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Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259

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Lung maturity in esophageal atresia: Experimental and

clinical study,
Ana Catarina Fragoso a,b,c,, Leopoldo Martinez a,b, Jos Estevo-Costa c, Juan A. Tovar a,b
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain
Department of Congenital Malformations, INGEMM and IdiPaz Research Laboratory, Madrid, Spain
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Key words: Introduction: Esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal stula (EA-TEF) survivors suffer respiratory morbidity of
esophageal atresia unclear pathogenesis. Defective lung morphogenesis has been described in the rat model. This study examined
tracheoesophageal stula fetal lung growth and maturity in rats and patients with EA-TEF.
lung maturity Methods: Pregnant rats received either adriamycin or vehicle. Control and adriamycin-exposed lungs, with and
lung hypoplasia
without EA-TEF, were weighed and processed for RT-PCR, DNA quantication, immunouorescence and immunoblot
adriamycin rat model
analysis of TTF1, VEGF, Sp-B, and -sma. Twenty human lungs were also processed for immunouorescence and
Alcian-blue staining.
Results: Lungs from fetuses with EA-TEF (E21) showed decreased total DNA; FGF7 and TTF1 mRNA expressions were
upregulated at E15 and E18, respectively. Protein expression and immunouorescent distribution of maturity
markers were similar. Lungs from stillborns with EA-TEF showed decreased epithelial expression of Sp-B and VEGF
whereas those from newborns tended to have less Sp-B and more VEGF and mucous glands.
Discussion: The lungs of rats with EA-TEF were hypoplastic but achieved near-normal maturity. Stillborns with
EA-TEF exhibited an apparently disturbed differentiation of the airway epithelium. Newborns with EA-TEF
demonstrated subtle differences in the expression of differentiation markers, and increased number of mucous
glands that could inuence postnatal respiratory adaptation and explain some respiratory symptoms of
EA-TEF survivors.
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal stula (EA-TEF) is a to postoperative sequelae or prematurity [5]. In fact, EA-TEF survivors
congenital malformation with an incidence of 1 per 3000 live births. Now- suffer persistent unspecic respiratory symptoms (chronic cough,
adays, with survival approaching 95%, the focus of interest is shifting to asthma-like wheezing, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness) that some-
functional and quality of life issues throughout childhood and adulthood. times do not improve or even become more frequent with age [68].
Approximately fty percent of neonates with EA-TEF have one or Additionally mild respiratory function disorders (obstructive/restrictive)
more additional skeletal, anal, cardiovascular or renal malformations. have been demonstrated in children, adolescents and adults born with
Respiratory malformations occur in 6% of patients [1], in 13.2% of autop- EA-TEF, but their origin remains unclear [5,6,9].
sies of newborns with EA-TEF [2], and in up to 47% of VACTERL (verte- The scarcity of fetal or neonatal human tissue from affected individuals
bral, anal, cardiac, tracheoesophageal, renal, limbs) association prompted the development of animal models. In 1996, Diez-Pardo et al
patients [3,4]. The relatively low incidence and the scarce clinical rele- described a toxicologic model of EA-TEF/VACTERL association. After
vance of some of these malformations invite to ascribe the respiratory adriamycin administration to pregnant rats during the appropriate gesta-
symptoms in these children to tracheomalacia, aspiration related to tional days, a signicant proportion of fetuses accurately reproduced the
impaired esophageal motility, esophageal stricture, recurrence of malformations of the human VACTERL association [10]. This invaluable
tracheoesophageal stula or gastroesophageal reux. However, upon research tool was later extended to the mouse [11].
adequate testing, up to 75% of EA-TEF survivors have abnormal pulmo- Because EA-TEF is the consequence of an abnormal division of the
nary function apparently not related to either associated conditions or foregut into esophagus and trachea, we hypothesize that the distur-
bance in the early embryonic development of the foregut that results
in EA-TEF may also interfere with the emergence of lung buds, and con-
This study was supported in part by IdiPaz grants and by the Spanish Health Institute sequently lung morphogenesis. This hypothesis was further supported
Carlos III (grant N. RD08/0072: Maternal, Child Health and Development Network). recently by demonstration of lung hypoplasia and abnormal control of
The authors declare that they do not have any competing or nancial interests.
Corresponding author at: Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Alameda Hernni
airway branching in the lungs of fetal rats with EA-TEF [12,13].
Monteiro, 4200319, Porto, Portugal. The present study aimed at gaining new insights into lung develop-
E-mail address: (A.C. Fragoso). ment in EA-TEF. Lung growth and biochemical maturity were assessed
0022-3468/ 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1252 A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259

in rat fetuses with esophageal atresia and in lung specimens from using a protein assay kit (Pierce; BCA Protein Assay Kit, Rockford, IL,
human fetuses and newborns with this malformation. USA). Immunoblotting was performed with 12% SDS-polyacrylamide
gel with the anti-TTF1 1:300 (H-190:sc13040; Santa Cruz Biotechnolo-
1. Materials and methods gies, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), Sp-B 1:300 (H-300: sc-13978; Santa Cruz
Biotechnologies, Santa Cruz, CA, USA), VEGF 1:400 (07-1420, Merck
Approval of the institution research ethical committee was obtained Millipore, Germany) and -smooth muscle actin antibody 1:200
for the study (HULP PI-1501). Parental consent had been required for (1A4:sc-32251; Santa Cruz Biotechnologies, Santa Cruz, CA, USA).
the retention of tissue in each case. Values were normalized to anti-Cu/Zn superoxide-dismutase (1:1000,
Stressgen, Belgium).
1.1. EA-TEF rat model
1.1.7. Immunouorescence staining
Time-dated pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats (OFA Charles River Labo- Lungs from E21 were xed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde. After
ratories. Cerdanyola, Spain) were treated once a day from gestational inclusion in parafn, 5 m sections were stained. Immunouorescence
day 79 (morning of sperm in vaginal smear was considered day staining was performed using standard techniques with anti-TTF1 rabbit
0) by intraperitoneal injection, either of 1.75 mg/Kg adriamycin polyclonal antibody (H-190:sc13040. Santa Cruz Biotechnologies, Santa
(Farmiblastina Pharmacia, Madrid, Spain) or vehicle. Cruz, CA, USA) after a dilution 1:100; anti-SpB rabbit polyclonal anti-
body (H-300: sc-13978; Santa Cruz Biotechnologies, Santa Cruz, CA,
1.1.1. Fetal harvesting and dissection USA) 1:50; anti-VEGF rabbit polyclonal antibody (07-1420, Merck
Cesarean section was performed on E15, E18 and E21 before eutha- Millipore, Germany) 1:400 and anti--smooth muscle actin mouse
nizing the dams with intracardiac injection of potassium chloride. At the monoclonal antibody (1A4:sc-32251; Santa Cruz Biotechnologies,
elected time endpoints, fetuses were recovered, weighed and dissected Santa Cruz, CA, USA) 1:200. Briey, antigen recovery was performed
under a microscope to document the presence of EA-TEF. Lungs were with sodium citrate (10 mM, pH 6) in microwave for 10 minutes follow-
harvested, weighed, photographed and xed or snap frozen and stored ed by a 2 hours incubation with 10% horse serum, 1% albumin TBS. Sec-
at 80 until further use. Three groups of offsprings were compared: tions were incubated overnight at 4 C with primary antibodies then
control (C, n = 66), adriamycin-treated with EA-TEF (adria EA, n = washed and incubated with universal secondary antibody (Vectstain
76) and adriamycin-treated without EA-TEF (adria noEA, n = 67). Universal Quick Kit; PK-8800; Vector Laboratories, Inc. Burlingame, CA,
USA) for 1 hour, and at last with Streptavidin Alexa uor 488 conjugate
1.1.2. Lung wet/dry weight ratio (S-32354, Molecular Probes, Invitrogen, Carlsbad CA, USA) for
Lungs from E21 fetuses were weighed immediately after dissection 45 minutes. The sections were mounted and the nuclei counterstained
to determine the wet weight and after being placed in an incubator using Vectashield Mounting Medium for uorescence with DAPI (H
for 72 hours, to assess the dry weight. 1200; Vector Laboratories, Inc. Burlingame, CA, USA). Negative control
slides were stained by the same procedure, with the primary antibody
1.1.3. Total DNA extraction and quantication omitted. Images were obtained from a minimum of 6 different slides
DNA was extracted from snap-frozen tissue with DNeasy blood and from each rat group with a Leica LMD6000 uorescence microscope
tissue extraction kit (cat# 69504, Qiagen, Las Rozas, Spain), and the pu- (Leica Microsystems, Germany).
ried (RNAseA 100 mg/ml, cat#19101, Qiagen, Las Rozas, Spain) total
DNA content was determined with a spectrophotometer (Nano Drop;
Fisher Scientic, Madrid, Spain) at 260/280 m. 1.2. Stillborn and neonatal human lung samples

1.1.4. mRNA extraction and cDNA synthesis Blocks of lung tissue taken at postmortem examination, between
Total mRNA was isolated from snap-frozen lungs using High Pure 1985 and 2012, were obtained from the pathology department of the
RNA Tissue Kit (Roche Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany). Concen- hospital. The inclusion criteria for the EA-TEF group were: fetuses of
tration and purity of RNAs were determined spectrophotometrically; 33 or more weeks of gestational age, with the malformation but without
250 ng of total RNAs was retrotranscripted to complementary DNAs primary lung disease and/or bilateral renal anomalies, oligohydramnios
(cDNA) by reverse transcription reactions using a High Capacity RNA- or chromosomal anomalies. Same criteria were used for selecting
to-cDNA Kit (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA). All cDNAs were stored the lungs for the control group except for the presence of the
at 80, until further use. tracheoesophageal malformation. Twenty lung samples, 8 from still-
birth and 12 from deceased newborns were examined. The gestational
1.1.5. Real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (real time age ranged from 33 weeks to 42 weeks (with 18 of N 33 weeks gestation
RT-PCR) and both groups with comparable gestational ages).
TTF1 and FGF7 lung expressions were quantied in a LightCycler 480 SYBR
Green I Master (Roche Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany) using the 1.2.1. Immunouorescence staining
following primer for TTF1: forward 5 CACCTTACCAGGACACCATG and reverse The same protocol and antibody were used to assess Sp-B immuno-
3 GCCCATGCCGCTCATATTCA and forward 5 AAGTGAAAGGGACCCAGGAG reactivity in the human 5 m lung sections. For VEGF and -smooth
and reverse 3 GCCACAATTCCAACTGCCAC for FGF7. All RT-PCR reactions muscle actin a double immunouorescence staining was carried out
were run in duplicate. The RT-PCR conditions were: 95 for 5 minutes, with the following primary antibodies: anti-VEGF rabbit polyclonal an-
followed by 50 cycles at 95 for 10 seconds, 60 for 10 seconds and tibody (07-1420, Merck Millipore, Germany) 1:400 and anti--smooth
72 for 10 seconds. Results were normalized to the expression of muscle actin mouse monoclonal antibody (1A4:sc-32251; Santa Cruz
the 18S. The relative mRNA levels were determined by calculating Biotechnologies, Santa Cruz, CA, USA) 1:100; the secondary antibodies
the threshold cycle for TTF1 and FGF7 gene using the threshold used were Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-rabbit (A-11034; Molecular
cycle method. Probes, Life Technologies, USA) and Alexa Fluor 594 rabbit anti-mouse
(A-11062; Molecular Probes, Life Technologies, USA). The sections
1.1.6. Western blot were mounted and the nuclei counterstained using Vectashield Mounting
TTF1, Sp-B, VEGF and -smooth muscle actin protein levels were Medium for uorescence with DAPI (H 1200; Vector Laboratories, Inc.
measured in homogenized lungs (E21) in cell disruption buffer (PARIS Burlingame, CA, USA). Negative control slides were stained by the same
Kit, Ambion, USA). The protein content of 50 g of tissue was measured procedure, with the primary antibody omitted. Images were obtained
A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259 1253

Fig. 1. a. Lung wet/dry weight ratio and puried total lung DNA. The lung wet/dry weight ratio was signicantly higher in the adriamycin-exposed groups with the highest ratio
showed by the adria EA-TEF lungs even in comparison with the adria noEA group [control (n = 21; 6.62 0.4) vs adria EA-TEF (n = 16; 8.85 1.3) * p b 0.0001; control vs adria
noEA (n = 8; 7.57 0.8) * p = 0.005; adria EA-TEF vs adria noEA * p = 0.01]. The puried total DNA content in the adriamycin-exposed groups was signicantly lower than in
controls. A markedly lower total DNA was quantied in the adria EA-TEF lungs [control (n = 9; 5.31 0.8) vs adria EA-TEF (n = 9; 3.14 0.3) * p b 0.0001; control vs adria noEA
(n = 8; 4.06 0.8) * p = 0.01; adria EA-TEF vs adria noEA * p = 0.04]. b. Real time RT-PCR analysis of expression of TTF1 and FGF7 mRNA. The adriamycin-exposed groups (EA-
TEF and adria noEA lungs) exhibited a similar prole of TTF1 mRNA expression during the studied time points, with a signicant overexpression at the canalicular stage (E18) in
contrast to the control group [control (n = 10; 0.95 0.2) vs adria EA-TEF (n = 10; 1.26 0.3) * p = 0.02; control vs adria noEA (n = 10; 1.31 0.4) * p = 0.04]. Regarding FGF7
mRNA, the adria EA-TEF lungs showed a signicantly higher expression at the pseudoglandular stage of development compared to control and adria noEA lungs [adria EA-TEF
(n = 8; 1.81 0.6) vs control (n = 10; 1.07 0.5) * p b 0.01; adria EA-TEF vs adria noEA (n = 9; 1.06 0.2) * p = 0.03]. c. Protein expression of TTF1, Sp-B, VEGF and -sma
protein on E21 (Western blot). At the end of the gestation, there were no signicant differences of expression in the TTF1, Sp-B, VEGF and -smooth muscle actin protein although the
esophageal atresia with tracheoesophageal lungs showed a relatively lower Sp-B and VEGF protein expression [TTF1: control n = 15 (0.49 0.2), EA-TEF n = 17 (0.46 0.1), adria noEA
n = 18 (0.53 0.2). Sp-B: control n = 22 (0.49 0.2), EA-TEF n = 18 (0.40 0.2); adria noEA n = 21 (0.42 0.2). VEGF: control n = 14 (0.45 0.3), EA-TEF n = 14 (0.37 0.2), adria
noEA n = 20 (0.44 0.2). -sma: control n = 11 (1.09 0.5), EA-TEF n = 12 (1.12 0.4), adria noEA n = 17 (1.14 0.3)].
1254 A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259

Fig. 2. Immunouorescent localization of TTF1, Sp-B, VEGF and -sma antibodies in control (a), adria EA-TEF (b) and adria noEA (c) rat lungs at E21. 2.1. TTF1 protein: Nuclear TTF1 immunore-
activity was noticed in the alveolar and bronchiolar epithelial cells in a quite uniform pattern in all groups (20). 2.2. Sp-B protein: No differences among groups were observed in the cytoplasmic
Sp-B staining pattern (20). 2.3. VEGF protein: Cytoplasmic VEGF immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the bronchial epithelium of both groups. Some scattered immunoreactivity was
detected in mesenchymal and alveolar epithelial cells in control lungs in contrast to the adriamycin-exposed groups (20). 2.4. -sma protein: All groups showed clear immunoreactivity for
-smooth muscle actin antibody in the airway wall and pulmonary arteries/arterioles. There were no relevant differences between control, adria EA-TEF or adria noEA lungs (20).

from a minimum of 6 different slides from each lung specimen with a TEF ones. Conversely, total DNA was signicantly decreased in
Leica LMD6000 uorescence microscope (Leica Microsystems, Germany). adriamycin-exposed lungs and particularly in the EA-TEF group.

1.2.2. Alcian-blue staining protocol 2.1.2. Real time RT-PCR analysis of expression of TTF1 and FGF7 mRNA
Sections of 5 m from lung specimens from control and EA-TEF new- These results are shown in Fig. 1b. At E15, the adria EA-TEF lungs
borns were stained following the standard protocol. Images were expressed a signicantly higher FGF7 mRNA and at E18, both EA-TEF
obtained from 6 or more slides from each lung. and adria noEA lungs signicantly overexpressed TTF1 mRNA.

2.1.3. Protein expression (Western blot analysis)

1.3. Statistical methods These results are also shown in Fig. 1c.
Control, adria EA-TEF and adria noEA lungs showed similar levels of
Data are presented as mean SD (standard deviation). Comparison TTF1 and -sma protein expression. Despite the absence of signicant
between groups was performed with U MannWhitney test or unpaired differences in Sp-B protein expression between groups, the adriamycin-
t test where appropriate. The statistical signicance level was set at 5%. exposed lungs tended to express less Sp-B content. The expression of
VEGF protein was slightly lower in the lungs from fetuses with EA-TEF
2. Results than those found in the control and adria noEA groups although without
statistical signicance.
2.1. Rat experiments
2.1.4. Immunolocalization
2.1.1. Lung wet/dry weight ratio and Puried Total DNA quantication Nuclear TTF1 immunoreactivity was uniformly distributed in the
As shown in Fig. 1a, the lung wet/dry weight ratio was signicantly alveolar and bronchiolar epithelial cells in all groups (Fig. 2.1 a, b, c).
higher in the adriamycin-exposed lungs and particularly in adria EA- No relevant differences among groups were observed in the
A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259 1255

Clinical data from fetuses and newborns, with (EA group) and without (control group) EA-TEF included in the study.

EA Fetal age (wk) Malformation Origin Body weight (g)

1 35 EA-TEF In-utero death 1440

2 38 EA-TEF/VACTERL In-utero death 1200
3 39 EA-TEF In-utero death 2000
4 39 EA-TEF In-utero death 1340
5 33 EA-TEF Postnatal death (1st day) 1450
6 36 EA-TEF/VACTERL Postnatal death (1st day) 1980
7 42 EA-TEF/cardiopathy Postnatal death (1st day) 3050
8 35 EA-TEF Postnatal death (3th day) 1200
9 36 EA-TEF/VACTERL Postnatal death (5th day) 2200
10 35 EA-TEF/CHARGE Postnatal death (9th day) 2000

Control Cause of death

1 37 Abruptio placentario In-utero death 3420

2 38 Maternal hypertension In-utero death 2520
3 38 Maternal diabetes/cardiopathy In-utero death 2300
4 40 Umbilical cord circular (5) In-utero death 3360
5 35 Fetal hypoxia Postnatal death (1st day) 3100
6 39 Fetal hypoxia Postnatal death (2th day) 4020
7 33 Fetal hypoxia Postnatal death (5th day) 1660
8 38 Erythroblastosis Postnatal death (5th day) 2220
9 39 Fetal hypoxia Postnatal death (5th day) 3250
10 39 Massive intestinal volvulus Postnatal death (5th day) 2680

cytoplasmic Sp-B staining pattern although immunoreactivity was -sma. A similar staining pattern was observed in the airway
more disperse in adriamycin-exposed lungs (Fig. 2.2 a, b, c). walls and the tips of alveolar septa. Immunoreactivity detected in
Cytoplasmic VEGF immunoreactivity was observed mainly in the arterioles was similar in both groups (Fig. 4.2 a, b).
bronchial epithelium although some scattered uptake was present in
mesenchymal and alveolar epithelial cells of control lungs. In the 2.2.4. Alcian-blue staining of lung specimens from control and EA-TEF newborns
adriamycin-exposed lungs there was only epithelial staining (Fig. 2.3 As depicted in Fig. 5, lungs from newborns with EA-TEF exhibited
a, b, c). All groups showed similar immunoreactivity for -sma antibody denitely more mucous glands and goblet cells in the airway epithelium
in the airway wall and pulmonary arteries/arterioles (Fig. 2.4 a, b, c). than controls.

2.2. Stillborn and neonatal human lung specimens 3. Discussion

Clinical data are presented in the Table. Accumulating evidence suggests that lung damage during early
development, may result in persistent structural changes and impaired
2.2.1. Immunolocalization function during postnatal life. Although the respiratory symptoms
These results are depicted in Fig. 3 (a, control; b, EA-TEF). suffered by children born with EA-TEF may be explained by GER,
tracheomalacia and surgical complications, or even by intrauterine
2.2.2. Lungs from stillborns growth retardation or prematurity, several long term studies on respirato-
ry function in children, adolescents or adults with the malformation did Sp-B. Scarce immunoreactivity was detected in the lungs of still- not nd a clear correlation between the abovementioned conditions and
borns with EA-TEF in contrast to the control lungs that exhibited cytoplas- some of the respiratory symptoms [5,14]. We postulate the hypothesis
mic Sp-B staining in the peripheral alveolar and epithelial cells (Fig. 3.1 a, b). that these might have a fetal origin since disturbed regulation during cri-
tical periods of early life may lead to developmental adaptations potentially
responsible for permanent structural, physiological and epigenetic changes VEGF. A strong VEGF immunoreactivity was detected in the pul-
with lifetime consequences [15]. Additionally, airway abnormalities are de-
monary arterioles of the EA-TEF lungs in contrast with a minor signal
termined very early in life, even in utero, and these will increase the risk of
noticed in the bronchial epithelial cells. The lungs of stillborns without
subsequent bronchoconstriction and asthma in early childhood, predispo-
the malformation showed an intense VEGF expression in the bronchial
sing to decient lung function. Finally, and not less crucial for normal post-
epithelial cells and an almost inexistent staining in the pulmonary
natal lung function is a normally-functioning host defense mechanism
vasculature (Fig. 3.2 a, b).
since maladaptive responses of the newborn lung may trigger subsequent
lung injury resulting in further disruption to the growing organ [15]. -sma. The expressed -sma in the airway walls was similar in The complex phenomenon of lung development incorporates two
both groups (Fig. 3.3 a, b). related but differently controlled processes, i.e., lung growth and lung
maturation [16]. The experiments shown herein revealed that
2.2.3. Lungs from newborns adriamycin-exposed lungs were markedly hypoplastic as demonstrated
These results are shown in Fig. 4 (a, control; b, EA-TEF). by increased wet/dry weight ratios and decreased total DNA content
that reveal decreased number of cells with increased water contents. Sp-B. Less cytoplasmatic immunoreactivity was detected in the It is relevant to point out that these changes were signicantly more
lungs of newborns with EA-TEF specically in the alveolar and bronchial pronounced in the lungs of rats with EA-TEF, suggesting that the EA-
epithelial cells (Fig. 4.1 a, b). TEF malformation itself contributes to the defective lung growth.
Transcriptional control of differentiation genes and epithelial- VEGF. Epithelial VEGF immunoreactivity was moderately mesenchymal interactions mediated by growth factors are critical for
increased in EA-TEF specimens (Fig. 4.2 a, b). lung development modulating airway branching and concurrent capillary
1256 A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259

Fig. 3. Immunouorescent localization of Sp-B, VEGF and -sma antibodies in lungs from control (a) and EA-TEF (b) stillborns. 3.1. Sp-B: Poor Sp-B immunoreactivity was detected in the
lungs of stillborns with EA-TEF in contrast with the control lungs that exhibited cytoplasmic Sp-B staining in the peripheral alveolar and epithelial cells (20). 3.2. VEGF: A strong VEGF
immunoreactivity was detected in the pulmonary arterioles of the EA-TEF lungs in contrast to a scarce signal noticed in the bronchial epithelial cells. The lungs of stillborns without the
malformation showed intense VEGF expression in the bronchial epithelium and almost absent staining in the pulmonary vasculature (20). 3.3. -sma: The -smooth muscle actin
expression in the airway walls was similar in both groups (20).

network development. The emergence of the tracheobronchial anlage and synthesis of pulmonary surfactant [17,18]. In addition, mutations in
from the oor of the primitive foregut requires coordinated transcrip- TTF1 are associated with tracheoesophageal stula, lung dysmorphogenesis,
tional activation and repression of several key developmental genes and respiratory failure at birth [19].
such as HNF-3b, Shh, Ptch, Gli2 and Gli3 as well as TTF1 (Nkx2.1) [17]. In the present experiments, adriamycin-exposed lungs overexpressed
TTF1 functions as a lung master gene playing distinct roles at various TTF1 mRNA in the canalicular stage of development. Because this stage is
stages of development and is required for early patterning of the anteri- characterized by the initiation of differentiation of the epithelial cells
or foregut, growth and differentiation of the primordial lung during em- lining the ducts, capillary growth and the rst appearance of type II
bryonic period, maturation of the respiratory epithelium before birth cells with lamellar bodies containing lung surfactant [20], a likely
A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259 1257

Fig. 4. Immunouorescent localization of Sp-B, VEGF and -sma antibodies in control (a) and EA-TEF (b) newborn lungs. 4.1. Sp-B: Less cytoplasmic immunoreactivity was detected in the
lungs of newborns with EA-TEF specically in the alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells (20). 4.2. Immunouorescence colocalization of VEGF and -sma: In newborns with EA-TEF, the
epithelial VEGF immunoreactivity was increased and a uniform staining pattern of -sma in the airway walls and the tips of alveolar septa was observed. Immunoreactivity detected in
arterioles was similar in both groups (20).

interpretation would be that the hypoplastic lungs modulate TTF1 tran- FGF10 and FGF7 (keratinocyte growth factor) that share the same
scriptional signal in order to accelerate differentiation and achieve normal mesenchymal FGFR2IIIb receptor. Indeed, abnormal FGF10 signaling
epithelial maturation and function at term through epithelium-specic has been reported in the lungs from rat fetuses with EA-TEF [13]. FGF7
gene expression [21]. stimulates lung uid secretion that is critical for lung branching and
Along with transcription factors, broblast growth factors (FGF) also growth and latter on, promotes maturation of fetal alveolar type II
intervene in both early and late lung development in a way that distur- cells and consequently surfactant lipid and protein expression [17,18].
bance in FGF signaling during embryonic organogenesis results in obvi- The signicant overexpression of FGF7 mRNA observed in the lungs
ous abnormalities of epithelial branching and cyto-differentiation [17]. from fetuses with EA-TEF at the pseudoglandular stage, at the time
Two of the most relevant FGFs involved in lung morphogenesis are when branching of the bronchiolar epithelium is active (whereas the
1258 A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259

Fig. 5. Alcian-blue staining of lung specimens from control (a) and EA-TEF (b) newborns. Lungs from newborns with EA-TEF exhibited more submucosal mucous glands and goblet cells in
the airway epithelium (10).

ductular cells remain relatively undifferentiated) [19], suggests an human condition is always questionable. There are obvious species dif-
enhanced stimulus to the branching process and uid secretion to com- ferences, the stillborns and newborns studied had different ages and
pensate for the marked hypoplasia in the lung and for the probable sizes and the tissue handling, xation, sectioning and staining of nec-
unbalanced uid dynamics/intrapulmonary pressures owing to the ropsy material lack the controlled conditions met in the experimental
tracheoesophageal stula. laboratory. For obvious reasons, growth of the lung could not be
As far as lung maturity near term is concerned, TTF1 was used in this assessed. However, some data on differentiation and maturation could
investigation as a marker of differentiation of epithelial cells of the de- be analyzed: the normal expression of alpha smooth muscle actin in
veloping airways, Sp-B as a pneumocytes type II and, to a lesser extent, the lungs from stillborns with EA-TEF contrasts with a noticeable de-
a Clara cells marker and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) as crease of Sp-B and epithelial VEGF proteins accompanied by increased
vasculogenesis and angiogenesis marker also important for the growth endothelial VEGF immunoreactivity suggest a disturbed epithelial dif-
of alveolar cells as for surfactant production [22]. Finally, -smooth ferentiation status and consequently some degree of relative lung im-
muscle actin was used as a myobroblast and smooth muscle cells maturity. Increased VEGF expression in the small pulmonary arteries
differentiation essential to provide tone to maintain the lung liquid at may reveal an attempt to stimulate the pulmonary vascular bed, a
a positive pressure to stimulate prenatal growth and stabilize lung nding previously described in newborns with congenital diaphrag-
cellular architecture [23,24]. matic hernia in which the lungs are severely hypoplastic [25]. The
As judged by the expression of TTF1, Sp-B, VEGF and -smooth mus- lungs of newborns with EA-TEF also showed a trend toward decreased
cle actin proteins, the lungs of control and adriamycin-exposed fetuses Sp-B content and an increased airway epithelial VEGF protein expres-
behave normally demonstrating biochemical markers consistent with sion. These abnormal expressions may impair lung function per se and
overall mature organs. Nevertheless, the lungs of fetuses with EA-TEF inuence postnatal adaptation but they may also cause greater suscep-
showed minimally reduced levels of expression of Sp-B and VEGF to- tibility to injury and thereby disturb lung growth. In fact, Sp-B deciency
gether with somewhat different patterns of localization (disperse Sp-B may induce alveolar collapse and respiratory distress at birth. In turn,
and scarce mesenchymal VEGF) that despite the lack of statistical signi- VEGF levels are increased in acute respiratory distress, chronic pulmo-
cance, might suggest some minor disturbance. In summary, despite nary obstructive disease and asthma [26] and its overexpression is
being markedly hypoplastic, the lungs of rats with EA-TEF were able associated with mucosal edema, hypervascularity and airway hyperre-
to overexpress TTF1 and FGF7 in different stages of lung development activity [27]. Finally, the denitely higher density of goblet cells and mu-
until achieving full lung maturity. cous glands observed in the lungs of newborns with EA-TEF suggests
The human necropsy results in the present study require more cau- increased mucus production that, together with squamous metaplasia
tious interpretation. Transposition of animal evidence to the equivalent of the tracheal epithelium and reduced ciliary bed previously described
A.C. Fragoso et al. / Journal of Pediatric Surgery 50 (2015) 12511259 1259

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