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Honors Project Part 6

Josh Bracero
Occupation 1 Zoologists
Zoologists and Wildlife biologist basically do the same job. Except that
zoologists study animals in their natural ecosystems and in zoos. They make
an average of $59,980 dollars a year. The amount of education required for
this occupation is a bachelors degree in ethology.

Occupation 2 Wildlife Biologists

Wildlife biologist study animals in their ecosystems and record their actions
and their interactions with other organisms. The average salary for a Wildlife
Biologists is about $63,000 dollars a year. The amount of education required
for this job is a bachelors degree as well.

Occupation 3 Veterinarians
Veterinarians are like the doctors of animals, they have to treat animals
that are sick or have problems. The average salary for a Vet is about $88,490
a year. You need a Doctoral degree in medicine in order to become a Vet
which is 12 years of college.

Wildlife Biologists
The career of choice for the field of science that I chose. I chose this
career because I love the outdoors. Wildlife biologists have to study animals
in their environment and record their activities and actions. They spend a lot
of time outdoors in nature investigating a species and recording new
behavior and the actions of the organisms.
They study how a particular species eats, mates, and go on day by day
activities. Some things they look for are how a species interact with others in
its species and how they interact with the evolution of the human species.
These biologists have insane patience in order to study these organisms.
I chose this career because of the ability to the closer to nature. I love all the
hustle and bustle of the city and all, but its nice to just sit back and study
the amazing beauty of organisms in the wild. The job pays well and it
includes and is filled with infinite possibilities in nature.

Day on the job Wildlife Biologist

First thing is to wake up and head to the medical lab to receive information
on where to go and what species to study. The biologists head to the location
in which they need to study a species and start observing and recording
data. After about 4 hours of recording data the biologists would head back to
the medical lab. About this time most Wildlife biologists have their
lunchbreak for an hour.
After my lunchbreak I have to return to the medical lab and get to real
work. Of course Wildlife Biologists have more to do than just field work. We
have to analyze the data that we have collected and compare it to the data
from the same species and mark any differences or drastic changes in the
species. At about 5pm, its quitting time so I head back home. Ready to start
another adventure the next day. I work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week.

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