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Nuncio, Jaqueline

Mr. Wisner
World History
2nd M/W

*Your Task

L ink to article

Key Vocabulary from the Article (Define at least 4).

o Lucid - expressed clearly; easy to understand.
o Psyche - the human soul, mine, or spirit.
o Erratic - not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable
o Schizophrenic - a mentality or approach characterized by inconsistent or
contradictory elements

Summary of the Event (at least 3 major points; each point will have its own paragraph)
Throughout the life of Vincent Van Gogh, he has constantly gone through periods of insanity.
Although he was sane majority of the time, he did have his points in life when he experienced
problems of his own. In fact, in the periods when he wasnt in his right mind, he couldnt paint at
all. Today, in the Van Gogh Museum there is an exhibit specifically centered around his insanity.
In the exhibit that features his points of insanity, there is a story told through documents,
artifacts, and his own paintings. Also included in this exhibit is the pistol that is believed to be
used when he took his own life. Not to mention, there is a note from the doctor who treated Van
Gogh after he cut off his ear.
During his last 70 days of living, Van Gogh managed painting more paintings than any artist
would paint in a decade. This article also says that instead of reminiscing over how much more
he could have produced if he would have lived longer, we should appreciate what is it he made
and produced in his last few days of living. In conclusion, this articles says that Van Goghs
artistic genius was NOT because of the madness he had within himself.
Your Opinion of the Event (at least 3 sentences).
Personally, I find this really interesting since I never would have thought that it was the fact of
his mental health that would lead to his death. I mean, its actually pretty plausible since
nowadays people who are diagnosed with depression are sometimes driven to commit suicide,
which inevitably is their own death. But he is such a praised artist that its crazy to think he no
longer wanted to be on this world. Although, again its pretty plausible since living with a mental
illness isnt exactly the picture of a fun and fulfilled life. Its really just interesting to read
what people have learned about him, and that theyre still trying to figure out what exactly
happened with him even now, in the year 2016.
Relate your Event to a Historical Event (compare and contrast with current event).
This event relates to the discovery of schizophrenica, since Van Gogh was considered and called
schizophrenic. Although at the time period he was alive, he was diagnosed with as epileptic, he
was called schizophrenic as time passed and scientific studies expanded. The discovery of the
actual illness though, first took place in 1887 by Dr. Emilie Kraepelin who was a German
physician. The word schizophrencia comes from the the Greek roots of schizo (split) and phrene
(mind) to decribe the way people with this illness may think.

Relate your Event to the a Theme (at least 3 sentences). SEE BACK FOR THEMES
This article is related to cultural interaction and is under the category of the arts and architecture.
It talks about the madness that drove Van Gogh and mentions the types of mental illness he had
during his time. It fits under the category of art and architecture because Van Gogh was an artist
that contributed and has had strong influence in the art world.

Questions You Have About the Event (4).

1. If it wasnt his illness that was the cause of Van Goghs artistic skills, then what was?
2. How was it possible that he managed 75 paintings in his last 70 days?
3. If there was medicine and treatments like they are now back then in Van Goghs time, would it
be plausible for him to have liven a longer life?
2. Where did the myth that he was murdered by a bunch of schoolboys come from?

1.Cultural Interaction
2.Political Structures
o Religions
o State-building, expansion, and conflict
o Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies o Empires o Science and technology o Nations
and nationalism

o The arts and architecture o Revolts and revolutions

3.Economic Structures
4.Social Structures
o Agricultural and pastoral production o Gender roles and relations o Trade and commerce
o Family and kinship
o Labor systems
o Racial and ethnic constructions
o Industrialization
o Social and economic classes
o Economic theories

5.Human-Environment Interaction
o Disease
o Migration & patterns of settlement o Population growth

o Technology


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