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Valdez, Jonathan

Mr. Wisner

World History

t/r 3rd


Prisons Run by C.E.O.s? Privatization

Under Trump Could Carry a Heavy

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

o Deputy Attorney General-the second-highest-ranking official in a department of
justice or of law, in various governments of the world.
o attorney general-the principal legal officer who represents a country or a state in
legal proceedings and gives legal advice to the government.
o privatization-the transfer of a business, industry, or service from public to private
ownership and control.
o profit motive-the desire for financial gain as an incentive in economic activity.

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)

A. The privatization of prisons does yield major profit majors for the companies but
they aren't always better than state run prisons. Private prisons go on lockdown 10
times more than state run prisons. They also stem down to even more corruption
such as judges making more money for convicting a felon and sending him/her to
a privatized facility.
B. President-elect Trump has said that we can do a lot with private prisons. Trump
has selected Sen. Jeff Sessions as attorney general and he strongly supports
privatization. This does not benefit the attempt by the justice department to wind
down the use of private prisons.
C. Privatization is a big problem and also a big solution. Our leaders need to take the
smart path and decided whether or not certain facilities benefit from privatization.
Privatization doesnt benefit places like hospitals but does with water companies.

Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).

Privatization can benefit certain institutions, but not prisons. Our leaders in office choose
not to take the smart path and not collect data to support the facts, if they did they can
decide if privatization is right for us. It cant be a yes and no answer to privatization, we
need to think and use facts and stats.

Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
Privatization was used by many countries, especially in the 20th century. The british did
it by selling most its assets such as the partial sale of British Petroleum in 1979. This
was followed by the sale of an airplane manufacturer (British Aerospace), a
radiochemical group (Amersham International), and a freight company (National Freight
Company) in 1981 and 1982. With the British, it worked and some companies became a
success. This cannot be said with our private prisons and private/ for profit hospitals.

Relate your Event to the a Theme (at least 3 sentences). SEE BACK FOR THEMES
This is related to political structures. The expansion of privatization is closely related to
the political theory behind it.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

Why cant they make a smart decision?
How aware are the politicians on the subject?
Can we help to improve this problem with our new president?
When is the projected year that the private prisons will end.

1.Cultural Interaction 2.Political Structures

o Religions o State-building, expansion, and conflict
o Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies o Empires
o Science and technology o Nations and nationalism
o The arts and architecture o Revolts and revolutions

3.Economic Structures 4.Social Structures

o Agricultural and pastoral production o Gender roles and relations
o Trade and commerce o Family and kinship
o Labor systems o Racial and ethnic constructions
o Industrialization o Social and economic classes
o Economic theories

5.Human-Environment Interaction
o Disease
o Migration & patterns of settlement
o Population growth
o Technology

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