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Edgar Ortiz-Zacarias


English IV

March 9, 2017

Weight loss

It's time to stop pumping that spare tire (Cander). To finally lose that body fat and keep it off, one

must choose a diet and exercise plan that fits their lifestyle and stick with it (Cander). Hitting the gym is

not the only was way to lose fat, there is another way. There are many contributing factors to weight loss

such as nutrition and exercise habits.

Human Nutrition, the process by which substances in food are transformed into body tissues and

provide energy for the full range of physical and mental activities that make up human life(Human

Nutrition). Kilocalories, or Calories are measurements of the energy provided by food Fat, protein and

carbohydrates are all useful as sources of energy (Human Nutrition). A measurement of heat is

kilocalories, one kilocalorie is the same as 1,000 grams-calories(Human Nutrition). The amount of energy

yielding substances such as, non-fibre carbohydrates, fat protein, and alcohol, in the food we know

establishes an estimate of energy provided by a well digested food(Human Nutrition). Food content

tables, and food labels supply useful data to determine energy and nutrient intake of an individual's

diet(Human Nutrition). About 12 to 15% of energy is usually derived from protein, 30 to 60% is from fat,

and 50 to 60% carbohydrate(Human Nutrition). The human body is so incredibly adaptable< and can

survive, and even prosper on so many different diets(Human Nutrition). Carbohydrates, lipids, protein,

vitamins, minerals, and water are the six classes of nutrients found in foods(Human Nutrition). The body

needs a daily 20 grams of minerals, and about 300 milligrams per day in a regular diet(Human Nutrition).

A nutrient is considered essential if it must be taken in from outside the body in most cases, from

food(Human Nutrition). Glucose a simple carbohydrate, but one of the principal foods used by the brain,

the nervous system, and by red blood cells(Human Nutrition). The body can make Glucose from many
types of carbohydrates , and from protein, although most of the time protein requires an expensive source

of energy(Human Nutrition). Dietary fiber, is the part of the plants that cannot be digested by the human

intestine, because of a lack of the certain enzymes(Human Nutrition). Insoluble fibers does not dissolve in

water, providing a bulk that helps with regular bowel function and speeds up the exiting of waste out of

the body(Human Nutrition). Soluble fibers, dissolves or swells in water, this slows the movement of food

through the guts, which is bad, but helps to lower cholesterol levels(Human Nutrition). Lipids can break

down inorganic solvents, and is insoluble(Human Nutrition). Triglycerides are the major lipids stored in

the body as fats, they consist of three fatty acids connected to a backbone of glycerol(Human Nutrition).

Essential fatty acids are necessary for the creation of cell membranes and the synthesis of hormones like

compounds called eicosanoids(Human Nutrition). Fat consist largely of saturated fatty acids, especially

long chain fatty acids, this tend to be solid at room temperature, and if the saturated fatty acids

predominate, then fat is liquid at room temperature(Human Nutrition). Fats and oils are mostly made of

fatty acids(Human Nutrition). There for saturated fats tend to be more stable than unsaturated fats(Human

Nutrition). The food industry takes advantage of the stability of saturated fats hydrogenation, in which

hydrogen molecules are added to a point of unsaturation, making the fatty acids more stable and resistant

to oxidation, as well as more spreadable and solid(Human Nutrition). A major result the hydrogenation

process is a change in shape of fatty unsaturated acids from a configuration known as CIS to that known

as TRANS(Human Nutrition). Like carbohydrates and fats, protein contain carbon, hydrogen, and

oxygen, but also contain a component of the amino chemical group (NH2), Nitrogen, and in some cases

also sulfur(Human Nutrition). Proteins serve as the basic structural material of the body as well as being

the biochemical catalysts and regulators of genes(Human Nutrition). Tissues throughout the body

require ongoing repair and replacement, and thus the bodys protein is being turn in over constantly, being

broken down and then resynthesized as needed(Human Nutrition). The world Health Organization

recommends a daily intake of 0.75 grams of good quality protein per kilogram of body weight for adults

of both sexes. thus , a 70-kg man would need 52.5grams of protein, and a 55-kg woman would need about

41 grams of protein(Human Nutrition).

A Proper eating habit is essential to a healthy life and obviously a diet. Between week two and three a

diet seems to stop working, probably because most people hit a frustrating plateau and their hard work

seems to no longer be worth it(Cander). When starting a new diet< to adapt, the digestive process uses

more energy, but the body becomes used to the new take in thus the weight loss slows or completely

stops(Cander). A useful way to prevent this by varying between low and higher calorie days to advance

metabolism, remove body fat, and maintain weight loss(Cander). A great way to generate rapid weight

loss is by lowering overall carbohydrates and exclude all processed, simple carbs, limitless lean protein

activates fat burning. Reasonably increasing hydration flushes toxins and betters digestion(Cander).A

useful tip to keep your goal weight is by eating healthy weekday meals and weekend treats(Cander). One

of the reasons why many people struggle with their weight may be one they dont want to admit-

emotional eating(Cander). Everyday, for five to fifteen minutes sit and imagine the perfect body type and

imagine the steps to get to that body type(Cander). It is important to always include plenty of plant foods

high in protein such as soy, meat, tofu,beans, falafel, and nuts to a diet(Cander). It is also important to

avoid big amounts of animal products, but don't make a big deal about every ingredient a little is

okay(Cander). Now their are many types of vegetarians with all different type of diets if ur looking to lose

weight from that angle, for example; A Lacto vegetarian, is a regular vegetarian that also eats dairy

products(Cander). There is also the Ovo vegetarian that like to include eggs in their diets(Cander). Now

there is also a combination of the two called Lacto-Ovo vegetarian which eat both dairy and

eggs(Cander). There is also a weird one called Pollutarian which is a vegetarian that also eats poultry and

fowl(cander). The last vegetarian on the list is the Pescatarian which is a vegetarian that also eats fish and

other seafoods(Cander). Now there is also another type of dieting which people aren't usually too

comfortable with, called Fasting. Fasting works by making a daily schedule in which a person would only

eat during certain time periods of the day and fast during the rest of the it. Now there is the regular fasting

that most people are acquainted with mostly because they don't realize they are doing it. It's the 12-hr

break, it works by eating the last meal of the day by 7pm, which most people usually do so, then not

eating again until 7am, which is normally what people do, between this 12-hr break people are usually
sleeping. The warrior diet is little different, its a 20-hr fast with a 4-hr period to feed in. Now the

Leangains is another form of fasting with a 16-hr fast and a 8-hr period to food in. The Alternate day

fasting is 36-hrs of fasting following a 12-hr period to feed in. The second to last fasting diet is the Eat,

Stop, Eat, where a person will have a 12-hr fast, once or twice weekly. Now the last fasting diet is the

Meal skipping fasting, with brief, random fastings. Now a great diet that does not include fasting is the 5

Factor Diet, which is a daily diet that puts the 5 factor to three meals and two snacks.(Cander). Number 1,

eat healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and low glycemic fruits (the ones

with skins that can be eaten, edible seeds, or citrus fruits)(Cander). Number 2, get plenty of lean protein

like nonfat Greek yogurt, poultry, shellfish, seafood, or egg whites(Cander). Number 3, it's important to

get at least 10 grams per meal and 5 grams per snack of both types of fiber, Soluble and Insoluble

(Cander). Number 4, instead of dairy fats and frying oils, get healthy fats from fish oils, avocados and

olive oil(Cander). Number 5 only drink beverages with no calories, like water, sparkling water, green tea,

and flavored water.(Cander). A little side note like other foods lobster is high in omega-3 fatty acids and is

packed with great quality protein to help create muscle mass, and maintain lean muscle while keeping the

stomach full longer(Cander). Now a fun fact to end this topic is that Primal Blueprints based the theory

that the stomach hasn't had enough time to get use to processing the new American diet, because of grain

the body relies on sugar as the primary source of energy instead of fats, so the body stores the fats causing

weight gain(Cander).

Humans have existed on Earth for at least 2,000,000yrs(Exercise). For most of that time humans had

survived by hunting and gathering food, while always moving. It is obvious that there way of life was

vastly different, from the way humans live now in developed countries. So evolutionary history prepared

humankind for a different type of life from the new one it lives today. Approximately 10,000 years ago, as

civilization developed, nomadic hunting and gathering societies gave way to agricultural ones in which

people grew their own goods and domesticated animals. With much of the work being done with human

power, it is likely that energy demands remained high, although many aspects of life chanced during this

period(Exercise). During the Industrial period, which lasted mid-18th Century to the end of World War
II(1945), this is when people were moving from farm life to city life. Even though engine and electrical

power were used to do most of the work, people still faced significant energy demands, because people

walked to work, claimed stairs, and had more physically demanding jobs than most people

today(Exercise). The post World War II period was a technological age, a period characterized by rapid

growth in energy saving devices, both in homes and at the workplace(Exercise). Physical activities

became less and less common in industrialized countries especially among the urban

population(Exercise). Now physical fitness is a general concept defined in two major categories, health

related physical fitness, and motor-performance physical fitness(Exercise). Health related physical fitness

is influenced by individuals exercise habits; thus it may change from person to person(Exercise).

Research in exercise training has led to the recognition of a number of general principles of

conditioning. These principles must be applied to the development of a successful exercise

program(Exercise). The principle of specificity derives from the observation that the adaptation of the

body of change in physical fitness is specific to the type of training undertaken(Exercise). Overload, the

second important principle, means that to improve any aspect of physical fitness the individual must

continually increase the demands placed on the appropriate body systems(Exercise). Progression, the

third important principle, is the individual's capability to know when is the right time to move on to a

higher level of activity(Exercise). Warm-up/Cool-down, another important practice to follow in an

exercise program is to gradually start the exercise session and gradually taper off at the end of the

session(Exercise). To give tip on just how much exercise a person should do, exercise physiologists have

developed equations based on research to find out. A frequency of about every other day or three days per

week appear to be minimally sufficient to develop and maintain physical fitness(Exercise). The overall

condition of a person's body should be maintained by strengthening exercises , and stretching exercises,

so the body can perform basic daily functions, and maintain joint mobility and flexibility(Exercise).The

principles of exercise training discussed above should be viewed as general guidelines(Exercise). Mostly

because individuals adapt differently physically and psychologically to exercises(Exercise). It is clear

that some people that participate in exercise training will develop injury to bones, muscles, and
joints(Exercise). Obviously, the most serious problem with exercise programs would be sudden death.

There are many studies that have proven that regular exercise lowers risk of death from a heart attack.

However there is also evidence that suggests a higher risk of dying during exercise than during sedentary

activity(Exercise). So making sure to keep safe during exercise, and making smart decisions is a good

"Human nutrition." Britannica School, Encyclopdia Britannica, 1 Feb. 2017. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017.

Cander, Chris. "The top six diets of 2013: we decode all the latest weight-loss tricks & trends."Men's
Fitness, Jan. 2013, p. 76+. Student Edition,
p=STOM&sw=w&u=ncowl&v=2.1&id=GALE%7CA313012696&it=r&asid=12b18f2fad52bb0f8635c0a9e91faff4 .
Accessed 13 Feb. 2017.

"Exercise." Britannica School, Encyclopdia Britannica, 20 Mar. 2015. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017.

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