and,

doubtlefs, he had many technical, bufmefs, and even focial difficulties

to overcome ; for a reading public had to be created and patronage

was fcantily afforded. Neverthelefs he ftruggled on for at leaft feven
years, as we learn from the dates on his books, and whatever may have
been his fhortcomings, either as author or as printer, the fa6l of his having
been one of the earlieft promoters in this country of the grandeft
difcovery which the mind of man has yet made, will unite all of us

in honouring the memory and refpedrting the name, fhadowy though it

be, of the " Scole mayfter of St Albon."

William Blades.

ittbgl s an^ olfo I/)lb a^t^ m tSaatSgfc t^cg fl}ute ggte d)cgm

t^cgt iottbg^J t Ati^ fo ;52ifeon^ tf;cg4 fb6wcfce ant) ^fUswit i

feee : an^ atfo fo btiaSbc ijtc^mma fot ti^cgw aaoz^^
men); iiotobutt feitm^ tf;at fen O^fcO t j^lbbpio^ b(f^ of d^ctx ^u
bge an^ cf d)c foite d^** ^KU j?Blbbg6 (l^att ft^ ttl^ifote
%5 bob fb&loJb^g m a ^Jb fb^ (Ijclbgc ^cti bwa&kg^ of

i^g0 tc^ ^2 Wi^fM% io feggime 6 h$^ ^hhi^ : bf nol

^tt manet j^lbbge btf oonU <5o|[^a]]bkgB : an^ ^cz
. '.

of <&o(i;atS$ifgo an^ ^c( i^lbtqp&.a)tt)2 m Satt mam^

;^f}t mmn t9 CpM of f)a\)}his fto an teg (o t^ti

EiolS fe ^4be of j^Sbg^^fi'tfl %g \m dSqfxia^ . tr^^of',

nm t^M af& (l;c contos $ of ^fe*ant>^e(t (npe^s

^Qtt)6 Sc (^tt fig d;a( l^Dbbt0 ooot) <ge on^ not ^oe^
"rn^e ^00^60 *Qtn^^e ltcittrag(^at^S)bg9 ^n^^ 1S(;m
be ^e nc(^c0 ^n^ ni ii^c igmc of tt^ii loue djeg odt .an^ U0(
baubc . Q^n^^ fl^attfogti)at ^egfo^ .

^^S of Ungtl^c Qfncon fe bgn^e t^eg IbtK omlb (bmiiBatf ou<

of t^ tteft ; an^ ^Yalb io blb^@.aA con}c agagn fo t^)tc(i
a >j
gdtrtic ^2 ^J Ibatt f Ct fto faw ft 6kc . ^n^ tf^ i^g Ijme

ft ^H\) \fiat mOcumetie ftl|0\]o {^t (^9U hiilt t^mt

(pcitSbe . <mb(^n)of{64:cSi(^^ftes^an^d;n^fecfik4e

"Cabc d^c nc^ an^ t^c(]De : on^ put tt t^lb tf^ ouct i^ (t^
attbfo oft^atot^s*andmaIte^^^f6^^^kbe:4a(t
f^ fc ncucc a tsett anb tf^ f^c 10 otftUb a0 fl^c albii^ 60 b

on tf;c ^^ dmoft bt t^i 19 : ^ Ibo^ Sbag ^07 of cecfbi) t^

eucf tg^ Uw ctoftti^ mooe tufU;^ ij^ t^c lufi^i b caufc of ib

fifU an^ (aft ^tc on a fxu^ an^ bi l^c fian^ tbt a ntg^f an^
a ^ an^ on tf^af ot^c ctij; folbat^ ttuM d)m tokQ an^ cut cfeCi
ti)e jicitw OM tokz ^ a Sa{ fof
of^tSljm.Cl^fof^atilbfMe&i^gmnc ftfe^ IpKi^an^fpiis
&U /c9 bcebi^c; of t^ Ij^^ttf

l^fftKtS^ ^t&
j^e KtK f^SgdS;%on ftfe* J^oz Ui^^Yt ^
^ fb ^c^nsg of t^ts ^9(\osg^ .QtMl^ tbfi<^?^ wg^t afftn i^

fflt^an ptnutt l^atoht map bt Di:a\to to itcla|)iti

atiD tbt mann oC ^up Dp?tee

^]?^ t l^onot ^buftfo tettclopmc^CEQtn^ tf ft)c k a (&of

ge ^SSaafei c1bte.i|ib ftis ^^ tl^n Std^ an^ ff^c b o bmftn

c^.^ti^ <Bj^f^tt^lbmoft Scf^tbc meeec ckn
tf t((svi6 oi)
9c^ 1^]^ ^^feC^e btalhnc^.an^ Stt^ a Ittivic clod) Ibtpe i(

f^iefkgn^tff^e ba&of^Ibbe oz ^eiaftmti^enionct

Cake nelb bUmbci cto^ an^ oi^ ^ fxtUtts ti)Cxof of at) m
. .

c^c lona;e.Q(ln^tabetf^fk(^ an^ cutt v'o.niatcnlie an^Siti^e :

a bit]Mt0 ppfit mabt an ipok tn eucn motcdt. ano puitf^ezm

H^cfsUmte of clo^ ana^ Mt^ a fest &tf^ Std) iSSaeti an^puf
1^ d^etm Cbn (o^c tl^ (pibbe an^^eue ipt a motatt of ipoce

m(e^ moIMeitaSbn0of )4fet7iifoop.^^ tahc t^it (^a(


T^o^f* ^^^ ^^^ ^"^^ ffavftftt enhiti hnecsnt

^ ini\tmHm!ktl}n\fmt nrn^ otueria 06 tijtm

2^oIt>tx Vftftfac fee a ^7ca Ipcitbbe : cuct fete t)tt ^ii() ^i

S^ Bafjt mec(
ba( tt be
ait^ loofah d^af l^tt cnftgwg be jjluwagc tf^ari

ctijnt ^^ct rf^ |x:c()

fmxx ftK cafej^Yio; ^rkX% the piety * an^ ti^t j^c

.an^ m ti^e

motol^^e fyci
biolbc Xbb t-

mt ^ IP^l^b^ bccUtieOK noo J^Cfi fum o;obbtf SSttt be ]PolcIb

ati^ fum q;tift^6V^fttm9U2;mou0.anl)fum cUci^ ^n^ if ttt

()C ;;oU]bftp cngcn^titf^ l^fiouYicf .d^ ^^d) mat) cuett ti;af

tSitt ncf m dye tno&odyt ca in t^ d)cltc Q^n^ if it opKne.fbt ^
6s*g^^t)d) tl^c Q?];*'^!)^ con^mon cf d^ie cuctt le (j^t^ tf Sit
Atifc tn ti;r b^^ an^ mabf (^ bt^ fo f Ibcft ^ tbc t|;en aS gtcig.

ntoue . avt^ ^gtbe * an^ b( tt Vftuc l)?{p tt StS ^Dbnc m to t^


i^ggce .an^ mxabe 6^ Uso;ee fomncU an^ tf tt goo fro .

t^ Ic^ee in to tibs b^ a gape At \lbbe ts bt looft Qtn^ .

if it be o^tai^moue anb topttto; flp cno^entead) an cuetJt cat li^ tl^

Cmj^.^at tc^IS^t; an Ipalbke ma^wtmutz^f^

([^ttht^tlt pmtt mmmte ijm blm^nc^

Cr^ mthicim fo2 tf)t frounrt f ti^t mo\JJtF>

2(^citt afiIttes^c^eay^putfi)fmaSQ)^fn(|i?f^txi(tt
tf^ (cote at\^ ano^pnfa H Scff; % ntai)^ 6f a ^oofe ($ftl i^sAft
l^Q (oitgc . an^ (i)c fVattb ^ole Qtn^
. if tf)e ficunoe b ffieg

dfoth moft ottt tt Bid) a (Kafia in (i)t6 mamc. jQ[ette tpol^ A/t
^liAzQ an^ fIfttc t()tid^ fbott 19 an^ ti^|b f !^((e fp^ tf;i

00 (f Sate d^ tnalbe of a patot) It abe i( olbtc att fyick an^ .

^e apa];tc of f^ccm and mit tt) Ipolc of t^c foote ari^ ma; .

be ft aefft]MDe nej^c mag Ibid; a (|nmec(od7,.a)i^ SSipe cimc

fi;e bloo^ a Qaj; af)^ arwj^niC^ft fooce Ibtd^l^lJbme.mi itti^

dtelbe an^aftetlbat^Qttl; ppj^gen . t4|it Ij^l^.

<rf;o^ (^e frounct cmnmptl}t

'^Sltft ftounct cDt^tti^iB^i) a mati fs^idbljie !^%keStd/<

Cfiott <i)C l^p commptlft

jSC^ ^tbie of ^ote mtU^u^ fcbetscfc d^e Q?)^ coiym))^^.

CTl^oMj tljt Crap camraptlje

^oft Sa<ci m d) ^/xu^ts of ^9oU ntecfe Qtlfoil comiii^ti^

crotjl^an ^^n ^sa^ (^att batfit ^|in *

if tt b fii|;cB Ret^cft an^ noi cfft0 .Qtti^ lS>6ii) ti^Ib hoi^e d^

(^ bene a ^o(i^||bbe

j5o>S) ^ J ma^ f a*ft ^ottnt J^sdibt to 0^t Vbiti;?


rnn^ij^t faefote St(f) ^ofe tmte an^ Saf$ {h^ffatne meetc in

J5^ ^ fl)atl 0gfit f^ovb tf ^otttt ^avoht be &iU

QOMgtD anil pe ^at^t Coont Im^^ #0^t

3[^ff goUti |f^Q>bkftfit900K3rA^l^ ^f^Kofofb^nc^p

|^^itt cajt aticoi) att t^^f^\xid) &iti)m^%.ano a)K)oi)af;

CE3I nwDW^ttJ iOZ tlft Kp

90^ (cefqMi.M%{liin)|x fym^tbt^

iDnce ox tlbjce Bt^i^t^ tlbbe (6fma(kgoosg;c^aii^<inon

(Rbc |xace(U ^oote cin^ fnuc fyt Stii) tt)?|;en) mtp^amema $

(in^ f|^i (^tt Miafac \^% bbttfi . ixi tt ce polcue 6> o^f^ it often

of ^^e6 AfatxQ m tbthont of t^ bu^e of pMbe.Uf^cdt ma

Dee opgn.fotif Qttt inabe ^u l^lbfgn anO fi^Ibtt

ens imutclmt o7 ti^t ca^ n moo &(ofti

JfilJciltc eoi^d^afe ISitf^goIb ^Wgo fl;^ (imWKMf of goJbce

^tbfec Kiel) lukc Kacccalongc (^ af(^ ^lat tofie

plblc of ^agifrage w ellie (^ pfciex of (Ketbc . anti a qua^',
tit of map^<etttft t^i^Rcutttog^^j titt t^ag kn
Cun mc^lite.e^iin|jufte.te m a Uftgft bg an^ (lofpe it fftftt
ae of ign ae ^oDb f^ot polbcc ^Ibtte at) ^ole mcsU anopf l)is;e

ttittU ci Utt;ttt^ej^lbii^.an^t(;a<fH^fnaitc l^it fe loucmce^

tiyc bttic fclou of Bjt^j^nlimaildn^ it f^V^faaut \)iz fro
t^ <tmp an^ fiors^mong o^ fcbcncfce t t^at S^^< of ie m
an t^Ibbe.

QfQtlfo (ftked^c lpfc^t( of o fftjttcoxof a piggc an^

dj ^(fo fofac p^&c an^^ Scete t^ m k^k m^lb^ of a odIB^ | .

fets ^c l^lbbe tf;albttt^ an^ tl^at f{)att make ^u .muigf ati

dT^lf^P^tl^^ Ib^tlb ^ma]pof f^ ^n of it^^bui of pifao

l^aS wabc t)uii)tttif ^ fco: tjuiSitt; hioA) (so ge^t

CE (^ If^ ^f^ ^^^ ^ fc^r^ (>u ^^^ <^)^^ ^ K^tt ^0 t^effame

CEr(2^lfooonnieU oi.i;.ae e^mofCoff^^^c teuexofaj^ig

mobs t^i2( fe mui^a Seek kfiact ^c ]^cnc ()U not to ^cvU
(l^dft .

a gootgt i)etof fo^ it ie a fxUu8 nxete


CTQltfo take f %\)iig of an cggc labut ftieffamc i a fpog


as tbiefe a ijctScte mabc glajte f^x ts^^nb^ trftiCfeUk^

Bat |>uC d^f fame I a ^oeffttt j Ui e^e tweefo j* ^^^ ^ ^* ^^*
. .

fog : I2 a ft^p t^nht aK ti;g ^2 k /bx atrng^t f^^ \)Vi ti^Hb^

Ip att (fee wja^t .
bt m awj Jb^fe ^a< pc ^aue atlbftp fwfj^

<i:C|)8 hpnhtli Tmi8 t^otbefongto ^aojlw^

*()t d^c beg^^ti^O; of t)]^^(i ff^ of t^e ictm^^at&e

Uwg fobalbhgg^aTXg^twttpfgnl^cgm<r^teftaft
ttf ^Kefaftetatt^fpCui(l|^S(^n |i)e btitfj.^^ i^
col^ bafgng . fix fl)C bt^fij Rtrfj t|ii filf e moft of (jw caufclcs
Q[7 tt l^ fecunls te ttixxte gouce ^Dbbc : o gclbos f ];ft . g 6jatt
ts Sliati ^olbce jpalbbc hatidf . t^c (oeft meupig; ti)at ge can ma;
bQid)goIbcc fgftft^c EStKtebfea]peT)CO)pcn]PoIbtc f^fZ
^1t^ ti^a^ciefce^golbct )^Ib(^ notgguc ^umc^ic
(j^lt Ig faHbuft; 16 an ^Ibke f nj^tid; c feDbtt^ ^u bckc anoj
not Bipitf^ t^ bbc ^C^ .^ . jouce Jwubc ^oukiti^ . an^ not
fUpitf^Ql^ltl^.^t.joua 5?oitbbcpjmt{^.an^notpibit^ anb
ft)c ft9n]^^;noth}t!2bo^nfi)e()egpvij^ att)u Ic^g^e. afvdf^

dyct^ mofftoux Ubc o^lc . ai^i^ bolbw^ ^fcfe ^

ftab^ti^ fi)felsn0 of^iz SgngcQ t|)ctoCb ()?x tebe^and it ie
cal t^c note . fl)an aQ f^c fet^ie tt?c f{;aft^
ogle .Qttn^ g
ttftoTi^ anl^aDbbe SSoIxb not be letted of b^jpgrip^*g^oi
t^at tpmc tf)at ftje pwp>?ti} ft)8i&ljbjng an^ Iwftj. ai^

]^et (^ ptopwitb o an^ . tipn gc ttioft fag fb Q?cfotmid) t)tx |tT ?

noan^no<p!bd)(>ufe^0.(I3CteCog jolbtc f^olbbc coCg

ctf} ati^Tioefecbg^CE ^^P COiil.f^ cotlbfiA an^ wo( (l)abtt^

b ftfc CE Cl)8 p f b ftogntd)

an^ not CUtf)itf) not Cccit
<t)i^Cr ^bp
f^ mawteilid? an^ iiof ftre(ci)ttJ} B!?aif) f^ put
titt) [fit b^ce ftom i;tt 001) afizt an oti^ct : an^ t)t^ Spnqce fb *

(olb af tec t^Ki 4g;^ t^ f^ teott; mantitt ^tt ati^^\^aif) f 1^

^d) mantilk^ bu an^ btgngtd^booti) \jit^^'n^ti to ^xJxt o;

uctbt^ bcba gc f^ott fap polbtei^tbbcISaxbellitbbta ^gnojcs.
an^d^atte oon tcintc tc^c t^tfotc CXT'^b^;?! gef^att fag
pelbtr ^Ibbe mutcf fitt>oz mutiti) An^ no< fblgftd) dJCI^ .

. p')) pc ft)atjt fagcaft golba t^&bc to t(|{ fxid) . an^ not fct gCMi
CB ^Ibbfi coupon tl^ ftic^.

Xi ^< fl^al ?t tinD(i:0ontie finttiecmott otber ma

ntr o( (rrm^e htlonq \m to i|a\tohiQ C02 to co
mttibt t^tm fo2 tmttQ ot tS^tpt ptopwttte

"C^te te a fagt ^ftbe ati l)u^o;c |^u

3[s(l po f^tt fag .

'fee o longc VftDbbc . a fipst (bike VaObbc

^ fog not to . ^e
a o^tm ^Ibbc olfo gc f )?att fag (^te (^aube
. a latge bcbc Oi ^
A fijottt btbt . an^ catt tf not biiU . an buOge b^tK oi a f matt bz

ts fagre fefoncb ge ft)att fag fofbt ^Ibitc te fiitt gootqco an'^

not ciDfpcd .ano golbce ^Ibte putttf|^oit6t anO ai^uc^b ano^
Tpt pp ODot^ toot^ Ogu^fdg

Cl^ova ptyatt fja\i)he pnttitimm

ozo;e m to t^tt faolb'tUas . (^n^tt^uc^^c f()attbimDbc tt Stan (t)C

nccbe : ae a Ctaiic ^o6jt oix an oiijitt bn^is

dVdban pe C^all (a|> enDutf)is anbQ\3DeUtD

^1) t^Ibbc 9iduff) nrttcc ae tono; 00 ^t blbtUte bene fiitt at

h^ fe^pn^ b^ affonc ac (i)e f^c an^ teftttf) (t)c cnout^e
te .

(tetitt avi^ Itftift Qfln^if ij^igooz^e be St^ an^ ik bolbctt atip


ti?]pn9 ftiffto.|^(()attfa|^ fiji lennblbcUi^ atio^^tf? not fiiK]^

cn^lbe^ anbao long; as p map fck an;; ti^^c^m^iaboDbcUitf

Cr(l)^f ttjell rtiepa ttntips &Io\J3pn3

lap an \^Xb\xt ^oA) a long ibpno^ a . fdixx lone; (a^tt: Ibttf) (Ot
faitoie oGbt . an^ fton^iti) o^^pon ti^ . ^7). C^ie (^Iblre te cntitpn
t^^ Itb^t ie ^ fap Kl)ni ii^ feoede of d) Spng;e0 bene bi(U)6n
t^ fa^p an^ t^ il)tai)ie C^ie t^lbisc an I^uOqc leojgc 03p a
. ^
fUtUj . 0% a coSn^le^.otafoite cnf^nd legge

CC^o hnaviit tl^r matU oC an ^avdhc

J^alb(r ^tu S^tte matttXanuafmctitt oz (Kc^ ma^tt .
Qln^toni catt (Ke^mottt ^^vi maptt .ISt)tte matft iefoonebn;
albe (Caniiof mattt i& betibenc &>l;Uc mottt anO '][a)n maitjt

Qllno^iDonfpatttic^^mQ^cvE .
cr l&Iitmaje anO Caftc pmtt tfm^z^

t^ cote .if ic oitue tf^|n ^attt q; (^n^ if goD;> jjcKbc tetBat^

<o ait^ fbSUl); roun&Ttanct for to flc^ ti)^t io gc (t)att fag caff

^ ^ISSbr d^eato .a9)^ notUttfU^c^to.

Q^QBlnb tf goIb t^RbQtommft afolbk ciM^ ti;c folbk btc'/


(tc a Sag fxotjit . ffcc ^fli^^ifcomfcf mo)ig f^^ceg of tfjc fblbU.

on^ t0 bmk^n a Sag fb m [z^ricAi ff&k E^ (^ft f<^H

E^^^ (^^
b0l^ (Homme 02 ffi^ afolbUanono^tokc tt

cr \]aer(oi:e an l)mkt ie calDs a iB^iCelm*

Q^ (^In^ of < <gmc if ^VPXti) monp an^iwrbkc fot eg wi^ffi BI^

fej (l)ulr (Homm a folbk \ji fccfid? bt d;e fe^tie aw^ ag of ta

ocb^cfo^ (KifUfi).ti}itfottfuc^^ajkj^lxen catU^^ife;

Urt6 if tit^i 000 of ee fo

\^m\ni in a>numtnt tttmtB

^y^ ^ gt fbaft ^nTShflantt f^ tioamgs

^' ^J^feg^ faegpitiftct bit fete
off (^e wcmbriea
JL.C anO goo (jopJbtft^oa
^tfe rf^ grc^c <CI0 bl)2^tie rf;af fean^itj Ify bafcc of tip,


^ano^ ^c (i^att catt: Galons

of tbfote .oxt^ Clofcs .^osSt^of %no( (om cu^t t< k g^

^olbt^ txilbbc fetrn]^ti> : Ofxn d^if ^cnjU ano aft. foie i8 op

pi9} * fot^ ftxkWQJt^ ii)t%cf fot(pfiietf) aft i|^ foie

CL^me of \atcrp 02 mafp toimtt.

1)10 fc(t 29 . cal^ : tift ^ne of bt^ Icggcc^ an^ i)u fete . S2^;
t^ei ii)a' b j^te^g blb^^ oz of li&fp cclolbce ];ololbe
tttpli anD ^tcUprnttit *

fO^ apitt fc^t of flpffftttic t0 m rt?cwig^ic . ati^ m wanci

(c^ rt)e(^cnicf't of t\)^ iwgU Qtti^t^c: good^bWbc binij

oucttbai^tbi ^gk ' ^^'^ ^<^ M ^*^"^ (l}att folk golb lb51t

Ae tB fwtt fummc^ .02 fittt fcjmgb jj^oa Rjn fl)Cte futt birio^

CO (^t^O'V^ ^nrnt^wtiV^i afe lowge m on Ixilbbc (lontrfg

^ntBt t\p, ncnibcc of . ^9 .baoe . (^>i^ fl}c fc nt Ijw fotc eogc t
timoffc bfagttt d)a<fl)c i6mtpittfuwimc^,fo|i (ottgc fl^ci^

CC @n^ iff (l)c te a mdbc^ balbbt ttti^ ftoti^ Strf;m ,

O^yJ . fa:
Ti.]?^(i)att|cigflj?te notfitttfcnc^.fbaf^is ncfljabuttfaije
^ccta];nie^ mufk flp t^ otsalbc h foone olbi of i^ m^M fox
. be

|t;e ie not 1^)^ pomgDc no mote i\^i) a fo^a j^Dbb^ *


CT^wpIts W^ja|^K$Dtr^0 ^ JDtgouttD

iSo IkMaUo f^iAnmw of (patbkcg.cin IxxftkcVafb t^ngfmalc

tSljife fctTO.^nggng ^n^JJctib^t^tj^ttt ftombu blbctto^nc
ffixi^ arf^ ^ fftmc fc^e gc J^att mtt t^ bwigtce 02 fijj bw)rf

bwigU?5 tenc bj^ccngc^ Kit!) bWte f^cb5 .Itfec (^tmjnp an^ .

fox att ^att^^agfenc accomptx^ncuw; rie bttw f^otanty^a .

f^a^lbbc k fo (gimjni^ pD|pon tb bisftgte ox a (iUufkzt o^t . .

gc ^^
foj fl^ t0 cgottfe^ 60 ify ^e%mo{i bx^^k an^ inM($ .

ptnDaunt itbttps.

^brx^t ftt^tie ^t t^ f^^M ^nr> (tp iXgngce ate plumage

Cl}2 fctstic ^)i^* t|)? bfcc k cata fip btfe fz^xw ,^f\X>i\fi fc^;
nt^ t^ai bene ai i\^ ^o^nk : at tift (xxlbhce %ne ii^ap fto)t^ ^n
gl^ng an^ (^a^ at t|^^ * ^^oe be o^i^ t^ pinXxiuniz f e

T&ift ft^w ai t\}t ^i^tigee wj^t iifihli it ca(^ A/t flcic^(^

jgC*i^^ t<>^S fettric of tl?2 Kg^tgec of a?) |;aR)bc bne cal^ t^

bcmcfe^eof ilj^S^S Qtn^^fc^ned^af fun) axtfcf^pg;

tigoY) feon of a notst fblbk

of an ^Ibkc : tt ie ca{^ (|^ ^c?

ottCEQl^w^ gc (l^att ^jantwfton^ iff a) jpaJbbc be m meDbe g^

famcfeacettfQ^^ ^aH: k ti^Ukfllp^&tat^^iiicaft . an^
t^tt d;at b cafe * (i)e te ncua nielbc^
gt if ^0 bmc fc(n : ^|^<
a(td;a^ famzfixft oeQl j^uc^tiB t^<
|;xilblt9 Ix^ue

ct^C2 Q?lbU i(^ 2^nti;^tt an^ %^n f ^^^cafe ^t ^Meilte nt

)mlb.ti;^en an^ nof eafe ttte <];mef6^fe;!(^i>Qtfl^iSa($ me
fe an^ (0 beggtine (0 enfagm^ t;ii

C'^frgwre of ari V^Tbbe ie ^ gtca .aitt bf tf eJ;at be txAit a

Sag St3}fe^3 cf Sq^ n}ie a,)i^ oti^s^H^fc 09 it (^ be
llpfflmcb coltc t^cottctfeoz <f)? scwes* fcorn^ an^ fo ^att i^
fc^trc b cattc ifjal bnc t^cpf ow c^..^ lo>3 bwe f ^ ^CJ ati^ -

CCo&efie CCape flms Sm

CClt^ (^cb ^
fct^wjpct faitfcdjaf ie ctobe^
of JIbbc
<Eltt)ic jpat(c of (? bfec ic; cnl^ tfe clofx of ffe iMc
CE'^ igoolte w d^ Ittlbbcc bbc bnc calUtc t^ Qtaac

1t^^ b oon at) IpcUbfec long fmaU blobc ffe^*^ t \jk^^}

atolbte (^ fm ^ t^famc ; b cqI^ Ctinctw of ^^ !;a]bb6

CTQ^c f^^ietfbntcdKii <][;2ft)f ^m of an j^lbbctS^;

li^et fb b (olTSi^mftyicf^e^oz <)^(^.^f fi^f^S^ce tecatlt
fyt fote aao;^ an^ ott ^i ^a f|^ $ cabs a M S;>Eil^f^
a louse

CT'So (^tclapitit sn ^a\3Dhe

U m.tij.iwcUe . Q)tift) <pc rt)tt fl^zBitt cqjt.q fo (Kwj

.an^ \Sin flp Eitt come fo (?^cclagmc cmccccc {j2 imlte
cuitg Jdj txttci an^ bftct . Qln^ 02 f^ come ft) tl^ Q?cclamc
make ^xtfja<flprotbrcnot.^otl;:gi)fl;: feKclc^ccUgmc^
()tt mag l?afl5p) (l)a< f^ Kitt folbrc : fo ^tj in fe t^ (Bgte

Cr^*^^ iff gotbtc jpfttbbc fftatt fUcfo tf)Jpax<ac^.locbe ffjaf

fT'^^P fl" f;a\i)he is calleD an Cpw

^(IX ^tbbc <^gcc of ifiz <^g^jcn . fbt an \^ubz

16 ml\x ct)
)ai t^ bcoo;^ ^p ^xi a (^uffbt^ 02 a q^uteocbe : as mo/

ng b : 5?ati^ ffidfeti (ggghm .^^^ S()ar) tl^ag b ^tfclofc^ ati^ be

fit m fQtmc ^ttd^ag b fiitt fumnig^.gc ftjatt&italbc <l;epD bg
tbgt t&feti <Egg^)i @n^ alfo l)u loobc Kitt no^ b fo qugcbe

M a^tu^nd^cac)^ fo b caufc tl;^ bfi^ (malbkge te bg

ti^ g3^ t^ b akis)c (gcfc6
. m

f ^ fbot k b^ <tt]^ an^ kx ^zi^

Q9^f)oir ^^^ ta^r^t^i^ com
fot Ucbe of fi^giig.K^ t^g k <Bgc<^

fMSpngi^.an^ of e^fo^tt li^beac^ an^ii SScc@ce^St(:$

niA) Ifyii fame {xnne (i)tt f^cte ofonist an^ fa t U a ffia^ tl;ut ^

tfjaf gccc

Ct(t)tl>f cpn|>8 f nfa|>mt pomeimiit

^abc ilj?Q?Oft of ()?cfuc cnb 5oi<TcfcnctBaft.<>n^ fog

t^g f Uf5 th^: in fo , femjxi a gtefe Kljgfc an^ gcuc it fo go&cc
^CbbefettCe an^ if fbttfe tijt^of . ^tste )iot bf (;U(i}attbe;
tigwmc Ijitgrtct.tefBtdjm^ijj^tog^
f^ fl^tt not gccttclg a;

<I^ ^Ifb eiittc puUott <cn&7 o^aifdt aitb f?am| ttBckfo o;c^

fUf^ tk^w.atio f?poIbcc ^U)bc d>c4lbgA.ant37 fotittew?

put poOto M>(2C.ti)at 10 60 fap cnfagnic j^te ^Ibke .CSitf)
wi .^)9ge.3 ^c^uctt (^o( Icoliccucti tog d)atge mabemtb
3tt M^ K!9 ge fe^ ^t gate golbw wecfe ^in

QT^w^fi fefSgC^tt f((f^f)itBafet oCwoflft^jc

tit (bzffo^e 6^ i^\^tkkt at (cptat^b t(;a^U l]^ottn]^t^(

ptic tf^cgm oir^p com w^ font <i8 tf^ct^ caft ^i%Kt%

75o^ pt ttjAli ^pHt ptfii ttl^an ptmt i^a&he i0

ctl>p to flte . Wo pt f^all (ap put rxp a pamic^e

jotKtc frangrfte fgnts a (Coug of pjfe'c^g^ , an^ Ig^t)

mat&c fom of t(;aj;n) an^ ^|0i colbpk .
^ golbtc (pun^ *iSai)
ge ^uc (b . pwudt tcbt ti^ fxitfti(^
coon Ut fum felolb of |;olbTO
olbfe of golbce bggc . anO tj^ it bg 1^ kgo;^ : Std^ a ctsauna
cin^ cafd tt ^p oe^tc;^ ae^ con.anCi^iie (con as t^ iIbb
fcitt^^u fl^ StttfU(t$cteoayi^tf^Ibct^kcf6 t^itpatit;

ticb a bone ftM . ij^x a celbatlt : d^ctufpon * anb go afi^t ]^^

fett ];o{b ^tefotobj^iig

<r3ff 85 M ft (^aflafe^ i^un^ : tf)ft< 5tt fe txtbultef : avA

16 a ^ctduet .Q$vi<oupl( ktm at\Jo no moo of golbte ^n^
<ivKto;oofoa(cno;^t|)ath:icb:of e^cougfo ^ctsf^.anbb 00
yvgc^ ftc g <w) to f^ (JJ^^f Hwg %tof an^ tf golkix !?albbc ^wb
cnfe l)ti^ to It . av^ tf f^ tnUc tt tben te ]K)10bte t^Cbfee ma^ f
i^t ]^ anO . of t^ffomc patetic^ bat (^ fkt^ ti^0 ]^ m^Xt

ttlba^os I;^ta0ttf^lbtt^ l^ciic(^tfolollb]!iio;

<r iiott PC (|jaU cstioatDs ^tfUtt f)siabt

a^oke ft Rnpfc an^ mtt ^ l^xs avt^ tfe ti^cte from ^ b^

|;eue d^at fame to t^ t;a1]bbc .an^ coucs tb bo; of foDbU Stt$ t|;j2

a bonett oi on )M an^ tag t^ffojj^ ^^ an^ t^ jiccUet^cittp^

tfettc gollba ^Ibbc ffitd> t\p ^mj^tic .ano dp ttccbc . (^c&

te d^at f^ ccfe no bn^a fbtt^at tc; euctt fo cn^^tf

fM clUe ^k map h fbtie fiift gooige^ . an^ 6^ f ^ maj; ^pe

(battel WB 2 !^^^ f^^ ^^ * ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ ^^(^ ^S''^ S^ f^

^ttc Q^etofc^ t)tt , t^at t^ 6) fa]; tgU fl)2 )^uc fc&>c^ . oz fnp^
|pt khc . 1^ .an^ SS^an f Ip \^^ ^nc ang of
02 c((p8 colbf^^

^(^0 , oz aK.go an^ ccta'ue dioo anO f^SSttli; n];mpUn(e

l^t (^ali 2io t^at ^t rebuhe not ti|( ^atiohs

yf^cne Seb ooijtf/gn^.an^ fetbatc tf)*of S^golbte Voiu

be t^f^ )ioniDieap)ttui^ . ftonte a c^co^ Sap of an^ oome
Hot fo ni^c^^^'fiut a 8ag jotbt* (pun^pe . foi triw
^S'^ ^f ^^ ^^
man;^ i^Sbbpe louenoon ipIbiiO];0a}Aaifb

fbfe Anb ifKtt te |Xxttout$ an^ ]SS(;tto |^Ibcc f^Iblzc pboDttii

mmmcfofcctp felbatis ^^' ncte an02 nets aii^ tff^

kuc ptun>tig . anb lobe (pjpor) potb ftcnts ftjtt an^ cljxzbe^Bbtr^gftbw^^tt ffe plume a jcn <l^l^ t^us fcmcljw
fgtt g k tigb^ ncce bw '^j^ftn foffe att^ ^fctlg : fxtt oppoj)

gotbtc bncjc . ftwbp pccuclg ffiljtU fj^plumgt!) ftt po&cc ipri^

fttt^ te fiicB cf fp gcff . anx> A^m jc itiag gg^ att ^'p^z ^^ B^
Bgtt . aW if gc ^0 d)c coiitoip ! fk ffigtt fot fcctc catgljii

game 02 Ut it go cju^bcftnt^d^at tefct loffc fo jjolb antjji

^olbcs l^RDtkcalfo

meDtcpnt 602 fo makt an ^a\tol to caft tJ)Ai
a combtcpD \)3ttt) taOiptiQ saitf) in i)tt boDi'

_ abc (^ Q(ucc of ^al<^n^c an^ Kcfe <i nxttcctt of ftc(^

ll^tm , ^kmolJbnfenaunccof a(yio<c an^gcuc d^at mojcett
to t^ ^Ibbc,anl> fl^al fl)att make Ijufoxfc cafi^lju

g: ^ mtntc^ne &i an t^rnkt tJ)SH \totU fours

^ cif (^ ffp f kj^ fl^af golbrc <fi)bc f^att

^uce of f^nett .an^ ti}at fl}att (abcftfflbp tf)a(ptit^oml;i
fe fe^^t gid) .
J^ gc

an^ make bu fc Uue Ip fo&jgng K^d)ca f ^ b Ujic 02 ^ftc

(JfTnb jnowg timt^ at) jpallbcRittfoIBtcKtjanflijUicl:^^? t;

<r2C mttitfpne foi an lja\toht tfjaf is Io\to(c

fjtt att ^ qugcfcc fituct fetci5.oi^nic^ptttf^fo fat of bn;

)ige; an^ano^need^^^&bc t^) Ibttf) an^ ^)to; it
. . abate ^u
yiecbc tjtt it fatt a Iba]; and t^t ({}atlt f kc tt;^ Uca *

apntic f{)att flee t[^ Uc6

Cu Qit(^ ^^^ tt fegoi) 07 ppfc of ()?(mo5() btonfece ^)tfI;otm>

nn^ 18m^c({^ blbbe tf^Citm . anb t(;an M^ ^tt foftci); an^p

4% tnfo iJ^dotit}^

CTQ^tfo M^i^it iw <I)J fonnc m a ggc f^aft (z

fagte dfjjf

^ (JJCtmgt) ccepj olbtc

^fl)o>) 1)2* f^ti0,tlKw tultc a bnjfe an^
Sctc t^ con fiitt of tb^ bla^ d^cxof B^ golbtc woCbtf^ 5 olSag .

aedjag cjpca'Ugtl^ SScfe fiifiof ttp imf{^&)tl;igm,an^ t^H

Kitt cUuc t|)efo*andt^) jcnjag fUc d;ag)
^fycaVitlj h ^u mcclj >w (KagcJtj tSt .tl;ag (liatt k loTfcfc .

t . anD |?o\to tf?t|) bt faGintD ft ibtiiszwst

cwwwignlg . fow of fdbc .Btd^ (^iHd? feno Icwgct bt tbaf tl)jjm^

ottic of i\jifm (l)ttlt.ajpct8 w twg^^ of fy Ufft feontc : teflbe
)te t^^ longc fj^ngpce attO eb (cc^ fp^gte . bcnufc fl^ (clbncc;

f^tB h fixfecrtc^ to tl^gni .Kttf> a pagtt of fgrcttt^^Sict) ipxt;

tajj^fe affOJppn tteCcIbn5 att^ not^flDow lijt scffc. fb

^nogptg ttnbfrfignjnig^on face Ktjcn f^ flgc^,al* 1^

foame UDbti^c^ ^ib (l?att fif^ ^afi oblbft ]^Ibce (i^iQ^tt;
<i:2C meDjc^rtt ^oi an ^axbhe tljat \iiiU caG KtCf^

% vmtt^t fot an ^a^6c t^at Ijas lott I^eit


n[T) ^af \p&i ^ eotttgc amai) twag biatec

if^e Bttt

10 otft (0

a folbte
500^ b

^ ftc^ 10

fb f(<^ ^ ftaglba:^ a^

^x wamt . Bboi) (^^

d]^ fbte^Ke

rm i\fi fblbk . Ot diteftp Sttt fUc a littgtt affet-cin^

ft oon fb gmcttj U ^ a^ fi^f^- ^9 i?5i&bc%0 10*

dr If 6lt ^^e ef ffft^nc n^ Cemptce tf ISStt^ cbte S^nte . aw^

fe j9o&Tt isalbbc .50. moscsiiie . aii^ ^ fct ^t in ^ fbnm

an^ .

at uOi fete tnt Stti) an c( j^fefoUict.on^ tf pfe^(^ ^

lij tj^ni{0 ij^at i^lblie ffiae ncuct fo Utft^ not fo 3^t];Mote*M

f^ Qtti; te cifiet an^ (orm folate dbm oeno^e

pu^ on fUft? of a fxcokc aM mc^itt:

6jt (i)^ blo^ of (^ {xcokc
among i^u^c aM make ^ti fo C6(e
. i\}i f(e(^ *

m tdtc^ne tf^at an I;a\tth( f^all not lit \ mm

12 tonlu0]bncCe

lt0 atiO wake 3cc of f^gm . aW Bcfe Ijti flcf^ ^m .

^ fcete

cr ^ mtdicmt &2 an Ijasiyht (i;at tjatl; ({;e t^pne

i^l^l^c *<*< ttl) 1^ tegtic a mar) wag fcnc fenaib if fettb

tfja <mod>ct
t ^fnanc
^.mi\f if fte
^^t^ mocefbtoon bi^a

flaUft^Brf jije^fo

of^afiie anO|3{pet and fofnlb^^ of o;^c;.andn>alfe^^

f^Qf tnftc^ a;tfis li^. ptUttps and ^lti?H)2 tplbi^ eotbfios

k&T^^ b2^tw^c^an^ Itnpttc fiife |)Ka bite d;at|^aiftu noi

obts and do fo tf^nc&.and f^ fbatt Is fife

<tQ[tl|o teb^ ^afwc and ^iibatk and g^inid? t< ^ g^dtc ,

and mabcQ[uce t^of and Sdct^ fUfl^ ^^itm .and geue i^

Q[t3ttfb fafec and elji Q?oofe of prima tofc ancj^

it;^ (]Rootc of tD gnaufeUc; and feed; atfc m t^: bttis of a i^clb
and i^eue ^tit , 19 moKclUc^ cuetp oi^ (^nfo tl^tgwQtbat ft^
btpcU and . loobe t^a( f|j2
b S)tde W^y) i^ geue t;iu t^ me;

}^\to a man IliaU taht an f|a\]dhe fto tfje ^i^m

v^rf fp fb tebpj an
from (^ (Efcwt : bjm fe^wucdj

\\l\fo $00 Stfeii^.nibtgn^n^t^^nieafett.andfokefs^in)

Bcfc ^om coJde and from t^uttpg of ttj?jn bnge fo t(;a2
b ftitt cendte andp d)a]^ ^e gtete cef( .ano^ d^a^ maj^
H f^^% ^^7^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ 00 oii) ^ map
nof {paue ft]mit|ms
k d^bt and^ euetmoce geue {;tm cUdc mcete.and bte^
tUecgtt g cft|n).(| d^nge oft^ ti^2 meete tet lobe it b^(

<jt on bnje <gtt^ ttiggb^flicttb^ affciBlJa^ flp fccgf

;nn]^tf> fo pntte an^ flum|rf^ ati^ ff ail4)ttf?

. an^ pxhii) fyt fe(
fe m a cUofc ffiatmc ptoce .ti)ai no fiilmcitie noa fe
.^utt bit
A)tu^ nc ot^t Coe^p^ com viott m to t)t2 anO Ut Oft place be
. .

fecuc( from S]m^ on^ mpe anh d^oi (()e SBttt ptcuc ^tt fdfe

an^ tuei ntote pcuc qooO ^tc niee^o^ .^o: t( te bcttt 6>

amdnfof^l)i0^lb(:clSt;tk ftp t^foiOce Std^ipok meetx^.

to mabc ifit gooOSttt^fommctoft . (f^ <o fcOet^ttKid^eufttt:
meetso 0 make (jnt ^nthceftx Kttl>(;fptt coft . ^[^n^ Iccke

J^ mtdecpnt fiii >))oimp8 in an f^atdhe ^Dicl^e ft

btnc((e id caUtD ti;e ^jf^launDns *

02 ctbc Seb iifiisan^ bcSotc t^aof t^fi tet^

fcfaottfi .

imoeqnic ^tfbte |;e (^ott taltc an (^:be d)ai teotUeo Qtc^pc


AnO putt in a fnjatt gut of a Capon ot of an ^nne.ano


kngl tttBtfl) ati^cco^ *an^ Ut^u Q^cfbuc tt (^^fl^t

(1^ be bott an^ faafe CC "(^0 ;c (l)att bnalbe Ktian
aiftpo; anO

!Soam]^0 ntt;u
({}attf2n^ oon 07.9 .a
blbbe.^ooke StAt)
bSfe^u aftgngpla
ce iff f|t )^u ong*

CC^t meijwpnt ft an fja\J3ht tijat caftpa \too?'

m^e at t^( (ottnDmtet \3Di7at ^Dozmts t^at tlfti he

]Q^ahe ^ tpa|9ft of H^xcn : me^ft t< S^fU(^ o{ potfae g

0i mthttv^i &2 an I^avtohf (^aei^ati; a (ehentCfi

tl^ettjirf; ia calltO tf^e aggwfiei^ite

SJft4* gc fi jolbtc jsitbbc iTu^fe t;ts fefe Bttf?ljig (^cbc .And

Imb flconc{t to^^gse <&)^^ alttf (il|; m bff]m of

^e^l^tt ^ 8(d<^ gtiM tfe f3ue tt;

eh^Q af fet on^ j^ue

S^ ong ati^Stt^ptb^tof y|3.aiio^
bvaf fe. g

Vit fk(^ of 6(olttC

ft biifta^dtt pUcB.aub?^ (^.o)!^ Wifotijp^^

bc^oU an^ (bajft

q: 3tt mtDffpnt im an ^a^he t!;at Jiatfj rtjg cw^

ampe in fiti: \X)^ngts anD i^ovo it cum)tiptt;

]g(oi tf^i&Ccotiunpe febolSljl^ (ooff of (Hxo?fitmIbaf<o(Qn

f^d)t( cMnmj^ olbf of t^ ooic>) . an^ Uf
trig fot b^tfgno; .
i^oifi^tt M^ ^
att^ btci <^ (oofe atmooft ti^olb ofbtt .osi^
^c^lag <^8gnc{C f<(p.anO ^l^itbotSboiu ^.))j pttoof
fl)t loofe *aii^ k^ i( h ^^
fo.^ fpocc of atft a qucuto
of an ^Iboe.ant^f^ f^b^ok

CT^If Ccoan)pcDfim)g6b^ 6it)9Mi6 Bt{^ (nbgno; of tm

Uxu m (;txgoIbtf} ^[ftif^xz a Sfigoooo foi an ^(bbe t9b5

pi M* i&niii : gongc an9 ^0 . anO d^0 mcf^gegne 19 ggoO

A( att (giDce fo) ^aSi^es (I^ be song^ os ^oUt
XI tt not an l^mht hz put mme^ (o latt hot in

^mc of ^0 Vc^Dbbc nielbgno; an^ Stt{)lpit)i6 i^x to long

. tt^etftc

^ mag af6erputt()u tmeDbcai au^aiTX.f6a<|i^ a {xi^ccof (^

iMclbgng <gwc tc pft .CD 'CStp fo puttgtl) ^ic l^albbc m wiclbe
m be bo;g)i*^S^3 ^f S^^gn . tf (^c fx bc^t t ac (1) atb^ to (x (^e

CT^o^ j'e ({jall Dtfpoft anD oiDal^n |)oi)}tt tm\ue

JS fttt a*\^ ^tfyofi golbtx mfelbc . fti t!?fe mttnc* fb .e^afnoKc

nnpuUattttctMon o%t^ctm]pr) ^fce t:^cfo Qte:Yione

Kgn^ * ties no gtafe col^ (yUt 6^t it be ouct (pfe . Set ti;a< on
ltfcof ^wclbe b^tiunt^toilBai^ tl^fonne.fotl^athttticmo
ofi pt (c of i^ttx'^i t\}i fotinc mcc^ come 3^)i(

CEr@^ll^?^ w^ft f djat(^cbc)totaueipe^ncgcewe^ J?ifi)e

m2;<^ito2fe.tiet1]bt^ foYic^of men. an^t^ai Yiot})anne2 folbee

come ^ bit . bt oonlg i;z d;)af fi^^ ^t% *

CC3 ^^gtt) S?at go&tc l^lbbe !?attc a fj^jmg f?ofeltc m l?n


me&e an^ a longe fhgng; tje^ d^ctfo : to foftgn i^it mcfe Kid^

fot e(U0 f^ ISSitt catg t< a bo%& (^ (pue an^ fogle tf SStti) ^({ .

^n^p^xauetiiute f^ ^x\k hipx it titt it fignbc . an^ df^^fe^

Q9^on tt . at)^ tl^at mg(;i be t)it ^t^ <cn^ ti^etfoa
SBbm te te
brt^gn to fag^ f^^gns (iocfee
elR . f b? ft)citt net^^t at f %
nea<ft)^iggW3 tie at tk Ugljfgngticaf (Kgfgng ^uttte

}^t fclfc . ^tl6 Bban f fe |?art> fc^^c fete a Sag (^ temenaawt

tf an^^ mattgibgfed}af f^ ^ue cUnetmie.atib att

fttg wcettfref^.fb^of (lalemetxj ant ciuttmetie fi^ ^al
^^^tmong fHienef0. CC @w^ l^^^ g goneuea togo&tg

2^ tSi& to b^ {^ . an^ ftiffj^^t no Q^agn ^^fe ^ af no

CT'S^J^t matter Ijo\ij a man f^aU put an I|j8\i)he

in fo mt^t and tljat is to be \toele noottD

Off 00^ ^PS P wtofl bt&te Beft gff f^ {kiuc cif^g f^z',
itc0 ti;a< ];$ tnobe ^2 ipU ozgcput i^x m ntelbc.fbt aei[
t9tfi!on^ a fcbc^lbkc fl^att muct m^Ib Sett . fot ^)eu^ f^ me
Ikefb (t^att not en^ute bf ^htU ftp tcs gtsft an^ fxtte . foi at ti)?

obtgng (f ^1^ CL(ta{z ffy mag no len^gct en^ute

CTT^^^^^ SStt(^oft(attgme^k]^emanginta]^f;^(pa
tf^a]p ftt]M{(^ineib ii^t(^Ibb]^ fbtfttn7pttt>lbb];6mml)ii a
bto^ efeafe anb fum IS^ti^gk tto;t)t lolb . an^fumlSi;oin

il^^fumSt^sn^^Sk (Emp^an^ (me .ant) fiime

Sk/m ii^apkmj^ctiftbuttUne (^iA)e%ofiixi5wf^m iff fb

b^ (ytuC2t()et^ .3 f'^^''^ f^l '^ a^u2cc a93 i^^^^ f^^

tSSJ'P (o|mceiti^a<6o|4^a])bkeoza Cetcettota^tt^xdUtetn

fe mclb (b (^tgt^tlTaeft^fnapkttotjigb^ . f^Stft l^fo ^t (0;
lto; hi (()e pjnii : 07 4)at f^ le(eoz M an]; f?mi((.Qtn^Ib^ fo
Piitttt^ (^it in melb kne t( Sdl b tcna[oz f^ b temounteban'b
S^|bputtt(i?^t m melbfD Uttigigan^ tolme : tf flu jmietne
efe a^(^t Srft
f^ Ibilt: o^fe fomo(f) baufe of ^ngor.on^ pa;
mieuvs (()Kmab^^f^bg.a0tii^offtbfen

XJolS^fblbiit f^fan>Albke(>ttcea)id?Delbk|^lt . tn^m

(Oiiiicelt(tt9 ti^aifV^b nof 60 ^g^noM (d l6tb*nottaiii 2v
. ;

^ fitft nto* tttgng .Qonfo ^pwc d?at fb fc f(albrrf}i^

lop of 6)

an^ cvfUt ii)(xi a man ttiag take l^t ftc^ mctc ae f j^fttt tett mo 3
tepVapnlt bceaftcs

X *l)at manct anU f)0\ij a man fliaU fJDt l|ia

^a\ttht in im\ttt.

XI 0^ ^^^ K^* ^^^ H)^ Vatf) fenc mofe o^fcb fe ! f^^^ m^

^^0Y\ ^pm 8cU . an^ tabc oxft jng of it)? plomag t^>a( (i) . aM
att: (aUlbni t)ti ScU an^ cauf ^a 6o l^uc gooes a^pctiie an^

it fl)att clmf<KeU ^ii bIbtlUe attoB^wn fl;? le attdcnfci^ ^

jjc map^uc (;t: IS^t mcetc tbaC ge Ibttt fo i(k ci^c anoftej^

Cr(^o( fljikftc wcic fo nKikc an i?aIbUe ^ mctbcwoofe fine

Sjtl) elite cwijmccpnt6tt)eflef{)e of a hjdlsawbof ajong
^Cbannc an^ an^ cfpcaatt QJatowjcfUf^ fo f^t
of acj)tl:pr)
b not affaug^tc (Tloon Utc to bit ano of a jfowoj gooO foa fic^
mtttc tz fptt of u fclfc

Crr(^n^ tobc gobittic of gret frcf^ <?U& an^ fpcaa tU

^ col
pi) ncgt i(? an^ S^^c
Qlauett . blots of moton H its
it in Ijok

o;ooDe io make 1)22 &> mclbe bt fpectalli tt ft^att make \}ii Bto^f

aftcx(^u foots oage

CC Cli^C0 (opb flefl?cc$ bene c;Qobt fo melbc ar^ }p3h\zt i an^ t^

kcp^Vitht ftatc btlofecfl;? ^ue^oo^plenteeucapitip'fofili^at
i^ QSa d)C2 leuc pi^te tt)Cn locbe a7i|j a^b euci^ . i^ i^s

kt ^u
, ;

fut ^obe cm^ of os) i^^ t^ pfjfi^S S^^ *

of mcib (jonto tpie Ijii f^^cett k fiitt; g;^p) T^ei ^ue^ fcne fS

fohf^^ <ak ()em o&ft of mclbe S^ t^ ^etit Ibetc b>i i^ife i

^^ tf;at w ptlcue foi ^ an noi f^ i)EU^ {xn;

<ir^om f^fb^ ^r^ JBt) at) ^^Bbt |)a9 oafl ^^ix fftjcctt fc
ijMg^ne an^ &[^ \)tz mcefc an^ f et l^tt fb m mclb ^lA} ^(^
m^tt a tnoniii) oz 'Coi .Bttk|^ ox euez d|;ap otPaDbe ti^a^m .

CO^I^i of ottfUf^ccaffetflf? temcftc^.a afctiable goo^ge

of an ^^ VBiate te becf6 . on^olfb of a ctP^Ibe i)oo<c . bi it

mofte be "Sciftj 'm ^ffit : anO d^ it t0 ^ b^ttc .

^^ tt^at
gtete febutnee *
fot ti tuatf) fumlbat IJSt^^it

cr ^0 mahe an l)a\toh eo mni) tprmli uji^ ottJt

m^oS) 3 fi?^ ^eft ^IB S?tta^ tmz m^t^im fot to nteKc an

(xilbbe laft^lg ti^ae ];c (iTott telme fo2 to&^c atu> ^e Bit): af
jog %)

GT'CI^x fe m tSo^^ oz k ^^c^ Bosmj^ oal^s^OO^ets ^^

hn "(^eue of na6ite * cM ^ ie cniift ftj^.an^atfo ^te fna
kgts of tbffomc hgn^ .and f^ b %ati btttct Cobc j) .oz .iij .

of t^m aMfiKj^fe of f^ I^ts0 and Afoi^^z of (^ t;)]pUd .

! fe frneitt gohftpj dn^ put rtpffaw ^rtn . a^b Ue dew (c;


^c ^v^nc^i) .agcefe S^ goob Ui^fc^ . anb b i^ po^ te

roueceb. ti;a( no a^xt comolbte of tf net no bccd^ anb (c^ ii (e
ft^efb lo)^ ff^af et)2 ^amc colpne fet() fo c^cece . t(^ oxf^ it ou

ci)ib ^0 a ti&ijit): hmt0onbgc^4 Hj^ gtccc. anb pu< iC w a cfe

m ^effitt *anb 00 of i as ]^ f ets^^Ikc Mbbe : anog^ fy% mce6r

f^tn) , and (et l^i e(c (0 mod) ae f^ SSttJt an^ t^at mecfe fi}a(
iRdlbe i)^ at i^&cc a)Eb)i Stft <.

CT 2(1 notice m(iipn$

d)cnm.a)n>S()2n|P2fc f^%tete2gnn|pd^fockuc: tnbe t^o]b<

anbfdt!;tptn^0o7 c^gl^nne^ t^^^Ibtf^ an^fe^j^ollbce Jp&ljbke

jjjjljo fo ^tU (fjaf an f)a\tohe mt^ not mi aU

noon oC i^iz itHtxii * (^tEb(t i^tre ie a mthtcpm

^gpafae plbm of CancSt.anb tl^jT^uce of franbc cop anb?

^^ucc of pxmnjc aiX^ tobc mozcclUc of fUj^ . iij .02 . mf , tf

{ (uft anb i^m tl^^tin .an^ molte t^ |^lb(te

tSSoi^tc 60 flbalolb

l^tm anO|ime {fit (0 mon^ tgmge

<Xn^{^fRltci^fbgnneof afnabeoxof on <Bb^ . anb cut

iimto ffflal6)scc0*anbi6mpMtiSStii^t^of blc^^an^oiufe
S^ttt^olbkc of^||;ni$ fefers^^etof anO fl^f^att; noftnclbe.
. k

JUCt^*) gc (c goffitc VaCbbe bUiffi of ^ tgmcc : anb tf?a< tfcow

m^ 6f no fatgng . gc mag k fli e^t^ft
f^ iwd? (^ golbfc ni

QITn;^ fo) ei;cU tTobc ((^ blcls cf^i^ticotfc mgm;

bUxnana an^ cUlbt0 of o;cloftc . an^ ccmctt an^ ggno^e^t .an^
(obe of att; tt^e9 cugnltcb avit> tmogtt ^ Std^fecokbg^blo;
tt ano
anb goie t^
fcti^ tt ^
if b t^gcbc an^ ti^f mate
tlj^of z^xi mgat mg^iMmc

oii^ att

JB<2)i tfjt 0OfiJtt in at^t Iftbt anD i t!; C^a^nca-

^O!0 ^n g f
j^tbcc (xxMc wag no< cn^Ib fyx nmfe noz cdif^oS
!e ^ aftafe (J)e (^tt^
^ golbtc m ^^^ an^ ixi t^ Q^ag^

CClCabc ^owga^ o^tfttfc colfeb momg5 .ttiowg jfioftta^

ties ge mag ^ue ti .an^ (^ fltgnne of an ^tc an^ gcuc it fo
golbce i^Dbbc 60 <efe.t|^ .igm^ SS^ ify fle^of aoUt O)^ iff .

<r 26 mtD(c^ns fin a (HtttKe caUeD tlE^t falUca

ge f i^ goScQ j^lUtc^ cbce {Ba(^ !S^&

ftiCcta.JJ^oad^ (ibence ddrc abtocbefnabcaM
: ^ (^
SKxg tb^ li^tje.anb &it (agft * anb (nbc fy mg^^gtt.ati^ftg xi
an at6l)gn^ finite t^ gcccc am fouc tt and anognt
^ftcf^ ofapcok^^nB^tC^anOgcue titet^S^atbtef^ &

. ;

COT?! af f ^.m'l} *ttt j0 gcuc l)W a djcbgji . ant> i^ tt a


^C mtDfcpnt (m djt crampe in t^ t^ig;^ in fl^e

tcg^t anD in tbt Cote oC an ba\:k)h( *

TDl^D gc fc ^mvi ttt6c Cft]; ^xt ocn fofe o^^o (^s ott fbft .

;g^ (tee 9;poti d)ai ot^9^ ^)))on % (eggc oifo a)i^

XSatfc potb^ of (^agc t an^ put ie 'jo^pcw ife f(r fl^ of a Cot
wt ; an^gcuc ti of te to i^Ibce t;a%be anoSStil; olbU O^lbic f^

CT^C mt&tc^ne 6o2 t^e potja^tt

Itobeftcf^ magfauttw ati^ m tnoc^of jtt of otjf aW of

nlgii , aiift dKwfe it Bctc eo gcOtc at (^ ftctc art^ wabe ^%i
of anojnfomettt ,an^ anognt t^R fefe . inf -^ w
fe< ()u m
0f fbmie .aw^gwe feu ftcj^ of a;^ tf t^at auagtt nott
^crf> ^ tuttg^^ of a OJjno .'an^ Sto^pe tt a blbtc t^ f Ibct
lpigtft^^l^ tin fit ^on a<olfton6 anft anognt ^uSt^

an fjauht anD U ftott^ mt outeMjarDe f}m (f)Z

(t^U bs Iiolpen ano in tui^at manei^ *


bialb 6]^ ^ cfistt'

ft ]pt it tz fixaun%^
em^ 9n;Uktti90 of qd
^obnalbe : ^jpntg^z

dti^t A mat) tna^ not fc : m U^i fckem^ ant> ^\^t matiet ti^ag
mgSb <X^ci jolbtc ^Jkk^ 8ck ojjpon an I)2nne aii^ d;w tia

bt ^t ^ fer^^ tj ctt^ afttt : to aS>tZ9 Ste btt tolbHti0 * CJ^

d}S2^ tttg tc(be (pug fote^ an^ fptl ^s tx)^ fiitt . an^ h^xz bt?
Me tt)atfb^atr<^t^ no< otbt of ^t boj; an^ ti)en{it ^tt olbtt

on ^otz folObb . fo^ ae 3 (^^t^ mg magfi^tie fa|; an^ f |s (s nott

^oSt; ^:of .loU^ ntuee o^itme^]{ne

^Ot 6jt paOion t{;af 5o(^\]Dhia l)mt faO^ng

CDCabc ftr (Kofe of fwatt Q?gfff?ce . ^tid mabc 3ccof

^^ai ^a^his tl;at ben ^onDtD

of a?^ <3Se <&n^ ^E^ of (DijPiue anO tmOtIt li 6o ge^ . aM

an^pAt t^ Sof^ an^ itep ti Sttb Sinte Sgne ^eo t^we jpc ft .


fiKit oori <i0 of (^ai 0% iMcbtff tt m fm

anb Strati pc StK a

nopnf dj? (bote fftm ^Ibtt o^fttno)^ on^ ano^t it Utti) a pm :

<m : aM Soft ^ue i< aliStg Cobc (ocnccobc (r d^ot anogni Ut

CE 26 mtDtnne fo: cm ^auh( t^t f^as e^t armih

ELmtttttim itn an fiau!i( combrtD 1 tf^t bottiUta

1^ <kc d^ };ialbkc0 mcc te an^ ano]mt ti S^ p&^ of can

CC3I ntetec^ C02 an ^attofe tfjat l^as t^j gout?

c:2C mthtc^nt fo: an ^atJjhe t^at ^a(^ miets

afae (Sfi Q(ucc of Sozmelbote ait^ put U H^xtii^i h att^ i^i

CT^l^at an ^auh( t)(c l^ir ccaft all tl}t (efon ta

fipe 02 Itft

SK ^Y) ge o;o fe <t^ fete Y)i f^ U^ct cn^ of ixiSbbptr; cin^ T^fl

tt ti^a( i^olbn ^Ibhc cmf te

|1)atf; (ofc ()tt 0o 6d t)ts m d)t6 ma
fi^t Ut l)u flc^Ui ^u p(^m O^^foi^ ttafnio()a0
|t)c Bitt an^ Blpt) f^j?
j?a^ plgmtttcog^ougt^ go <d (jit fof ^tg
fia^q; .an^ celbaatc [)\% on t^ foible an^p af (et ti)at ]?
ntftj^caf^ ^n on a fxtc^.g afllbett \\ftmc^Z ^p^^tf^ CiS

<r2C mtDcjme Cot an ^auht t!f$Sit l^e tl^t Ctoon

^nojmi M) fimiemcnt Sti^ <l>gS aM puf ^ pibtn of

olj^mtSttt^an ^ (Imlb *

CCQ^foOriuat>f^b m(li^cafii0(at^^*g(mo|;nil^mo]b

CE(^{|b take fmob fUimfe tote anb))irfiifo^ ani6 f^contcc^

of fpo2gcan^cpxn^ ttS^ett ai^(f!^kmbttttsiati^^t^lbe

>tMof d QXoi.att^ put U m^noib^ in d]iKimiaolbti^anb U

be d)atf^k^i^ Ui);^ fttfj^fitteim^^f^^
l^te Utttttoni) (tttltta)}0 f^ (i^te^oft
. ;

cr 2t mtDttvnt im tjoiti^n
i^abc ^IjiTfucc of ^ (Roofe of ffencS . tj5 ^ if K|;ot ef^

f^itxmp^ k .ati^ ti^ap ^att ^]^ .

cr ^ ttuoecint foz tf;t ^tvant t^at l^hie iiatte

QH^ gc fe polbte Jufec cloofc |jxx <B'gCifyn ftitb f^ftUi^ l>u Ijt;

f a qotc eb pif( eiog an^ ^ fcwnife gcuc bit Cfafabe %ifi} t^ f 1^

(^ of ad)|Pcon anOfljSf^aiJt bfpoti

Cptt to D2pnhe , to htpt l}mi mopft in hpntt .

GT 't akc ^!^ Q(wc <>f

|?aatl?oun^ an^ Kccte tl;gtt ^hlm me

}g 02 fthtnee tl)at Ijatthis Ijawj i ^tit ^ntteUw.

^(n t^Ibbc t})at tx^ fdtc SSttt^m ^fei^ce t& of oi) f>XttX


fixcii o^ fel:cncfc0 J^l^ not t>u n)e P

. fbz tf f ^
e bf octft le ,^ai tc( tok^n of tl^ fouU ojUt fba futf ete of fc^cae .

^atbe ]mc^ to t^xilbbte m tl^j^it ]^lbd) anb aftca]baat)eS^

djKip owDcSnto ttftuagtt am bew anogtB of t^(Kcui t^en

tf^agSajPCirftoIlb tofi^t arit^Txfite foafo ccfiJ. an^Sl^mi^ube

dn^ if f^ ^(^ fl^^ (in^ ^t(c m \)i% o;oaz2C : t( IStS Ickt de

ft Rot fco^sn attO S^n ft^ te ^iSabc^ f^ dffagcd) to puf ouct
o< t^nti^Z om^ . it t^ oc;tuttits atvO collet : iSitf) tip o;ieit g^

01 tlli&fijiifnoft ^gcoz cafttt on^tf f^cctfttt fljt^magb^le

<r2l tnttttpm fiw tljt n(tepUi8

6> d;^let put tljtxt^ fpartj^^ (Aft ^n^ afnt^A)

@ .
^^ ^*^

Sce^ t^xmd}]^fU(i>i.anofs^t^ jx^Dbbcs^.m^e^eUbtti;

cin^ tf f^ make <Auno;et 60 <ete U (M^ fkp) WMi^
. tet (inD^
nioiltc irit fo f [batolb . li) . 02 . im mozccttie nia mg . an6
(^ f^att l tpott
f^^^ fttg fo golb a ^oO?t d)gvi05 . t
Gr(]gf 3
be ipn^ at t^ cbounogmg cf i^ woon an^ a km^fttttjO: an^
make fmatt pa>^te aM
(i^cicf B^ li ie Qeft QiMbnls (txbe^
baft boY) of an f^e an^ a no^ of acobtc^.dn^ tnbbc it
SStrl)^coat8ag<^fbgttiicm^0o^mT) (^plbt^ce
iinb aft l^o(e Stt^ (Iji pjb^te fe^ am 00^ ^n^ie? ancj ^

DCff on S^tche^ fetcn fd^ am(m i^ a mtsq

k fKoflin) id
mag bttttt.itKitd^)x)ilbbe (i^attno^^je (i^aniay)ma];tRl
fe J^it ftcon^ls * ^^^ ieogf^s bit (^ Mbbc S^te %;
zg eeo^ a^i^ Sikzt^w of e^ ^ekenco an^ ^%f&x fz mooft

^ofe of comfbsg aM^ fugw jIi^)^ ^^2* ^^^^ ft^

Cafec (ifi

if e^xos^ a fft^ clo6(; an^ . oft ^nie t^ A) ^ i^&tta a)i^ f

[02 blal^meUjauhea ntontfjts calD (zounclita

^ff ^ ftotmc^c^ Hid ^n^^ fox 5a)b0.foi< tc5 ftfiogue

l2C0m^ )^>n)e.avi^ n^abi^d; fklbm f^ttoIbCeof t^btctgnc ^

uc t^aftdt Mfx ieStti: \to}jpt\ft% nafe d^rtUi^ Qtn^ t^^^fb*

CT^ mtZiictn; (02 an f;auht tl;at caQis i^tc Cltff^

tSJC^f^ ^ fi^ m fafbtft 02 elite fced^^^ctfoe m ISateit atiib

CT^ mtDecpnt 602 1|)( $(eume clt^iii 2(gctim


<i: tii to mafet an l^a^lit $mt anD isittt

5g;abc ft quatifgfe of potbc at\^ ong an^ buttctOf^^^^

fc g^^t an^ anogn<

% fkj^ t^tim . antj? fete golbrc ^ihbc

gfi0 of an <^ue^*a7i^ |tr)ct)tt an^ hepe l;u fvom (i?auctt antr^

CO fo of & djougt? ^ eue^ anc tf i^oU^tc ^Vo ;
te neuct fo f/ttte .

be k no< pffi^ ^< Sid^m a fottenci SSonCtc 2 %nlte *

CriFoz boocFj00 tf?at 0i:o\iJf in an t;a\Xjhta 3o\X)g

Tl^utt ^g0 b(c{)Ct$ Si^ (iitikn^,eittC k< olbtt (|^n)a^t

of ^jgw . an^ ftftc cbnfc <l)25m cU)ie Btti; a fglucifyonc oz
elite j^lkfl^ (pott S^t^ a plb^^of attncmcUi^^i^^^*^^^ 9P
pn^at folb^cs Co a Uttttt la;^^ : tf;ai ie ccfftCe an^ fo ti SSttlE; a

J5m ie a gooDt inrDecpnc foz an i[ja\X)b$ tljat

^PU not coom to JK edapme

^ "^Tabe frcf^ huit(% an^ |)u< ^^fo fugce ait^ put t( m a ck

Bi tntattpnt Co2 ^a^is tl;at htm iHz^ttpnth^

^Sffgtn jwfigo&tc MibcQXefgngan^ CafigngBftt <^g;(f
liH (^fti^to Qi\}i% nav^ t^ C;4bte(c0 f^ te (Keftcms^

Ati^ putmhii Qlaree anb nt 1^ ^ooff of ^t n)o!bet^ a^ ^e

bu fk^ (So & an^ f^ I^otE is foaff

BC tmbtt^nt fm tf;t ftoone in^t imumtm

Cr tl^^ );t^ V^ftk mct^n^ mti^fk t^ fxid^ ify^a

febnes oolts ^ fioon .^11^ fox

l^^of af1b];ne an^ fij^o^ce of aflb^e

^ *

f^tenee : ];e (l;a^

aV^pMvt^i^ ^
f(^ of ejiljitxi <m^ f!^(l)att b^f^ip

<r2l mnttc^m to ((le Dip ^tmntt ^

9)p<m ^T^ onb^ t( agteite W^ik tpen <iiboiifio ^^

^ fiv^

abcpi^ffate wate of a (omfe d?af Kosinmt k Qm^fe

6$D aii olbfe an^ nx&bc pitocc of ftp p^f]^ cinO cafe it Q9))>o
<^ flcj^ of a Cat . an^ fi^ |^j tl^^ilbidj g (^c (^att b ^ott

iS^^S^ 9fpot) Qtuttifpfp ^fz^ifi) on dt manci of

^ y^ Wm f^%|)tt^^u bete
f^fIbi^ : i^( t0 <o
^^oufttib SSt}Cnf^^abiti^ ott^u^^tis aw ^x bt>];6^

S^ ^^ <Sn^ti)
bu mccte m l(^u bDbeUge f^tt tx> ^
S^f^iot) ^iDuti9;Si|ct7 fi)t auo]^t(l)bnott8!t^^St^
S(;c f^ fton^tf; on an|; mam% bibe oz peid) ^i^ 3^E^^
Bl)n f^ fUpt^
otttc of bt2 goozge
puitieboucaKljen fb (8iu>i^itl)biinicefe
eo t)tx bibiUts .^ ptogmrt; Kl?n fb ^i
Agfl) ogleSitl) ^;ll kbc oii Ijix togk an^ anojnfatl^^t^u ffe g
^ f^.^ pUmst^ Si^cn
f^ puUttl^ f etme of ang follbU

B^ f^ ^mlbiflj bot6 b Rgnqnw owct mj^^ge of

(l?i bete ^
6n^ 6fi% i^g mcfc be^ ati^ fof fdg (i)ab^ ^(^m . an^ Ut ^m

frtt agch . Qltn^ f^man(gUtrt> Cbi) f^ ftts(*d) fet oon ffigng

A long aftttl^t iegc.onb afectt&i^ tM o^^Kgng , anfi?

c: ^fie nam^fi 06 a Space IfsuM a OOngece

atiD Sparutme ijaue Detom^neD

^^^ tB a queflioii a|0];^ {^^ a mom (baft tctft a fpwct

\S^ t^lbbt Ota ^en ^kt 0% an afpm Nbbe g Of'

6eiscx9 an^ olfb^asuttea^ : fa]^ff^magbcRl(to c^.tij.

Qiamgp . fb: afong9 i^ ^^

map k oiU^ a ^^x l^U>b
fb of ati:%t^Sb]^tf^it^tkfbtc^')7o^^c^*<^^

tgng flt^

L ^if>rt^ fiKi^I^ait^ af) afpaiB (lAfttte of f^t|ncffe

of ()tt a>mo;^ . an^ of t^u loh^n^ t\uid^ an^ al^ of \fi% f(^C[
Jj^oj: f^Btc tDoofiafpca an^ ^atpi m att d^gngj ^i bclctto;
fon6) l}u of ayv^ od^ct ixiUkg0
Cr^b*'^aS'eilfo collie a ftjftte IwWtcfot^ij.QJcfbwcc.oort
i ff^ ^a^30(!}albbg6 an^ fttccUjw btf>, fidjcac fccnnt
^^ foote aaq/i . Qon^o tgmc tt^a;; nta]^ bo ()?ecUt]pm^^ . an^ma
^toi>g fe of^Ibkp^ attbte^diiet^tbc not flil;

I|; melbc^ : Q^nfo tj^me i^;^ ma;; b^ cfois ^^fO <in^ tx^ fo
fije . fbi aflt t^ Sl^e d)a|; bene QonabutI: . ^ fpate iiRlbbe occu
ptti^(l^ffe(^flct|? t^ptfudyRott.^efefcfag froom
(<i|ni< (niatgatitj^ eop o^nfeitbclAmmae.^in^ fofb^ in ^
<E ^n^ f^Bglt ffce S2tt gong fefo&nfe ^m^ ^^ cocfej :

h <^feo;?nMMt5of fljj pew Qlnb afki ^rf)cImo6 ^ccn^t^


fum 6>fl'tck ^\p<fO (ipQizmt ati\)i, 'Jti^t fume fo fU

tifi :

(^ ISo^oob anb fun) fit t^ bUcite buXa av^t[jt ti)mfk

^C^5Sccob 16 cowbtDuc fe fk hot tf ti)Zt b cmfte tif% t .

fotttS^^ oomc 6oa!Sot)?oz aqued^ of buft^uemfe ^olbte

fpattt^albbc m to a fte aTt6 bc(c t^ bu(^c0 an^ tf an^ SSSo d^
ta>k atifc ffe Sttt k fiicc d>ctof CT^c moft fitf^ mabct^u
6& a folbU mft^p olbt of t^ bu(t)e0 an^ . j^^Ibce WVoU^ moft
fii on loof (c as ]^c make ^tt 6d o pattact^
^(fo ac( 3 f^S^ ?^ .

Dia;; mtt ^it a ff ate f^Ibbe ! fbt an o^x otufc fbt an^ t^t S^t

c f1)tfpc f ttta;bt fiitt; of l^lbbt^ an^ tto %ti3 clUe an^ (t;^^ !Se
. .

R a fpatfi ^a>bc among tl)agn) t^t f^ul^ no mf(om k pgb k

mufc of^u.^n^fbfoxtlitmor^comuncnamct^gbt oilocfpa

jgrn ^avbdt Cnct^ to (^^ itttt^(he oi (o ti^e .

toti^t ^oU . fid Cwp{ tmt 5f^ 3mP ft^

Ipaftbc f(tt^ fo ^ ()?S^** an^ fU;
^]niet fi6 %fp .

^c (|^ foible ^fuctli 'C^t te ^ f<^S f^

f ^^^ to (^ %9)
kbe oz 60 tk toft . (X att te bt oon . ae ]^c fi)att imalbc

fete af 6et ^fji fteetl) olfoio t^ quatte ! 60 (k ccejx .an^ no mo

j&se btibc(tr).(^n^f^Qt|nmn2^i^foIbkatt^fet3^^

^o>3a (IkiQ ^e hnava "Hl^Qt tf^cte tecmtfi bttoh^n

* ^

^r Coft^abhe 01 o tetccit tfyii (f^aft fltt 6d t^ %lb fe e^

^vnlx a fblbU mfyCRtutt ox in a an^ (i^tcn ftt

ptttepoBueli .

poute baubf a
fpacc of ^ 0[tf <t ^}pon a moott ^tt oaontbsto;
Ibnte .an^p cofx fof telt tolbot^ t\^ folbU : from peU>9 (^tt)bc

ft(c^( i&f ant S^cn ^^ come almoft tl^t fblbU (p ctt^ m^

ioobc bcblbastt tot&stt t^ t^Ibbc . an^ Kid^ poSbtx ^ntt ox
SttI) polbcf tabut fijrtsc : fatcbc i^oDbcs ^Ibkff fe come 6d |pou anb .

Sl;^ ft)C te OT) Sj^nc; * ati^ compd; lolb bt t^ gtounte aii^ te a( .

tnoft at p>lb . tf?oi f wgtc poutx ftibuz . anO ctp l;uff Ijuff l)uff

an^ nmbc t^ folbU (o ^2|nio; an^ 9xti) tS^t no|;f< (^ foIbU St(

CTQtn'^nolb take Iji^.^ff po& !?albbcnpm <^ ^fcUaf^l^

ff ftiB of t\ft (Kpues OS of i^ pttt fioni ];oQ> C(im f^ fUcti) f^
fblbU at t^ fi 3 ^^ ^^^ ^f f ^ f^^ ^
^ ^tf)^^ ^^ fi^H)at ;p ben
of^ * as tt mo); Vpt ^]Puetfc timce Cl^^n gc
. (l?att fa); fl^ ^d) fU
Qi(lp foGblc at H^^^tt^^ f^^^B
CC 3ff j^olbn tolbbc njm ttj? ^JbU a lof (c : jc j^ott fog flj: fe
kft tt at dj2 mounte 02 at (b foucc ,

^QftnOif tt?2 ^tbic fptjng not hotft^a long offct ^ ^ci

an( Hji ^lbb n|M)} it e^ . jc (l)att foi];
f^ f Idb U ai ^ ()?aun

^ Cmpt

ni& potbtDB bftlbbe f l^ a02 te d)? Cteqoe lBtj pc ^uc joJb

oUxIbboon jolba fpftan^ccppfoftcljto tl)i ^jumo: to C^
ptt ant ftcUtl) fof teU 60 fts
btpnbs d>ctof anop t$0) ajf buff .

ftn^ btt^at mcattQlpn)afofiblc . Cb^^*^ icflapnatt^loiCi

tp oCBatt^f3ttttj-oxatt^3uttgfg,aeabooiifiefa;
c b

polba ^Obbc Soft ^{ng an^ fatt a|^ m te tl^ (Kputs . oa f

(ttlbbc fcce t^it . anO fo lie f^pft anb taSM not anfc . jpc ft^aS (q||

IdU of th (>^puti Sid) faeiUe m no Stft . anb tt^^ts a ^oft) 5


|9t^^ ?^^^ tK^%^ f^<^ ^ qutttt ^ H^t h m a f(o . S^

butt/^c ^01^0 of molVai^ m ^fc(9 ano Si^ fl^ efptd^
^^rn anb o iiimyCt <wftte ^> fcife or^bfUc ptsuf ti (]Diioeai^O


;0 02 loXb bt tbfl joObnCfi anb n]Pn) oov) of 02 d;ag aft

tl^ p^li^att fag d^t ^^Ibii 00 fUi)^ at t^ qucits

^^ om ^0
B foCbc m]^fe tttm^ bmlb anb fo]^ d>at

affignab to fbat ^Ibbc that Sitt fUe a(}?ol:co:aCtoIbo2

. ti)Q|^t )^u

P^cup) (p^on Q loiiCK fittpg anO tl;o)
: . it moft b (a|^ l^at
jid) on txxObbc &ittT)mlb Stttt to a (}2oobe .

. .

XI o^t P^ ^^^Q ttfitierfionDe ii a man tt)(ll maht

an l;a\x>tie to tf)t qume in t^te mann t^t moG; Do

fifl . ono goo fe ti)at pUkipn . ari^ ^l^ ojp goDbtx |?ai^^ a ptx^tg
t&g of from tl^ ()nala:^ .an^ toobc if (})C ^Ibbc can ^c tt

bg Ijit atbpl cDtogc an^ if ffjz i?auc folbu^ ttj?folbU an& tfi

cc6ofUc ri}e4 6o.Ut \)i% fte^plpmmc Bcttcojpon ^tt

an^ fcsu ^^ fo . 7^ . 02 . t)) . <];mc0 cint> d^cn
f^ t'e ma^ fo tt^c


3Ibauc btialbjngijnfjlmch tf;a< Btpnfbcuc: an^ Bf)wfocuc

fi?a]5 fe ang femic ^ool:c6 . ano tf djcjx 5Ibbj0 Ko(^ tsfite
fo tf^agm. tf)n tl^aj Bote let fl 60 tf^cjrr) m cotsftggng; tl^cg*

^u\2];9 fo be Scctt flcptg 0 1^ quatrc at) o^tigme*

^pratp craft to tahc an l7a\tohc tfjat ia bio\\pn

o>33t of mm anD all manci; of fo\tolpa ti^at (j^t in

Jloofee K(^ an ^lUtc petd^itf;^! a&ri'^t t m ati]^ ma;

TUt^pUce an^ fofte an^ l<^l?f^^S ^]?^^be to t)Z2 Stfi} a f(on;
ce oz aUintftiHC ^at !^ti) bi ooti Ug^i hi . goCbce jpoiniK and
kt tljeUgtit te6)&t^ Afi ^Ibbc fo tijatfl^ fc not golbtc face
an^ f^ ma); tobcJt^t b]; Hji Ugg];^ ot otc^ Sifc as^ |je Igft
a5 in lgk( SStf^ aft od^ctmamtfolbU.
^^^ fcllict^fgolbw ang St;
!?albbc ft)att ^i^tx Icobc m
t^a( thaj
vl-^f not be (o ^ug ouet Ijn p>U>c* foBc^t-al

fb t^at tioo^i k ^ugct tl)cn a) otf^cx hot Ukc of Scpg^t

Koobc alfb (i)ai rt^ag fe ronolbtc ant> Bctt fblbn^gng an^ (l)t(
citi^ mot bd) of oon foIJbnc : bof d?at oof^ fe a fcmgfogn ^nOet
a wo^i . an^ d)at djag 1 {poU an^ not farobgti an^ rpftcialU
iti ik fotbn^gng place .^02 an^ ti;ag fe bwbgi) djag Kjtt fblb

)iie ftitt t>ulli .

Off (pace ^Ibbc beClfe d?c is ctpocc an^ Igttitt of d^atgc

of t^gm : fot ^l^Jibcdj plenty .

CCf^ot fot (5oft}albbc6 fowfpmc (^cCltc of ^ctcn Bcce

mte tfebft.anod^ag gootc fb djag coniunc{g b (bib
b (iitt

n^ Ktd) filuci ano fol^ i^t affet . (^ot tb bnolb (ofecj?

of ^ud}cU^n^ blljc of a fetbnc caltc ^ut^rig^t cino tf^ag

k faffing goo^ fot d^ag b BcU foitoSctt folbn^b,(bnolb


re of (JJgnggng in (l?t(nce an^ pffi>^S Stt Vaftgnj

tJLjt^ ei^gd^ d;2 psocete of (;al)b(tgng . QZnb nolb fb(og9

t^ naarnge of ott )nam of j^lbit](9g<o S^n; (i^g btonj.

CC ^^t^Q I^aithee belong to an ^mpiouce

^^yegg be ^ namce of att mattcz of fjaHght^
^uft an .

\0(2(e a ^DbtccE a ^cloCbue tt i^ f ^pUft of d)ct0

. . .

ti) S(tt fUe an ^^ta cdfc.a^alb^ .a ^oo a h^^^ a

(Elbe .a Ctam a (^uftat^ a ^(otbc a ^Sbai) a ^ogp in

. . .

^ pUi]^ QtoibntB Qtno tf^cte be tioi oiluteo nc teclapncd .

fc^ oiufe H)at tf>ap k fo pntscolbfi fe d;c ptc^ poiOitiff ^nd

(^ei0 19 * b]? t^2 natuc kUng to an (^nipt;oQ>(e

d ^I)ie l;a\t}hee belong to a h^g

f^()n te a dBc^fatbben a . ^ezcett of a ge^faoken . Qln^ t^


Cr 4F a pipwrt

20 k fo) a p%2^^

jg(02 a Duhe *

Cr C^2 te ^albk^ of (^ tocb @n^ tM . t9 fbt a ^ube



CIT'^ fpt t0 a S<tn(ttie on^ a Sanolt . Q|tn^ t{^ btono; <i

'Gat a laD^

i^n ^a\&he (02 a ^on$ man

CT'Or^x 18 an j^bp QCn^ Sfal ^ube ie fb a |^no;mat)

Qtnd f^i^ te (pKxIbbce of t^ felbt( and ben bod; 3(^0^ ^ b(


oiltt ano cQcUj^mc^

<r2QnD ^U tf)n be moo h^^nDie of t^avDhee

CETC^t te a ^o(i)a1bb ati^ ^at i^dbc te fot a i^mai)


CCC^i 10 a ttcxcctt ^n^ A)ai te fbt a foDbcce mat)


CC^^^i0 a^pce an^i^te onl^Ibkcfoiapteff

^albitc .

CCt^^^ te a (JJiufkgtz Qllnd ^ ta fo an boUt&ter clttb^


Q|tnd d)cte k of at) 0^4 mancx bgnce fot d;ag fUe ^ Ouea^

Ejfcc 8ifc 03 1 e(^ fccobc of IxiDbbg ng afbtcfagb arc Kci%t

an^ note^ d)2 ttxmgg of pkfuce belonging (o getititt mw
^gng ^Utz ti^xm .3^ ttp(rameniaiicx t()getoobe fotolbgng
(t)clbit^:to fgcb gcntitt pifonps tl)? wanct of buntgngfot

tk mane; of keftgg . Kctbex tf)ag fe Q^ceftge of ?>Ticig . 0:

of (()c . 02 (Kafcott . Qllti^ alfo tt fl)clbu() att tfje feiTUgs co

ucnjcnt a^tSctt <o <l^ fy)lbn^g$^ as to tb^ becftgs a fojfaj^ .
Qfln^ m ccttiftgn (()8tb manj ^gucifc 0/ tl)agm . a^ ;t 15 5
cloce^ m booobc fololbgno;


/7T(j^vifo^mx2 gc face bg figtf^ 02 bg fett

^MiWlg ^J^ t()gl^ take lj2tt (pft) 'C nftmm ^ood; gou &tt
l^olb mang manet Wftgs of ^^ncij Aw Kcte
J[jftp) to golbw ittn)C an^ (i^ ft^att golb kcc
^otbcc mancz kcftg^ of Q^cncig ttjzce ace
"Hhi fix ft of i\jt]pm le tl]i . ^^t , t(ft fecund 16 djj J}ace

Itl;^ booc 10 oon of 6lp . i^ IH^Cff anb not oorjwoo

dQflnb tSStw tl>a( gc cun) m pUgnc ox m plaw

3 l^att golb tett 5S5[)ici) Ix bcftgjj of 9nc^ace
on of ^Ipgm 19 tl^, . Qgucbe . a notl)^* jss ^ 00
'^l)"^ iJoj? ^'^^ ^^ (fHcutoi) anc> tlj? Kite {7?oo
^nb g^ ff)att wg ^ce c{)glt)e od)ci kcftgg att*
^\fivi fo ge ^m fgnoe ^ofcatt gc (^att fern catt

e >

2QD(t i)m tl)t aag^ oC an Ijttt

^(Jlnb fox fc ffdtt of fl?? htt iff gc Kitt t< to

tQt ft)att Ijjpm a . (Cfttfe . catt at efe fgtfl gte

ttfy^ Ac4^ f etc a ^pciga^ fc:ncd? tbua alt

. .

'^ fotbntf? gctt a ^<aggc . mttl^gm bg ang tfeg

1t^ fiH>c gcce a ^cefe ^^Jgc gouoe ettme bios g^ft (ag
'JT^ Oji.gctc mtt gc bgm a*) ^ti
^^ (b mg c^4tB SgU0 gc k^ *i)i ()ua^<

t^o hnam tt)( {?{De 06 an Ijttt ^ttHt^atn i^pmtd

C^ fgift t^^ f{}ftttk ^ugcft %^ o&fe

Ct^^ w fE^^gw See fu$c ^efj&
QXat^k0 (oi ^ . . gct^ cutimooo^ at ^ bcfZ
'$;fy}Jb (ijatt Belt T[ug t^ }^c of ^(fawi^ be(
^l)m ^ J^(j)
QttlbnecUce Sta? o&i ang Utt
(Kgatt anop ^uariatt olfb t^a '^(ztt

@n^ d^af m (^ fepfx fo IKfej) ge mag \ygm bcn

-C^ f^fttt gc mtt i^gtt) foicbgo an ^e of fennc
@;j^ K^ k \?5itt; w fk eflDc . tij cf i^ fcluc
1C^ ge fib^tt catt ^gm
an k** ^.p^- tcocbt^

Qln^ offejiBatDc ni tl^ tojpcKb^ 0^% aa bene . ,

"Cl^ (^alt gc mtt (jgm fommgo an ks^f of , j^^i

QHn^ flow tm fo!^lgait t&ft fo bcfatt

^c ^ ncuct of fo mang gc f|?att ^gm famim^ aitt

O^go^i of tk nombcc zupti Ufat b^ i0
CalUt^ ^gm fiom im f*<ft fumwc'^ T[Bg0 .

^Ifo ^om ge fete a ^t fyxz^ SS(^le

^ti puttie ?Q i6evr . ^ Sounb^c 3( (Koute-

CTJ^)? ^H^^ JUtf? ^i^jc of ^%t tt^^ of ^gnts

QHn^ of (^cte an^ of too S^^ po l;em (gnot
^n^ a (gcw of ()?o< ^^i pUicc tbaj t w
(^n^ a ^ttn^2 gc f(}att of il^c S^ fibgne
(^Ti^ a Q^olbte of SoUiefi 9Si;m ti)ap pafftn mne
^0 f^att i^e fim catt; CV0 man]; oe t^g bme

gC li^iU fjnDt 2([ m^DpU I)mD :?([ grtft ^m&

^ .|pp ( Utt^ ^rt ^ug^ ti b of fjp^Uii

QlnO l((p^ te a ^te ()?t^ catt.pc (im) fQ

. .

t( ^( be it \jin^ buctte oz ((be ao

;]^o\^ pe C(;aU (al' a sett Ijece n not a air n o2}

Cr^ gtctc l^t B^ gc Ifpun fi fo fljaftgc t;jni catt

(^ot ncuextnoae a fagte }jt%t fo^ no l^n^ d)at maj^ hfaSk

(^ gtefe l;ghte a o;ts6K bucbc ant) a ^gtc ooo

(nig fonngj^ tSl^te gc ffioUte catt g ^m fo
^ g (^oi^ naame ftd) ^^: an^ do ae 3 S^^ ^^

G:>))i;at t6 a btup oC ^oas gntt oi Cmatl

^l^^n^ fc|9 10 a kuc of ()?oo0 on a mlbc

^n^ .
p . te a mg^gtt; itug ftift Sel^ 3 ^^ ^^^
Qt 3oe<e bug t0 p) . B^n t^g to gcbit b
^n^ fo catt bitt fonnge Sonce A^t ge l^mi fc
mooxt nombu$ ^^ ]b( : ti^e gfPBttet t|^ tfii^

tSRW is a ^ounDtr of (^pnt ^^ttt 02 fmafl
KLt^^Aft wobc a ^utitttx of A)t Bjl^ f&jnc
^tOt * <^ me^gtt ^unm K|?ai plocc tt}ap b mnc
Qt gccte fouw2 of fibjmc .
pp . gc fljfttt catt

jf iw gttf not fbts kffion fot tf)gng tt^at mag fft$

53H)fw g t)w< al 6p (Koo tf^ f^aft ^fog Aoote

jgc CDffu0 an^ fcefoticc^ l^olbte ^Ibn^ge bgfooce
^ gtalc (}?oobucbc ;^ caft t^jm not fo
an^ a
(^ot a fegtc (Koobttcbt fcgce Ooo

QJelbaa^ gc goltotc IpIbnDcc mg fontijc fo ojooie

<I2(^n^ cci)c foofe jjc f^att cuftc nt . m? .
3 JoC feom*
Cake t^ boIbclU^ an^ tte bloots an^ Q> atji; to o;^^ (f;cn
(]gcu];tJ) hit thai) fo jolbw tplbn^jjc fb

^n^ mod)C fbe ^laao^ct tifsn 6:faL^ \Sttt o;o

'StpoiC fo j^olbte ^Ibntse a ce&t^ 10 colt

^oz ^U t0 Qt(ct) on tb^ ^tolbn^ an^ on &ft fk^nw ^&.
CC'CljK (Koo (i}att te ^lc^ bg Qjcncti ^ Knc
'^^ ii ^le lagtc bg tibcne
f^tOfit Ug;o;cc( tt;2

Qtn^ tckz oon ^^ Uggc ^p 3 ?olb ptag

Qln^ ti^ai oifit fot^i Uggc no;l)i 00
3 golb fc^
^flpon (^ oxx% fot^t Uggc bootf; gc ^ pgttc

ot) djgc wianct tfne Sl^ gc j^tiuc Scogl)^

QtttbooU fo rtp Rcdw tl?n l)it (l)att hbcog^

5Qo* of <^35t n unDopng of tht Booit

CTQtolb fo fpcbc of (fe foozc (b fg^r^ 2tB ^ 13

^ ppo;o;c of t^ ^unTSt called ale ^uc 3 ''l^^

'CIk fccunl)? (Ctx ati i^^S^e an^ fo ^a\t ^ te

Qlt^ an Ipqqcftcic B^n ^ ic of gene . iri .

QHn^B^^ of.mi.gccc a beocc fljett (?c b

^lom (Ijj ^untci of t^ flbgnc then ^ttitt) l^
^ ^i;no;ukt te t;^ fo : fbt a Icnc I;? ISttt goo

(pc (i)att(j)noo tjgm ^nflajnc Bl?2) l)J (l)att k 5)i2l^t

96jp . bce^gc an^ )j ^^f t)?*^ g^ f^^^tt moke

^g fl)2 lalb of Oocncag ae 3 ^t5 ^n^i fcabc

^butgt) golJbcc ^unbp bj ftifngtl) tff djat Ijtfc^^

"Cj^^ (^att ^uc tt)c faotbplUs b]pU Bitt? ti)c bce^
Caft 05fl)on ti? gto&n^ ttjjt tlj^toote tBag fUpe
QKtn^ d>af t0 calte a (K^lSat^ fo t)ur\tcne it fopnc

^fpwf ^ e^ fb )ue 3 blie : (qx tijat fo oetcn te

X^ OVtJ 06 (fjC l)m

CHQtotB fbt fc frcbc of tl5^ (jatt wp foniijc fcaittU

^M bgng (Ijatt k cato of att ^cncxj


^oz attt^ fagtc fprt:jwg cit^ faUutftig taf fete

Con)mgtf^ of fci)gng atiO fpnt)jng of t^ ^xz

Jj^on wj tcif d^gltw 3 ''^ ^'^ '^^^ ^^
j^c t0 ^
meutclUft kcft tit)ai t m onp lon^
^02 tp fgmacc anO ctotw ano (Koungcd; cuctmootc
Qtn^ bccotf; taloVo ati^ gne :an^ a buc tttti; ^ti) k Fooa
Qlttb of^t (Si)tU ^ te niaU : anb fo gc (^att bgm f gn^

Q7^n^ Kbn k tc female an^ bjn^lic5 ^gm Kitl^m

^n . in ^gt8C0 J^ l^m fead; oa b Kid) \^n\ (tbjjj

'CToo (Kcugb an^ . rj fwotf} Kfp Kttt ^m f

QSln^ ij - bnotti0 alfo d7at bjnlrU^ Kitt te

ttl^i fjuntet fl^tt tJelbatTs fym tl^cn Sid) t^c ^t

Btd) d)c f()ul^ti0 an^ ^ fr^ee an^Sid) t^c blbelUe Citt

Qdni) aft d)29ti^ ISid) in t^ Komh (!we onti t^e g^tt

'Si^b f8uPd)e alfo : ^uc bmi noon of (^

'C6ict> ce&ttR Kb^n oon ii^ cat^ t< te eale.

^it^ aVt ojooTt ^unfem t^ ^toib . H is cftK
'Ql^^n tl)2 loj^nee of d)c t;ac lobe ]e tio( fot^ct
(^ot bt]^no;i)im fo d)c ltec(;gn foz d)e totMs tn^^ft
^n^ of d)te iUtc ^atc fpebe S^e no mats

lnBiicl)t betQts Ci^all be ttapnt ft Vbicl^ Qripte

<r(Wo) 60 fpeftc of d)t b^fiJce Bl^n e^aj fe fUgnc

5)olb mangb (e^gg^c an^l;oIb wiang bfUgm
Qltt d)a< kcc fbjpnc ano tclo& an^ Q?oungc Uuc iwc
^!?att h f lagnc fof? t^c it8 fo
^ f^tttt ftopfe b
QlnO att d)at fend) gceecc : ano p$le0 ^j ^jpon
ux (l)att fe Kl)m f^ag b
9 ^?E mim
pU|9 :
^ ge
fijatt fog
. .

QJ^iffjt bttftiB ff?aU bf reriDe ^id) tl)t Ipmtt .

<E ^E ^^^ fontip Gc^con notb Bitt

3 ?<>& kt
Jjolb manp manei bcftpc ae ffit6i) t^ Ijmcw
^t?att h (jjpcBtj^ m ftpdb oa in fcl^
(^ootl) efe kit an^ f^^ bucbc an^ ^^ bote fo Bi{
Qln^ aft otf)a hcfij^ed^at kur\t^ ^c^i b
^att k fouglji ano fbuwr ffiitl) p?atd)icrofT;

^l)t Diftttu?ng 06 a ^urfit

^ fatbnCrfolbbijno; on ^te cnm f^]^ ae 3 2?^^ ^^^

"^1)2 fccun<De i^ete a ptebet t^ . . tij pete a folbatt

^ folbte ai (k-mf
t^(^ ftol)bi^3 ^olb (ett
"Ck ^ ' ;cce (utt ^i^m a (^uc(tc of t^ fptft ^rv
'2:l|2 . 99t ij^ce oitt ^gm a ^uchc an^ 00 ae3 B^u tets

Of tFje fjoinpe of a o&uc he

CET'i'^ b^njc of a q;ccfc ^ucfac oa l^ fo b

(Woft b fumntf^ ^3^^? b^l^crrgtl? 60 mc
'too plbmg^
bttiund)ie fiaft ^ mof^ j?auc

(^n^ mi .a^auwctc t^ fot^

, tff j Btft fauc
@n^ ppmj cffcUie an^ tf) fC map l^gnj catt

D&t;m fo gc te a gccU (^uct^e 3 ^^ golb aft

Of ^^ ftoobucht
Cl^**^ ff ?c ofek O^oobticb Kitt bwalb <^ffm
Cfe ram^ ^e b? fe a gctk : an^ fo b ficfi^ aft

(Kcbucbc of tl^ fttfe ljJ5 fe t0 at ^e mi -gw

Cte . 05 ' sett a ^oobucbc bjii? oitt^ S^^ '^'^
Qtt fapnt an^atb ?ttj bicj tptnptj ()2 Bttt cafit

fbat no
man wag bcm fcnc fgn^
aimgn ^ cooe Tiot t)i& bgntie
CCQdt fojnt 3<*n)g0 enp Kl^w fo b S^
Cbm fl)ott eh? (Koobucbc gW^cc Bttf> fl)8 (Koo
Qitn^ fc boltttlp ti^t M pc ^utn
tC^ te b
a fKoobucbc gcgnq; ni t)i futttC

(Jtn^ iff pe map a (}?obucbc flc Kt^ cft^tanp fapte

^nb p f pn^ tt;^at (j^ue gtxcs ai hiss tapU

^6 film QRobucbpc \?ftttc Sljen pc b< fp>^

^bm (t)att pe ten tt a0 pc ^ of ifntan^ of t)]m^

^(fo t^ Q^obttcbc as t)i^ te Sccte kpOe
^t ^Iptott eiap goo<^ to ^g^ I;? ,

^n^ (Pfid; t^ bit S^n ^ map gcfe : ifil

XI ovd of t^t l^ttt anD of tbt ^imDt

<r^onnp0 of d^ ^< an^ (^ ^^e bim pt< je mag

Cl^s tl)ap ^taft) (30t^^t?s at (^U roots ittp
Co tl^ (tcpi d>Qr) tl)ap goon pd)C tpie ^np at nooi)

tJ^bttij f^^P *ap <!ofen mp djiCOtt 3 goJ^ fr?

tDtlt t)tt b ^p^^omcft at tb UfC fiip
^l^ aiuf of t^ Hm te 6o IS^te l^pm fro Ai^ f Uc
l^ip fo oomntptf) to t^t place map fc ^tt Stt^ ^0 tg(^e

^f) otiHt tbpttg ti>ap ^fe mp d^plcie alfb

ICk fame fefon of (||t gw to fopU to go
Of t^^ ^PH 0^ <t)^8 httftpz

C^ tto;^ of ^T^tB bi%(i2^ Ajuti gc (i^att catt

^oz pti of d)jtc make t^j 0)f) b^< ^^
^a^ djfj^i^ S^ S 300 : i^olbcc Cdmc (agtjf gou fo

(Dwh ^U t^?6 ftfonpe folo\S3png.

^iCgwc of gcBcc bog?nnjti) at mjt>rowj Jttg

Qln^ tfi, bc^U ^00^ <k)];

3 S^^ f<^S
laftpd) ae
CC^^ t^ fojj fto
^^"^^ of (Tlotittgee ^
'Cl^tt: tb anmtYtaaaon of oSba laO); fee

<j"^ron of A|2 Q^obucbeat (gf^^e^ ff)ati bq;pttne

^n^ iitt mj^elmae lar^tti) n^ oa fb^ bip^ne
f^ (Koo feggwwjd; at (OticWmoe
^U'?!:^ fcfon of
Qln^ bt( r^att cn^tc an^ loft ()9ntitt Can^ilmaa
^Qlt (jnickimw beggnnjtl? ^tifjng of tfeljacc
Qlno Uftttb hit mgofomett^e n^tt noman^itfpace
jfT^lt^ ffo)) of i^ Bolf 10 ni tdjc cunte
(^^ fcf on of eb? fo( an^ cuctmocc f^att fe

^'C^ fcfoti of (te hootpe i^ftotn ffff (Uatiu^ft

Cut <^ putiftmtiov) of olbce laO|; fo fre
^oz at (be ()taiiu]P<e of olbce Ui^|; ftbctc

^ood> in So^ aM ftfoto come ano ocez fmfe

^l^ ^ af <et fbo^ nuOt^A^ an^ fute

Ct%ib()|^e an^ aootitj^ ano tiottto (|^c (ba; g9oU>

^albp0 atiO ^pC8 anb od^t tfypt^ Snolb
^Vt titt tiK puaficoAon loftp^ 00 pe fe

^n^ mafajtl) tf^c ^oocs m f<foi) fc Is

^02 S()ik t^ai fhife niag : lafe (jte tsiQe ie ncuapff

JL^' D9lw (^^ ffe^* K^ Ipunxsa be foun^gn an^ fogbfe

Q[0 at <!){ \iwQ& ^otQ S^t^ b op^ni^e it

Ctttl aft ^^ l??^ ^^ ^ ' (*?<** f^S

^ar t^i^ ^Ibwe Sol^ cum eo J^affclj
"Qir^t i^ Hfi ft^f^ G^^ ^g fonne of ^enet|^

gin^ 5B^n b ttl? couplg^ ^t^ baun^ gc^oon

^n^ te f6i;ti; Sit^ ^m eo tl^ feloe c^oot)

Qtn^ K^t) b i^c$ of otft 1)10 cottpUe at Ibtft

C^n (^att j;^ (pebc an^ faj ^10 b^Bbncse titt
1^^ te coupU auaunt j^ atiauni fb

^n^ (hew

Qln^ then fa;^

^ &a l;o fo fp

fa^c^ auounf ^0 I^Q> 3f {ou pixt^

^^ ft*^ tt^ WH)

(^n^ tff 2 fc go wte ^Tit(0 ^ue ^oo^e ^ttt to cetine

^fi^ ^mlb a KaptSa:^ fro ]^Ib ffig ae 3 S^^ t{^>^^
&ete i^olb arnjP ogajnie \fm ftilt fo

C^ ^&cflp W01) amg f&Eff & mafea Jjmi fof^go


(Jln^ iff awp fjn^ of fl)j feiaw tl^ez ^ Jd^ tene

C^gee ai^emoun^ (e %it(lan^ on^3 f^^^ C^ a8)lb^

<tl* quite ttfiiyj la co&atts od Ucou^f cotbe

'l^i ^etnon?)? (^ ^7fi7e Stti|^ oibi ann^ fagb

d^iScnj^H^ <o fp?X t^ cotba^ SStd; fi)(Xii t^^k ^
CnQtnt iff fz fe Sl^te ds borate ai papute >i^ b^ne
2[ff fyt h rnAfi fgw& of co^rw gtenc it)?

^n^ tff i^olbcc ^uutfte cj^acs Stttt at ^{boe. Ui9:

tCfyn 19 . moto f (xitt |^ bU4b too^ USDOi on^ (^ttt
^:fin?r cat) an^tf^m m o^z ^|m bpa^Tgde )m
^0 fag 6> fern m bjn^ : ^!f\fo <gmc tlKit ga bu fgnto
Q^n^ t^en cift a figne att ^Z fitt abtbfe
-^ f
at l^tz pafCuw Kfj^Tx f{)e ^t^; te m t olfefe
0^2 a< bi^ fo2me fb^ gU^U io be fbe t^ tiot Ufe

(Xi^aTijl?ouw fgn^ 02 wufgrjg of l)tt mace

^}^z ag fl;? Jx4 bgnc an^ te ojoon ofct of d^< place
Ja fg eou^cj (i^att gtfag
^eite^ </, (o ^Ib ^ . <^tfo t^Bbtj? ae gc mag
^a eg ai fl fo f^D) . ^f^^ ^<tt
^tt focg auaani .^^^ fl;c^of k tioi laf

^n^ Sl^ gefe (Onfo il^e jpUgm (^t at (i)t U(t

3n M^ oa m e^mbutt lon^: oz m 0 t(^ So^ pft
Qt^n^ goQ>tc fpuntt SSiK fg))^of ^2 ii)e^ t(}Cii

pxg . lo Ttouea awg la tfe a ^^^^ ^^

3 2<^* '^^
"tt^^i t0 0 fag flb^e^ ftXh^ : tl^^ t0 b^ come tolb

^^ fo ^2g ^re an^ d^et ^tf^ go (^att fog fo ()olb

^tloqucB eg ooucc eg ^agUuwfc ^Ib fofptb .^^ ^^8

%(ni6 mag ge ntlth ^ste Tmnge btne of (oenezg
($n^ tBI;^ ge come tbet as ge toCb b^ Sttt;
(^n^ fo femett^ (o golb SSetl; d^ct) fog a&3 golb fett

Un oottce Ici eft a (j)enu^ (<> *> ^^^ ^^

/Vi^ iff it femes Sott gotb to fgnoi att m fzxn
;n^ ttencn fo <o^ tfjen (og , ^^^^ ^r, ^c ^jj> |,^^
jolb b^ce Oottce |pJb bite Ipolb fjjce^ f^^
^ Jo (l^aft ge (ag mg ^gl^rs an^ f^ no d^tig leiigt^

Qttt maMt hftgs d;ai iae^ c^afeie ISotx

^oue oon manet of ^^ fo i^lb . ^^ ^oMots
^t f6 60 ccDffc ae d?c (^00 ^ofi^ 0^ Simile

t: {)M) fl^att jc fttg. ^ fa ant^ fa fa

comp(2^ fa arete fo fyiVb fic^ te ^ pl^);

nb fot;Dlb ae modh t0 ae fa l^ib 60 fa);

f fb? (o^lb ie ^i in ffecfp IKiin t< to fet^ug^^

^f^tfbtc fa]^ tSe foiplb tx>i fo^b fft]; ^q w>z{)(
Qtn^ Iff ];ejbte (pim^te d^af^ af |^tf oz ni hc^att
^n^ %]; tcnne at ^faufe djw f^att fag ti^ate n
3(cg fi>(plb affagnc A^fdgnc (low ^90
0fi affoj^ne atete (b^lb tfy^te SSoztks eitib tio moo
^n^ iff gotbtt Ipttntce mine tt c^e fog a< ^0
^n^ (bfagte dilute fag tt^ fetti^t gc o;oo cy!

^ ozc fibef alug touce a (ug tf^it tf^ag |m

to ipg a(fagnc affagnc fa aeece
^0 ^Ib fo b>lb floenc^ a wupb: an^ 00 ao T( golR feemie .

%tn^2V ^^t V^ ^^^ amotto;

Itfo ntooce ott meime
(|2olbix caf ti0 tU be bg^oe : ano ^
09 3 S^^ ^t^^
Qt^tt mg (bnnge m faim : an^ tf^ue magge bonne of game

:S5Ijt booft maptttr fttrntt? mahptl?

rtjat tlic to
fjiB man no\to l^zct folopng pe ma|> ^m

VZ/^t)<i^ ^ bno^ttf^ b bgn^ Bi4

^tt ^nigng euc^mooce SSfi^n j^ goge
% |^it $og0

fg^uo^ Aft wwri) fo l^ nwiiflci fl)a(Bcce goo^ loote

J^ fo Imalb S^at 1^.^00 t\^ (pun^ bfoocc

(^cebgtjj .an^ fo cot^ no fecft bt^

'C&bm btfligfi)^ quo^.(^p wan Riot ig tijaf 60 fag
tJSitfj ()16 f& l^ opgitg^ <I;g ifl) tl)ci l^ good; a SXog
B^< caufcquob <l^ man natftct 3 ^b? p^^p
tc5 tlj2

C^^t tl)8 ^if b ^occ (^ f^un^e d}ap ()jn) \:)uni ag K^

*|?oi< ti)C fo d}c 0?guei ^ KeJUc fox fo goon

(Dmc^ ti}t tnatft^x fo t^may) ifyx atcaufee foo>)

JElo2*\sjfta tljt hnt Dtftdtfj to tl)t fipatt ^

nott mlt tf)cie (jtmps foloj^ng DefcenOc n oOfi:

(^tt^ fo te l^ fo tl)e ^tet CSt^ (^ eabitf) tb itSbg

^02 ijt pogac of te mjgb^ tb footf; 3 tl^ fog

Ql notf^ct ie fo ^ ^ goo^ ot^i Sf^gle
tBatet Kfji
^I^ Iplbn^e tl)at l)gm fI)Scn fo ^un^ fo bgjU
<II(]^it of d)te Ipit quo^ 1)10 man maifCct BolCi 3 b
3n fo f^ Bafet Blj^n ^ kffgc^ 8\?ftt b ma^cc rf)c
^C ptof eti'tl; quo^ dp wagftct ant> fo jc fl)att fog
^oz Sof not t)gm fclf gu tplb Ij^Kift a Sag

tJS^Ct ouct tte Kate* fe Bitt fox paffi

t diinc agcn tf^cffawc SSSag tfei b fg^f^ Rac
iCl^^fott Ijit le pcoftc d}p)j0 bunicrie fagnc

Q?n5 (Keprofe: tflf ^)c(|amc Bag I;: tujne agec

Qie djat ote Ti^ of ^ t&fei iff !;^ ^ f**<^

1;t;iii f^tt 30 caft lt<^ ^* foutt ! of <^ ijiii

^^m itetBatei ^te fiap man iff K ^e

C()(f) kcp)(gi^ ^ tBa6i^ d)it ^ ittke ]^I!b ievif

^tn^ iff fiitf^ ^ Sa6et go ata[^ |^lb \fit (l^aft

^ tCfjr man 60 ^ts mapOeifp^^sti)

of ^^let^tlqitEolT)^ \^im (tit^
fuft U]^^
^ff f^nomblgs
3(;yBilb moH^ trt^iz iifLi f^att be ^
ISttI) ntne

^0^ 691 mo{fte) bt oofi t^{K no2 tijiptmt

Q^iH) il^ai 10 bo( {^ <5ittsiUn << ^^i^ of ait bt ^mt

^n^ aft (^|pe o^z . etobgs <^ QlZouu^uUe kne

X^f^e 2(!uaunma . f()r ^oicl;ns

r njt 8ofc>t 3 8it wO ft^ Bol?>ere m. (et

Ck eooVt^e an^ (Xown^eUi* of
tl^i (TloniblgiJ of ^ ^'bett
(Don cvobe of e|^ (AombUv ljj&} euetmoofo
^xi^e ti;e ci)coofe toiu of e^ faiefe i ^n
Ti< cAUo t .
aaaunciia ft^ (0 ca fern Vr)e

CM te ftp %ejg-O2i)H0 ti?at li^ggn eunh(1bnt

C^ . J) . t^^t^ of i^ te(t a^ft( obez cpokw ui
<n ^t p^ t^hv^ ahM^ r^(i0> if te fro v.
t]p rsigcz (omvj^M^i(^2<^ game ^tfyw lo'&tolxi^

^agctt an^ cgn Bjjgfi tljag (^gn) cc^c f^att

J^w t^g Bote fyum irffx tftae te t^agt fbgtt
]Jo; fo flee % be(l f^at tf)ftg annc egtt

'fiStjg t{)e yaaw S6ool^ fo fegnneawe cigenefe d)c ^ttt

<[2t(o^ d)c maj^ftct fbt ^4 (egoQsje k fyo^im k fbote

CT'teW* t0 tijc caufi quob fl^j nwu g* wcm fag of g^ kc(t

^l^tt^e Vciate ftttttf^ age
ffit fobg^^np^eft %n
Qfn^ o^ teeftgs (g xMvmywMiim^ fagnc
^oz-^ . oiufecs quo$ tfjfi iDUgfe^t 3 ikft ti>c pUgne
Ooq its fo) f^ ipiidiB ^D)0)) t}ii^uc(1b^ ag

QTn 0^ cdufe tf^ei; an^ i^( 10 npo jk00


^ fjf(
iRectii^ tood^ fi^ttap^ putt opxgct

tTftf tBoC^^ t)kigfe qt^o^ ^ mem ^gnc Sttt m^^^

'OS^ Igti? tl?ctttc< ofdiit !w fe bgn^ w bf/goa

<Duet t^c (ognc quod <f7C tnagfi^i t of tc^c t^ate ti^lb tok$

(^g t{bt) d^e c^nc cuc con tf^ bcfa^

6tg(( a)U> t|^

CCgt^ ^o(^ 3 magf^e^ quob <^ ^a^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^

IfeW d^lb tBotbefe m fte fet^ jKitfc *g (gmot*

Itbita0 an l^ttpafittttR^ jiA :oa g^ ffeolb bgw (

Co Imalbc fxott 02 (ene l%(i?e if)at 1^ b
3 can quot)7 fl>e nwgpct J)6<ctt edt tfcc tbgg cooc
0)^^t^ S^ftU 8^
J/i fog : an^ %t]^ ^ fionf
gcd i^M
()^oU)tt OM^ Chgla]pwl>e iff ii)at iiht
"^[fiYiitil^ fatt g (^ (rft Uanc % cf wc
Qln<> iff it k ixwrf? bUcbc an^ ^x^ an^ cUnc

(3ln^ of A)^e ilhQ %Tig iff ft?oIb Uuc wo( mc

^ab t??^ m t^ ^2^tix an^ dj) d;olb wag ii ft

CE rgit wapfCc: of ^ l?aaa fftgw Bol^ ^ Bit mooa

'Cfti^at l)i ^oott) Rl}2i b? gooti) tl;? (pJbn^g bcfowc

T^c fottf) aw^ ccfotd? tbt b aoot^ a t&g

j^igcb^t^ ^*^^ ccpipcbprt) t^food) fb to fag
03ot Sat te d^at quot> t^ mai^ Bijpt) tfcag fo onc
quo^ magftct tctt t^ foonc
'Jr^t (Ijatt
3 tl)2 |iitt

'i^x b^ foitl) Blpn l^ ftcfljgd) ant) ^tf twog wot b fcctic

@n^ aftet Kljen ^ ^tbbUtb an^ tuingd^ ac^afnnz
't^ b T3eroottl) ac goo^ tjuntetw fojnnc
^n^ ffil^n ^ tennfd) m t^p Rag ^tg oz Btfe
trbw nicji mag fgn^ foftalp cf cUcc o/i of f?c&
'^Tittt pxgchgd) tJbc 5?aarc age ffi^n l|j Oaodj foo

Qln^ cepagckgtf; d^cn tff \ji agagnnc goo

CC ^aiftct gi<quo^ Bjt ian !Z<)at ic tt^to fo (<3ig

Qil ODaune<^llap a lag and a (TZcUg

Ifclttt (1)att 3 tett d)C quo^ I;: t fot a Utfitt bg$&

^\}ii) d)C ^Ibn^gs at fctraw ^ti fo: ()0 mctc
Qlnd oAfiX l^m d^afo) an^ ^lolbgw to tokt

'Ctw ^tt d;c (Kclate tljolb wag Coupon bwT maitt

<B^ at ^tcs comgng gf d;oIb ktt t^g iplbn^gf^ goo
^\:)ik d;c 0^ t^t k k^ntc ^x axt) t)gm fsoo
^^t te . a OoaunteUg an^ fo d^olb . (l)att t^it oati:

^oz d;ag ace ti^ai) f^x k/bix t^oe oo ^Ibnw aft


) i^ot ti)ag ma); not tijat ^ nomote fclbc at Sttt

ran^ f?ol^ % lpunt80 ftjtt iff tljat tbolb fo ^
'(^tti: att tte ipun^ t^^it bebl^^n^ tecum d;ct6o
'?t;tai) Ut t^^n^e att fc gc^: goo
"f^^i calU^ tc^ an oll^tg . an^ loobe ti^olt) fap (b

(^n^ tt^at b];nost;;ng te |9tt fo tl^cm d^at k beb^^te

^^ tl)ccftclfi Ibttt ouetgo ti)e tgccte bj^fa^^nts

^ cela); ie aftct ISl)m <i) ipun^ a: pft

^et k fbtfiStti; d^c^tt d^at Met t^mfafl
'Co Ut ^nl3e0 fet aftct l)2m gooi)

QHn^ tt^at t0 ti^ a fotti^cij^ng fo ^m c(()00fi

^oz ati^ tbgn ^untse ^uc oucstabc tim^ cits% bt tcflcev

'C^ (^ott tt^C); att foUic ^m of oon f Ibcf tnco

^(pif magflct Bol^3( ^^"P^ ^^^ ofjoMcctK

^V^( to a fotloj^ng fot d}at te goois fo bete

'O^bm ti^i; ^un^ m tl)e Socs fect)]pn aitj^ beef!

(^n^ d^ kcft 10 ftott a&p olbt of ti)t frpti;

Ot tt^ ^nl)2et{)at ^ft mctcn d^tibttl)


Qtn^anp ott^ Ipuntco bfbcc : than ma^ Ibttf) Ipm me ft

^Ijjcc o^ bouti^ a;n Aj^ foalojtic^T[d)c l^fe
^QZ tt^ bft an^ iifz ipunxs^ aim fo fe: hfoct
^n^ ti^ ^untee h bj^ntt k S^cc an^ foocc
tf;at ti^a|; ma); not at tf)c

^uiiOce bcfbtx fotlojme l^m an^d^at t^

bcfe mm at tibct Ritt
tt)e fVxgS

'C^l^ be a); fo fete be fbce fo me iff d^olb Ibttt tmft

l^n^ tt^e 16 1^ foKlojpne Uce ^tt iff tl^olb luft

xxsiia)t ttytt tl^pn^tQ tm& ^t (lotinDts <o mum
Q^q^t Bot 3 S^ wftgflcj iff i< Baa % Bttt

^^r) Ajn IpunDee wnnc an lj?t( ?9ntitt

Jj^ox . t)) . <nuf0 quo^ fc off fgw t0 fcnc

(Don te ffib?ti tiijc ifixt ttnnj^e faft w a af
}gc flbctitt; d)at ^tt t2nnT^6:) ^Ibnc t^too;^ o&>(^0(ce9

1t;t)2 k^wxxB W^fi A)<ii fgtttfi of t^i if t0 f Ibete

'Qi^tjzn a% tija^ an^ lod)t fo (ete
Uuet to mtttc

Qln o^a muf 8^^ (be ^tt ng no wioote wag

"t^l^ ^^^ ^ ^<f^ f^ot^ mftc d)ct ^ gootf^ albug
D^^ (i^ljn ^nt)?e fintts of t^f t^ ai^ ^]; 2^^

21 n tpfi d^a^ f^attt^ j^uc an^ t^ivnt fo tolb

'^^ . it) . mufc te of if)2 t^f S^^ te ttgg^ ^Txe
C^n ^ (a(l]e olbf of t)it^ molbd^^o^ ati^blaTs tt?s
C^ ifiunxs^ bnalb t{^( ^ f^att be (ube foone fl;an
Q^n^ cues t\}t fotf)Cit
'C ^0 at (^ otufee tij .
goo ify

glol>^tt f |;2|;

^m gUt^^ <o b

Xns}cff btQ a nan ijounbe tahie as font as af\totfi

jU^^^t tecfe gtf iwaj?pM 3 ag it fo won jtt

(^n^ alfo fone ^ f lolbgff (l>att ^jpm ouet tcift
@e tl;2 f Ibj^bfi fl^att oo tSj^ai iBa|^ fo euct 1^ (xkz
a ^aufgn btgb* a 0tob 02 a<Btag
'Z\f^t bcft
Cbw.tij .namj^c ^ ^6^ t^ foo^fo* fe fag
^n^ d^io 10 otufe tb^^of : fot b Sttt bg kgn^
(00 f^otgt; dptnge a l&g e^ ^gbeff ^ mag fgti^e
'^b^i ae t^ fl^gftife (pun^ccs mag tio fot&)Q% goo
C^n f^ fUu^ft of foofc be 1^ ncuct fo tigv^
; :

XnUfp ^t f)an CutnapB and notefa %

KZlfi ma^ti^t Sc(u3 ^'^ ^^ ^' '^^ ^H^

Qdn^ att 6if9% maftft bfft^e ti^at ^b^ k

CM f^att3 Sft 1^ quoo t^ magftt d^cn


S()g d^at ^ fsma]^ (vtt^ cv^dfi Sft 3 ^^

Qtn^ ^ cooccti^ mat fa^t) fbs b b^^^ S^^
Qtno (}2outtte on
^n^ hcftg9 of
^h]^ ^n^ i^Q;^ts S^ ^ Uttte
Stt no moo
i< o;o


jD^llbmonj beftte fentoj^t^ ma|^^)(i^|;9 3 ^^^ ^

Qln^ (ptb mait; fmo^ ^t
Sate $oo^ te tiror

^tt: hef(i0 ttK^i ktR <a(oIb an^ ftoniv Ooptic^^t

^cma]^ !S^ (^g Od fb fSi]^ ae

3 ^ k^
^nO Q& 00^ fmo^ tt^ai potbto ttlbne t^^nne

Jl^ott noni' mntx bttGA9 of t^enetp Ctelcae

<r}olb manj; mancit M^tcs pit mapftt 2 m feft

"Co d^ quo^ t^ ma|;(ect3 f^R ^^ anflbat^

^f alt kefeie h>i si <() l^^t anb tb t^ate
J^m (^ Qtimttuciadon of olbte U^ ang
't'b dt^t tl)^} otoiee tl^ (bod; fb fo fag

^^ fagnt sjbttw cop an^ fotuk |Mtt dj^t . om liit

^torvi (b ^dftQOOi) of olto U^p btig^

IDttt e^ toinf ladon ^eUupe : Uu pe me

^ff fogni "CWiM W of (Countui^tae ^


utido tl)e ^plUt ibOQit

KLCf^ii wgAjt^ of <fe bote fot fo fprftcmoocc

Ugljit) te (t)att be (pn^on ^ (ctt joft) be foote

ppjjij . btc^te fc (l;att of make
i}^Yt) .^

Qtolb Kttt goEb Mig fonngeKtt Jgaw gc fJjatt ilfrt) (ate

Ctp f ;af^ of
f^jm te f^ (^^ ISt)af ctut be fdtt
Qlty) otet 10 djt coUt an^ (b ;^e f^att f^il otit

tCl^ fbrf^ge on ijt fl^lxme : (fetof f^att . ij b

Ct^m cgT fi^ of t^ ftbjnc tqxaW m iij

C^ fxcfec(U0 an^ i^ gambone tsgfe t^;^ 9 *

Cbm tabc ie Ugo;c0 an& te fceec ^ f^Stt^ golbce fko^t

^oa f^^ ^ ^^^ bcc^j^e be counti^ fb^ ^x^
tijt^ .

^cpaxtiti) tb d)]^nc tn mi )xcie an^ nomoo


^n^ (obe (^t golbce bt^0 }9}f^ . ati^ >;

^n^ fapte put fb^ o;cealEi^n U te tabc atKtg

3n (tp bUo^a of (^ boots mg c^i^lce

3 E^n> P^g
^;j^ ^tt te a nicocc];tic : fot tDou); manet pjnte

CT ^o>iJ pt tl)aU bmhc an Igm

jfiC ttt> fbi (0 (ycbc of e(^ ^t BbtU Kc %nbc oo3

on? d)jjta fgtft gc fi)att ^m f uc SI^d ^^ (^attte (pn^ci^
Qtn^(i^tt0fo!t fo fag oa cuct gc^gm ^gg^t
'tSit^ w bto olbnc brings (o Ug ^gm ff^png^t
^t t^ffag cut bgm tf^ai Ict^g^ mag fee :
^ noon faf oz ken S^^a d)a( 1|^ bee
"S^i^i) cue of ^ co^^is d^ belg euen ficoo
Ot je biggnnc ^gm fo ftee:an^ (^ j^aft gc goo
: :

@n^ fro tl^ctffag eucn celbtie tl^ felc f()att

|^ ftt(C
"^0 t^ ptffttt (^t ti)2 co^Tfi tSae a Q>a|^ bgtt

Cl;eti f ttt efp l^fe Icggc cucn fitft ttfoa

Qtn^ ii)tt] tl^ l]^te (C20;c bg i^^nxs oz |pe oo moooi

Co c;oo <o i^ c^cbj^e lo^c |pc b pcef

^n^ fo f(ttt^ (^gm oolbnc cucn fo (t^ btcft

Qltt^fo fUcdjbgm fbttft ttg^t (jjnto tfeffag

^uoi fo e^ pUicc !S(^ce tl^ cot)Tt tSaa me a liSag

C^ ficetf; <^{famc Sj^fc att tt^at o^t fg^

(^ot tef e^ tk kcft ftttt (1)^2 con bptt
iaj^tt of

'CM f^att gc tjgm ^ni mg %lr3 golb Q?c^

Qi^^t Vfpon t)t0 albne fbptmc an^ lag l;tt on btct;
"S^obc ^c^ of C^ oUtgttg of l^fame xxxz
Qtn^ bggnnc fgift to wabc t^ (gifete
^j^dt) (i(c obt tb ft^ulcme . an^ flgttttf^ atioo^
'^l^ batg fo t^fg^ from ii/t cotbgi) bne
'^^t ID coibgnc fc ! at t^ ^t^ iji Kttl b
"C^ti fefec olbt tb fclbft tf)af l)tt b not Uftc
^02 tljot wg d)gl ;0 goo^ fbt lct)Cctaf t

'5:^!;cin|)ttt d^gn Ipntc fofulg 9n^% tb bccft bnc

Qln^ tip, f^att gc tobc olbt t(;cabt a noon

t&!?an put olbt t^ paunclp an^ from tb pauiK^ (aoe


(^ tbag Bigbtlg tb O?ofe ficftos (i; j?aac

i^ote It Ibid) a fgnoppe . Od 3 3 S<^^ ^^"^

Qtn^ ]!gtt{) t^ btoois an^ t(^ gtcce ftlUtb (^tt t^(nnc
{[oobe ti)t(^ d)at ge b^ue ano ncbcti; tl^:fo

;^oa to felb it Si^ all; 02 gc moots oo *


Af torn fern fobc ebw<ilb.f62gct

not U
^jn fobc olbt tl)C Uuct .Uj l;it c ftp fbgnnc

Qln^ af^cx tf?a< ti^ bk^^ 8i* clbt wootx5pnnc

i^ QXombUc : fitfl ^at pc wbc
C\?an ^ccffe
^olbnc ^ a^uncctc bcmc tbat cUuc0 fo t\^ >^ccl:9

(^In^ colbnc Kid} tk boltt)^ puf e^^n)

a Moon
(^Y\X> bciuc (^p eb ftc(!) tb?t QJ^) 6) ^ ^d) too5
^ti^ fo fottl) tl;^ filUttic d)a(gc Qop atecc

1j;^i falUrt? 60 tf^^ f!}att be tfet

Bitf) tb >icttc alfo an^i fc&iC : djae ^kj x&

ItVan tabc colbtie ^Ip mp^tif ftom t(p fi^ (pofe

Qln^ ^ttuc OJp rt^ nombU0(?ooU bg eb boftdirofc
2(n tf}^ tpnl> d^ai) iipm W^ - ft^^ loobc aw^ fe
'C^at att S?cit ion^iii) fyrr) fo .fo gctct ii)at tfjag fcj

't^t^ tokc i^m fod^g btolsi fo M^ foitwfi

'tebgl*^ d}o& tl)jm ^xjlbblgft an^ tixc^tc' m tb? (tf^

d?an a tg tl^ IgS^te an^ 00^ t^ fb^nnc <l^ Ug

iCo a bj tbi quctcc mg
?^^ P'^H rf)]jt^
d?citi fl)att gc fljt tl)2 flouab &pt oc ftp b^tf UH)
@n^ fohc aKaf t^ (0i3C0 ftom tf aw^ bg flgel)
^02 fid) I^n0 5tl) ^ie ^f t ag tf ^^or)
^0 wen wcig fc m t^ kcft Cb?n bi ic Q5>^^55

^n^ nt ttp mg^^t0 of dp b^tt a bon ft}at{; gc fgn^

^oobc gc gcue a lot^ an^ d)gl^
t^t( fo be bgn^
^02 b*t tc bf n^ fot Wong matj^tcc
Qln^ m tb wg^^ic of <^ ^tt cuctmott t^ lice
'C^an f^ott ge bp^ tb^ fbgabs t^ teed) cuctj fto
@no aftet tb? p?aggc bo)j cutttc juew alfo
^^ fo4d)ie : an^ (^ fge cutt) bfft)Cnc
Qli* U^e A)at goDbw to^gf^ ag JB^ttgo fcne
. :

^\)(tf\ euxne cop typ fotd)tK * an^ ftofc tlysm Sti^ btoo^
^01 fo (cue t^ grea . fo oo men of goo^
C(^n ft)att pccut t^ ntb Aft fp^ cucn fio
Qlnb it)2 l^^ fro t^ mb cutt^t^ alfo
'CtjJ <XK)ng tJjj bmjwi d) pxund) ana ^ nctkc
llBb^ t^a; &r^ te tB<ett Siil} iSi^e^ of t\jt hcb^
't:^ fwale c^uttie fo tlj? Ughbo m if^c cojc :

Ql toue ti^ tpti of t()S kcft S^ ti>ott3 H^m ccri^

^ttl) dtt t^ bloDs t()a< ]^e map gett an^ Sj^r)

^tt fo gete ft)att b fobe an^ laj^ts oo^ d); fbpti*


%o gcue j^clbtc ^un^e H^ai calUa te^ ^^^

1t^^ quilts . a (xuc tl)e fl:]^n fot ti ctpn te
(^nt S^ Ocgbtte ^m fo b]; m^ counfo^te
^g()att (^ue t^ Uf(e ff)u^ fbi bps tmuojfte

(pniet^ fo (^ fofect fot itjai ie ^te ftc

^n^ the (^C2 atfo of tt^ffamc be ft
"Co ti^ foflct^s bnauc ]^uct{; at t^c tcefl

Itb nomblfie fotfftd; n: t^e fb^nnc . atiT^ ttititS (jjpm fafl

Itb^ ft^ ciTib d^c ^ui;s^ fo gem that t()a]^ la ft

^tt^ il^cr)^ bgges h ttoi^ fo t( ft)att

l&boLn bt]^ i( Ipom aub d)c fbjpnne Sitb a&

C^ nomble^ . an^ tt)C bounce at ti;c lo^c^ie j^ate

"^^n faolttlp blolb d)cpna A^atfxl

(]^o&)a plo]^ fot fo mj^nne^Ot t^at ge comt Q[nnc

^Jr^jjptiat am 3ul5an6
(^:nc0 m bt fobe of ^ntpng.


^^ kt b kcfiifC of ffe ciacc : of tl)c ftbcfe fslbfe . Q^nD

(i)c (Elbe d?c ^ccat^ . tl;i <&ttt an^ tl)& (Wlattam.

CCCd^tk fceftio of tf?c cVaa of il)e fi^nbgttg felbfe QJn^

rf)ap fe d;c (Koobucbc anx> tf)e (Koo . djt J^ulmat^ tti .

^jclj^e . t^c (^auttt djc 0tagc . fljc ^og . tt;t ^ujtxtfc

Ci;e IB^Um( tt;( ^o( . ant> t(;e ^ulo^itte

cr Cl)e tiampe oC Diueift manct ^ounDia

;^bji0l tl)c namg0 of (pun^^.^ufe (^ tej a (Btefcftn^
a (^aftaiO a 0lcngtctt a ^aftgfc . a Hmca a .
ngctt . ^ad;g0 RoKttjc . Cctoutxc ^ocbcwe ^puntce .

an^ fmaU la^ice ppte %t txcte a {Bci]; i^ fleece an^ ^u;

tie fmaU falbfie

<r ^f)e p2opjtt6 of a 0ooti0 tcfjOunD-

ubc a $Srftbc 5ofc^ Ube a &af CajU;> Ubc a (Kat


^tW) (gbc a -CeiDc . C^nct> Ub^ a ^mc

CCi)ftrf HGitfemorekm<ofei.'^raiM^2cafofcI
tc bjmici.(fC^.i)j. pew bete fcloIblgbe.Cljc-mi
me tt)Ci te noon fibcCT C^ . o^ . gccc b le gooD ^nouat)
Jb . jmQ)i
, t)^ (batt Wl tt)^ ploiigb <r b Wn b
Kitta^jagU:2tc btbb^ fbi ^affajk.
CT 'Cfe (oti, .jm
UUlai^itt.'C^.tg.^a otttfa^jtt.
CEQlnt) 8l;e^ ^ mom
. .

ipDonve t^i sua btUtc |^ a(.t( ^qix l/i b |%tt boodi

Z^l)t piapittttQ oC a gooDe fjoio

^10 fo Bit.iJj.ofawan.iij of aKoman,tjj.of a fogi

t)i .
of at) t)aacc an^ . it) . of an of (
<J?ff mat) bool^ ptotbd^ an^ k^t^2 *

Off a Bottiati fagte bwfit^ fatcc of l;ng efg ft> Up^oflJOiii

Off a fo( a fotte ta];U (^ozi ctte ^iii) a goo^ ttct

Off ai) t^aa agate cgg^ a ^xg l)? aito !!?tt anngwq;

Off an affe a btggc ct^gne a flottc kgc.anb goo^ b^^uc

^0^et!; et^uelt^ Somen nn Sett imuU^ fyx^^tt ncugoo^

<L^^f^ feme 30% imouteU attb (^ Igotl^ bfifp too

ft)g88tbc StfcUgcutt^nalmcfc fecccdg ^o6g t^ffiap (uo;
ig .(^nflbcte (b f^pt^ tcmutelg.Goto d^tmcte a^pcti^xU
^t( t^at ^tfctetdp Of t^i 6)ti2c b not 6> UbeuilU^Qilm;
fc ^tfiom temgaClg.Goo (0 t^t fcpt fcb^lg Qflti^eo d);;
bOTs mccelg.i^c m %n 3nnc 3<>&^Ib ^^^ ^>B ^^^ ^

flietht VbeU tbtpB iiii tf)j)ngw^

<irCbb mi t(?gnc^pana|tt h> fe ^cao of cug S5i(mat|
Cl)i fitft to d oiafc of olbce IpJg fei^i the ifop .
lb fcotncs u5 tbmbtgttadon of a f cince Outa mOignad^
R^9 ^cl pnnapte moze ^ft

'Cb d?D^28 10 du fauo 01 tk Sitt of a 3"S^

C^ mj .10 ^lounc^x g ti;6 ma^oaon o{ a comgnoltet
. :

yln^ m ^ag
a foU of a Bt^ifc ntannge csounfctt

^e f^att ncuct tuc jootft Uva% . fagte ^ait^ . (Hct SSc

k bcpp^ colbncett

CEif* ftom thg Rgnnjfmcn bcRc Ac *

IJStwt^ not Ag migi&teige ttcjpt % .

^n ft goo^c coattc cun(ce tl)ttftc tf^

^(p ti^af &;;t^]?9 ^ {pue ati; of falolbce

Qtn^ pricl:gd) a bljrt^ ^i ouc tl)c faUlbjC
Qtn^ fuffntf) t)j& Bjfc fo fccb ^'O^ Ijftlolbge
(5o^ fence ^gn} (^ bl];ffc of cuetUfti^ns gololbi^

Xf thtis b not Dwf tiD tl^en go tljd at atnt^

^t^hzi b mi tbgngcc futt baa^ fot to knaU>
tJSgc^ ffiog tl}af t^ag Kttt ^tttlbc

'C^ fi:ft i^ d)C JSapce of a jong mat) .

ttbi fecund d^c cou0 of a COcffagtt in tfe fee

C^ d^a^oe of an <E^5t w
a fctpent fpcent

'Cl|2> mi of a foIbU fitting on an^ ^^%

4^00 tS^uce in oon tpuc^ ^o cfttt];& anh con nious

'Coo ^ggee an^ oon bot) : fi)zi^ ft)att itcu accozts t oo^

tSS!p ^ft^ wannjttj tigw Kirt) btc &pnnc

^nb dofttl) t)te ctoof tc %t() cl)2nttec9
^att \^uf man^ h^ggee bto(t]^nne

(^n^ olfo fillt (stt^tlt goo^ fenigce


i^l}t Compa^n^s of bctOi^a anD &\xjlp0

a ^nts? of Jioupe
at) fy%^ of attman ^ce a ^Uutl) of Q^cone
a*) ^ct of ^Ibanngc a <Cc^ of <6mtc0
an ilicJ^ of CtsfttigB ft Q^ctg of (Conji0
ai) ^ci^ of Co:(db]00 a Q?tt()C0 of (JJlattrotigc

at) ^ct^ of Bccnngc a (^cfgncc of fecettie

an ]ct^ of ()axlcftg5j t:ace of Q;refpuTi^tc of ij

a (Uj?c of ffcfounftjje a Scccof (8te(pun^i0 of ,19

a ^cug of Ja^i5j a Couputt of fpa^ncllt^
a (^ug of (Koocs a CoupU of ccnnpng l;ounOi0
a (^cug of <luag{0 a Sittct of SBclpte
o ^cgc of fetonngs a &p^gtt of ]^cnj Cattt'o
ft ^c^ of bcfouTO a ^gnjuk* of (^ons
a ^ ox a fwfe of waUjrti^ a ^jft of tnmc ^Ibjpnc
a (tnu^txtf 55f}ccock20 an 5)attafr of Ipafc
a t&Ute of pn^ a QiacQ of colte oz a Q?abc
a Congwgadoi) of jxpfc a (^accn of ^uUs
an <B^(AtgM^ of Saite'c a 'Capp of (6c&
a Cappc of ()aanc$
at) tpofe of mo) a ^a^U of qo^s
affcUf^fffgngof gotncw a ^toDe of l)2nn];0
a Cktmc of 0o(^sti(^e0 a batel|^2 of ^^ottte
a Cafe of Q^tc^ a (YloonpaacYis of Sjpuce

a Couple 02 a pa]ac of b6C(t a ^t^te of ^t^ntoz

<t ffUc^t of ^UC6 a 'CIpnojt) of btDn0
an ^nbgn^mes of Qiautnt^ a {pm^me of (otbcn6
a Ctafetjmc; of c^ougf^c^ a ^ugf lugfe of (Uunng^
a ^fftmuiciaon of bM^t^ a ^(oU of cletbco
a (Kottie of ftngg^ a ^ocfegne of oocions
an (onccc^ibiUfe of Cocbfcia
a Sentence of ^^S^ a Cou); of ptmc{}{0
a amptigng of 'Juttouti^ a ^i^r\(x^^ of CcliCJ
a iligcjic of ^cffongcnc a cffctte of 2aplbg)t<5
an betfiane of f uauntio ci fatt of Qootscockte
a ^cte of 05fft)Cti5 a Congtxgaaoi) of jf)Uuct5
a ^caugtjf of hoUUw a Couett of cooto
a spcoutK ftiilbjTig; of toUiic a ^uctt of 'Cuttillte
a 'tcmgancof kje a Ct^cngt^ of ^iee
a ^talbe cf fofitctia an (Dfi of fpacoft)t0
ci j^oof^tof fauoiouric a ^(batme of bece
a ilauq;btte of ^fU(oQC$ a at ft of |;aubt0ofg^69ut.ti

a (6lofpvig; of ttauesncne a Sece of t^^ffom^ ^uktH.iri

a ^aUpcttne^ of }xoUcfi
a Cb^uc of Cl)co(t}cti0 a ^Ugljt of f(balolbo
a fquatte of ^albbens a bt^gno; of ^oobec^
a Jtgbtgrto; of bjcjci^ a (fflvLxmutaacY) of f^arce
an Q)n(touti^ of tompnca0 ci Q^ou^c of S!Eo(uc0$
a ^cto^g of ]^CLxpiX9 ft 2p of llcbat^te
a ^oLuuzit)^ of p];pt0 ft ^^te&tKttce of ^pi0
a fofcU); of fctoseai(iifz0 ft ^bulbc of ^feug^
a Catexnack of bht0 ft fbuUie of ffo^!^
a nf te of ftfftct ft (Heft of^abctttg
a Sif5gfgno5 of tta]jlott40 ft ^abt of ()noUt0
a (^Ud)C cf fotbtctie ft ())lafe of (puntrc
a ^mcce of Cozjpoutie ft ftcn^tt of Q?acf)t0

a Cluftce of ^mpg0 ft ^fe of ftljjam

ft CUftce of cl^:Ue ft Colbat^ncs of cutttd
a QJagc of (Wlagzsmg^ ft ^wn^t2 of Btl^ f Cbgwc
tt Q?a^t of &naug0 ft ^bois of (Waoe
a bU(f^ of bo^w ft 5pafc of @ffi0
afflocbe of ^l)?}x a ^cfifytp of Katsa^
a (iSagU of ffiomcw a (Ucuti)aujtig of 3ogoUri
a fjbqx of djjbcmipc a ffvaund) of ^glnetie
a (JTlultipUCMg of Ijufbn^tc a j-cftcc of (^i&cti^
a ^ontifioxUte of fiTxUti0 a 0o7pg of (^cc^unc^
a igngfe of 4anottg0 a Ctjnltct of Coiucfcnc
a C^^atgc of aivoiiis a (plocbe of ^tptutnens
a ^fcccc(onof ^af(t5 a ^coni2f))<)>of CobUso
a ^culbc of ftcti0 a ^culbc of foj^t^
a btpm];nab{c f(q;^( of molne a Cluftix of Qlottte
a ^cott of ffg( a ()?agc of d) twrtjc
a <&pampic of ^aiTecti^ a 0?af catt of (jgopc
at) 4>6f uanc of [^tiwgte a 0if Dboaf^Hp of pcottt^
<xY) (Bloquoteof Uilbcgcci0
ai} cfepccudoti of f fjatge
a fritl? of ^atcban^ie (J^Cgp'*^*
a ;puifioT) of fecliBatcjp of twf
a ^etff of qpan&tt0
a Ccctn0 of ^Ifaetie
an ^nbcelbgng of ftc2ueti8
a ^afcgat^ of Jj5o2fe
a (^taft of i)uniext0
a t&bcctengno; of coutfegct^^
a 5(binigfc of ttopftcoe
a J!gng of pttmeti^
a Olltfbeleueof pgntetiQ
a af^ of Cattene
a ^col^gtigof Rcmfecrf^
a SSon^gng of Cgnbeat^

J^te ftiloVd ttimpfi to fpthe 06 httth'^

tl)t Dt\X)

pn0 02 D2tffpng of Dpuetfe bcjftis and fovolia f

2CnD tljcffettit 10 fbjMJCD of ccctapn (pfCtjja


ft $piggc b^^ an^ fgct^c Ql j&albmot) Ct}p^c^

ft Capoti folbfi^c ft $ppbc fpU^cO
ft Cl^cooi) fcuffi??^ ftT) j^aocobc fi^^

ft Con]^ Qonlftac^^ ft Cbmoi f jnnc^

ft Cvanc ^iff lo^^c ft ^oU loj^nc^

ft Cuikib 09nto]^n(e^e ft uinat?!? cf)pnc^

ft ff cfaDbne aUi ft C5ci)C folbce^

ft <&uajU Rjngtjc^ ftn epic tcufo>ic?>
ft ifhuit (^fnfc^ ft ^tcwc fpU^pc^
ft ^cgcon %gt^^ ft Qlgaibitt (ufbg^

ft ^ cougljt gobctti^
ft ^Ibcintic Ijfte
ft iawbc (l}ula^e
ft j^t^^ fbulcearc <r pt rtjall Cap tl)m .

ftw 5)Cn fpojk^c

ft ^alat^ ?3nbmfto
ftn 2)Cton ^jfmcttibn^ ft (^ucUc Icogttb
ft fpccobc t>iffiguTX^ ftn <Efqujn t^^gUfj
ft (^ctucc Oontoc^i^ ft (Koo bc^ttb
ft jpaafad) akt ft i^oman bc^id)
ft (Kaale fatcftg^c ftn baatc Wi bet
fotmc f^wC;
ft t)8o]Xcobc tf)|jo;t)2^ ^gng oz tccngng
<SZ^ tCga^ ft Conj fittpng .

ft ffga Cgmbwe^ ft D^o^coh^ beebj^n^

. . . .

f J
^gn^ tb (^jfl)opxpd}C0 of ttp reolfDC of (Snglon^
(^n^ jc fi)att ^nrcjfton^G d)ae tl)3 ^pttc b Bnaen fefctc
on^ biffi)opnci)CB of d)c(famc a: Sgzit ^lolbjng nc^Dtaft

anO d)0) afteaffioii^ at fijclbc^ tlj? jptougncce of tf?i& lon^c*

Q^ficnfe CaunCujbutg (J^oicc^cfac

Q2^^*^r^!?* Cl?2cf)crttc ^
Q-^aanip(t)gcc ^ufftctcg liSgiicl^pa*
^^jl^fi)gcc ^atb%(l)jte ^aljbuig
^^omcifctc (l}gtc . ^oifci (l)gtc ^ari}c

Q-^cua?f()gcc , CoznclbajU (Efjceftu*

Q^<Eff!? . ^c^lfcjD 2ontt)yi,

Q^QXoxdjfoKtc. ^utJjcfblbc. Qtoilbgct^c

I^Cawbtj2C(l)gcc ^(gc

iX^ajccto J^utiejvtgtor). QTo2S?ttmpfot) j^ctffotb. (^c^

fbi^ . (^obgnj^an) . ggnfo:^ . Ilgticolne . Sgncolne

Q;;f)g(nbG(!)ia - ^^4i>(t}ttc . $9atbtf^ia (Tlofgngbam

(l|gce . an^ o^ ac pxfe of 2ancafta(^ice (JJozte.

Q^aun6utbud aw^ . fgoibc . ^(ttffbt^ aibg (Uofingljam

Coote atmuric : an^ ^Cb gcnhlwcn (l}att fc bnolbgn
^ J^f
ft6m ^ng^fatt men an^ ^b bondage fcgan fuft ni aungdt

cin^ af fct fuccc^^ ni man bgn^ ae . t( ic ft^elbc^ in ptoceffi

bo^b w rijj c{)t(tt of Ql^m cin^ alfo of (Hoc an^ lp]h Qfloc

rsuf^^ tf?2 Cozltc m . ti(j . p:ti0 60 ()ic.t)) . fonn^^ . Qllfb

f ^t te ff)Clbj)^ tl?? , 1^ . cololbn'c m atmge ftgutxt) bg djc . tjp
wccn'g of aungctt^ . an^ it 10 ftplbg^ bj t$ fotfag^ cololba^
Bgrfjfen Ko:tJ;g an^ Bgd) kn (Kogatt . an^ of wgaUfeicKti:
cl)2 biY) nobk an^Ktd) kn cpcUcnt Qtn^ . i\)i% kn (;2ce (1)2 ^e
^ige of c^jualjj anbmanp ott??t notabk an^famoDbfc ti)]^ni

ggg ^(t^pUfuce of nobU ptfonjc fljattk ftjclbg^ ac <^Bc

bg0 fotcCbjng Kittcncfcs SSip fo cuctlibgtl; 60 fcd^ajm an^
tctc d)agm Sjd) Kccc 6> longc wolb to cBk*3 (^I^n^ <if ^

d;cg6 notable d;>gnc^ afbafag^ fblolkjtf^ tk (^l<*f E^S oj att

mane* a^mge jn W(g) frcnrf? an^ (BngUf^

^C^3ipit libw atmotum

m Roitf^CMCc aaimcc fot fo kccc bg ftc P?ogaflE

blot in oitgnance all nobutt cin^ gc{jtt men fiom d^e
sgcc fotljc U&gftid^gc boofec f{}attkf^cIbG^ . anh fo

icfcuct 0cnhlnc0fton) ^ngcntilnec . fj'^i^ f^ niorf)cdKtf

fttt gcfalnc0 cujnmgc of go^ of Ijcugr) at ^gn *]( Bjtt fcggn .

Bljjcc Kcte .}? aungcte an^ nolb fi^on^ fao^.ijj'. in co

oi^cicj of

oteatmuttsof bnatbUgc wroUjnc^ futtl^e Sttf) pcedouc fo

ncc.Kktc lucifct Bit!) mgUongc of aungftUgolbf of l^ugnf^tt:
pnfo tjztt an^ o^gt pU^ccc an^ knM^gn (l?2t m bnettgc an^
att K^tc cccatit) in l^Jugn of g^htt nature (3t bonzs mar} 02 a .

d)utk Kgtt fag att S6c fe arwmgn of atom . ^0 ludfet Sitf^ I[jtc5
cumpng mag fag att Be k cummgnof ^ugn 4X@^^'^ .

350M) tnttlmen ffjaU be hna\SJ^n from cljurtiB

ft jo\Jj tfjcj) f itft btgan . 2(!nD f)0\S) floe Deu|>DpD

t\)t \))02lO m * til pattit to i^is iii Conn^Q

X^olb fo 60 XAu^xx gcnfelwo) from ctp^He w ^ci(t it f^?attb

ptcuc^ . C^P ife^ wucj gcnfxlnun) no: ct)u4lc wlcwg^ bg bjn
is fcof l)J i^ fft^cc an^ wo^cc . QI?ttm an^ (Euc |?a^ >io(^4 fa;

^cc nw mo^^ w t^ fom^ge of Q(l2m an^ (uc liBat foun

^ btl^ gcndwan an^ djutU . (^g tl?^ foonngo of Qlctim aw^
<Buc ^ctf) (^tstt an^ i^agn ^ugiu^ Ifoc tl): togatt blo^ fco
'tf)c ^ngcntitt .
Q^ brodjct to f kg t^ig bcoel;?: 9tw^*g 6> tt)2 Ulb
Bfjza niggl)( woic ^nc^^t^UlnQ^ (^g d^at^i^ Cagn become
b^ .

acip:U aix^ atttjic cffptgng af&i l}gm bg tl;^ aufgtigof goD

an^ lji9 olbnc faotc a^m CT^^^ |^^^ ^^ ^^^^ S^
tilwan t^coQb t)^5 fa^Vi^ an^ woDjacbliffgng . QtriO of t{;j

of fptgng of ^ctt; Qtoc come a g^ntilmct) bg bgnts

CtQXoe ^^ .trj . fonngc bcgc^gn bg bgntc . ogd?c mo^cc . n .

Bccc namc^ C^am a^;^ ^em , an^ bg ttjjfa^cc t^ tf^ttlR JBhu

nattig^3[^f2^ 05*^ "^ tipgg.tjj.fonngg gentibcs an^ ^n^,
gcnblncc ifeg founds CC^^ c^m <^Y\qfi)tiiMQ 55a0 fountc
to ()i(5 otbnc an^ Uugb
fft^tc (joo^ fo tJtfaiuct {jie pccu^fes
bic fa^te fofcoancCr^cifc^ Sac; ebi gongtft aw^ wpccuc^
||i6 bw^cc C^rt like agoitilmaii febemgn^of C^w.fot

l^is Q^ng^txlnce tp Sac become ac^tU : an^ ixi^ ({p ctufgwg

^f go^ anD ()i6 fat) QXoe ^nx> K^n QXoe aftjobe fe fag^

6> yn) Ij^c fonne : Uno&gft no tfjolb ^Db t^it become

. . ,

10 ^rolbn^ r<^uc 52g , QDiij . (^vx> nclb of e!)2 fo kggnnc ^d^goi

tilnC0 an^ a cnufc 60 "Ojfiioogc (?55 att : (J^jpon t^ Ijii (Ijatt fc
fo 3[ pwj) 60 50^) t{?a tf ft)att fatt . Qlolb fo ri?2
3; ggue wg
cuifc Kgcb^ (:a]^6tf9 fox cu . crn^ T( gpue 0 tf^ : t(^ noxd; pxte
of (^ ffioilw 60 ^wDbc tt)gn ^bieadon fbt tl^: f^tftt tf b
Sl^tc fotoEb omrb otcc oltt an^ ^^gf^cf crc5 a (i)uxU djoJh
^dt iuc . w tl^j e(}tt;xpai& of ^ ffioTltc Eic{} ft;att fc m{i
(^ucop d;atiC5 fe fag t\^ confre of cf^uUgc

<i;3(^f^rf? cu {)iM mg fo^^^c d)otb (l}att ^iic wg fctifftng

^tc i ftc^ of ^crf) (^?ttm fon 3( ^^^^ ^^^ <* gcntilman fo t^Kc
ftc ptfe of (t^ Boiloe an^ fo ff?? occf^nt cntc : Sljscc as Bclt^

ano gtttcc fl)att te . t{)Bt fl) jn !?ftbi6ndon ffcatt k . fo (abc fi^at odj?

<l?Jttc pa^fe of (I^^Sojlrc Sl^ici^ (tjatt be cal^ afia ^j^attefofag

t^ conto of 36lmc
CE(2^^^ ^ctn nig fon alfo a g^falmati ^ tf^ wobc fo wiuCfa'pU

aWlteblotc tl^af roSgbbc^li^CJ fUj) t^p o:goitet()ol]b (t)at

Cube tf^af otl??: f(;jt:^ paife of tiji So Uos B^trf; jl^att k ail^ affri
c ti)at te fo ftig elj? <Qn(tx of tcmputnc^

<ir f t^J ^f fr?>^S ^f <b^ c^tlYt\(xYi ^fafefl) come jgeibml^m

OMogfcQ (^to)) a^b tl)2 ptofcft^c . anb alfo tip bgngj of g^ ogljt
Igwc ofmaxg .of Kfem iijai gcrjfaJmoti ^'^^f"^ ^'^^ ^^^ ^^*8
gob anb mein : aftci ^te want^ic Rgtig of (Ijt lon^ of ^ufe g
of 2(uco stxlnian bg to wobtc waxg pxgncc of Cofe atwutc

]^ longc
trtd m
atmutta MJtr btgunnc afij
t^pncacnacion of o\to IwDc 3^cfu ctpfX

af^Dift^ fiift ggajgcf ftn^ tfjcit ni l[|2 mats a btt m fofem

a ;;

^yimtnaacfj) of Cnfic : Co&awucB ^ifticwa^ aKi^ftgurfb

at tip fcge of Sjptem gcftg^ icotanocum tttetUti^^tt

fl)i ptft tegpi^^g^gof ft)) laDbcof atmge JSac , Kid)cKa^ ^

cffujucc^ an^tegannc fefbaong laJbc m t[pK(nte fott t^
latbc of naeuce tm^> bfotc
. tl)2
^ comalbn^mcniie of c;o^
<i;@n^ t^gg Ui&c of am^2>^ci,e ground ^^09 t^.ig.oa^
^tgeof an^cUe m t^eucn encco!bne^!Stt(7*i(O^^gune.{)tcdu0

ftonge of cololbtic ati^ of Qocatuge ^gucnc al^ of tfpn aa fi

guti^t^.tg.oolouwm awg^.a^mnolbmba fo bggnwct^

<rpnt9 lapiB

;^Ij fittt Gong 16 calDe 1^opa(ion fignpf ipng

$olDe m mnpQ

CC't^^^^ t^^^ CopQfion t6 a fwg pone .an^ gol^ ii tc cat

DC in awg0 , It l^ O^cttuc t^ of 10 : tfjcct tip g^Smat) tip Bt ^

c^tl;]^ ftone m t)t& coteatmuce bttti) a face meffangets ni Ms

k]m^ begtt (t)att:lx . ClpOStd) ftonc tetcf uc^ m t^ angclts
ctolbne Afal^w hibc maffangct an^ a fucc ni ^ie bg^^ ^
<^H^ of Ipu^ 8{9n t(p|; faug^t Btd^ ^ucifcs

KT^ttuW lapia
^l;c (ccunDt aont ia cald ^maca^Dtts a gtatte
I? ftont fignif tptiij uwt in atmps

<12'^^fcim^fotic tc exits ^mawig^uc a gt^ucO ftottc g.

(pcttif t0 oxCbc hi atmgg . 1t^9)e4fu ti^t of ie : tt^ai t^goitgt

DKit) i^ St(i^ hi ^e cote atmum it teu^ bene an^ )7a^]; hi ^t0

bjtt^) ^^S (%^tt h t^ Bic^ fiionc icccfctuc^ mrfKitc)?cingf

Ue ctolbnc d;at ffiae bene ari^ ^%^2 ^ b^^ ^E^S^c hc^taiU of l;t;

<i:2CnD t^ia ftone is csHHt bcufh rojort i arm j^s

^tt^ f^atfi fto)5 ii^cafe a)(^metifcea^ttfl:c<U feo^ bcuffe

^tt i ca( m atnig . 'tl^z (Jjcadi i\^x of 10 : djat ^ t{g ffiict) te

od) w t)t0 Cofeatmu t tJ^af ftorte . fotfunabfe of Qjtcfott i l)i^ bi

gee bfejttfljattb , tl): Stc^ ftotc 15 ccfctueb 60 ti;ft ^nhxifsa
ctolbne tl;at i&ie fottunabk anC> (ptcfeao&c m Ijies bjng) l(i(
of l)2uoi B5j?an ti)ag faugtjt Kttl; ^afu

Crti'artU8 lapie
^ Tint d)ta flow is calDt pluby cal02 1 arm^s

5g^fe . fnf . fione 10 cafe a ^argatefe a ctoffi^g f^one flplam 5

bj; l>it iz ax(ic m acmge C^^ ^icue tt^s of te QS^ai ojcnittma .

d^at l^t0 Cotearmuce Bjai fto%tbnii) c;tc6^ o;ounatbnce of c|)t

uaWc wi ^t0 bgngge bfagtt fp fl)att jjciue . (^SBtcf^ fionc 10 tc^
ut^ m tl)2 pteftato ccolbne ti^a^ t&e c^ualtiue of o;oMnauncK
m ^t0 (^2^0 ba^gtt of ^ugn SSj^t) d?cig faus^t SSid^ Sudf e

Quinttis lapis
cr2([ (0^6 is caiDt ftnamer 02 (anquine f acm^s

^'Ct^ ^ . . (io7) 10 cafe a JTogs . a fanquine f^otic 02 ffname-t

1fi( t0 otfe m atm20

'Cl^ Qocctue tfi^oof 10 : tt^e c^cntztwcin tl)a(t

w t)i0 (Coteacmuce tt^te fi^onetecid; ni2o;()ti(i(tt of plbet m l)t0

0cj?tuB lapis
<C 2(lhd tifpi 0oiit to t$lht Qmlpi insicm^i

CC 'die . 9or> ffonc 10 mto a ^ubg a te^; ^^ Soft(|^

bis Coteatmua ^( fConc hvi^ ^te anT> futt of cotxioje ni f^ie

bj^nj^e btQj^tt ft)att b . the Stdb ftow tc^cifctae^ ni (^ f tmci

(];% of \^wp\ S|^ tt^ag f^ugl^f Stt^ Suctfe$

<r^tptim9 tapta
<L% blu Cont w ts ft It ie caiD afut? i ann^ei

to cal^ m 'C^ ^ttuc t^cof t0 d)c gcnhlman c^cit m

acmj^e . .

bto Cotcacmuce txad>tl)a( ftonc : %fc aiiO ^citueo nt t)^^ Kcs

bjtig m 1)16 bpng) btojtt (baft fe . ttjc Btcb t0 tcfciuc^ <o ton9
ccolbnctbatSaaJSj^fc an^9c:euee nt btc^ bgnggo bt^Kof ^

Ottau9 lapis
CEjS^ljiB Gone is Wahe anD lo caUtb ^abuU

<F ^ift * (ot)i . ffoijic^J^ganion^iablabcf^^^^

16 oit^ maimjc .
'Cte O^gituctbctoficSS^^tgctttilniaTidjatt
bte Cofeatntuw (bate ftonc btitf) t ^utafeutt 5 OJnfogn^ in bte
kpngpc bejtt fefbatt be . Cb? 5Sid) ftonc Kcie afctu^^rf)0
c^aibjne ctolfenc rfjatRac t^uwibU^ (Onfagwt injfio Ugncjge
<L iv9 lapie
C: Tittfwpnz Oon anU w calOe ffMtt i amti^a

hit wilT m aiiti)^ . {?2(ocieiic efccoDf to : 8^1 goiblwaj) g

w ^leCo&atmutt fl)tc ftonefetitb /j&tt ^o&g^ti qtoacuc (
fijgngnj in ^te bgrtg^e btagtt ^r ffjatt ^CIp Ktd?
fe f^onc Kae

<ro ( t^e Diufe corp2( &r the ftlD 06 coetatmu

f ^ bn J mttl)p

anti4iiu bmt C^opaU

^ %t6e (^mfb ^tumbg g ^^ndm . Qtn^ dbc m? (Tiogatt

k d)a0 : ^olblte ^fttte ^ahU ^uq%(t (^o( nolb aft bla
few of atmg0 <{;?t k iof.9i*oolotre of g^ 8tc^.i).inic(aH; ^
tm .colony . 0d^^^lu fot ntctatt %xt (SouUo
* ^fua g
^abutt fot (olod0
gtt^cge k cofi^ an^ no ntoo

f nine pmv9 (miuyiht mhlt tiiiiuo( btg

<II 1t^ k.t^fteaou0 f?ong0 . QJ . uobtc ^. wf.of ^tojwfe
'^^(\3.nobUftong^ kdjcge^opafioij ^matsftgmat (^wa;
blie (jnaxqfxut gt^toge Cb*mj.of ^to;mte k ti;ge ()?ubt

<r 6 tfjoiDCTif of agtUf.Ubt twatcfj a iiit (ro

@ i)U k .tgQa^]p^ of attsctio ^ Q(ctad^ie % .m} - tTxolg


^U.of (!?t Dignittf o( rfgaliee htmhlt nM^i

twi an^ Jox^ (^n^ . mi . cjocllct be d;ci8 <:U ())ia:b ^a

T>)nic oociucc of |)td9 fiioyij^ feai tb?t . (O . q;cnct!fttt ay^b?

tm .fpeaatt C^ ijj.gcnatt ben d)C5C Ql mcffcngn &ec


^ic6ori*Cb^itala9 of gounauncc f mpgl^tx

f (jatoj fot6una< of
pitt of pibct 'ttp mi .ff caatt be d)Cic : ipfc of cooigc Bjfc (t

ceOj (X (jDex6uec m ffictbgng $DutabU gQonfagviC fiift oougl)ti g

<x:^l?c iiii uwtutf 06 thtmltp

^gOA)t8%t6ic0 of d)Ciuiltj bc) d^ ; 'Cl?^ fuft tc tuftc m

^ bttftt^ .Unn0 of l^t^ j^fonc . pit to (pauc of fb^ poDtc . 60 be

gvftotoueto t)te ptcfbn.fobcccuctenfan^faptt^futt 6> b^^^^^

'tl;i fcun^t0ti)atb2bc Kpfcilji^ batott.pcutimttbicfisb^io!
bnolbjng gi^ugngm]^n^tl)i0Kitttc.t:bi.i)j.t9)5^ b^bc nott
fUlb i b^c^Scme lobe be fbte];^bt^ qcift be fmc d)antte goO e
uet of t)ic ^icfe^g g fox ft) l^e mcfute J bie fuffctnSce Cb^ ini .

ta fo be ft^og g p^fttft t \jiz gottnocc fe bj 6) jjaue r* ^xctoxi

. .

^n^ ^oT)3 wot ftomc dft ftl^ ari^ n^i 60 (^onic (|t0 tofeotmit

be cu$&0 loIb(]; an^ gentitt an^ Kt^; clbfe ccblb^tg m ^t0

35 we Cfjall be fl^c\i3eD tije.t>.ar(ihene of gentti
nee. u oC t^em ar amo2o\]aa anD iiii (omiSipn

Q3"^fet be. t J aitgcUc .

of 5cn(t()tc6 . ati^ of d^cgm . CO . bnc
awwolbg .an^.mf .f^^uctcn . Itl)^.^ .awotDtbcgcnfUticfcc
ben d70 Jlotxxii of colbnictiaJbnce CccicabU hi Ungagc
'fiSHf^ *w^t0 anfDbctc qpctfite m gouctnalbticc . an^ Ciftrxi
fiitt fo ^];t{?fu(nce . "C^.mi fouctct;?)) genttlncfce bentl^et^
^cBbe od^ee m flbMgng; . ^ojom to go^^tc bj^^p^ig . Rno;
Ibgng t)te olbue bixt^ m bcsjjtio; . an^ ^ ^cc^ $10 fouctagn fe
Qj^fjer be ij^ Wees conttatp (9 gentilnten

QJItljJtbcM ^tcc^ roM<taafog)tImert of (Ijj Bic^coJ*


b^n mtctetmj^nabk an^ mf .^^mgnabU 'Ctj^.QQ .rn^fcimj^na

bU fen ^cg0 : cot) fo b (iittof fto(b% in \)iB^Qtn^,an otijit
fo k futf of faoof6 m Inc^man^^ . t()e^ci^6)kfiittof coDbaiO;
nee 6d te cncm); ^ fauttf) 6> be fiitt of kc()a t (}te b^g .
g ^e
ftf^^bc ftittof M^nb^ng ^ Mcncbunlt 'C^^tet
mgtiabU : on t& (0 tcuobc le olbi) cbalange .an otb^t to f U]; (^ta
pixronctffiid)l)ic^oIb^ i?an^i0.t^d)a^<oS)gfTom ^tc^ue;
tttjgnce bmxnttt^H^ anot^fifd^cfe eeftbiefouct^ftgjne

<]^ ^f;e^ bei^.Ieftimable reiopngie in atm^ft

^tC^.i?.ittet?tmabUcctogn5}of awj9 bci) <^cg


CC^^ fecunw ie t]?uU? of ^gw fc wfapuc af &i nianfpts

^^ . lij . Iff cbual^B te CD bg foce ^10 fouctft) (T CI)? . m?
t6amto(fattfobBputm<)telpntcf6tSifoom OZC^-^-ic
poouce of \nn2q\)fip^^ ^^( is foce alioun^tc i iprxoi of anolbiie

etjg . mi . w^gng CT '^^b fft a po

ftowjealUff jfctiatt 5

cc bw jjbt to h maw^ 60 blo^c (Koj^att CC tt^J fccuti^c 10


to|^uetl)anbcof Ijigfouccegntxipcuatt^ Q3 ttb^Jii-w fo

bcp 1)113 Cote axmuw COn(l)amp^ m ttjatt ^Qlti^tlj^.m) .

t0 6> bcpattpgnfteof iebn^sb^^^A^Scfii^c^ (a)tanccurp^c;

JtnaVd ge fl^at (fjtis li ojocria \J)trittG \Ded(oh

ft hnp^ti)oDcanD knpl^ttjoDe
tl)tn \ttae mads be
(occ Cote acmuce \^as 02DeneD

CC^b^* Wa^non Q2^c:b).}j.ScUobefuft on^ knggb^tp^

affet Qt bngght Sac ma^cbfifba ong cote atwucc an^/
. .

Cj^bton Sae (^ fitft kn|;os()t ii)ai cuca Sa0 ^Q^fiicnaU ^te f^^ct

come bi tb ngbtljwc cf ^atqjmiilmM^<if^^ar\^i^\h tlj^jx?

pU muUipUc g >\^ no gouc^nc^ Qtnt t^ cuifct) ppU of ^m
ScccO a|;en^0 i^m OUbion Sa0 A)K fetpngcftan^ t||? marifiil
Uft mar) in Ijie (gmc QlnO tljz pcpU ctic^ o? ^Ubton fe k tl^
tnaifUt an^d^cu gounct Q(l tlp&fan&mcnBct H;an wultiplt?

^^f K^f^^i^ (gnc.Qlftctiatt ma^cfc tjiefo^ agaaUn^cft

blbte^te ^^ of .t;o.^tucae pteuoufc ftongein fobcngng of
rf)gualci 60 bi a gounc of a .
^ . wen CPnto ri^g fomc tog 5*

bic^ baue t;ie nawc i lati g^ te aemocl) to fc^t g^ gounof i^ .me

fgng; . (3lftc:gatt fobc <)Ubione flbctts d^at liBae 3^fed?i0
falblct)o5 tljat Cubtt maOe k fore tf^c f loovse : cin^ fmotc flat
Ijng . If . ^gwg6(j>|po*) rt;2 tggl)f (i)ulM:5 of (CUtion in fobc;

jignj of ti;c 15 OJCttui^eof tl;? fozfag^ pccaoud f(ong0 ano^

gauc bw {jie bUffingKirfja d)at^Q fo bcp rf?:,ip.p^^g,e
of ct^igtc noU? folojngae jc (t)att ^ce

hnpgljt (IjIuDc hepe bp Oignpte of tjia oiDcc

<l>c ii

tifi^ be t^-i) * tempall ano iiu gooQl^

t^ . ^ , femgatt OJCxeuj k tl;f

fy f^att tio( (uiiac (jte bcbc
6d ^ig cjiemg fox foftcc . 'ti^lp.ij tB ^af l^ fljatt (rulg l?Dte

bie pwwgfe an^ alfo (0 ^10 foo .'tb^ tij tg

to t)i&fxcn^ : . .

fy fl)att te ftcfc of mcfe

an^ ^anbc 6) all \)i^ mcng a bufc Ijim
^^, mi 'tcj t^(t)att (!opW^ ma^^nje apglje . Cb^' ^ 0
Ajat b? (I)attb3l^ (}3pKgCttg6 4ggb^ . It^gciktb.mi^ijjcieu;
geof cjjaute gooftlg . 1t^ fitft 10 : b^ ft)att bonoutc bt^fa;
tct aw^ ^le moner . 'Cfe ij t^ b f^citt ^ oon ^jaxmc fo tb^

locc,'Cbi*m-ic5b^ ffeatt b wtafutt . 't^b^'Wn-t^jbzft)^^

M^c Ktd; tb^ facifice of tt?? go^ of b^ugi) (^Int) t^an

^ftcagatt ^i^ wake fo (DUbon a (u^gctt of lgfe tec ffiitb

ijj .cotnctic .a boucn le face arit oon ^Ibnc to ttfi gcolbn^
rj .

Baj^c . mfobcngngfi^at d^go OUbio^ Kae tl;2 c^ue of att

ffcottt 03efe4g foi 6) Bg^ (^p t^s pgn( of (jtc (atgci fo ft^ gto)'

Ibn^ <l)2 cujfi^ fcro(t)ii (C^w ^g (fe co:?>icx of ^ictatgct a

bu5 fu^fjetcP tf>a^ ofJjw bro^ ^cm . Cj?fti otf^tx cpanc*

n^i d t)gm felf c bcfobcngfl) ti^ae gcnMman ^afd&i t^ b(tf

fc^ bcott^i) of
iglpme 30^ an^man come bg tioj^^ (gn^

^ ^l)e manct 06 hnl^gjjtljoliifi ben ii. oon )i(^

;2^{|iibc/^.tttanc> of bngg^flp^s oonlBtif; <(^fctlt an^

an oti)ex Sif^ d;c bd^ '^l^ bd) te (fy ISosii^cfe bg oiufcof
nrf .Q'SogoIfee * Oor\ is SS(^n an Conagc^ ptgncc io mats (m
j^ojtft bgng "C^ fcmn^ t& I^jx^n ai&gno; ot an
ot be ctouncO
^mpctouce te ctolbmo . '^^ ti^gtOe to SS^n aquenc 0$ an
(Ewfcneicctofom^ . 'Cb? iiii te S^na i&jng ot an (Bm
{xxDibte cum fo ff cite Stti) an otl^et of ^guc^fe lon^go

<J^ a <EScn<g(wan of ^uwccto an^ of bloDe

"Cl^* to
4[]C^@nO <t)jt to a cntglman of btco^c
^J2 'Cdi: to a (0crt(glman of Coofeainiut : an^ <^oo be J9
on of tip ^g^gg^ bgc Qftn otJ}^^ 0^ a loOe(^tp Qflno^

<^ <l;2:oc 10 of <i^ bgUgng of a ^a^gfo^

^Jj@in^ A)2X to a gcnfgtman ^nhgatt
^ Qdn^ eb^t to a gcnfglman Q^pctofef
^]|^^n^ <b2tea gcnfgtmar) ^jxtg^atf
^j^'Cbz* ic alfo a gcnigCwan fpa6uatt an^6:m^xrattatti
dtt (()8go ben mote plagnlg ^cUw^ m bobc %b

^milmtn be calDe. tm^ntanw 06 ^ik one

oi avunatrete anD iti o( Cottarmuce

4@f (^t be mf .^ucc:f wanct

of goifi(tc . (&w bt6 a S^i^gl /

tnan of albnoefo^e : Utd) muftc >te^t0 k a c;cntilmoii of blo^*

C^l)2t, Cofeaimutt
o^etitxCmO) of an^ not of blols ^cn
16 a a^^t^lwatx of Cotatmucc of i\p 3pno;60 bog^c . ti^ai te fo

fag 1)10 ifiutce bgat) IjjtsciBb^ Gf^oitc^ . Qtti ot^ct ^oifatmati of

(Cofatmutc t^ an^ not of blooz a bjpng gsupo; a loift^tfp fo a
fomoLt\ ^n^t (^tefcattof pdfeni 60 (;;niatiO 60 (^tc^cj^tga fox 9
ue: moxc b^ ma]^ SSete a Cotaimut^ of d;c fame tot^(l)tfp t

^^tl)a^ bi^ agomaT)caf6cn^^gtfb2 btttagcntglmanfoifgr)

^ mag Kccc tbc fc^tfingc Coiatmirx ari^ noo fotfgti a faif gnie
cotatwucc ncd^u criftcmtge eo^atmucc bi f^gb^gtig in noo Sgj
a ca(hn man ouctcomgno[ acnftoi man
(Qit ftim men fag t^af

f^Sb^E^S '^ ^^ ^^^ (^^^ ''^^ ^^ cotatmute of b^m ti^at 10 oun

CDmgn ^t tf a (buctcgp bgno; matte of a goman a bng^b^ ^<=^^

fame ttnggbt ts a c^tgman of blo^ bg (i^c togaUe of tl^e iigng

an^ of bngg^f ^0^

C7^ tstntplmm fpmtuaU

CO ^b^ a qjetifgCman a cbutk (one a |)tef2e 60 fe ma^ anh


d)af ie a ff ttttuaft o^etifglman to go^ an^ not of blo^ . ^utt

if a o^tglmannge fone b tm^ ptefie b^ te a goitilmai) btb ffi

tftuatt anO (cmp^tatt Cttftc iSbc^ a o^ontilman of bte moOet be

^liie an^bce cotaimuce of amfztxxie tCb? mf (^uang^lft . .

kntf) Sittenefc of Criftts ^tbge m H)Q q;ofpett Sttf) aft d)ap

pftdU5 . lCl)egRctDe 3^H^ ''^^ ^f S^^lmcn come bp fb? w'sbf

Igne of tb^it Soxf^g gquetoucc ^w^ macjiuc hot A}ai bg fuc
offion of tgme ti^ (^nm^ (ctt topuetig .afte^ tfje ^[taicaoi;

tf 5tt^ dffiat^hiM ati^ t!;CM

^^ fett 6> tafotig ^ Race ml
xa no o;enfx(nicn an^ . tf^e * im -Cocfotte of ^U diitti) ^cgni ^c
i^mQlmbtofcQtucjupijn an^d^irgotitSat scnitimcn of b(o^

IS to ttift ))*pttf2^t( and. uit.)m|)(cf |^te

YJtfi5**^-^P*^8wifiont(5 of tofainmtcg.w.ptftfcg.ljSi.

<X;;tt:etm];natt is mte nt a^m];^ att

t\)tbxt^im of no;(^< (gf
m kii^it bg fft^a oi bg mo^cc mag few tl^e tig^t
|>^gw cotoau;
uQg SSit|; a ^iffctens calls (^nfan^gng

CrCodaftmtt iecftloemairmge i|^e (bnng0 oftf)cbt(^eten

oftfjc tic^t bgce bwgnstfe iA*muwof cgtfr?wlgi^

ne ftom
m aitmg0 10 adx % fl)i*;K ^gw bg tijc ti^Hg^
tfce tig^t fegtc bg Uttc maU ffutg mag bet* (igte f(U

X>if ttane counttrfteuts

Q^| bfZat^ of fipatt (t^ott bccc IjtCJ fixTsfttc t^iaxmnti mi
imfutteuge . d;at ie fo fag B Jt (b cuci fy bctttfj in ^b H^ \l^

^aft ben m
tf^coUtbw ^w%pM^:Mm

J5o\ t^f be tilt, totummtpi imptrfttt mhht

T^h^t be tm .cofatmune ^np&ifi[& : cinb^ k bttic Std; olbfe

biffctsawa . '^t^ fiitffc coteamuce 10 tf a to^(^ifl) a fbtc fogic b

CT'C^ fccuwoj ta (^ wtetwuciB of tljcbgtig^ gjjf fc jjtf l?^ ^gc

tt^ ^auc O'ft^lb foatf^ : 6^c fti() ifigis of cl)cam knng; l]^nc bg
)naU k gcnisCmcn of blo^ bg lalbc of atmj^^

CrrCtiK QjdXs cCamuccof el) ^aifgw gtf <I)? ctif^gn wan

^]^c Ctd) oDb(c COf (^Ib bt0 cofatitiute t0 ^ite . an^ tf ^ |pa^
fi^Dbfotti; (jonfot^ fiit^^o;t)ec|^om btm b]? tio;()( (|?nc of 09(f
|l^clb malfi ^ t0 A g^(|;(nian of blols
CC'^lFf^^Ibttti) cotamut( of t^ c^cfe btc^ gtf b2^;;c!2t(^ oK
te ong ^f (l^clb tbc ipU cotatiDuce to (oft t()an tt falUt^ fo k c^
tofotmute of f^mptfife ktgnz Std^ a oiffctvims

<XrQitt f^baftartfeof att (ofaimuwffeatt bte af?ff5^

mtt Hit a b|eo^ of oon of (^^* mi Mcj^rnizs of cotoutia . <^(cpce
tt)c bfilatisof f^ ft(^tal0 4n9 1^ bft|toitsof i()2 bv^^^mof
fl^c c^ouc blo^ tSkoK t^cntaunce letcpat^^ fo eugct) bvocf^u fi

OS tabc a Sag afatiog; of atmgcs

]Qofe li* tt)U \X)l?o f^^ ^putt(i^^m\^m

CCC^ |5c ^onc of <^Y^ &l^w of tcgalife foi a tf wU

(Xti^ hi Mot f awff^ . ^n^ i^U^q (tjntg (^oS ntit mfthc a

0[ttg kn^s^f (i;cf^i;n t dji fctte mat mabca ccoiatmu: bntgtjt

^n fjott man^ plat ts a hii|?0^t map be maoe

Ionic of Beaw . Tfn ^emblgnj ^nrxt bncne . 3*'^f^8^ ^f

ii)2 bad^ QlnO at t^fepu(cu>

Ci:2ft lafftD f otarmurs is on tht moDttia parte

^Ql (iiffeb'coofatwttcctc cate fte coofc of a gcn^lfco^ein

|)ciugng tguclotJe SBcl>^g^ (oaman tpaujng; noocootatwutc

\)ix Tone mag Sctc ()i: cootatmut Stti) a ^ifftztonceof attii];^

^uti^no; ()te Uuebg t^e cuttef]; of laCb of a%Yt)^^ an^ b>0 fone .

(l)att nonchte bt fo be tf^at tt)e q;ent]rflbomay) k (jsgt 07 neptof

faloos 6^ (f)af cwiatmute <$)t c(Uc$ tej^no; ^tt bjp^ti) of ti)z blo^

^o^att an^ ii)ar\ f^att t)ti( t;^];ie Ixac ^is cootaimutc

3^o\to Gentl^U men bt maDe oC romie tbat be

nott of cootamiure netl^et bloDe anD tt)tp be calti
ttfUnall anD apoctiCate ae l)it (l)mU\) folo^ng

^^{ptk^ii -^guwfi (Swiglm^ ma^ of gtomgc ? d^af bcnotf

cscntitm^ of c^tcatniute iibd^ct of blote . ^or) 10 cci(^ ni aaiv);

ge a goifg(M) ^ntnatt that t^ 0 fa); maic(pp cmongtel^^

fwi^^ ^bbttte 02 (^sffbo^pte "^^i ot^er
og^oue men ai^ .

iBcolk^ni ai^mge a g^^tiiiKmaf) aipoccifate ti;a<teio fi^gma

. . .;.

tt ^\p an^ joujjt) fo ijtmti^ name an^ djc Iguct^g tf a opifgl

ttian .

CEJn ann;bB be \ji &i6erwtcce tJjat is (o 6^ it*

6)2 t?Utm anD ini*fo2 nobuUps

^ ,irfi% be . atwgc i^ fot tf;^alUn

^t . tffcccnctc w . ;

an^ rrn fbt t^ nobUc Jabtt anC CDbiOtagng fot lot)i0

. .

3cwctb6 ^oUttgg JJloU)t ^Ijce an^ (feufntfoglie fo: ri^ce


pC^n blafpng 06 armpe bt.i^-qiia&ratti9 tfjat ta

tofap x quaDcate fmiall anD im.CIopaU

" WI Ql bUifgngop aimgc (b^t be t(p . qua^witticfbt fe con;

^ >l (1^1 .
^ .qua^ta(e fmtatt an^ mi Q^ojatt Jjguc qu
. .

^tafe finiattbe ti^eg9 .mu,(Bccuii^t .^ccHj.CcwitCj .ano

^ (Bccca ta calte
(ette ^]?uctfe coloXbna
m atmjetBl^fti) wotetmuo'a a* .ig quat;

^0ecun^t te calU^ m atm]^ Si^t) it)2 cootatmute t0 of .t(^

^gucifc coto&tie : ^ a fwfifoi5ct Rtf) m fb^coofatmurc of Bstt

cololbcc rf}att)itte of
QT ^cctlg 16 cal^i a>mg S!?an t^ cootatmuce ic counfetfcfi^

Q;;;(DctartgiocalThiawjc^8!?cin ik coo(atmuT tcpotbmb

(^ot a blaifot (Ijattnotfag^ teaf^ <Htmc , piimi pBb^iO
Bitf> (gxmcti (^o<l^ (fcatt fag b^ bad) (gtmcn 02 clUc m fume
atmge ^ muftc fog ^mg (E^ntcn : Qtcb ^ ^ f^^ ^^^tli (S^mcn

manci of fobcng a g^tgtt man wag Beet /^atte (0 foj; ^ie ccotaitmuc^ ];nsal; oz clUe 3 3^^^

Stti^ pcccioufc fton];^

^ cmttgng Juc . tp . fcdggce of cootejnrutic

d)6gm ti;ct te mi ^gucsf^ an^ Ct^s kne tl)cgc(

UftiD .a)it) of .
S^^^ Bdj ctof

Cco0 fijogtg .Ccoe pi]; Ctoe ctsfUttt0 . ari^ Ccce fUi|;

d7 '^1)2 fccun^B bojc 10 f lolbtx Mga
^"^k t^tcwbagc 10 tofUttjc
^17 tJ^fe ^tbri^ bagc 10 ptgmatofc

Q7 C^ fifftc baajc tg qugnfbUe

<U "Ctp fcptfcc ba^c t0 bioclg

^ Cfe . Coiij . bagc tg p/lolfittgc ,,

Qj Qln^t^.ip.bagc te Caffoimtie tfjaiigfelag^tf^t^e

moonc %se k pSbmjjgte of ccotaimuae

4J^ ttb fifrf^c qttabmfc ie cnlte (Kn^flg of , iij . ^tufc 8ci0

ti^at 10 60 fag kbll]; IcntttUj; ant> f^^fl^

^J^ (^cbollj 10 ail^tacmj0 Kljan a cofeatmucc t0ail c6n

X^niffQ of ?j .Oguctfc coUlba0 m djc Ungtf) of tf^c cotcatmucc
. ))
10 calls
.^i^ucafe colclbns
m atm^^^rs ^^ coo(armute 10 (nDcntx^
m ^ bc:^ of t^ cootasmuce
CT Ss^f'S *^cll^niatmg0.i9.wanttvBc0 ^fif^t^SU
\^\l target an^ fcfg gmrott
. ;

cff bgg ic SM fobcng^ of armf 6 be ^if fcmrab from rtjc

^) of tl^z cofeaimucc fo t^ agtjt fpUgci m d)c f alt

Di];^^ti of ti)c ccotatwute

<Bn^nix^ Sttt; . ij . ^guctf^ colouae from ^i Uftc p];nt of t^

coofaamucc to t(;c f^Ugcx

^5 ^ d)cf i0cal^ in atmjje dp wg^^je of d;c cootatmutx of

tt)2 ngl;* fg^8

jQ u(x^t(ki te col^e m atn)];e ^^t\ t^c fcl^c t0 (c( St(^ fum

(pbgti of atmgs

tiTcolound Sit^ (okenics of a^mi^o j^ugng no beeft m <^ f(^c.

_^ ^.uabmn< (Kogait t5 coCtJ Blpcin ffpf^^e ocaipgctf^ g*

tobo) of a b^ft 01 onp otf^ct fokpi fe< Sitf;) m t!^ coSiamuxx eo
tbe nolbmbte of ftue

'Cb^ fitfi

Kl^tt afftc
(f^altanl ie oon A^b^^ti of atmffi
Me b^^ttlTc |;s kcat^ .
alUvM (^a

ir).ii)ipi^c<dX3i tbttobett^of atmgc^.H^atte fofaj^ ti^.flolbs

tfi^Ucs t)) fi^lcj^ate.i}^ cofi0.ttj.d}afpU<ttc^ tTJ.lfbiOte.D^.lg
ong^ an^ fb t^ mf qua^wtf (Kojatt
. . . te to bte a bccfe ()?aan

jfl m r^all be f^t\toD>tolja( CootanntrittrtSrp^

al ben anD))}eer t^e blaC^i: ft^all beg^n to bla(e o

VZ^^^^ leS^wrKicootaiwutt 10 bain of ogucafc cotoIbnV

a cootaiwiuce iC5 pilg of ^pucxfc coloun 60 fljj po;gnt . gffit^att

pik mc^ptt w tl)2 fognt 5* colour ts tl^c fltc '?::i5e bUafw (i}att

bUfe from tl;af cololbtc 60 djc nej^t coIoito pxU.

footaimucc i^ fcnhg of ^gucifc coUlJbne ^ tl)? popt ari^ SBj^aft

fcttcc nig^gtt m fl)J Jgnt p^ cololbcc tc tf/c fcloc . C^ blafcjx

(l)att bUfc ftom g' cololbrc fo ft^ rx^i coUlbtc of tl}8 Uf te f;^
cftf^ccoofa^mure an^ bVafc tl^ cololba fcnfti

0) ttht \i)fjat fintrt :JFi^aI Ct)angi6 oigis /i o;

CD ^ ^ta w axw)^6 1^ cnlUb pabat of fente

QJ^tjpiattb called m axTDp5 m jlnca pghee .

d oagg^ bk
pTlangjpg calU^ in

w attnpB
atw j a f Uuc

CC called tjfotca bulo5^5 *

T "
(ElgnctUc k cabc m atmge . ifiH . qua^rantic <wncboU0
<E si? be caltc m amgc 05oncftonpe

^C^'CoztUttic be callem axmjc SSxftctt .

<]* Sdiaclsc^ be calU^ m ai^ipge fcoipccU]^


^JJ^coHB k cal^c m o^mpc bto^ arolb Ip^gc

(()a^tbU a fontct .

^^cmg ie ail ni aimpc ^fc a kft ni <^ f rftc

^(Countcetttuig te cal^ w ftjmj Kin txilfc iljj bft te of
0011 coloucc ati^ d^at od^c^^lfc of an oti^cx colouce

IX^^? atatwucp tl)af fend? a ctoffc fo d?c popnf : tf)c pojn

fe ic tf^cf^te.acj ^cjnt<Occ5cktiri)5olUe fotbcc on^Uttig
of ^iiuct . bf agcnc tf^ic mU fum bUfno of axmin repungne

C7'$:b?tc . tij fetmjg . of . (in^ , Bitf; (^att )io( fe ccl)fif^ m

fttwge tot OTije an^ of djagm

d'Cijtt be Hiuttd btipn%pi 06 fctlDps

JOpwctfcbajiigicof fUie dp* bc^(Uon ie bcijjng f?ofe

flC6 . t)tt tc( cl^];^ m atmte cUua)^

QT''^^ f^^fi^ ^^ ^^^'3 ^^ f clOic l;tf tecttl^ i atwie Coucti

Q7^^ d^tc^ ttjbagno; too fcUtem-m>.quaitetie:t)it leJ

ott^ m armi^e quatctg

Cr^(;w btnt . ill f otc atmutps gi^tt?

;^l)te cootatmutie o;t;^;; d^r bent m atmpe . <Doti t^ cci /

b^ c^b]; d^fte S^^^n tbi fcioe toc^ex^ Sgtd;^tufccoloua6

^It^bz fecund t0 ca(o S]mM d)a( ie 60 fag SM d;^ f c(^C t^

ma^ like tSolbte of oot) alouo^ o: of ^tuesfc c^Uuue


3[^n armpo be iupinpmpi alfo it fl)t\uj;6 \jjaf .

tla^ri' coujnterip anD quartetlp btne \xiit^ ot^er

fcc(^ {)i6 a falbftt . ^cj^nt an^tclbjpe ccoffc mag becWutico;

iutfctl]; quacicdg - Cl^Ibti tecatUo pUnp) of oo)) coloure

Colhnizd^ te S^n coU(bne quattecl]^ be * )) . coUlbae (tt(


^f 11 fcctttt^B pgngo^ ic called c^fftouncc tl}at i^acoupU

of fpatiean^ 6^ai ma'g^ be cVauig counteHg quaitctU gecca

an^ bjaKg
^|J<Bctcti 10 Bi?aw .tij .c^ffrcrnicc be fo gc^ur w moo

CC<^B^^ t0calU^ S|^n absque ie be ilbenc^il ct^ffcomtp^

Sets CK^ moofU fpcdaft %ngj^6 of i^c bkc of d)C

(^agc of Coofe atntune an^^Ib gcnf^lm^n f^att k bnolb^
gi) fron} ^njcntjlmcn an^ woJb t)2tx f^lojngbeggwngd) t^c

tebc of blafgng ^ attnian aiwge ; i Utpo fic^ g Cnglifi^

<^<{^pUci< ptmKip9<
^^l^aT) . an;) ^Uj ^clatbof a:mjp fflbefiiftoi^anf .a*iO
t)oDb wonic!QloU)riGi^4kwcoofa2niuti6
coofaimiiticEid^ wowj odjct ^P5gP d)^^ b^ c^tGnot 60
b cel^nfcb QXoIb^ wtentc
. to pxcaXs of fign^s w a:mg? anb

of d}c bUfpngof alt atmjc . Q^ot foi 60 cel)?tcc att tlj2 fignje

^olfgtt an^ flxjlboc an5>luj6 if Sat fo lorrgc a tetagnj .

)ictT[ cannot^ h^^ - tt^ztte fo monp . Q^otfjjcc f()att f{)wtli be

jl)Ci]bj?t> ^oblafc att atm^ ifje Cwdfcnte'biltgoitUfogouttcu;
Ij0 Qln^ mufc tbcroeiet^mooft ffioxtlji fignc cmongal

figtige m aimjpe : a^ t^ ctoe 3 ^^^tt bgjnnc m tlj^Sic^ t^pc .

jiofaatt anb? W)jgl)tr' ptjncc 65 ng Qt:tl}ute \;)aC>t gtett tm{t (0

d)at IjJ kffe 1)16 a;wp0 tl)at ()2 hate of . ij; .^tagon]P6 . cinX) ou
d)af an od^cx(f)ll of. iij.ctolbngg . ant) tl?c fa Iji^atrnpc
a ccoff^ of ^tluct m a f^clte of -(?5c:tc an^ on tt^ ng^t fi^ an
gmoge of oibtc bUffi^ la^5 Eitt) ^ufoncmljuaimc an'^ffi* .

djot fignc of elj: ctt)0 Ip "^J^ wonj maiuclio affei * a^ \:)it 10

IBrlf jn m ftp boobie of ctonjcU^ of l)ic ^^pe Q(tf fo 3 J7<^w ^
d^e figne of tt)2 cro0 60 be fcnoc from go*^ to d^af bUffil> man
JJlamia acj (JJinccndu fajt!).in fpcailol;iffonali. of tl)? mat;
ucllie tj?t^ of Julian t?a^ofttto (Emproutc . U'^ (p?)** . ()2 fajt^
Hangclc btougljtccn 6otl)2 fbacfajO ()ne2cun att
aitnuxs ncceffan Sid} a fi)cll of afutc an^ a
cto flun Sit^ . in) . ac l)2cc
cofie of goltc . 1 tl)!

Qlno3 foni)e ncue4d)at cuct anj^ atmjc JBaa-j

fnt from fpupn bf m tl)ejn} liSac d)c fpgnc of

fl)ecio6.<E|pctflptbmtt?oamp0 oftl)cRjngof ft;
ounce f ^ \Btcl^ aimpc :tanU ^Sbi fcn^ bi aw albngett ftom Ijt;

ugij d;at (0 to fag .19 flolbne mmami of ^ibctoie m a flte

of afirtc . M bl (l)elbte bew . tf)c Bid) mftiw at

m^^ tfow gcupn to th fotfajb bjng of ftaimcc

in fg>tr of cucxUifi^j^ng toXbbutt ti)at \ft amf
anx> b^fucccffanc& all Cap ffiitt)beitotttawflbe

X afhc Ijm moo qutftionis of li)t croffis Ctjnt

X^^ft 3 ^^^^ ogapttc fo f^ fignc of tI)C cto0 an^ afbo

queft ton ^Ib monp ctoffte te btnc tn atm'^^ io tijc
: . tSic^ qucfi^

tion ^n^et a ajton noIbmbut3 ^tenot anflbctc . fo aofft^

mimmerabutt ax bmc nolb tapU . tot ?3^ccn^ng to cuoti ctO0
(f)ct&icl) afoco tpmc^lpctucfccnaefct ac^3 ^^ 3^^^^^
^tfcttb.cwong tbSub fit ft Aft ifUp) ctoe (jbatt te ^tfcnk^ of
tl|e tBirt) ciop nio& ^tbtie te wa^ ^ewof twonpo^pt ctofft^ *

foj ap mod) ae ffigfc tDcn in bUfgna of

atmpe ^olic foi o cot?
ti tuU tt)at pc mooft bgpnuc fo blafc^ at loXbpft ppnt of tl;c ^
|t)cclts if (bf ppnt be of oon coloute an^ fo (^at coloua t^atf
. .

t^m&ji ppntof tl)? (t)aloe te t^ f^l^of t^)j atmp^

CE ^ct m that mU to tcmouc ft Ibap att Ootbtie pc moft met i
be ^pUgtntlp : that . iijai tuU 10 tmc IBit^ a littptt a^idon p ^

10 to ittc ti)at m a:nip0 1 bf blaft^ it ig att tfep to bgpnn

at tb? popnt of t^ fbcte? : if t^c ppnt b of con coloute tjjsxt 10
if fb coloute of tl^ pjpnt be mote copiofc oj gtettei m tbof
axwpft . anTi tbH ffiitt^olbteiolbtc ge f^att begpn t^e* oi cU .

Ips^ not <X QtnC) tSeei tl)^ cololbce^ be equatt ptio otbet on ten

gjb oa ouctlbatt then cuetmo^e pe f^tt begpnne to bkfc tl?oo9

atmp^int^tigbtft^ . an^niti)atcafc pe(t)att baueno tefpe
cfr to tl)e|3opn<.

Ct^ij^tf^ttbeafb)botb bcti^ ^cpnt geoxge . itietobo


tium fcutum ^aitgenfe cun)quaiam ccuoe platia

piagn ^ goSle^ .
CL ^n^Ua ^c teas a fvi

teof ^tluCiSsil^apUqnYCiosof golbUo oe^it^

^n^ 6^ fame nianet of ISi^fc at aft ctoffb jx^upng a plopi

t^ fc(^ of golbke iBtti^ mi .quatfene of ^uct of

S^c fljt

Gfome Q[ UlbttC nof f^% bp tiposceforne a pUpi) ctoe (^^ tw

vet te fornix matmpe mt SHt^no^flfctewtn oftm^

GT^Dff M cm m ecfuaRbtigC^on tueciptfc


yar^^fayi) cgog ie fwntr nt atm;;0^tffctpttjfiomd^ fu(l

^^\ tD0 .an^()iitc$ of an cquatt bnatf^ ot) cut pi<0 oeUap

tli^ot^blafea^Mtte o|)gn .fbst^cMOge of %q

cm0 toSbc^te no( ^ lienimpe oz ft) Q^et pffe of p^
^ecl^ i no patte m tSt^ pe (f^ fag (^i ^ : t^af
bmat^tt0atmp0 . latine fie ^|](lbft(Ri tt
O(fu20 mm cona cmce plana autta equatte longt

tubtmsepomntptee^^atttQ 3( px<^fcx(imsfe0p(a?

gn X>img longut 8 fenttVp (^ngltco J|c fett^

plopn golem ctoe ccjuottteigt^ on cug ptfe (^n^ (^ie 19
^^iffcrfcn^^aiatt (^^
of %ictoeanieof
^attieng;^ <^!SSi(^ matnofbcntt^splop) ctosafoce . fot^
fttie tait^kngofep^cio . an^i^ti beMina^ QStnodytaoifftt


Q (b t^rs t0 an eu]Ptmt ^tffcmt^ bo (Ibtp i;^
. ccoffis afb^otb

(pttcaflpettfe of djc fl)l in an]^ptfed)Cof .

an^ t)it te cal^ ctoc patent . (^ti^ gc (i^fttt f^g

tl^a(^ tt;c Qtd; beae ti^eccos knei tf^ie man

CC i^tim fie ,31^ F*^^^^^^ cmcwn atgetfti J

ten) pafentcm m atmp Wjto , CC C^alUce %l .

a fie . i^|?(att^ ^abU a cco^ pat); of ^uct

CC ^ff a C909 pten( f^i

y^^3E|t<j ctoc pxfcnf t0 ma^ ^guctfc ni (^ fo^fe of (|)i|iiwc

Vl^<i0 bttafpcn^ \pxi Q(ln^(i)n bit te cal^aowptee .

fi|^tkU^iii ^c Qi0f fijdb a cto0 mag be f>!^it

in 1^ Stcb ctoe * ti) . of ffp ^|n pttte ^at opj^n

in ^ cosnm0 an^ bvo^^s t^ mg^i^e* ^
t^^^t) in

^ fcote ie ^i/pofi^ fe
ptt^ i tf^ ctt^ Uiine *
mbto cum ^na cnicc figitiua
f^tixU ttt

?)(alb CT^alUoc ^l pze^gulUe ^ng cto0


foftt ficbt ittjgcne . CC< angUce ^c kaei)i <5tttt^0 <in^


a cco ptg fijptbttt of ^ut% QCno (malbc |;c A)ai (^2 te nio
ngctoffte ^Sgd) maghmoa^ ft{?i6tfta8bit(l9Aft be |^^
\fm /oUlbEtio; in ^c)(i
. .

a cotOM^
CCO0 ae ^ tt t0 (^tbeb i iifiz cco0 ^ \St(ti ie coi
tB CC06 ! made of cot^ge <(|2
fbt ^t( t0 .

BicI) ce^toit croc 5 f^ ^^ ^^ ^ d^atmgc of a ^^^ ^

tnc a cmf tg worn a ^ojxt a Ij? bgm fclfc f^^jj^ .

(^Xib ge f^cittfag of ^tm rf^at tead? tl?cg0 atwigg

Utinc CH 3P^ P^^^ a;olblk6 aim Qma cmce
pUna (oie^ ^ atg;eto 0a(Uoe ftc CC^^ F^^ ^ Qoulte^
. .

^ ^ng CCD0 pUj^n cot^cc mto;cn< ^ncsttcc fie CC j^ kciti^


c^llt^ an^ a cto^ pia^ coii^^ of ^liux

CXKDff actO0 pUgn sfomHd

y^^^ct i0 at) o^gt ctoc ptajw (^ ffitdj wctucluflg fro fUjt

VI^pl<*gn ctoc of ^a^nt gcodgc ^tfjfcn^ 00 if^rs aipetitl; .

(^n^ V^ce it ii^tohi mctbp^ d><t( t(pfp;m|;oi7 of


fum mm : fa^no; ie . (|^af %t6 atmpe te c()cbke20

nji^ fot atmj^e maf not \x c^chct^ be at tifi Uft

ifn i^ nombuiof mi an^ . m a o^cete)^ tiombut
ti^i; ma]^ ScU k ma^ 00 of teit&T^ (t^aft fe ft^e

Ibeo . '^l^tfot t( t0 to b fai^ . latznc ftc .

CC 2(((^pc)i(itf (^n;
am cmccm atgoitea pfovntom m mtnpD mgto . ^( galUce fie *

<Xr ^^ (3^^ ^abU an^ a coos petfomCs^ of ^ttuci

Utfe hi ti^a^^^c^ ^f a cctian ^anuCh0 a^ ^cc t^ (i^clbte

{Mnt^^ i"e cal^ a kfanf croc fot li te mat)eatt

of fcfa^tttc
. an^ f jd) a c toe n^ag k ma^ ok fo ;

<g0 an^ Ij^^tt cabg0 ^iffi2 not bt in colore fo

bcfanttCe te cuc^ of golden coloucc .ncdjc colouce

of i^ bcfant (t)att be eppceffi^ in blofgngjof at.

n)j>CJ . not fo fag a bcfant of gol^ fb tJ^ci -be no be

fo)f it ^'e^to

fanttGibtof golte Cl^ifott^tgfo be fog^ . Ifttine fie

Tf^lU pttx<^namccucen)fcci(entafem camp) tube w .

^Uicc fic Q73^ P^^^^ goIbU^ 0)>ig; ao befaunm


(^[nslice pc , ^ jf)e faeaft; goUbtoj an^ a cjoe befounti^ ^

CC ^ff a cto0 ftung .

^^(S^Ib folo&it^ano^gtcroc fluwg tIjftRtcf) tcfocalU^ *

^i^^gg bta)pctit{^ b^tc * Qtn^t^fot ^it is cal^lefloufi;

^o( cto^.^t ^ttbagfloude hteueaoiTscopliSac
is tijal i^to fag faue t\^ foofe tl;g0 ctocj fhnn .

fwtn tgweie botne m atwgg fipabutt Qln^ tf?en

itiocal^maxmwja ctosflumfigabutj; /fot in
t^.of t)t0 crt^gg ^ite ftotift^gng anoin to foate
picbabutt 0% fijabutt . 'tj^ziffbce it te fo oefag^e
of ^irp tifaihmz\}it . Uitine ^Tf'^ozfat^^^nam cucccm au
team ftooettmincamp afoceo .(EtgaUicc *|r lp)attofo
(Jong cxogg floucetee 5o . (^njlicc J^c bead; afuce an^ QI
a CI06 f lutn of ^ol^
^QtoJb yttt rt>att U f^lkg^ of a croc flu:a pa&^t i atmgg

^l^^tt fototbtd^ a no^ ctg tt|i SSicf) tc oxll^ a ctoc flwt

I /tg patent .aetj^cc I (ajpcritf; (^n^^ti iccal^ a ctos

flutti ptent fot f?; \pCLti) (^16 cji^ic opp an^ t g*

t^matictof afloibceaeU tc; opgnli f^clbc^ m

^to ctog . C^4fci;e it (l^att b fc^?^ t^jaiiijib ;

te of tjl)cjj6amg0 : kw
ni tJ;te Bgf a^ folod;

fuft wf Utgn d;tt0;Q|jjj5o26i^(jmamccttccmfto

ticttm pifentem ^ auto m camp ofuao <Bt gjalUcc fic

^^c teviti^ ajm Vottii} a ccoe pfent flum $>f

golcs *

f]^c f^aK ^n^(^n^ t^tc of a pU^ t)Si6ti cods .


^fs^^^ ^"^* gcf^eitt 03nTtf!dntc d^aftfjct h at) ofi)nc

fj\)lajii ctoc t^ Stc^ cettotiig tc cnl^ a iSateig cvoc ant>
^figcal^atBbfea cto fotb^t tcj ma^bi iijima
tid of &tet toDbbulU^ \hiA) %n^ a^l^^cc ^tf

d;cg6 axrtt^^ brie nitl^isSpfac5ttfl}att fbloto

fitft m Utgti ti^tts ^nr- cpoatot ^am cmanj
planam ^on^fam ^ at^fefo in mmp mbo

^tgalUcc f^c . 3^ patf teqo&U^ con^ ctftc |)tftgn OJn^fii^

totgtni . ^ingltanic . ^y-^i^^ ^^^ a jAagit
1 ;
; . ;

^Qfl arni]^ dlfo at founds mco ctoffle i^ Sicf; aimaT of

olclbn0 muefabpt ca nitmtxt ae tptx w ti)^e cioeaipc;
Jn^tf tc^catoacco^mucfabgi^t tt;c cau
fa (^atl)tt (^^.)). collude . oon put m fo an o;
tbe: . Qltn^ of ^iin A^al boati^tge atm];^ ^c ft;

aft fogfiaft m
U(gn dnic CC5?^^<^Q5nam .

cntfsm planomwuccimDts cctonbue alttD ctm

gn m tamp cube <g< qolUce fic . . CC3
pat?Jf goIbUz(ono5cto0plojw5wa itttgcrtj fobU
QJngtia . .

<E 5)c bead; goIbUe an^ a ctoc of ^i{uc on^ ^abU


O ff ^^ ^^* >>^* "W 4>a< 10 cotuj a tioe croffct

4^<&tffoU&id) ct!) oe^ci cto0(l)iEtd5e0calia acioscfof

^^ a0
fi( 01 t0fU(

i)t( 10 Ool^Ctoffti fot i CU2
(^ot d)c0 cco0 teno^
Ontt^ 10

fb oft bmc'm ainpebgbtmfc(f eie otbctcrof

fte tieuez t|j? l2 monj f jm]?c l;it te botne i ^i :

tttgnutiuf^ ti>a( t0 ^ fap m Uttptt ccoffts ooffit

QInO d>Q3 t^<itm)^ atfilbTsat Std; Uttptt cxof
fe cmaatit ^rit f c f^tt fag d^c of t^iti jt

oene (i;c]^ea}m|p6 fttft m

crudoCam ^
lU pttsoi x^namctucnn
atcgsntx) m camp a(bio i
U^ .
^ gaiUcft fic .

^^ 31 F** ^f* ^^S ^^^^ ctojca eaxgoit Qln^Ua fic


j|)C beat!; afua a cioc cioflet of ^lurt


nl> Slot) M) cio(fi6 as bm an& puliatrng^ 00

2( (at^

calkb in fmic^ <Ecof Uftge

]^ ; Sett ptf i^^ttKi 10 0)1 offfet ctoc^ f^c !2;c(> ie mU

b a CCD0 ma|cuUti( fatifiiB ma^ of mcif
cu(pe of fb? Std) cet^n mcifcuUe jg9 f^att (c af r
texflbt^ hi Aft dtfapitux of fuf|p(Ue mofcult : anO
(ofgn^ Sb^tsmaUx (l^att b mooi plopnli

ivibit^ Qtno t)Kd)a^ hue d;^ atmpe bde ae if

te (^tSft^ ^(s af (et * ^x(t Vn laipn Ajm *

CC SpoitaCQonotn ccucm) ma^uUtam Oi aijcnfo hi otoip a^

fioeo to{alUct fic <ir3^ mfoxoon^ ctD0 mofcttltt

. . P^^^
totgcnf . ^ng^ltCB fic S)e bead; afute ano a cv^^mafcu
kibt of p2^u9%

^XjQtlfo t^c:t0a ctMS mafiuidiit anbpifoniiii aefutt

\>^<g ifbnoftc : d?a^d7j6 ctocj maftuUfxtfuw) ffwc t^^fo

^Jlmttttt^ . mfbz mafculge ae tf te oppn m d;e ptf^nj^ e

folo1bpw5 . (^^^ * ? n^oft bUfc l)gn) .

caxcfim maW^^^n^ ix^fotafcain ^ aibo mfcu^o

. >t gallta
ao6 ^ ^uU^ mo^le pfee \ ^no^tice Tie.
fic .
^ ^i pit laiQ^f

^Ij- 1^ tend) ^iluu Std^ acxoe of OfilhUe


^ Cl^t t0a vq^fncnecooeaebtt H fya\t\fyaht^ .


^tt fbloibte an otifjct ctOG il;c Stc() to mt tf;i ctoe of
^ a n)t(nc foz Ijtt tc5 maxx to ib fimgO^u^ ef a cton ifttu
of gtnc w wplnj^
bg (^ Rtct^iftcuwcwt :
el)e Btcf; ktid^ tip

tl;d< fton wi I;i0 cots


i9 botnc cqual(]3 d^af ^ ^c(]^nc not ouct mgd)e

OT) %ngl;t pfe wet owfi;: Ufte patfe.tof wgnifU
ftpg 6) eucn fcii{c d^af : t^at to ()te cc|uaUg
cint) Kid^ olbte ftaU)^ . ^n^ (l)fCJ t0 gcugn fo
3ugtc fe fete m (^ atwgo : an^fo <lpc5<l^( ^jaue^uttfi
biti^i)^Ti^t djcgm Cbftt te 60 fag ae tfjcfotfaj^ tftmmc^

te ^tec(c : fo t()2 mplne fi^onc cqudlU anbp (Btt^ otbtc gj^U

^d^oe'lfugeo a% bti^;^ 6) ogpffc cqualU 6d cucdman ^t0

ti^^^ (^no tt to fc fe fagb g* (^pfftffct of d)ct0 a:wg btw

d^io Bgfe fitft i Utgw tfjue >Tp J]^fof O^nam tmctmfnM

. 1

binacem atgcnieam m mmp aiSV <Et im galU .

rr 3^ P^^^ goft)llr^(ong cto moUgnc Jaigcjii ^ngUcC# .

j^ e fetitt; golblUo an^a mglnctio ccoo of ^jplucit

y^ olb ii ftjatt fc ((jclbcb of a co tl)a< to fatngi a gajii.

^^^ gag


Cc iwic a

aga^w W ^^ manct of a (KSm go l?9tnc
ctoo <^Bic() to
aiib ti;io croo to mlic tcfetttgf
cucn fio?

at ce6)tng^
actoo fotngt
: foi t^ (uf g*

A^i \W ti/cie atmgo feno ^to Bife

t fufi m

Icitji) tbuU -o ^'^^ owiftmcoiccmauixftm m

(dm in (cute ofuwo . alUcc fic .
q^ ^Ip*^
Idfot ^ng ctoe ttcctolfie cot . Qltngncc ftc .

rr ^ ^^^* **(** S<*^<^ cwo wuwfif of golttt^

^g9 of tjtt at clougn an^fotbgb , tCb^tfocc ^H
(^att b r<^|^b of AjO^ men d)a( btit d)Cg6 atm^Q
m d?i& SM{^ pnmo Uttnc
. . Q;;;q(bo2tat^nan}
cmoiQ fixXQxtam ^ aut w campo afcwo

<E^?) bnttj a[uce Sttf^ a cioc foabg^ of go(^

CC^ff ^ ^^ o;t3cigtt^ 01 cujm^t^

flfo f^ b cc4fegn nobutt wcntfjc Kief) bt a ccocj cg;

im^g^ ox cngccigU^ .a^xt afpcnc Ipa fotolbgng ^nt^
^'1^10 cal^B a cto6 ci)o;txij^X> fot ()tt 10 nof pla
pie m onj ptte of Ijtn) bo^ ^gtajUb alfo Kctt
oucx b<6 Unqfi) acs ouct t)te btoe^ . Qfteuct i^
Uc0l;ic5 igw?l2g 5o ptoput Ungagc afhn
t^ figbi of d)jC5 ctDC t bo( catf^ct an cn^sn^gng
a6 tcuti) ic (^06 it 16 tb? comuncmanctof fpc;
kjTig w tbcge aimge . Cb^ffotx 5c wofe fa^ ac5 ']( fag^ a fooe .

^i) jc (t)aB: faj of \:)im i)Cit bct5 tf^cjc atmgg m tf^ge ffig


ijt^f^ ^ lofgnc tl)u0 , JQp^tat oonam ccuccm mgcacntojii
IS alto m camp mbBO (fet xam olUcc.

^j-gi pii T guUgs (Ong cioc mgcal towpif . Qlnogttcp

. *

Jti^l^t ^atm^t^ of nobutt; imn tk Sict) te mlts a co8 (tQ

Wff^ few ht Uitinc ti^u0 CL 5]^02taf Q^nan) cm

ccm (wncafom ^ (ua;Oi(o in campo tuko

d^ of ^Aut%

L^ abioctjctM.

r^toDbe j;e j^H tfkt f(?c^ aoffie (t?ct iq at) o^ c^oc^ d^

, ^t^tc^ctcjcate abtiottpctoe: (^Bicfcimfan tecal^ fo
fot(;t( jjeidtn^ttg cnis m^anbnotft^.ae Ij^ .

Qt9% ii t0 60 te (bg^ of t^gm d^t ktte e(;c|^6 a%

Yng^m t(^20lSgfc qptimo latim pf^ P>t;
ftit l^nam cmaD) autxam no^ttlaiam tftuo afo
tso <^f o;alUcc . il^^l pti ^fo% o^ng ao0 b
fonc oo . (^ngUce . Ciri bnia c^ucs St^
ft aoelmott];of ojodC^ ^

jSCvt^ e^ c^o0 t0 fotmte o(^t SSbtt^ p^^ oz fs'st^e 1 at

mge * ant)2 ^^^ f^^ ^ ftSt^fi w2[fag^af6ce

Cr ^ff <t ct06 flutvi (tnotft^

S)tc0ctofft6 Se Iweamfo)) ctO0 flutti of (^ (Ht;


of ({): fagO ctoe . ^n^ ^

azwge bcc of il^ faj^
Utmc <II Jpozfcflt cowam ctuam noOuUtom f lo

ri^nm Mvxam m campo te afuto . (Etjcmtoe fie

dTS^P*^ cofot COW5 cto0flcceta bfonc 002 .

(^tngUa . Cr ^ ^^nt^ afutc an^ a CCO0 fl<m bnottg of

QT^ff <( cta0 ootbbuS 66'^

^<Ctoe dolbbtttt 0fbttntm% atntge of ^juctfc ttobutt

^fmn tffi ^^axUm ctoc 10
mfec aoo&butt ghtt^ ctoe .

be ^ug^i^ oz patti^ offer (t^ long ffibg

jj^oJ if It
ae fie vnaf fc b^tc Q^tf Q^ ^tcc fcen man); no ; M ^ li
butt men csolbttgttg of ti)^ ctos moots d)Cn of ang W^3
CXO0 a fbtc foi^ : Aft tbtd) neuet ri|K Uce af tu long I^
^ifptt(aomc m (I?5tpgnt0n a focejfbg^ a(li^ anop
concluOtO C^foce^t^a(krt0 ti^a^m^ Vattnc
. . fie .

Q3 jjboxtot 03wom catccm ^upUcafenj atgcnfeam m camp m^

gio (Ballice
. CE Q[^ P** f*'''^ ?)ngcto6 ^tbbUpttc mt
ftc .

3nt ^nglice fie CCJfec ^^ ^bUanO a etc Doftblt


]pe{tifo^ of ^(ii4

<j:Off Acioe oofbbb {(% ftotif^ib

^^ ^ 3^tgwg Tibbie gti6f^ 16 ^anc^ ftrni tii|^0 .onb tl^^

M fum men fo];eti fo^ ^t< faj^Utt) d^c mgti^j^e of (|^t

f Ma
lolbtt ticon t^ti (i^tt fbtolb m tfy n^l aim
1^ . % \bttt) a:(an m^^tige b]; no manct of Ss|c
hi ii)ai cioe o^Ibbk gtitx^ ma;; be . ae a no^n t<
(^att k ({;c&)C^ . (^oi (^ ti)at kn6) tj^cta aimte
Uttnc . CTJpozfeif o?nft) cmam ^pUimgtifcw oareamm
mmp mbo . (SolUa CE 3^ P^^^ ^ o;oI]b(c3 ^ng; c6 ooubk

gtic ftotefofc 00* (^ngtia CH

^^^ %olhii9 an^ aciM
ODibbU gCittO f tuiti of cjfA^

Cr<J^ff * ^*^^ <ri|ii(i(fo ftott(^i^

M 10 ft^elbeb a fbce tf^te cto6 i0 (a(o? a ctoe ^tbbk

S^l p(i(tl) f lonf^t^ fot tb^x

f^ cro0 f lonfl)t^ te rnaTs gfiYc ac

h^^^ ^ mg^^j^ ^f ^ cto^ b);

df) . fyxi
\)H 10 op^t) i\ji Stcb mea)) mgb^)^ putt ifyx tf^ it

ft^atttiofte citlUb a cco0^oIbbUg^tiEt^ flodfi^e^

d^i tat^u it f^aft l mils a cioo d^ccfol^ gftH^
ftum d;^ if t0 Sett bUfcb
, i9n^ . fbt anb ii be
oput^i^ of tec (ongneooz affct ^ tb: bio^nce

cU( ^2 ^^ V^^^ ^^ ^ ^S^ (ngftft^ m ^ n^j;^bt0 of (fy cro0

a0 1( 10 opgn t dyatm]^ a fbtc I^nttpi Q(tn^ .
^b^^fcts ^ tl^at be
at^d^eta a^mia Utinc ^^oxtaf ^naecuce <a^fi^ tc a%
gS^ i cop t 0a(Ue %i p%l

l^ptee fUtttootit^ . (^nsUce fit .


^ ^
tefct Q^ng ctoe itsfo ^
j^beci^^of (i|iice
iid^ acio0 fngnfe^ fUioe of ^4ue$ ^
)o1!o^ t^cct ie> ^f of a axto^ (^atelb of a 9t)];fnex^9
iqpDS ct^ ii fi)zVot&) t?2cc fblolbgJto; . Qln^ knaDb gc ^^
ft t0 called aa ctc0 fbt cuctino^c tf^ge
f{)a^lb of
ft^aoojbiemaTcof bUcbccolcucc.of ^^i fume
ttet ccloucc d)c filxx bofA\fi (^acolB te ma^ of
bUeJie . Anb tl^ totjx of rf)e fame fljacolb is of g*^

fam oolouce ^iti)ilii fcto .

(Jli^Jn^ l)Ktt;a<fe

y? t(}e^ ajmje Ufanc Sppxfet (onam cxuccm

pmbwtani w campD ^uto . CC^^*^^ f"^^ ^ 3^ P*^ ^* P^S
C106 moUgnc (jombcc ^ ^(^ngjtce j^c kat{> of golozBit^a .

QjOff a cw flotcc jxifen^ O^wbrat^

jJ7Y^()Xorf;c^ fomputt te fine of d^c O)mbmaor) of a ccttejtj

ano? d?ge cto6 15 cntcs a cto0 f toa ^mbtste

VtA^^^ .

ac^ ajpcrit^l^ . ioi ioilg fpefegwo; an^ptoputli.

if te no cto9 : bf( a (l)^^Db of fuc() a cto9 . anld
t^ ttfor) ts . fot tfjc to^i of d)C fair) ftja^ib i^ of

ti^cfame QlouccStdjd^c f^l^ . (^n^fo d;c coU

tx ri^at tc m d)e fel^ b^g of
Acebid; bg att dj^c

iijz fog^ (tjaOolb

<Xv^^^ ^^^ ^^^ '^^^ ^^*

atmg0 latmc ^^t^nt ^namcmc? floacttmpfen&mO^m^


bwtom w camp cubco ^Q^iOaUicc fic .^Ip*^ ^ golbfc^ ^ncc

o0 |fe flotito ^mbw (Xl^nc^icc fic j^c betitt? of golbT .

te cuitfi acwc flooa p^< ftmtbwtj^ an^ptfo'*

tpccjpi^ t^ faf P'g w % ti^^^S^ of (Ip f(j.g& (i)a

too .
or @n^ ^ M* fbttt b fap5 et)<itJj2 tl^

cun7 mbio wi campo outeo

<C*<Et jolUafic 31 pott rx>% ?3n5cpo2cpi<^flocoffc^mbf

^^tigUcc lift kta'd; of golic a cw ifO)( f lati (tja^g^


3!laferi6 wcofi be fflacc of d)cie a^tHigc ^wbtafib cf t\j!

Bid) : mongiajteb&ftiClbc^ dtfot^.^i^of foitl;^ bU^

fgng of rtjftiec<an ajmjG fum tgnomiitwM ftljg^ cwffe
tobc tl;? mU jognq; a ^ix t^at ie i> SSit^ of d^ccoloJbtic? {ranf
wufa^ aepc fatt) afocc^of tljet fecetfen nobutean^ gcnfit^
men woigLonie Oji M^dt) b^tx fi}a^ge; '^tuctfc %5c ftlwgCJ m
anb k)\i l a Ui^n ^jjqSoX^at Wnum konS
(jon ge ffeatt fui m
(ambwrtain ni comp auao ^[fOatUcc ^^l pit ^i c6 (Ong .

Uon ^^wbttft ^^^(^IngUcc ^c badtb of jol^ (m^ a l^c^n

. .

p)Tnbiafa'b ^]^@n^mQi fag t^a^fucbcgfonjij a0 btd)Gg^


(ombtatz^ aimge ^^ ti)ae pgenitcne ba^i^o; tij^fcmie not ^m

btofa^ hot ipk C^oitk pf fcfftomg (i d}c paid wen jce tcfccn^tt

to <Ai)^% ttj , d^ ti)2 Qlcuogo ox&gnnjfmoi Uugng w gco^c

tpopa an^ tmftgng 60 iuc t\jti poffefftomsof djcttipgcrnfoag'
btt.1 d^gna^m^^ 0"nb(ati^ att o^s dtf|iO90 a ^K ftvio kutc^
. ; . .;

foi fi^ ft)8g iuc t^Kif fttwai!g : tf;cif tf^Ai fmfti< ai) . fooq
ti}ag n)a^ ki% tijat lion ox o<^t b^fi of l(p fame coloucc ti)Z tSt
cl? d)cgt pro^njfotxc boB . an^ tt t6 Ixttjt fo 6^ tt)06 a%mi&

kUbtp d?p6 croefirtibnatitostot^nt

^gffetctiB . ag fjj

ce nolb afpca^ anx> ^

foifap^ cms QDmbmtit
in fo wocf) t^^ t(^cg at wi]pcb Ubc anxyf it ojpc,

a man b^l^ Sett t^ctts a gtcc ^ifft^ane . fot

k}jt kcx^xt of tfy^ ci6 10 ^atict ae tBtt fto .d;c
coloure of (cz cro0 ad fto (^ colouoe of ^ fe(^
aK^ cllee 10 i^J no Oolbte . Cte^^cc it f^att bfaj^ of ^gn)
t^at fasti)eg0 aiwgc m d^gs Sgfc ft^ft m Ufpn (^e
TQ.oafatoynam cmccm wigmm pifbrcifom flotttom pafentejo
^mbn'atm ^luc bii^uixteam cum atc^oifo in cetmp cufaeo

0alUce fie . <II3 ^ P*^ ^ S"'^ ^^Z ^^*^ f ^ '''^^^ P^^ P*

ca tft fabutt bt^txtotgoit Qln^Ucc fic <i; jf)C fenfibgou
. .

Ue Sid; a ccoe flua pfent ptfU of ^abU fot^nt S*; ^ili

X^olb fotolbie an <tm^ cto0 a? t( f^aS k (t; Qlb{^

BcDta metttclus
({^ ccttd)) 10 at) ^!tnign me g bttt
te croe of g< &td) fi)2t llEas a ^i
ffUtador\ at lonoon bpa cexton b^^coflb^ of ^ce
tan (^n^ttfii9 Xztzimirvft&}at d^cgea^m^
jnag fe m non ot^it cotoucc bf ae iftcz \t afpcd^
Qtiibt^e ctoot0a;i^an ^tmfXi cvoe an^ tt


(l}aiibe (Ci^^ of \jim ii^ai (tde t^^ axmie m ifygR %fc M ii

ft)att: fblolb . Htfi ni tai^ d^ue . HZ^fMixU ^nam tcuam c ^
cemtnaUm <&t golticg fie
. CC^l pt Qong ttogo (Etxmwee

^nglicc fit CL5)ctead?actDccwgn @n^ ^ccgctwoofi^

note 6:^t tiyi colouce t tbc]^ atmge (i)att: tio Is c^ptxfftf fc^x A)i0
ctDd nci d)cte aimits ma); not Is matt b^ of t(;c)j9 coloune ^^
10 o fQ|; ailone of blacitc aM tS()ite ((|2 Sic^ at t^ pmput coto

wof d^ej^eaimipe

Sufftdcntli i^fpcArpes of cmfft^afot^ . itolt fbto&tc^ an ct^tt

Offquattedt cno^^tt
atm|9( quaifetif (urn at atmie quat^ctif plagi) ^m
^umquat^tit uvafif ^nw^uai .

izntmu^du^t ^umquaitedl mDnitit of (IpStcbif fl)attb


fpob)w cucnc^ oon af ttt otfyw ano fiift of <i>aimpe pUp)


Ultt (i^aft b (f^lb^O ftife of asm|^8 quatftdf ip^ipo,

^j^^jbte watictofKpfcajwjewapb quatfeni, Cb fiiP

V^^manciie op^vi Sbaniio^uetfc asmpe ai bsific quat"
Cetlt ac tf t6 oppt^ anb ptopi) w iijatm'gR of (^ bgng of J^^fttm
CB ^ of ^ng;lonO QKn^ pe (l^tt fa^pof ^id
]>* tett^ d)cp0 azmp0 t))u& ae fololbpe, fit(t

\ Uitpn X^lle pxtaf atma cpgic ^mwcic g

^ingtiP qutfcnate . Cpt ga(Ucs ftc

CE2[l qpozf tej atmce tt jj-ranca ct ?tingl?

httc quatfeUs .QHnglicc fie -
GS)^ krte
(i^atmj^e of ^Ktnce g (^glontt quattetli'

f^ti^ t^ (^At( Mi 6c teceue fo no mah ti^at ^tatmcc c^ put be

lore <En^(cin<x IbUifi^nq;. bt ti^oiufc t^ei^te . f6cd)ami^ of
m acmpc be put afoce anO 8c
JjJ^txumcc t^auc a gcfiatt cuU p^
B^pnlumeti m atm^pc be eolou mozmoo . fi . liip pjnl of ^^ (t;c( ;

? <^gG(t)aftnotbc5jnatt|;pp3giittD()lafet<;cTn . bot fn tip

agt^^pte 01 fttfe of tboc^ ann^c d^atfamc cx)lcaa t^i fQunOrit^^
aq^thteof p'^ftjctoftcnot Umaifoatt
^iizf^tO?of ti()amiic.fb<
Tici(t6no^ft)2q;cettf^ coloucei tt}atm^afQafap^ b6(eeozSUf^
otbtr cquaA anb neu .
(C3 pe f^att bcggn to bUife (b^i .

(^ff aimpc quaitlp bine nolb it (t)att be fi)elbg^ .

^e feciioj mawci of %fc of tetgn^ quatfent axwps 19

JB^ -mi . dtufcaamj^e quaacU b bme aeb^ce te

fe^ atmi^cqua^li . Uttnefic. ^^ Uc potCatqua f^^^HiW

tuozatmabtufb quaziiata . (oalliceftc .
^^^ Piti quatfct axme3^iufe^quat^c(ce;^.r

^nglicc fic jgj tend) mf . - amigc btu(c

quat^li ,Qilnt>tl)Cntf UbafkgtlpCbf^icpsat;
wp^ h bUfci moft faeggi) i tfe (;jg|tc5inctt
^^^ ou
fbull te bUfii .

<b ^5^^ f*^ <Vcc^!?w(5 6> eug axmg^ . rf^airtip in f^ttgtjt fi^
bUiflt ! PC woft go fo tb obu fiCc ^ t^c 60 t^j^ tf)it?tt fi^ (X aft fe
(^ Uffc Qdno ge moft knoEb t!t)at rf}Cje ciiwipc cc^pifit afbcc te

j^^t 10 ati otl)!t ^aii of bw)^ng of a tm^ quait f ffil)jn j) at

ml^quattettt b btne qudt(U anO it . te bxne moft t attnte of
quenps anb bee it)at noble queue of (Eno^Um^ quenc Qflnna

Kgfe 60 ii)at rogatt pnnce Jigno; Q?icitt:^ t^ fecunttt : tb? Btcb?

bee t^tnnc of (ghglon^^ of j^wuncc an^ of d)emg of QIC
uto]^ quattU g m .|pQ9r(ee . Qyxtui eo fag m t^ ng^t ft^ of
; .

efe fljrfcc qua t&s {f?c fea ^otwgs of ftatmce tg

m a^ fiifl . ^

tt^Utdc of gol I a fl cf afutc . g t lp fccuntc qua^e .ii) 2i

haitie of gol^ i a ftte of go&Us .gig* t^u ^uaxi aw <gg(

t^ of ^tltt . an^ fo djcumgcaMg (^s bts rf^ge? a^mgs m ^t

quatfeoe ii^Qt(}f^logn taf^hiangatmge.

OT^ff ^^^B^ qwatfettittn^cwgmgCgtnoIb fljatt i ((js&gtt

JL^^cjig^gUf . ti^at to to t!5ite Bj^aw cug atmgei^ic qumf i8

(ng^glif ae l^ afpen^ * g if fl^atl; k fag^ of t^m

g* bae ti;ci0amg ti^uc fi^ft Uolgii CH^^'*
po^tot t aut:o g mbto atma quatcriat() |7 mgca '/

lata . <g< gallics (Ic .

CC 3^P*^^* ctgolblej
of ci;o(t)(^ge(b(e6 quaxferigoigtagttf . ^n^ (^
CIS cat^ axmg$ cn^m^it f6 (1^ at ma^of .)j ^rot^d^ i^ tSici)
Sci%tHg ttr boog^tio o^u c^n cotouce m (p an ot^ei colouce

O ff ^"^^ quatetit ft)i5 hiifg< mlb ^ S^l^ fi'^ke

a^ttoi atmgs i^tfe quarhts<M^ umft>

fe^ quaf tctit a tmge itcsif a f .
fb t c^ colouti^ t m '.

ae oon colottce t mfgtig @bt t(dtc albag

f ii olbf
ficom an otf;u Q^n^ tt ^tk h (ago of

tig tf? azmgs w Urfgw ti^0 . ]Qc(rftit atma

g< b ^
quatferiato iitafo tsalb (xnJgtpo xO^aUtco ftc CTQflpaifc
aitgmUt^bfe quadltt ttmfc Qltnc;|tce fic KJZlk^ kd^ .

^(uec an^ ^abte quast(et4g inofg^


Off 6tm^ t^athni muecb^' tto!& fyi^H f^aftb fji1hi(

^p^^l^^t fe grffbftntfi C4WJ0 quatflimitccbgf.oaacfttm

V^ moi fog (^ is aim]^ quaitetif of cololdbtio Ynucck};^ ae
I^tca^pcne (^ Std) fot fotitf at oato atmi^ qua:fetit tuecb}t oz
of colo^oie niuedf^t .fbtitfjcm at ij.CDtound
quattlt ptU : g^ tow) ttoti^ o^%% . j (b o^n coloK
tc te tueijtt i 6d at} off^ts . tt tistfbce if te fai^ of t^t
g^bm g t{)te atm^ t tf?t^ Stfc fi:ft i Ufg)) f^0
jClUpo^f qu-axftatin) ts afutio ef autco mccto
iBl jatUa CT 3^ P^ quattU ?3aw axfot
fic .

e{ ^^ . QtngU^ fic <X i5 hot!; quattU imiccbgt of afu^e

7?cU) of axmgsquatfefif miim^j ii^a&fytt bffjtJhi^

e^pa^&tif (rnn^t^ h fomt^ ^ucsfc (fi^Sgc^ar mils )))^n

tt w\}m a}f)Cti0:an^t^atODt(^nt?);
lo&M ooti hi <6 an otfjtt bg ^ man of izj a% m^ntit : ae i$

fttft m lafg y> cyzfti< asma quasftnatu t^snta;

in ^ mbto tt dato* 0alUoe fic

P$^ X (

quate)tltt cn^mil^ tt Ofolbte; ct on.^ngltcc

CCl)^ bsntf^ quoiclt QittntU of goftUe an^ go


Of? A)^ P^^^ ^^^ ^ ^>^3 K<^H M (^^K i'^ (f?^ll^H^ *

^Tjrittfentt noK fottftngnof amgcfat(if affei (f^ longc

^xl^tEa; fb Std) cen)|3at(gn2 aft (^ (on^ tSag ^ on kngtf^
ie^ matt wanj man of S^ CT "C^
fttf* gticion foii fo6^ t0

; " , . ,

CE ''^^ *^ ftlfo ^ 5'?"S ^f <**>^go cf 5j .

coUun f)io;m^^ t ,.

CT @^^? cilfo t}^x i0 cigtgng of ij.coblbrie itmfit

CLOTCfo fotfott? t^ttjjafQitgngof.ij.fololbnsmccfcgf.

CCQUw^ ttjfi t0 a otl;ti patting of .tj-colclbae cn^nfat
CT C^* iealfo ^i^Z^ ^f tj.cololbtis cUlb^i< ox nhuUtit
CEQ^n*^ f^)oze oucc t^t tea ^gno; of .)).tlclbac$ ^(e%^

HgfiT[ f^^Jt?^ fe jolb tf^a< <lpr b aiton eiitnje pxttif

af&i ttjc long t&g of ij cololbttc mAft ptogn t&ig a0

l^iap))]^ fot t(;|; k ma^ of collude cquaC ii^ .

(i pHt ^n^ ^ . ^i
hQ0 (^ie amj^^ Ixne t^9
1 (atgn . iU
a^na |xi ttx(ii plona fccun
^um lonsun) n? alctio ct alb ^alUa fie

a (iic . J^t b(^ afc an^ ^luer pUgr; ptif

t|er% ptioon of awj^s sngt^igi tfji long i&p a?j t


- ^.. j^fri^
a f^tc bi ewgmjigtbg of ij colounc fo a^d^it ae \^ix .

afpms . (^w^ fljcge atmje ar cate amjB w)

amglgt gb< of & e^ lotig t&g of fi tuct on^ ^a
bk Qtnl> %t (t?att te ^gl^ of t^im ti^ai fetitf? e^^ee

atnige i la<gn fibu .

)Q oztat a%wu $tit jkaxn ;

^um longumigtfttetttiicatQOTioctntgxo . cil;

lict fie
<ir3^ F*k^gcntingitaglcef ;&abU p;
tet ^ btig ^naUce pc Jf^c fctit^ ^lucran^^abU
, in;
gtajlgt ptie after tjp long % ,
? TwlB it f^att'fc ffjiClBji of ft iwgcj patfif (ftt^ tctafif

^T^^l^t ^d^ manct of Sif^at fotmrsf atwgcpjfif of .'J- oa;

Vz)loDbti0 {J
tJWifU a^ t)?tx .of <^ Btc^ tt tc fo fe fag^ : 00
afbts of quatfeat arnige ttmftt . QITn^^ fijai

lono;u)>i timfa ^ atg;Qh6o ci cubto ^atUcse f&c

QtrigUa fie .
<i; ]gc bnt^ atmjjc ptJ< on
kna;i^ of ^w% an^ o;oI)bU0 ts^ftf

Off ^W)8 gW *^ longlBag an* nittccfcg! weft 3 Ritt ^c{^

[fo ^ found) maytei of S|^ t atni|^ ])(i( at btncaf

<^ lonc;e J8bg of 9 .colbun^ ^uccbj^f oe
^tet . 1^ <4ptii(
_rn^ d)t9 atmge is coloe muecttj^t fbt f^ cole lb
tt0 tx put oot) ht fo an o^tton touno^ S];fc

@n^ djej^ atwg0 Otffit wod) fro iifaxn)^ n^t

tegngafow titafU . I^Si^^^foceief^atJtbfaj^^of
h^ t^SStd) kti0 ti^i^ atntge (^e ac( it ft)att

fptolb f(}ftnilatgt)ti;ue .
UCpf^ F^^^ <(^*^^

fxx^tita fcmn^ufi) Un^^m le colonbue a(fa) t tubio >)iucc(x8

<5alltce fie . Cr3^ P^* ^^^^ '^^ ^" long totg^t ct Ift

goible^ . ^TigUcK fk J^ bvtd^ pstif )m((cb]p( on Uno;(t)e


Off long JBoggwOmfji^f

<*^^H^ j5tii )
fl; tfi0(ljclbgr>

St>il^{i an od}tt mantt of pt<j< aimit> ^a ts dje St

r^ t0 cal^ ^ fjffi^c iDanct patf j< afici (^ long Sag

mtsentgtt . fox d^gc; otufe ^ai . ij . i^tufc cololbde

at pai o C{Ct};tt : (f)af te fo fag ^\)\iz anC> bUc
at put 6d gc6 af f d;e man of mcntg ted^t de tt
te fa]^ afove m d}e qua:tent axmg0 hitsntgt
@;n'^ eb^x^cc JCfbatt fag of ^m t^Sict) bu'e
djcga atiwgc m t^ Sgfc . fitft in lafgn djuc . yPoitai a%
ma fAihfo feain^um longum ts ato(Cn6o ct nic^to mtsntata

otticc fic
"X I fOii ptfcc oi^Bnttt tu long toxjwtfgfobb
(gi anqUa fie CE ^ . bati^ axinge gtit mconbt on UngC^

of ^gluex an^ ^obk

Off atwgs pxfgf aff <^ long Bag cloft^ 02 wtutirfg^

W*^ man of Bg|c djci b aimgcfcotitcpax^faff
d}c (zpi
ll^qB long Sag ncbuWgtae t;^tetf (l)attbf1^$&g^fn%@
ftoc^n (^nO d)cgg atmge b ailxx mncbuU/g^

fo2.ij cJoloBba atpu(fog?^cc bf tfec maneteof

clotb^g6 'Cbt^tc

pof fcffoi of rf)cgc aimgs b
ti m rt^ge Sjfij ao It ft)att be fai^^ fitft Wtgn c

d^'C ' Tp/^fat axmapathtnfccunOum Longuyij

ts atgcnfe ct aforio fnwcbulafa (CtgolUafic .

(Il3' fit gtic Ou long entgcnt g tofoi wncWJ^c .

Q^nglia fie 4J^ l^e bene axmg8 pattgtt oy) Ungrf;

of ^il;
ttex an^ afui^ mnebuUit]^t
Off cumge e^^t ffiatet of ^lui^ An^ jolbt^ d)i^ fc^on 10

\fttt m t^HG ftocipn tt a^cnti) . an^ tift^,^ asme

at otltt ISattea : fot.)) .cololbne a% tncimt ooyi

Bgn^ ^n^ jc (()att fag

of tjtw ri;a feric rf)i0
m t^gs Jggf oe folclbgc fuftiw Utgti
atmjs :

CEf^oiW atmag^ ?>ncofa fccun^n) tongtt

ts a^g^fo et mbto 0alUc(fic CZT^l pt^gti^^ tu long
(tngcnt < tt golble^ 9n^ ^f angUcc fic
. CCJ^e bad^
atnige psigi t\ji Un^ tSbg of ^gluer an^ cjolblee tSatied .

X^olb ^3 ^SS^'^^ ^ ^^^^ ^f ^^^ F^^ ouctSbati :

*p^t nolb fblolbje <o (c of aimg^ g(j< ouc:lbcuC . tJ)e

JL^CSid) cetfot) pttiaon ottcxlba^t temaos ae monz ^l(^

M tet^ gt^on on Ungd; tt)ae cefo foj; on ify pUpn t&g .

ou%'Sci%t . itiQ;txi]^pt . utafit . mwdt^i . mtsniii mnebula '*

m . ancr? Kattcn Ifeetfoce of d)cg6 ccctojw

j^atthfticCbj^ bp fignjc anO fixft^ teqgne

Ikg^ . (Jfint) It (t)adt te fajo of ^jm d^at (atl;e

d^gc ^vwf^ w d;^ ffipf fxift m la(j>j t(^s .

CirjJ5o:eat atwafaatxtftcpttcmfttfo pUtui ccau

to f afouo ' (t 5alUc fic . CL 3I ptt pti tmnfufic Ow f
infox(^n^Ua fic
. . Tc btit^ txfk^ om^ afutc pbt oulbctit
CU &nalb gc d^( ^ to no oo&>(c of d^at ft: ft mU : d^at 10
60 fd)^ d>a< (JkXtwti ft^ faic^ at t^po^t of t^ (t)c(Oc to faUf^
fo^ l^oe 10 oe m]^ qUucq of joIcq oq of afuce

^i)ffa%m2^imfil outtattnottlwc tff^aft b fljctBgt

^Y^^"^ ^f ^ ^^^^ manct of pa^gdw of cotoutid in cumtc

JL C ottIbate 3 Sttt fpcbc ^n^ it cato irwtfii ac^ i<. tci

ft)ott afpctc m ti)t0 fcoct)i<m . ef ftp iStct) tf te 60

be fctg^ if^af tiji goif^tt man tb CBtcf) tene^ d>c^

arm^fi bme m d^te manci as f6lolbi0 . fttft m
iiwfa ^ auto
^ ^oitat tttmg pattifa <g>tmnfufo
cf cubto (BtgaiUa fic . CC 3'
p^i paatitt tmnfuctfc utxtfc coi ct cjoIJbk^

Qlno;Ua f tc . ^ j|) tend; a^m]^ paxtgt ouetHbati (<tf];f

of gol^ anD golbbe

X?<^ll' of atni|;0 patf^f oulhaxtt ]^c f^aft tx^ueat) ^cmpU

'Q?m^ tt^t be alfo t^nf)^^ou(bast an^|>atpf Qln^

^C)p be axUs m^senepo fo tl^i^te cololbde M iz (^2^ afots
df fut 0011m 60 ai} oti)n bt f^ manet of mcmfne
ted)e . @n^ U (t)att be fa^^ of t;tm Afat bene
ttjje aiwj^e w t^ K^e fitfii rti latgn d^0 .

^JQozt^ acma ptxto e^toinfufb t;)m6ttQ isg auto

f afoDo ae afocs te ccl^sf tt . (Ef c;alUoe fic .

I pott ptttt

tfi ttauctf^

j|)e bcttd>
5)02 ctttifoi

gtjt oulbaafe

w^wtjtt of
golis an^ afitoi

^n^6occ|;^afcmooac asmpeoulbatfetfm^ifnoffot
of pt^^f
it 10 Txl^^if S( fufficicntlt tn Otc mlee n^t afbce t atmpe gt]pt on

Ungfbe C^tfba il f^attnot be ce^f^ ^ce agapt) . quta

tmiHUe eft tspfido ?9niue ad entfoeo) an^tl^t le <o fo|;
. .

o gagn m t^ ncjot fcntow . C^ifoci fe fpdtc moote of azm j

p5 pait!^ an^ ftguit tbcpm : od)t of wgmjUt oi icmfif Vnucc

bgt mlRnW ncbuUfj^t an^ (jmmlp^ : tt wc^pe r?of . fot tf^cj
b eagljt fufflafintlj i
QTl?''^ 3 ^**" t (*?^B:
flj? long S&ip .

b \?M0 <9 fgn;t mong moo amipc pfjpf aff tb low^Sap 02 on

Ibaxt tt^at cci^tfttafcic (Tlcu tip lece tf anp (s foimis 02 fc;
)ic . m rf)cjm t^c famt tuUc fl^att h obfeiutt 00 ts afptfit a :

foos . an^ i( i^ cnogt) foi att aimp0 od tl}at man (0 te bUfit

ll^ac anp gjcntgtt mati bnd; gtjt

Off aamjD t\ji ^id) ax l^ cijcif f w an Iptc 3 Sttt f^lbt

^j^(Dtf)(lt ditff) moi Sol^ *

^rpR atm^zafittv^ljitfitt
J^^(ijul^bl atnT5egtpt<^JJBul^*au^t^ll u xf^tf:
l^oT^t 10 no ^can phdon of ftp coloatu? oz ati]^ Ucknce of
bjjutfton of colouM . Ctttaril^ m atmpcs ptttti

t6 rcqugnt ailba]; tl^a^ ti)2 pe]p0 of (^ cdIouocj

h cquatt an5 d>at 10 not tttib m tt^te fto^utc .

fos tl^ mo^cc pte bp rnj^d) iq ^luei . 'Cb^fots

pe fl^att fap of fym H)at bene t^^ atm^^ t^
fufit m lafgn .
CE tf)oztot tsa^nto ct caput
fiulbiOi afonocu ^uabue maotite pfotaha ; auto. Oa((tcc
0^ '
CIT Q[^ P^' Cdzc^t 9ns ci)iff Oitfbt ot ;stl^ moUttie
pecce tot , (ge ano;(xca fic .
CL Ji)bti<l>^ilttci aC^piff
a C^ftcmof afttcsan^ )).molettp9 pforoe of c{ol^.

Qtnx:> It (fcatt bnalb A)al I tf?cg55 atwgc (^ mU dfotc Six

<|^ mofS b confitttif fkatiii't^ fa^ : d)ai at tt^ Ccon if tdfo
hg;^n 60 blafe if d)atrololbteof i\}i Coonte c;txttcx oznioafico

pgouc coloutt m
aimgcacit tgfap^afote B2C^^ njoreouw
It to 6> teme2bgttt)atyioaaniicaIbe6)tcnlt?gi]p aimt^bf

8ff tl}cg b
wa^ of . )) cotcutio onge patdt anb wo mote fot at

)ti^e put a^ ttoi oxtltt : nozatbc not to teml^fiaxigf atnti^^

atttlpg^tl^cg be mats of ijcolouwc fb> t^ cololDTO notol;
lonli ong tet ^guwfc tgwgc aa pat(gt oe^^c Ofl)cng (^ti*^

d>eg0 a^mjWJ fac cafepilitaiwjefot t{;cg berwa

^ bt tljj man of paU6.(2lno it ft)att be fag^ of
bgmt^atbctie t^egc a^ng^iUfg*) t(;uc. jB^
M axma paU(a ^ auvo et aforio ^atUcc fic

CC31p*< pU ^tcttofoJ . ^ngJice fic .

CC^ benti; pU of a;o(Tft an^ afute -

CDff atmg0 pilit^net^tti nolb ^ce it (^att be (^elbg^ *

(^Igt ttamgc of tgwe at fotmne OJnzotgt djat tc 60 fog

tSateca a^i^ce a^petto ^y^'^ Aft^z be cults polgt at;
iMgsj O^n^tgt 6) tf)2 ^ifj^mncc of tearit atmgB
C^nmtgt . t\ji IScci) atmgs bzcit mag alfo be Qon
ttktgt ac^ aftcg(t)att be f^elbgt . ^n^ it f^a^ha
fag^ of ^tm ik)Cii bette t^ege atmg@ ti^u9 m latgn
ISoieat atma palofo Q)n^ta O^el i}9noofa 03 mbto
et fttgcto . <gt galltce fic . CL5I P^ 1l
Con^ IS golbk^ et ctttgcnt . <Bt ang(tce CL j^e fic . beati^

pljf Q)nmtg( of goIbUe an^^tluei

. ;

cn&ff CLxm^z fs\xt cvAtsi ano fyatpi nolS ^ SiK fpcbc

?* 5<&ltc ati^ brfpfe ^Ib mowj maww of Bgfc tftcc pAil ax ;

^I^Y igg be boint ^txfzli ae t( 10 f^elbj^t m . d^j^c^ b>be

an^ ti^eie atm^ nolb f^lb^ (j?ce k calls plii :

tte p^l]; at put 60 jcd^n : o^r) m <o an otf^t cto

bjjitg C^tfote tt(t)atttefa;^cf l^t

an^fl^aifx .

<$ SSt^ bene ^ce atmta ni d^^e^fc fiitfe t la

i]gr) d)U0 ^^^oz(atamapla^io4tuofa am

Ca ^ ntgro rf atgpifo . atlicc fie QT^l P^< F'^ ftitmfcfe

^bU d mtjcni ^ngUcc

tJe . fie ^. Ql}|)C teatf^ pU epobgt
on^ f^aspc of ^bk a)^ ^g(uct

Qff atm^cs tmtti fUip) notb ^ i^f^aS k (^eft;^

*prr<Ste t tf^ c^apg6ute afore ns ^tttijmg^ of p\U atmt^

JuJ,an^nt % d^apgfcia nolfe fclolbjug le fl}att ic irtet;
Higttgf of btn< axmge fbt f^Stct) tt f^att beimolb t^ at^
m;^ )^a;; bcmoii]; manes of S]p(cbtu;af . an^
H^ fttfe waii of Kgfc tc plagn tattif ae
a}pca0 . QHtibj^c ft)att bnoIt> d;af ^1; be oeitoi)
awg0 buuf pi^gn . an^ d^ gc (^att nott ncoe
<o fag i t^ bUfgng of djcgc atmgc : ^ bcad^pla
gnc a*nigc5 texcit (^otiatt ofl)gt ^t^tgngat;
wgc batdt : gcmoft netgtJ ^Vacc flji bVafgng of t^m fyltbt
(f;o0 batcii atmge t^tff^t ftom p lagn fbt fBbe ba$ti( S< a
^ wiunipgng cxagw^n^ g^oOw bafti^ j fg be bavH g
. .;

02 ot^i ^iff^teticc hoi ae foid^^pU^ atmie afote gefl^al

fag m Uil^n m %0 Sgfe ycyoxfat atma btia(Q ^ atofnio g ni
gro (Bl gccHicc f tc CT 3 ^ P^** ^'^ inrjwf et ^oU
. .

QKngliceftc * Ci^^cfetie^ ham of ^tluctan^ ^abk

^p^ nalb gc fox itaf\ fi)at acm^ btttf o(l)ic Stk oc bmt ^
f^ Ontttttittbattg to fag tSafeti ae fyt^ Uci^n^ ^n^ .

C(^g be (xdk^ bavit i^nmtit foz et^cg be matt of i) coiouae . . wz

fgnoj fo gc^cc bg <^ wanct of a flogng SBcUte ae
i< 10 opg) afoce . Qln^gcffjattfagof ^mti^<
bca0 tt^et0 atmggi ^10 Sgfc fitfe t Ufgn i|itt0 .

^^c/itolamahattata^n^aJta xs ntgto e<albo

(DalUccfic. cC^lp^t^'^^^^^^^'^
et eoigcnt
. ^ngltce ftc
of ^abU an^ ^ituei
^e bcue bam (pn

<]3>ff acmg0 hatni anb inuccbgi ge (tntk {nue <^ctnf>(e

v^^^ aatii aimgs muecbgi a boine of dtuetfc gcntitt men
^]^^ a0
^ 10 fl>eJbg^
batte Y).colcutt0 at put niuccbgt
. Qlln^ tl^ag at calUo muccbgi fb
bg ma
. t\ft

net of a tountc tBag a0 10 fog^ afoce . Qtn^ ^i g^

tettsei^io axnig0lsa0 m tJ^gaSgfe fttftni la; .

ign ^u0 * ^ozfett atma bttata tt colodbue

mko ei albo mucctt0 . i^igalUccftc .

<fT- 3(1 pti btd oettee t^ gcIbU^ et mtgeut

fie(jjj^ebed^fcmti muctbgfc of goSbteo arft

^(^n^ ^Sg9 ^^^ 3olbh0 fox t^at coUtue 10 1^

. ;;

GffMW^^y^i^tcvAil an^f^atjpe M^uft uf(l}ilbit

fba]; be calUo atm^e bmi foit ^iffttitiiio of at;

ni|;0 tifi fante man of Q^^fc piUf : an^ t^|; be oxi
U^ ccob];( ari^ ^<itp foa 00 if ie faj^b a fbte . i^
lotolbtieas put togdi^S^ ctobgtU an^ (^atpe
^^fote it^aftbcfag^ t^ t^tot^t^Std) be
ti0 C^pe aintge betit^ in tt^ieS^e
^ i(e yfixtoi cLxma hodtdta fottuofb et AOtfc
<i( gatttoeftc Crf|l ftt btti dtunat<a^ amfe ?s^ ^abU et;oot
ft eft t Ukt]gn

^ mgtn ef auto

QI&io;Mce fie CC^

bcat^ hxne mk^t an^ (^$p of ^a;
b(e am goto

X^olb it (^aftbtff^efij^of atiM]^ dS^^^at t^bl'^ ho^%ii.

^j^^^ be foifot^ oettoi atw]^ bcb(t (mtif am ^ct . be oiC

^|y(^bcn^{;; hxtxii . an^fbttf^ie oiufetl^g be oxlcsbcn^tg
bmtt .9 .coloun^ at tunj^t 6cf o^e^bct tn eue
fbt .

tg btcebcn^ig . ae tf id oppi ipx tt^ete atmtf

^n^tb^tfbte tt (^att be fog^ of (^im ii)at ben^
(^10. actng0 m tt)i0 Sjpfc as fblolbts fitfi m (a
: .

<^ iifut^ 0[I3pf^ Y^^^^ ^^^ bt^tia ^ m

bio ef auto . (Bt c;a(Uoe f(c * CL2[l p2f bcuce
bcii^cc ^ aotbte^ eC ^ . (^n^Ua {nc . CLJfi bcti6) batvi

bo^g^of olbU0 an^ goto


Qf f]Kt)
a)];6 ! as |xxl|;t txtm'f an^ bcn^j^i .
fb: an^ tt^ej; bo)

pcigt a^m^ in t^ Ktc() ar f6bTi; fo man); folj^e of con cololbte

oe ar of an cfijn . QR^n^ iff tip plg6 of btt^c ^l;} cololbne bm
mt cquott d)<06 atm];0 be not ipcXi^i .

CEQf^ ^iuctfc am];0 of o;oititt men be folBn^ 9 .fxUts of oot) .

rololbte nn^ t}j of an ot^t as

. . . m d)Ct0 acm^^ fololb^o; I;|2ce

ttf^aft beff)elbcb . iifai tc fofag ^()et be.t)).p

(jM^ of Qolbto an^ 9 . .
of jolit fo) of fy colo&cs
of tee^aipetttt^'.tt^.pteee in (b^ f^elts an^ bf
ij . altone of tl^ cololbre of gjolte Cl^^ fote tl gS
bft man iifat
kutb d)et0 asnrpe : htie> I tit)iB Sifc
^C^6 2^ f^att fo^ of ^tQ fixfi m Mp\ tf)u6 . .

^oitai ^uoe plo^ auteosln otnipo mb^o <E( gatUafic <

(H^i pst Ts golblte^ cf ^(u)p paU0 ^t . (f ang^a (ic

Jj^e tetiit^ ojolbli^a anb .^.pUe^f goUs

^m |K (^aft^Ugcnfl; imtbe atni]^ botaV anb (oee btn^

^X|(g mofZ olfo ^ilggi(b ottcnTt fe tb^nombtft of bf^ feo

l^cololbttcs in o^mpe polpt bctttif oz tee btitit of i\^ Std^
l^ttj^flt bame pe moft te ifete Sbm ^'^ b folbn^
in aznrj^e . ae b^ tf t0 f^elbp^ m t^pe atmpe

foi fj^lpncekmUe^ hxmf^ to ^^tffc/


^otnct of Itttttt hatie . Qtn^ tt ft^att be fap^ t^e

tb^ genbtt man i^ SStcb benfi) A^cpe a%m^ bctie

itt^c^ t^l^e Sgfc fii ft in iatgv) ti^e oe foloSts

.'CTjpoxftif (^nam hctxtm ef ^ua^ bcuU ^. alb hi camp w;

bto . (Bf galUce ftc * QIQjl pn<l3o!bU;505^gbrac <tjup

baw an^.rj.Utett bmc of ^gluw

X?^) 3 l^gtt frcbc of atwpe bxtxi^ g G'fett tame f (orifl^f

i/^cElpte (ptbtf^c fo*fapt> ktitthmcj at o%ttj(e Diat8

fcorf^ Q?^^ ^2 aill8floafl)it : fot d;cg Is twaObi g^ wa

nc of a f lo&cc Delucc . Qjln^ gc f^att fag of [)irr)
tifat 10 pf|f fo* of d;cg0 a^go i Ibifc 00 fo %0
IO&J0 fixf^ m loifgn Afu^ . y3o2fa^ (pnam bf
nim e( ^a^ bmUe f lonoct^ oibe ni fma
camp falo^o . alUceftc. TTl ptt Cafot^ng
bm ct teuj bnxUttcc jplorif eotgcnt . Q(tn
jUct (ic . 55^ ^'^^^ <*fi*^ >^ ^^ an^. 9. Ufittttttti0 pbti/

Xl^IB 2 ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^f btn^igp in axm^^ 00 ^t

V^^b]paetfc atm|;0 of ocsean nofaU gcnttlmen a0 ^ce nolb itt

fbftttfcfljclbjt . ^n^ gcmooft bnalbc (^attt

10 calls ahn^d)t Thid) kc^nriTp^atiji ctg^tcoi^
net 07 ip ipxnz of ^ (^l^ an^ : g< dtfccn^tt^te

bf((fi02offl;2 fa}mf^cel;s:fo<b2^ffctan0of ^f
fiit0 oci of U(ett (tawj^zof ^ Sid) k^ tt |l)att

Lgn affci Qttib of ^m t(^( ^0 d^ci^s atm]^ ];c

(^oA fa^ ^U9 a0 ^Jb];0 fii^i m Uign CTSP^^^ ^<W


t >
btitxm Tttubio tstothip mme . Pallia ftc . CXQfl ptf
t^n (!ng beit^ Ct glbU; . Ql^igUa ftc <X j^c kfi^' ofll^ i

Off liftE ietfbg m ft^mgff no& ^ iq an p^ni|>utt

Qtalb )^ ^)l) afota it t0 fag^ f^ai Uttgit battie at m6m

\htnt t atmge monj; ^^^ ^^
^^ f^'ne mmtt of Sifi

mlt)(bcn^gtlg^ (o (I^ ^iff^mn^ of cpo^h biti^^

oait tc{0|>^ Qflnb of ^^
t^(bcct0 tbciB ti^9
it (^att be fagb ftsfe m U^n a^ fyte fbtoSbg^ .

f o%mi ^am bentam ^ ^uod bcn^utos xn auto

icantp bUt^
Qono; b(no7 e(


b ^t

(ptf ^fo
^no^ltce fie .

J& bctitf)afuDSai)^^ an^.9b^bit0ofo;c(^ .Q2n^t()eS

bt)i5);b a) otf^ttlbgu ftc ti({)gf 00 is fb^lbg^ >n t^ ftgtite a fore

m hixxiB * ^ti^ m ^iu(c azmj^ tt;e^ be foun^tf^ai tf^eg b^

c{)cnsf . anti itrni be plb^t Ibi(t; m^Utti^ . an^ fu^ !!5tf^ o^it

x>f^rano t^ Sicf^ nc^^ not to be fio^utit ^ce^

(L ^ff atn)g0pa(tt anb b^gt ttolib fytnU fyo& be fj^^Ibg^

^^2^ jD^ be(l mamr of tbgf^ cetfenlg of bejgno; of ^gufe ax

Vw/ jngs in con (i^eet^ 10 m t^cg benbga bertng fo d man
i(>at f)Di0 a pafttmongp kft bg ^t'e j^^jn itti^ 0;
d)es cei^Yi tottO)^ bg ijts tno^gt cu^^yio; to Ifim
to t^ Su{) lon^ nto^ms at ajpooimtt
of t^i0

atvngd of o(i tpte fot it maj; ^o^ d^at d^c^is

02^20 (oom fo ^rbg t(;{tlSxp an^ ^tfcent of ^V
ftDQjQigfutid i\)Kn mag ^ txtg^ M^ t;gm li(t

Iifcnts5 ^ mag bte ^10 moistte axmje Mifmititft^^^g^

fuocdfe . Qdn^ t( fl^ott Is fagt) of dtm (fyxl Mtg, e^^ aim^ M
Wjnd?U0. fi<>tCatamapalaqtatgpft)flfta(no<fi)t*>t4
fcmdi t nigto . allicc fic . ^t piyit ptetuKccnic^^^oSb

Off A^ ^^ f^r^E^ ^ ^^^ !^ S^K <|^ntpttft

>Ltntat)ftpmc;ffE<>m^()^ ^an^^m^^S^i^^j^lba

if 10 mats alt of |itfti(te of (^ Stc^ ce^toi fiifdlUof

moac (t)att bc^ob]m aJfihat^ . i^f (d 4^ ISt4>

]^ett^p0 asmge bene m tatp) tfyte jgotfof
C^nam bcmkin) (tifilUfiim x aum in atfhfo afbtto

(&alUa fic 3CI fMtt mfbi QimgfvYfM (ItfilUt eo?

GZ(^^^ ^ ^^ "'^ 'S^ *^ 'i^^'^^^

; ;

t^urn^ mang anb ^jpufe ct% fbtmte i aiming an^ at bt /

of ma'n'j^ nobutt men t ^f ^ Stc{) fum b pUpn ftiti) i


jji^t. film fcaUi3phi. ftn plojn polblmt fum cbbcuf fum

. ,

c^ohtitttigt* fum muccb|;t . of ^Stc^ tif^attfe fp<^n euj^^

oim af &f 05Mt . pUj^c baDune^ S^tt ffjcdic ae
QdviO fitfl of
kce si Off cn0 ^n^ i^ b^buce t^ ca(^ pt^ne

^^ ii 10 mats plop) of con rololbte aloo^ a0

l^amd^gefiocbtt -QlnbiiftKittb f<ig^of ^m

tii)OLi 10
}f fcffot of
d)cg0 atmg^ fi^ft m iatgn ^9
(J^Jjdcaipt fo0 (ofoD cubtae maxmp> ato;(n&o
cum ^iioibt^ut^i ;)^otblo <Bi o;alUa fie

Ct 3^ F^ to*gcHi itoic tofi0^ aottU;^ ^l ontg btwa ttgo

Ib& <Bi ana;Ucs ftc CXTi^c betstt^ ^uik *ii;
. cofie of goSb

ke anb CI bs^ct of golSblt^

^(f owje b^uti< anb rngtsftglif nott ^ fotojbg^ tgcmj^

a bt^w mgt^gUl ofi^t K^ib at btwe of

<^ nobutt men ae li^te nolb t0 fytiDoii m ti^pe fcoc^

^n% fgl^a bt^uce ie ml^ a bt^toe nta;txt]^^

^tl^^Dbt oft^gm i^puigtcbg gantfod^i J< iC'
fte of t^wgc ac t< 10 opgti ^te ^nb <^^ pof \r^ ^] .

feffbiof tf^cg0atmg0ba0t Utgi) tonQ;t(;u0 a0

folotbge Q3 SptoW a^ma ^ auto f gmbaata fi

titt bibupci^i ^ mgto mc^m^t)^ cum fnbu0macu /

kttte ptforato ^ ^blt ^ngbos^tjec mgcag(ce ts^obU .

l^iiqjUce fie .
QJ 1^^ feu^ gpl mot^g pi*(owtit 'of ^a
. tjj .

butt anb a bs^C9 mst^gUf of ^obutt

; ^

X^(&tb 6f ditntgebtti^'t :tn^ faktiiil'^ StS fyi% ^cmpfi

tj^^^j^ct tc fcotnc m aiwgs acctfmi tm^u* kitixHi m (jstc -

Untie 01 kfanftB
if fe not ttcaffati
^ fo cjppccjj d)C (xlo&tc of
uct of ^ctvft
(^ Gs
: fot tfjaj .

Q?n^ t6(t)att is faj^ of (;trn rt^at Ixcio tfeccajmtg

in %Blbgfcfi:reniU([gndi^uc* <XflP^^^^'
^tuw fignum capttnk tc mbi6 m mmpo aifcc btW
Ktemt) aim cubto fe*Unfo(tm (BalUct
fic .

I pit tgwt ^ng ci^Jufttcn tc goDbtej fc JMt

ttc tugoDbtejeaUnfe . Ctangltct fie . ^J^kxiii) fifuwa


ttijg po&tcat opuctfe tfogg otl^ct KgU Kttt) woUtttg JBif{>

tofte o: Sttil} Uttjtt ctcffic 02 Std? bcfanto ct o^ci ^p( . @n^

%t ts caltsa bt^utc poDb^tit ffil^n ang t^gng is t
ti)ai hot^uxx : of ffi!?at fumcu fignc it fc ac tt .

itj foj^a foce ano t!;cgc fignge ae tofie molctif

an^ o^ct ftt not counttt fot ctan nombut : f6 g*

nombut of Actt polb^jgng cjxk^ic t^nowbut of
t^ (^rt^ rf^^S* bot^uR tc caitsp&^t ^tB
^n^ It (featt fiig tljat 6ft pff^f fo* of t^cgo atmjS few m fin^

; . ;

fum^ cum buoSueflQ^is^ otpitaUbu^tv

cubic tAiod^^b^
dioa f ulttifbta cum tatmHe <g( gollta fic . .
OlGC P*^ ^
cjQ(ble^ ?up (Cbtof rone totgoii tt (jong fcwl^ce Db golblej plb

of ^gluet (uiD a btOutt fDtb^tit Ibtt^ bfantie

fo: t)i{ 19 ma^ of . >) . o^lolbtie b^ t\ manc^t of a C\piAiz% ao

^cc it afpctie . ^)ic> t^ (^att te fa^^ of t)2m tt^e Btc^ bne t^
g8 o^wgs M tj^icK^f* a fololfege . fuft m la;

ipn tl)u0 J^ottat conayy) cmcem mbiow) pUi

nam i cawp) aigoitec cum O^na b^tem fcaccata
^nigcD 2t atgewfo . <B< goltice ftc TTl pt .

latgeni oongcro;^ plapn ^ goDbUs bt^uttt c\fiz

btt 26 ^bU ct entgc))^ . <B^ anosUce fic

^e tortd) ^iluct (on cttve pU]^ of ^olbUo ai^^^uts c^^hkt^

of )bifl^ ^abuit ^ ^iluer .

^j])ff boi^uOTgobonattfuolb^ ifi^an (gemputt

ITalfa j?e wot ou d)ft^ j^if bj fittt tfceg0 cicmjg ti^c ft td)

^mfpxMQ of o/btDsS^ bot^ae : ti^t t^at) oti^ci^ bo>^

tt^a(t0 cai^a bot^ure ^obonatit ae .' fyvixt ^oSiiyt^iih^gt %

to fag of bUcbc ^ S()t(e

^ ^f b?'') ^^^ ^"^

una bt^m is m^vo et alto gototiata ( ^ gal .

lia fic CL 3^ '^^ Cntgcne luj bnibec ct CCng


ix>ti>uce v foSlfi ct lic^i QlngUcB ftc . CE j^^ tent^ |fluc

1} hnb]^of ^abUStt^ a to:^uct gotenatit of ^abU gfilucs

GT QJTn^ tl^jft fame tot^u fcoate tfjaf nobutt p^pn tb> ^^/b
of (EHoucsftgt bcct^i to &)ai nobuft SonoDba &;;Ytgl^Q t^
fifH) : i\p iStcb tD]^att ^ubc bte m M^ atmj^e ^ ip^tiatm^e of
^mtmaon^of ^)ig;lo)i^quat6l|^Sttl)a tot^uceasotonatitof
^ilucr an^ fabU ae le ((^elb]p^ m ^tufc plaae . Qln^ 60 blafc
(i^^ asmpe t< nc^ts not to k n^tfiC foi it te fuffifdcnilg .

tagt)f afboe m ^mnfe plooe*

<E Jiroi of tm^ud^ |;a^ m aini]^ of cotolbtie muetbgt

jt bgiibi^uwi atwgjj of ij.cololb^

_ tfemccltp^.acbtem%cfi2utafl)c;

tc ma of . ij .cololbtMi fe jc^l iwnccbpl QlnO

fl?aft frg of tern fbi 5> bad; t^cgcs atmjs
m laivn (i^tt0 jOogtof otmaquatctatQ te cubto

ti auto cum^na b^bum Ti atgmd) et mop fimtd niutctie


(^t 5rtUa fic Cr^l pt quottel^ ^goBbkj too oucf^

CL Jt)i ifide^ quatcij^ o^oIbUe an^ c^oltn Stdt) a bt^tc muck

^ 1 19 opgn I d^atwgc m ote fpwc of t^aU of ^axclp 8^S

fb]^ r^ultc b cn(^ bxt)une oincf a& l)icc . t ti^ge
figutt . QLnt cetfan men fag g' mOi no^ putting
a mezueUe ^ifferane of blofpig fo]p : ({^at (i;2 fbx
fbfb <EiU of matcl)c See cnlt (J?ogci
tl^ Stdic
^oatewcwcj B^n fcl;a t Uup^ bore aimjc in U Ije

tpi *Mi tfjgB 5Sgfc 60 fag (J^rpDJfouttatmapla

to biitx)^ ta cf confmconatn ^afono j auto mm (j5no fimpUa fcufo

X at^cnoo all tec fic ^I^^lptip^U hait^ zixciM^foz(t


toi ctcongcfcu fimpUeotg^it . Qlnqticc ftc

<i; 5)cbot{? px
Ig bam contain congf of afurx g^l^
g S^^ ftpU (incite of filu

^^nb djij5 oggngon afote v^tf it m &p btafgng pUfgf ma',

ng a man <^ Ridb w no maii of 8l>tfii mag b t:lb .
^02 if t^c5
citnigc ac5 tt IB fag^ afbce^&ii contmn conatif
^en tb^ UBbtfi
eomei 02 tip coonc of d>aimp etaf 10 fo (ag fb Uilbgfl pognl of
tljj (t)8U2 mag neu b of con cololba ae mtonlg it is of afu

C}^ti d)tgc rf^gnggcj afoa crf^ftf m fl)^ ami0 if 10 cton

of Biefum ^ co
(^ot m att atmgc contrau ongtatt tb ctmgc
loft)a d}awg6 b ma^ ibg mctc eo gc^gi conaUg in the mi^is

^ (t)clT ae m ^ n^i ^gua of t^ (^clcr opgul]; it j^ott

ti?i .
fr f!>eBp^.tBlj?ifotc ae it aifpv:i&) fomp ccfbn fculittf)cgfbaf
h blafit on i:^t9 Sgf : ipcefptt tl^a;csCCo) oufonte tkjat t\p fot

fop^ (iU of (Wlatcfe hntf) djus m lotpn J^oxtauit atma

haitato ct csput fcuti pUtum ^ anajulotum V a^no (z auto cum
quotom fcuto Rwplia i8 ajq&jto . <Et gotticB fie !H I joxt
btrtt ef (ono; Cbtcff p:il omi(te d)(bx ^ ooi ( C^n; eKu fimptt
zntqfxtt . <gt anojUcfi ftc <I7Iyc betttb tmti an^ a Cl^cff pa

U ano^latit of afinx an^ gol^ISit^ a f]^pU (tjelO) of ^Uu.

C)ff citmj0 c^witCkKi congf ^tc 3 Kitt w^imc golb

<f>cg55 atwpc k coUr CJonttan conp^ ^a tijia coufc

fct ctt ife coloutb of d^cpc atmj mcete fo gt^ii

at <i> <on , that is to faj a(C^ mjo^gft pojntt
of ft^ (i^clw <nlg . ^oa cuj te^j tciangulit i0
mooix of Uno^ti)C then of bccOe anO naaml)^ con|;(
(pe pij . Cl^xfocR tl^ oppnpon of t^ moi t^ ffi|f

c^ r<ij& fi^if tbi axm^ afoce : alpafit d^ te to

Cbittc of fyt ;

U0 aintgc of ^MC^ Saxpalpf bictt an^ contcau cottgttofe

b cqxxugt . fox fo jnjx^ t^t t^ cong^ of foxfag^ aijmgg ^

wt dfi mid) ^ nccefftfe (^u(^ ftccosts iff ^ fc^fagft cpj;

itgon Scf ttib
m latg^
Qltn^of ^ (iai tett^ ti))^

]Q csti;t ama c^m$ona(a ^

a^mgg gc fl^tt
blc^to ( olio
iBf gaUks

fie ^
pt^ qjimM ett(bt d en^ttrf (^ngUot ftc

bot^ 09n(mti cxmgt cf a^te an^ ftluct.

O ff P^l^< ^^^^ ^o)b ^ts if (i^tS b f^elbgf

^^ . ^tl^ eolo&ae wft to gctgi
in f^ wg^ft pjm< c^nlg

^te ^n^ . HfffcA h (age cf ^^St^b;

CXT^t^taf toe nigme ni camp aueeo
<Dollis fie 31 ip^s^^^fmeptke (oUc

C (Dff UU0 in atmge fyxn ndk iiffi^ b ff^lbgf ^

jL^Css^ ^t^^ acmg0 afdtt : ati;^ tbcgeff^at cum af6es

Sbrt^blafC^gminUi^fena*foot^azS^tkt^ tome
piU i Utgn t06ibt foftfok apefc^ fgmbce fo bpu< O^n^ct ^c
fslo^ of a btg^e : 02 to fgd^ alibi tS^ibe as t ii^mputt afos
@n^ ^gi^ikf^t0toft^|nUit0^fMat6inmmTBiftei
JiiSf 6opU^S^: ^8td^ %^mmitfu2P^%^^ikto
f^ M^

cn^ ti;e i ie oxl^ m Ui(^nptU( pctiUcs a fotebt

'C^2f02t([ f(}al);lx fag^ of t)^fi^ai bettet^c^ at

yn camjX) mbto . ^tgaltiafic .


goDbke t)^ . faiU9 of ^tluct

a<BsCnnU ^ ntofe mc^ tifali tfye ficgate of bllie a ma

tnag f>on ct . '^cifote (f^ottf); if te to b bnah ti)at (id)

bllie ttia^ (pattc aft colott>ae faottl^c cololbte of goits fot ^ tf^t
be of 30!^;^ colour : tifi^ fl)ul^ te oil^ ^nti^ o^ befantis t^
Sic^s tettt of gol^n cotolbice *

Off ^^ft^t^E^ ^ ^^^ Cadge tit ntntg^ #

y^>^i^t be alfo fxithiUe f be Ufift Caftg^

4^<^Stcfa be gtetttt ifyn b(tpe g d^otmj^e
be feulg ma^ ae ^ce tt te opgi) . (^n^ ^ d;af be
atmge bcdc; ni t^te Sgfe fttft t \Mjps
c(6 (i^e];^
<I1^2t%xf fcee 6o)(elUecubia0 1 campoauao.
CE 3^ P^** ^* ^^ ^^^^ fotfeulp
Galilee fic .

^tb^ 1 ono^ta
" CT Sol^
fic * ^ ()ttcid^ . tii .Cab^ of

^FVoae ouet mesbe ! tbaf M ^tUholll^ m axtirg^ ae hakw

yj^an^ bi^fanbe att tlfo^ ai ipott volbn^ figuae g not gfcm^t

Off 1%^^^ ^ SeKte ^ce 3[ Ibift fpebe

^O cu <^ le ti)zi b c6ji nobutt wtti it^t bi ficlj^ toun^ ft


guai^: tl^Qtc^ fiQ;ua0 atotlos fbn^j^e otSelto 00 |^ap

^t ti)e|^ rcprcfint tumote Aft oololbte of t^e ffib

tei ^ a Bctt t^ Eld; is Ib^ite ^n^ of (>gm g*

kae dTf^ atni;;? pe mof6 fc^g i)^ Utt^n Afu^ *

jj^otfnf f CC9 i^ti(C0 1 mmpo aucco . 0alliccftc

"T t pit 001 ce ttotc fonfegttc . (^ngUcc f tc .
CC?)^ ^^^
of joltt an^ ti^ . Scllie

Oft *?^?^ ^ ^^^ ^ <>^^ ^*^^ fttpmmttife 3 Btttfrcfee

fQ^d)ci h iim ficjutio ^ Kicfj fe gfombt ao

of b]?") rf^^^ '^w ttjcte atnij^e Ugn ti>9 -JPf * t

tof tc(c^ (inulos auoeo0icampDrrio;tD *<6ianKC

f tc ^l p)2t is fable ee imt^ anuUttte on Qln

gltccftc JEl^ feritt)^abutton^.iij

<17ff ttct]?6 m aw>g0

Jter|^yottg tt ic( f^gO of btOuttc atmgc Motb H fololbt^ to t .

\Qt.f ^f ^^chc 04 (gnge ant) fiafl of afgwpU ftsoid an^


t^g b m(^ tmctte fbt M

mpc() ae (b? f^l^ cemag

Hgng of tbatmgc ac KcU tgift; 1 ae Btd) olbfe . g

at) ot()et Igne ts ^mlbgti of an otbct cololbtsad

^CD : 6o t^ man of a (incite (^no tt f^att te fhgC)^


of ()igmti)atbeti0t!^e0atmg&tlatgn * y^cttat
CDYiQ t^ctu f tpltctm pUmam autcQ t ccttnp afbteo
(& olltflc f tc . 3 1 pit tofoJ ^ong ettta ptojw Oo ^ngtice ftc
^c ben^ a^tc a plagn tmct of ^dxt *

O ff
afotcf mgtagtg^ eon boE;f^fg^ge^cet^
ttacf ot a (gne off>tt S^tU te mgtag{gf oi)
ein c^etnptt.

bod) i\;^ pi
tee ae ^(tiitf^gefgc^te offwif . @;n^ti))it(^att

be faj^b of tj^m tbaf beci^ t^ge azm^ t i^ge Rj;

fe fi^r^ M lotjti ^>U0 * <r(j5ot(a<(0nmn ttactQ
^^(fou|ue fQtte tg((aco6um^auptcanip9 cubto
^< gallusftc. ^^ipxtxxic^o^U^^c^ttaa
ingtagU^d^cr^coftc (sot . Q(ln^tce ftc

35l^ '^^'^ goIbUg Ibgtlja ttact mgiaglgt on fa^

b(^ i^ f i^gQs of gol^

<17ff a (lacf cottbutt an^ floriji^gf if (i^att be jtjclbg'

Vj^l^g^ ftact to od^tRgU ^Ibbutt ac m ^tmgcj of f^c

4g]#&pno; of ^oottclontc a Ipcc . m d^ie fioc^n a^pm^
tbifoJtfag^ agng
of ^cottclcn^bcoBid^gcBg

f fixft
m \At^r\ fi)U9 . jQottot ^upliccm ftac
turn cumfloabu0o;la^to(t contiapoft60ct(^no
bona capa ^mbio ni camp aucco ^(g(iUt .

a ftc
X^l ptt Cotljjwg coIbbU fcacc f lowto

gitcs ftc Cu ^ bcatl^ o;o(^ a coIbbU f tacc f Uct(^( conimn

an^ a Sj^on rompgng of golbto *

Q^ (toctio itifXatii an^quafttptah't otI;gtIb];U

"fo of tfjcgg atttigcafbcc ccIptftt-Jfgw^nioTX^guwftfe

^fo^ d^ be cctfnnnobutt men tb^ Ibtcl) bete ti^j^ (coctxe
hxpUibf 00 b^ m Aj/jps f]?o;utc . amo ftmi bees ^i t

I|uatctpl<itita6t0fbitn^t Otufcaiwia .Qln^ gc

(^att fap of ^tm t^ai beno (^0 a2Tn]M5 Ittplo^f
Ufgn t|it0 CE Jpottet iiaceum te'iitcattt ^ al

b t camp aiwso oUtcc f tc


X I P< > Qwg
<uic (cip( tttxcjeDf ftc . iJZJ^tbz ;

^^ a U^ gmpuS f of . 9 ooto&cie an^ niuecbgt an <idcwp(e

^^^t fe otl)fir nobutt wen d) Sicb few a ftwpuft imt of .ij

VZ^coldbtic^ htuecbjpf M ^oe nclb tf fl)att fe (t^elbgf m %0
fcoc^ . Qln^t^ pof(zffo% tfUjQ^t} axmge fens
n> tl)t0 S^fe 06 foUlbt0 fitft m iatfvi jpoztot

(pnuti) ttac&tm fimpUctm ^ oolocibue afbno at;

2^0 niucctx0 m fcufo auteo * <Ei galtta fic *

<ir3(i P^^ ^x(^no; toicc fimpk QQetce ^ttfbt ef

a toict fijmpk muecbj^f of afin^ an^ ^lues

J3Cf(z% tmctenolB t((^Skfpob]^of f^ffun0 oaflau^c^ *

^f^xariB . (Tlolb it f^att b ^J^ign of fgf fane . djc Bgc^ c

tan fpfftitie 02 ftaup feogninc m tl;c Ufh ijotnt of ft)c (i^el^ :

ax^m]bnc6>tt;e tigMp^^te of f^f^d^ htioctf^ io (b^^tffctan
beggnnc in t^ ngl)^ b^^nc of t(;2 f^ellt ^
ce of b^T>Tp^ tkt Ibgct)

as^mlbncfotf^c bffe fi^ of f^ (^e(^ bcnttt^ . an^t^ge &p

tnofi t^e fsfM ^^ ^talbne aelpce a|f>cne i i^^a
fgjute ^nt)pc(ljaftcwi^Mftont^at d^ci&fif
fud^ otfftznac^ mon]; liSage ae ^ fotfo];^ bcn^g0
^j^ffcx^t hot %i )i^0 no( fo be tc^j^tfgt fot tt t0
fUign (^elb^( afocs C^tbc fgrfl<n0 oz f(iauge
pUi];n ntojm^j^t anO fiif^loM . aa
nntcc^rt .

3 f<^H^ afbc( m ti^ ploa of bcn^ (^n^ ^|;o ftauj^e bfla* i

^^ at Sonf 6o bcce oxnomli iA^a^ f^ul^ bm (^apm (^ti^
<^tt^9 fSfM tJ0(u(^a (tafjf^ ^ifmi)iiiz at(o a bfiion r
(^o{ commfnli it i^ mt^ a ftffucc fox ae m^d^i^aff^ cUufe

tKug^t from t^pihimcng of ^td fnZi% ^ti^ fo f^c() a bxfiai^ .

IB foik^ 6d hre ^e tpott atrnj^ op ()te fats ^ <b^ ccu^ome

0^ \jiB blote b( ^0 fATtne atm^9 (i? ma^ bte Rttf^ fgc^ a fta

f fe ae ie fixj^ afore : m ft^ne aM ftnatt tscUtpaaoti of (}tQ bf

Cni^i; ar\tQ fo (^ otfftzuinct of pcoput an^ itatitttitt )xipt of
()te ^^2 (^n^ ]S^ ^e ^uc an|; f^ a pUi);n fiffuix or a

paff i atmgeos mg;mgUt mu^ch^i oi fuftlUtie ! of tt^af foms

ftaffc i^e f^att (ag ae a fooe t0 v^tfit m t^ c^Apt^oe of bO)0^
vnoote ptopnli ^n^ fy bafiatOc (Ip Strf^ tjtrid; ^Qge amge
f pff^f^s m Ui(gj) on tf^jc mant a notb fytt folc&ge .

TC>ottot (Jjnam fif fumm baculum auceum i campo afbrio


<|&alUctfic . Tl px<tofbxctC5ng fae oo Qln^icefic ^ .

<I1S) hae^ofwse anO a fiffwoe ox a ftaffi of gol^

\^)ttaygnd) . ^no gc moft Unalb t^at ti)caxmgc beat

fc^ ^gi : B^ t^ ^jcx ptfe of e^ (l)e( tt^aC tg ,

iofagtl^f^^CBtDhiatsofconcolouceozof mootbcn jL ^MM a

of con .
f tl)af faxk pfett^g0 not eo tbz mjo^ie I
^^W^ I

of *t^ fi^eto W ahor) ic ffeelbgt bg tf;c fl^dix . ^^^ ^|^

(^ti^ bnlbc gc tbat m 6ji ^^it azmpe ic a cjoo^ \ 7
nan of hipng of ^jufc a:w J6 as bg /btfunc f 3
fiobic man ^^ mong lon^ie anogtste lox^qpgfitg (ji^ mo?

^ fox
a^in^e of
^e mo^%
of ^t'e
motme (^ ntten^e eobcct tt)^
|b ^ mag $o fo^ t< ri^^tibge

j^M ^ iifal t)fMbg5 of a nobuft febj^t o: cf a gcnfitt man .

bg (b Kpd) k \^b arx'g^ fiwpU pahimottj

a nobuft . t^ fgct)

man ! an^ Sitt mag tece tl^ Ijoott atmgg of l)t0 moo^jt in
l)j :

a^ lalbgt ixiite of ^te rf)cta an^ m fjd) an ijuxs a^ ^ fag^

a fott b^ wag an^ b^ Kttt bete l\}^ (^ott atmge cf bt0 fa^g*
QJlnb U (()att b fag^ of ^gm tJ>af beaa d)cg5 atmgg i d^gcs Sg

f fixft
w Ui(gn tl;u0
CCjjSoztafQjnum fignum oxpitaU ^ ni

qp m campo auceocumCono otpite cubto ct tnbue taUnto t co

^m (^ galUcc ftc 3D
P*^ ^* O^ngcb^ucron ^^butt

Qftnglia fic . CCi^^ ^^^ 3ol^ a djJucton of ^abutt K*

a C^cff of goIbUe an^ *ti) bfaniie H^ct
. in

dr^n^ ^ct be ateonnobuff g(oncc$i(;2lbt^ bet fn^b (^^'

ts afoce cc^xfii of c^dxx ae t0 fog^ a fore a C^ueccn of ^a
butt w of fum o^gt cololbtc an^'. ti^ . ce^ toofic 02 t5{;g(e 02 fum
oti)Ct fggng^aecroffts cccffanto ba^^ge ozflolbnean^a dft

cff fum of ^abutt film of oik)^t cotolbtc Ibtrf> (\ji fignc of moUf
ti0 01 o^ct fokgngng) ftp ffiid) n^ not ft) be to^t fit (^n^ ^*n .

f^attcueticboon of d)egm be bUftt m^ie nombut Ui:eac tbs

felte an^ ti^ fignce cequtte : ae bg fortune fum men bete ii)ue
(0 fog . jfje bend) ^butt a Cl^^ucton of gcto^tjj reic tofga
Ofj^olbltts a Cb^eff of afute Kttf^. lij moUttge pfowv6tof <JJet

an^ t^0 of att ott^e: ^iffi^mnf ge *

Off **^?^ P^^^ '^^^ ^^'^ (|uafe of an od;c coloure

'^ifikn(; djc) be fum nobutt iM ti^e Jk^gd) ben ni t^ as
; .

et>(oute oz tf^ cotolbttc; of <^ (^fo oe (^ in ^

IStc^ atmts if ie d be fa^^ ^at tl? nobutt man (^
Btc^ fens m d^tgSj^fe fi>f6 w Utjjti
ttjijm bnd}

j^oztrx^ atma paUea ^ afcno g auco cum ^na

quatteua ccemctica . (Bt galUa fie . y ( pott

jg katf^ plj afoi att^ gcl^Ktti} wn ^ati of ^trngn

^]3^n^ i< te fe b noftf tfja< gc mofi !ttc a trff cfcbf < 60 f^ co

(cibts of d^epU i^ Stcb ({?ute oT^cn^tt ^ ^^ tsg^f (^tne of (^^

q^atkt ISct not d;c . an^ t d^at cololbc? ^e mofi

(^cltse ifftl)al

cu moots kggni to faUifc d^oo0 asmj^ Ute l^(\uaxt SScrs nol M

<|;eia6 afoit b cc^iiifit *

X{ olb of axnr^fi c^k&etxft^ttf ];c f^aS j^ue an ^cmpb

v^N^^ ^"^* ^^* ^^ ^ f^ atwgGcf^bctft acjfctt noK

y I y^ t an)cnft m tfepg figucc fololbpg a>iOd)gl oilOjat;
nigcT^ziAcd t K^ t^ eg at mats of
coUun c to . Jj .

<l^ wanci of a cl^ci Qln^ ^cg8 aimgs ccfoj


uc mang ^tffztcne ae m b^]^ oa quaitcn^i bs

W ant) tenuis an^ otf) Ibgte i C^ttctonc of g*
Bid)U(l?aB;tefpobjnaiToon folopig. ^nOof:
bjm (t^ Std) pof fcffU^ rf^cpc am jc jc m- ffeatt fog

iot2)t^ tbue Oa>tot atmaMbbata^afctio cfouto 4S(

^1^ teat^^cj of afua an^ gol^

f I

OfF <C^Jine fy Rtcf) I ctjgQf^ a% m( cQttjJute of (patw

/TTf^ Vcic 1^^ in ftimgc^ aifan frgnjcJ i^Std; ai catt

ca{n<z^lia ^cl iigna . an^ m cno;U(^ a coDbputt of fpamt^ 00 ^ce

knee fiifci&t botne of at^fxntonce ari^mabe^

ne of Iplbfeo fot an ^Ibf^ t^ tieu mat? gfife ijtfi
d?oo9 ^amc b put a pn ^t( : bg tip mattc of an
I^^ . an^>)).fgc^ fpatd'e o:c^et:onc toti]pt 60

ge^l^s malie a capitoti; fj^^itc ];^ te to foj; a coDb

f utt of fpaztto an^ ott^t S(?tU 1) f ;xl^ k fao^ne 1 atwgs an^
. .

o% K^iU lij o^gt KbtU mi ae it t^ knalbgn ^n^ of l)im

. . . .

bat bae t(7C|^e axw^z afote ^ f^att fojp ti^uti aefcloDbpe fisft
t Vatj^n <n^02tiot ^ mbto ct ^uo ftc;na capiCnUa ts auco ci{

ttabu0 ,taUttti0 (gt gallice CE^'' P** ^ 3^^? ^^ ^^?

Cbuctonc^ ^1

ct t tot0 (nUnt

. QR^no;(Kie fic ^ j^ e betit^

O ff a Cbu^voq ot afj^n^ mptbiS eH2tt^g< ll^ts te ft)ellb]9t

^grtlfo aCtj^wcron ie otl^it K()tU cnjwiglgtac l)Ba an^ tl^eo

^C3k*^^^^^ ^ f^g^ ^f ^gw tl^ Bid) bene d>eg0 atmi^nt\^
tgnnit!)geBgf . QlfjSoxtiflto^numfisnuniaxpt
tofe mgmtotum ^ otb m cBWpo afoceo <B t gat .

lice ftc <I73l pit info

cons<C^uc toigcwt
iMopsftgte . QltijUaftc .
CT 3|) bctit^ afita
aw^ a Cl)mn^f ^glitgj^ Cttgmj
;; .

yL<foTbn^ a Oolbfc m dx blafgng of d)cgm .

Kb) ri;ci k ma
ts of tjuexfc colclbaa tonfwutxf acbce m d^te
fcocfpn aflocritt) . (^n^ of (;jni il^ Kjcf) kw ^74
oimps ? fl}tttt fof w U^p .
CL ^w^^ tt^wa
quaifceaata CB ntgio (j atgc6Q atm ^no figno ca
pitoli ^ ^tctb colonbue (canfmutabQ . C^alUce
fie . 1
1 ft^ quat^cite ojfabkgJn^gcu^^OJngs
Uing^ louUce QtngUcc fic . ^^^chi .

dd) quat^ctt;^ ^bk an^^itucc Stti^aCi^iucciot^of fag^ ^

colo^bae tmrtfmutit

Off C|;?ttcuew M'ffiigws oij

toMga tBbg ;

!gflI<o tf;gc figww oa <tt)?utoic be ^iffknt afkt tfe lotto;

tf i^im il^ Std) kci0 d;c|;0 aamj^e i;s fi^att fo); m

Wi. (j^ {]bo2(a(atmafatti(fccQ^Q(ogfi^co;
(onbue atfcco g cuko cum ^wo f to;no capitPU ^
^tctic^ coloabuc^ tmnfmu6xtie ^alUce fic

TT I F^ P^ti^ ^u long ^ Oox g golbU:; ^ng ct^

tteixin c^Aunge tunq ts Uulfa ^nglici f tc

j[5^kad^ pxttf afi Hji longe mg of 9 colouae go(^ an^
Std; a C^ueoon of (^ fag^ (oUlbw (mnf mutit

^ Off oolbtfi0 emong^tco^^te tblaf^no; ^|^ atmg^ fu^nj

^ong ^iii2% ^Jktiti : a bo1b<e fy blof|;ng of d^atmte f^oi

e? Utb^ttg )toIb n^( 3 )^^^ ^^ l^m^^ pcsioilt^g
; .

tbcgm fclf? (Ofiti congng w bl<fptg of aimgc wet

ueluf U to ^fccme m el)z bUfgno; of d)cgc atm]^8 *

Qtn^ fum ^D? oon oppipon an^ fxxm an oti;p(

ncuct t\^ lc5 tt te no ^atc ncc^ 60 coDbtc m Aft
bUf png of djcgn) ac tx> cotijng nw 1tb?focc .

of tijw p^ hue thcc asmjc gc ft^att fap t loipn .

y3 oz<n( buae f tte capttie fcutz ^ cubto ^ dani piem ts alb a^

mo^um fi^m capitoUe ctttx^tofaeiscolcabuetmyifmafato.
<0 galUcc d33' P*^ '^^ ^"!? P^^ ^" ^^*^f ^ golbtej ei U
ftc .

itotfune cntgoit ptie;^ w manccc ^u cbucto)) ct ttote cofce luna;

^laulte . J^cbnrf).)^ paxte of (^ ^c^ of ^
QlngUccftc .

(l^el^ golbUean^ti^c^ri^e p(c ^iluctbpit^mamc of ac^;

ueco)) an^ '19 tofce of d^c fame cololbn^ tuinfmutit

Qff atmgcj fwfgCUi m ewglif^ frgn^glto notb 3 SiU fpcbc

^^^j^c: b cttteyi gcHiplwcn an^ nobulc A^a Std) few m t^)?t

y^atm^e fiifdti^ t
of tip nombut of t\^ Bid) t mj tot^of
(Blauceflut ^^ nobutt pmvx (OncU 60 &|png ^vtti tip fe^t fBze

^02 ^lpcit> m tjic atmj0.i)j fufilltcof goIbUc b^ ^ waiiof a

tor ma fcltK of filuci d^i ffitd) etan axmgc djicj

nobutt ^ubc bare b^ tijt tefon of ctstan lon^te k

tongjng to Ajt mounfe Q^ot jc fl)att fap of l)gm
t^at ba(5 ti)ep6 atrnpe 1 ti^te ^octpn m lat^ (i}9
^5po2cat t cubto ct tcte fii^iloc axgoifo .

tgallioB fie .
^ I pit ^ goIbU^ ct ttoie fufuU^
tosg^t Qlngltcefic. Q^S)^ brid;goJbU&an^.tij ftifuUo

^ilu t
ti;i2 manet
n^ otl^ctlb^gU t^C0
a paaU
. 1)) . fiifuUc o . mi . k boine

^tfe fehnofifc^af return. tij fu^teeoi.ij.ftt btncwniflofe

ibnombuc of t^ e^ Stc{) nombut tf tt^ct <pcets fag cuctntoxs
. :

tl)ftf efy>s atmjc fe pjbttrit SBttt) fiifdUe oz od?ci ^ngge aii^

noon od?piSg(c . CCQlno fo gcncnxlli g mofe bnaUi t^at iff

a)t];t!)gnjh bntc m aim)^ ouct (l^tiombtttof.t(^ d}Cti;oo0
aiDije SM fum cut ^^ k c^g ^^ F^^^^ *

it te cCan t^a( |pc f^att fo]^ of ^m (^ Stc^ kti0

t})C]^a^c^lStt^ olbic ^tt>ici iat^n d}ue ae fo;
lobte * TC> oitot ^ robto cum (ono fufulo le auto
^t gsalUccfic.HItpJtt^goIblfc^cowgfwfiB: cot
Qjlnglicc fic CE jt> btit^ g^DbU^ aM a fufitt
^ gol^

Off 9 fwfgtt of ^guctfc lotbae noft I)2a j Sittfpccbc

>arfgfb (^]^ fu^tis fum ipM a% bntc of ^];uaf cotolbos

\^jkA$ bt)p m ti^]^ figutt tt t0 (^elbj^o ^ot it te a mooes .

^Ibt^^Ib t^^ atm^ (i}ui b bUfit d;cn t^at

wgc afotc btf c, f^att faj i iatpt of tjpm d^ B5g

pttita ^ tonfuetfo ^ alb cf tngco aim 09no fiifti

to ipiif^tm cotoabue ttarxf mutator . (gegolUa

fic Tf[t p^t pattictt tcaucte ^tgcht et fobkct


Xt fcfj'ft fiiwijjc piiil CKCitBatf of ^ilucr 5 fafck Eit^ a

pjfgft of ri?2 faam cclolbae iwitif mutit

O fF (^f
gllt^ ^2 ^ '^^^^ ^f ^ ^^^ ^'^ 3( ^* fi"^^ f^2 *

>JL4!of a baits . asb^ccnolbaflpcrxd? ^11^ d)CgC{{;att fog^

of bjm tky Gicb pcffcffte rijcjc aamjc in t^tc BjCc

fit ft m lat^ Aue djpwfo^ Qjnam bwcom

fiifdilatom tc auto nicampo mbo <EtgalUcc fic .

jC I pii ^ goDbUz Ooig bents fufgtt Cox <^< .

ftnoiUcc fic CEj^^ ko^ golbUe a)\^ a bcnte


fuf^Utof goto,

4 wL^^ bt8 tf ajpctitl} . Qln^ tf)cn tt le fo be fag^ of ij^tt) t\jt

Eld) iiatjj tl)cg0 axmg ni lofgw ti)ue .

(C 5pwi
cubto cum ^nO' bxtci fufitUita atgen^o

fcat tfi t)e

(altice fic CCG(^ ?^** ^ gotbtej W)ig fcaicc fu

fulcc ttitg^l . (Et angltcc fic
CC^^ ^^^
goBblfie an^ a bat fufgUgt of ^t'Cuct . ^n^ fum
iri?n fag tl)at fe fotfag^ atm^ buga^ of SBcucrig

fotasmgd) a9 Scucw^fc ficf^ fwfiUgc wa^of fponnjMi Kofit

^gj^natbcgcg^ Uff^mng bi^tbig ffufiltie ^afcuUg 5 Jofgwcj^

XI culge an^ Icfjngjc . DS^Jfowtticfo be bnalb tl;ai

fitfgtlic at cuct wwc long alfo flif jlUc ax ftmttgi cuciSEau hi

tfe boljtt^ a J ^cifcute . Qln^(WtafcuU0 a% lajgct culSbxtt

ni ft)2 blj : an^ fl)o:fet m UngH^ d;oi k fiifjtUcJ . ae ^C8 1 ri^te

rcocl>on Qin^ i( ftjatt fe fag^ of l)jm

Uajpcnrf? .

that Jffsfj^s rf}Cge aim j0 m d}i^ Kjf fitft i la

i^^n ]S oitat gmbio

^ fc^ mo/cuUo Oc auto
<0t galftcc JLl poit ^eaoEbUe ^t-^i wafcu
U& ^t <St anglicsftc
fic .

. ^ j^c bnti^ golbUs


an^ fe^ mofcuUe of gol^ .

SCn^t(;e|^ mafculee ot^c: ISbtU at gfotatii ae 3 f^^S^ ofots

;)i (^ cj^pttucc of (^ CO0& mafcuUtit *

C^ff at\ otif2} manc2 of mofcukegtil^ct ^ S<tt fpcbtt

^Sfo ot^cs CBbtt^ AC bottle atm^ewci\cuUti oekccttcQ>

,m ti)tc5 figiitc fololbjng te fi)clb]5e . @n^gc ftott O^n
tcxflantc A}(xt ti)0G> atmjo k mte moRulatit m
ttpSiA ftp fbtfoj^ wafculc bcg)wi woft pUti^upf
Ij m tlj2 dgbtangU of efe f()cloe . on^ ai cnttO

toi&r^ ft?2 Uffe pfe . ti?2 Bici) attan azmj^^ w uj

tec5>ai palit.gai tcuj0tti6o.i)).plp6 gf tbib
fubtiU cDufofugt (^n^of J;pm d?at bctictbja

axmjc tt (i?att bcfapo t tf}tcj8jf fitft m Utgn . ^cfit^tazi

wa nia|iula(a<B atg^w^o jafono <8tgalUce ftc -*-t po4< .

jttiqo^lctcafox mofituicfi . <e angliafic . ^j^bcoid^

of ^tiucs anO afuce mofcuUtit


Qff lofgngg^ fylto M^ Bj^ftf manct tf t?pf<f;jg h mat*

5jr|^5ro tofutigjc ttctnanct of Sgfc watb)<1awj fcrn


frn^bit . net tbc^j^wicig not fe mata fcj fbi fclfe an^ ti^eg te

fi)citt ^ue tb^ mcoft pcceg ^tffizi^Tie bp tlbtjp (^

f^fd]^ mafculattt atm|^c^ an^ ben^t^ m fScji ptttu
ttg of t()i f6tfag^ atm je . @n^ jc moft tabc tlbj^

fot a c^encratt en/btmacioti ati^ ntftmcdcn A)att

axtanU lof jng) cumow ftan^ Vpo^^f : tl^attg

ta fap t{)at (f;2 tp^ft p^iit 02 (l^ b^M ^ ^ afctn^te fo buioi 02 60

d matm^c bco fo 6)at tl^ l;t]^ft gD^( ^fen^j^e (joctnig fo tb 1^
O of t^ (l)cl^ an^ of tb ouciS^t^ coxtiene con cjptenote ^i
. ;

C(tlg to eb n^M fi^ . an^ d)at oti)Ct cotnct cjpeenO^etotbUf

ft fi^ of tip fbc(^ an^ tb Utbtftfatfe c^ten^;;^ 60 tl;? UDbtfe


paxft of tb (l)clt8 ^i^amccvalif ae U 10 op|;n m tb (IpH^ n^f a

fooe Q^nb fo Stc^ olbft ^Ibte Sc ^uc ttp ^tffvtane of t^fbt


fbgO ftjYicc tl>a< t0 fc Sctc of ^afcuUe an^ Sofjngce .


(Uota alfotbe^xfaj^o fuf|9lUe it^c t hfbunoe gfocatxt net lo;

]J|^otb (^ a fignfc I atmiz g* 10 cal ft ^alfoti a Wftii of a cwcr

^^^3|^ ts an of!)Ct mancr of fignc cjtmjc : bg bjuft

^^^nobutt mO) btne : tip ^c^ cahv a ^aUod an^ tt ^^ .

ie mft^ bg tfemaii of a ccos of ^Agntan^o^fii

crti^t^ nolb it afpedt^ (^n^ tt^ge cooe ie Uc .

bgnt ftftet eitm) monto an mftmm^i maxs^m

tgttt2ffntbg6tl)e IStdb teof a gtetcmao^geuo^
ot latgcnns (^ companTon of ti;g0 fiognc *
! 60
Qtnb it 18 Sett Vtnolb of nobutt getitclmen ano^

hunttcne thaif]^d) foltaiovitB azoatkinf m mongptbgd^pta

ae to toltc Stlcc bcefe^e d^ Std; on|K( djcis oitctpng : b|9 (batf
mflmmente ma|9 ncu goo a ga^m ^Ij^tfbcem ^^(|;nie ti^a

fio;n|^e Sets 2Cu|m fo ad) men . QttC)j ocl)2lbpft mlXA ouorre

Q^SS^^^ 02 bcpn^ f^Std) tncn fuffii tiot tt^cu tt^fucct^ i ffi^t

wanct of Kjfc d)egb gctpn : 60 pffe ftom tl^jjm . Q|tn^o^
kjlTT) t^ iSid) pof fcffie ^^
aim^e 2^ ft^afi fo|; m U^ ^P2

tat ^ afono ct ^num falcadoouYn ^ awpo . <C t galUcfi fir 0-

I pti (tifbi (ong foulbea Oot
. <St
oa afbtbta of gotts*
angto Tic ^^
Off atm^ faftfcu )g;t^ttt^n3[ ^^^ ^t^twiphft

Y;^<D& boej^mofl (matbfl^at (f^^saimpe ^albteeb 0;

tijtt 8btU cngtaoit wijitxm tbjc figuw nolb ajpcntj^

t(|^ t^b odl^ faDbtts cngva^ii oe it te

fo]^^ afore m monj^pUde . aeof ttjectenio;taoit

of bttte an6 kn^pe . Qtn^ of ^g^Q ^^ bas

t^pe atmi^e ^ (l^att fap m latjpn ]Q 02 tot 9;

ittun fcdtatotium mgmfiatumisauwni camp a;

focio . t csalUce fic X
I pxtmfos Qong fou(;

<t attglice ftc j^c kati) afute An^

ticc oo> cngmi^ltt
a COO0 faibttsof gol^ cngca^tt

Off ^^^3^^fi'^r<^''^^^^^^^^^''^S^^^') ^empU

Cht S^ if^tt b btiie mongooffia (Ubttt atnY|pc( en

o gcci^it m ooD fyd^ ot^t S^.^.oti^ S^.t^.im


. . ; .

it ftjatt

ram pU^nam
b fog^ i U>fpw

ct ttia faltaferiajMgtacnfca t ciitPD

^ Jpoitat Oonam hat

Qmpo tulxo . (tgalUafic ^^3'P^^^ ^S^^^

U:^ O^ng btce pl<ipn ct tcoi faulfawo crigwtU;^ ?ot
<0f anglta fic . ^^ bud? goIfeUe con bi pUgn
ati^ lij . falb(cc ccoffie cwjtci^gt of gol

^^-^f Cwlbrige w atmjc btnc bg tf;c wane? of a paU .

jf| C is ^tUgCMfU fo b niatbjf tfcat Blj^nKc fap fid) a tot

^ ^^
9 btttf) I))
f jrf) fpgngc . 3|yolb tl^5 i'n fignec az bt
Wm atwgs Be fag not attlilfcg ^o2od?ciBl}iU tl}cj6.r)j.

f$g>ig0 ar put m a jljcCts bj ftp mauct of ft pak . (^n^ ti^en t^icr

b cal^ figticspc^Uf . ae [;2cs i ti;]^e ftguce ii ap;
|xtitf? , @n^ of km^at Vac d;cje atmje gc
ft)attfagmlat]^ JBoxtat ti^.coconae^auto
paVctfeie m camp) oforio . ^t g^lU fic 3Ll
p>ti ettfdt cf trot0 coconc cot fla:^ . ^nglia fic
J^$ btit^ afucc an^ tij cxo>i]pe of gol^ pUt

Off ctxiI&Mgjj m dtmgc btttc btjttit ^tc 3 Kitt mfotmc joH)

F^Olfc rt)cg& . ii) . figncs ot^tr B^iUb bt
r*-%Vc bmt bcc nolb ajpctitl^ w
Qln^ fcben of Ijiw ti}at boe rf?cje
t^je ftgucc
atwge gc fl)att
fag m lotjn .
5^ cpoitat tvz^ coronas auccac t

campo aforio . ^f gatU(fic CCgi poteCttfot

et et ttDi0 coroncg btce:^ cot (Bt anglia fic .

^ 5)c bdti) afur? g-ijj . cwungs of got^ bme<

. . .

Off ,fij.Ctoije!miicm(()e Coimne of ify f()efe

d;a( te moft conrnnc g (b wooft famuft mancc


of bes^n^ of d)C0 t^i fignee 02 ant mancc figncf


Cb^^^ H^ fi?fttt f^2 ^^* fgct) a loi^ bud) i la

^m d?g0 Btf ac ^TX fololbj KH^oitol


XX afono U tee cooonas auc^ae non^ptcmen^ (oat

* (E<
o;al{icefi CE^lpd:( Ctifoscttcotecotonee ooz <Bi angit;
ftc . G^j^ featj; afuw ano.jrj cwjbngcof golo?

^^ nc& oolbfe gi( 10 f^imts w ftimgg . fbt ac m jcft

^ tupibwc i fgnte
cte tf?ct

Xa^Sjo a ccxton man d)a( feg^f Sjpc(cuc

paffi( (be btfftjopof UGjif^cl^jftcx : <bi Kid) batiljta ajmje iij

(7?o4;e af tet Ijge alb"c naam m Ktcl) axmgo if ic <ltotit

Ctetl>ct It i0 cnogb 60 fag hi tl^z bUfgnq of tf}ciw : d^oe l^ baoe

fpd) it) fi(i)p0 aUoMC ae ^cs m ti)gi5 f^oc^n

^no cc:tanlj3 d)jwbcttag fo$^ tuUgojtig .

a fm (^oe U te d)u0 6> b fog^ of

. fa^^ : tifi

rp^txxt m [at^t\ CT qbozfcftutt hx0 l^tufiwo^t


ptfcC0 at;nteo0 natmt(c0 tii campo nio;(0 . <t

galliccftc . CEgi tot0(Ko
p>t OJ ^abU ct

ch^ nSpanfej ^zc^M (t angltcc ftc <X j^c bwttb^ab(<


onb ^t) Q?oc{p0 flbgwutignoj of ^iluci


btt tiolb ajpcw i tf)t0 pgtite Qln^ gc mcf^ faj g^

fttttcoC w cawpo tufeo . < gallict fie ^^i

pozt T8 golbU^ ( 6itc Utcrj 002 . Qjltiglta fie ,

CC%^ ferit^ go&te an^ it) Uicce of goto . -.

(^8i4> cc3tia bUf jng Bttb olbfe ?jecUiticido) b^ tc5 ^noo^ .

fb2*.i^ fa]^ fif^cc arm t^atc pwpuc plode ae^ fag^ n tfy?

X3< K^< f^fttt fe foj^ of fi>g0 rnftii i^Ki t i^

Cir^P^^^* ^wos httbtlUe auttoeaowuiccw c

ga ^esfenfee m fcueo afotio putucttfafe cucma
bustttmato ftgthute ^auto (gtgaUtcc fie

^l |te Cttfoz pu^e ^ ctogs ccoalej ^dt^^ ti rxu^ t?

Su(g ^tc ai) ^40 ODt , (Bi angltcc terid? afutc
fic <f; j5)C
plb^iitKit^ cwflfe ccofkttjopgccf^can^ .^.bcutettis of goto
.Wte 6> bocbc

Off ^wijS iS?2 U\di az <td^ ftwfie Iwnolb ]( Cjtt fpekc .

Ce2(ar)tiobulfc bton ih^t ie fo fo]; t^ (oi^ atbt^ of

tbz ()2eame of <0ng(ont bar m l^ie atm^z a frec6e .

cc2tmf) ftccti0 t mong atwj^ of Ogwctfc gtntift mew ar


qmS t^^t^\)ikit t&mu((cp(tc( ou ati th fi^Kd

aimjc mawSitf? (^ fotfaj?) fccttjg

rf^iStc^ be

Sl^ztfbtc tf 10 o be matb^t tt^af m boiOgt axm^g

t^ coloutie con6cYi]^6 equaUp at ^pvj^^U ^ot i .

tf;c6 fcclX0 (^ fctCB alffiot abgbgft ^ott ae i;erc . an^ t(;i6

fago (otl autcl^ bcoc d?tig m Utjn .
taeat^aurom campo nibeo dSi^ailia fie .
Cpca axma fic
pttje ^oib
^ Tl
l<5 COncjftceee * Qtri^ltce ftc .
q;^ b^nrf? jolbUe anO
a fcccte of o{(y(^ ,

Off ^***^ Ng^S fe^f^it^ fot^^fgnj oz mmpgng

i^^Cfef?t0ni t^jaimjeef ^gttCzfitiofcuttat hxnt taivpj^)ig

' ^
o . .
Jl^Cac ^c i t{;g5 fijute fololbgng ajpetiff^ . .

V)bc ftfoccTf jxiuc nia nomoncion . Qtn^ of

Vgw t()af t^ poff^fj'osj of i{;egc azm^^ gc ffjatt
fag I Ufjn . ^^xM ^ mbto g(Onttm leo?
>icm ^ azjChfo . (^tgalltce fic . ^^l p>^f
Ic goDbU^ (onjjcott foUane^ eoiojcnt
glia fic . ^Tj^c btit^ goIbUc ^ a Uon
. <Si aw;
kom j
pgngof Qtn^ ip XBOxU^aimxdmfpinzfcz ^ge cau>
fitiwi ,

ft . foz a0 mgd)a5 tl^ ag^t foofc aficn^gtf) to (fe rigl^C l?3nic

of i^ fl)te . ano (^^ Uf fe fio& ^ccn^gel) m <o tig foote of t^
fydts a^ (xippmtif % ^ figucc
(^n^ t^t^ fame man ic obfenigt

m att bcefti^ Ipaugng.fin' .ffe . t^at tc Cofag m Uonge Uopi

. ;

ir^ (Dtbcerfwilg of aft fi^"^ i^ Rtc^ m ftmnl amps
JL^^ae pf f lolbtie huge an^ od;ct mcmcHjw fotongc^ ^'^
lto6 tecUice(;2ix : <i)ubc fo monp (^otgcfi^attbttalb q;cTieto(

^S^^^ f^^ ^^ tf;atm])e tbs tSStcf) l|^^tlg anj^ war) ^b fccnil^te

^B^ t pc l^ue mlec^ fuffidcnt a&'^k Uuc to ^cci^nc an^ bla .

feangof ti^^:aii^ it be (bti^aegcbetiotm^lbQentiPnTK t

!^(lg 02 (o f Ibgf fe m (^ ^2f^cigno5 . (Ui gc mag wot oueigi)

fibgf dg t^K foijag^ cttto bt ^gltgcnelg )^ue ti^cgm ni go&te

m^yi^ an^ be not <o f utt of confattie ^ t^t SSitt (ntnf . ^w
9 ^n's 1 00)) otbte : 02 oo)) ^iU oon . at) od^c^ Ibbik an ot^cz
(lo^tlp b lofge boe^ '^^afoce tt^bc ^c^ 60 i}^ tuUe ^ff fo be .

ti)at ^eg be not a gcncmtt cocftinc : get (^att t^i ftof^ctcfb^

Sl^edte ge Seb %^ quelltonsei^nolb fotolbgng

OO^noIb 60 a qucftton ^ KtS ptoccTt an^ Ofcd te t^e .

^^2 ^OLitn^Q of tb{ sitiunfgn^ of a f)2gncc o^ of 0;

tD^timz^go ai better oa of fgd) ^tgngte x a0 atmge of a niantf
ptoput auctonfe tabe . SS^n t^atit tc^ U^futt to euctinobutt
man to (obe to t^m atmge at t;te pUfute ,^ t^ Stci) queftt

oq it t9 to be bnalb t^at mi niane of Sgfe JSe t^ut azmge


^T*C()^ fizfl manet of %fe Se !^ue olbce annc amis t| tEt

^ISebcec of o1bce^g$ox of olbte moo^^ ox of oIbte|>aibg^
ttfaffoM . tbt Sgcb manet of higno; i comuneano fixntu^ in

^ecejfpUijni]^ t6 ofpctiti; bp (i^ a^tdor) of ti)axmgid of J^mQce

to fl)amjc of (gnglontt ge<p) bg ^ mccft tiohutt mar^ pipn
a (B^tBai^^ fuftgc(pi fbnc of Jigng (EotBoto t^ t^cite g*
tgwe &jnig of Cnglon^ offe* t^ ftibjng of fignj ^^^ *^f
J^uumcs i ify bfett of qpepfete Ct^^td) cnCan a^oidon ISO0 .

an^ dg^Obj^fU ^n an^ on el^ foame manez of St^j^fe

kfittt .

mi^^b^apoce a2c^( {^uetobc aptgnorozfuninobutt loz^ ^ .

fo tfyixm^^ of dKii ptj^fonct r bg ^gn) fo (nte ds^^tlbtf (g fy mag

Q3n ^ ^d^mancz of S^ifi Sfe^iiaiic a^mgg t^ Bid) SSe

hccc bg ^^Rumigngof apignoBozof (urn oti;?^ lozoj^s

Q^nbpc ntof^ bialb tijat A^oe azm^^^ ^ Sj^Sc j^auc of

^ cpDbntgttg of a pt'gna ox of a loioi cefague no qucftton S^
^at b^ hdd) H^ooe (<xme . foz WIfi t^ ptgnce SSgtt not : ti)a( ficb

aqucflton be b 2<^ue fo anp man f gd) an atmge ae

afkgf . tSbi
it t($ f Ugn m t^ UtCbc of nafute an^ Ctugtt ^02 tf^af famt

d^af pUf0 1^2 pxgncs t^cs T^^t^^S^ of U&c botif ang ma

tl;^ .

fa (bceeatnt^eafoce . fox d;at d^gngt^SStcb tsmgne SBi<^

adj^ilb]^ 6(^ SBtd? oXbte isfexugn^magnot ktolte fromft
nex tfje pxgncc mag noC xx> \fH tfg^tlbgflg

^j-^^ fauttfi^ manex of S^f^Sc^xiuc d;co$ am;etb 6te^

13bc 6abc on olbts albnc ^ut aucfotife ae m d^e
cttge opg^ .

(p Be ft bolb mang pots

. men bg bagx opce fauouts laboute
02 <fc2ugng) : a% ma^ nobiricF b j d^jn pm^ncj . ^m ^8
bt C^t mo^ *
fQ bi tfyx {ti^z^
f S bt ify% contg; .
f S bt 0^ ueug^

mpe to Is hozn^tidii^Q^nt a-n^ to tbt ^pne <f S^omt< w^hfe

not Iptt to tt\jtt{i p naiYi|^0 . (tteu tip Ice^ atmgg d)d t b fo tthp
d)ep ma]^ an^ ftelp bcec (^ot j^tt tbt^ be no< of fo ^fe
(cfLiU)^ .

^iojn^te an^autori^c a^ iipo^ atitipe dp Sid) az ^oustfjHdoi];

bjp d:)^ b); t(^ autorite of a p^j^na 02 of a UtXs . fget asmj^^ bt

A manu]^ ptopur aucfontc taht if an oft^z man ^jauc noC tec


ne ri^tjm afocc : be of fttcnjtl) cnogb

CC (Xn^ xixe6fi opgnj on ojfwoni men ihai ttn ^o^ of a2nTff

wag'^uc atmjc (^ot 3 . fag tf anj fgd) atwge be bawic bg a
lag 1^2217)^ c^u^^ o^mge be of nomoie airctodtech^
ti)at t(po&

dtpc9 a^mge (^ Std} be take bg a mannge albne auc^otite

CETj^ctse in t{)gg bbc afbtc oct confengf d^e bbp6 of l^aubjng

ftHbi)un^n^ Stt^ otbct pUfunc ^gucifc ae fn tb^ bbc a|pet)0
aH5 olfo of (Coo^atmudg a nobtttt ffietbc . ^n^ b^nolben^
^pff^ ^ bobc of blafpng of aimige tmnf la<gt an^ cwnpgtjf to

qc^gt at ^egnt albne tb? gcce ftom tt^mcannaaon of olbci

(o)^ 3^^ ^^f^

^ CCCC t|?gg ?)
Cr^ic ftm Hufo5 g^nofic ?>cvte ?>(itiapJ< ieuctibjpfcb*

WM9? \ -




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