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I've been managing teams for about six years now, and there's one phrase I've g

rown to hate hearing from employees:

"Somebody should..."
Sometimes this phrase is followed by a very specific task or product improvement
. Other times, it's a suggestion to change a process, either on our team or some
where else in the company.
Employees who use this phrase think they're being helpful.
They think they're saying, "I'm a strategic and creative thinker who looks beyon
d the limits of my defined role and thinks of ways to improve the fortunes of th
e business overall. Please consider my larger value to the company when you thin
k about my performance."
But that's not what their boss hears.
Their boss hears, "I'd like to add another task to your to-do list."
That's because every time an employee introduces a suggestion with the phrase "s
omebody should," their boss has to do the following:
Find out if somebody else in some other part of the organization is already doin
g this, planning to do it or thinking about doing it
Think about whether the suggestion makes sense against the team's goals
Nina Golgowski,HuffPost 4 hours ago .
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One of 10 people sickened last month by a tainted batch of nacho cheese from a C
alifornia gas station has died, health officials said Monday.
Martin Galindo, a 37-year-old father of two, died after contracting the foodborn
e disease botulism, his family shared on a GoFundMe page.
On Thursday, Galindo was taken off of life support, ending a weeks-long battle,
his family said.
Martin Galindo, 29, was taken off of life support after being hospitalized for b
otulism, his family said.
Tests have meanwhile confirmed that a cheese product supplied at the Valley Oak
Food and Fuel gas station in Walnut Grove, Sacramento County, contained a toxin
that causes botulism, which is spread through contaminated food or water, Califo
rnia s Department of Public Health said on Monday.
Though the CDPH did not identify last week s fatality by name, the San Francisco O
ffice of the Medical Examiner confirmed Galindo s death, as well as a related botu
lism investigation, to the Sacramento Bee.
Botulism is the same foodborne disease that has been linked to the sickening of
nine other people who consumed the gas station cheese, including a mother of thr
ee who was placed in intensive care.
The CDPH said the gas station stopped selling the cheese sauce on May 5 and they
believe there is no continuing risk to the public.
Botulism, whose symptoms including vomiting, blurry vision, slurred speech, dry
mouth and gradual paralysis, is a rare illness that results in death just 3 to 5
percent of the time, according to the CDPH.
is shaking when Gowdy is questioning, tweeted @politicccs.
In his opening statement, Brennan described the brazenness of Russian interferen
ce in the 2016 election.
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How to Watch: Former CIA Director John Brennan to Testify About Russia

Thegic alliance and the democratic values they share. At the airport welcoming c
eremony for President Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu s wife Sara suggest
ed something else shared by the two countries a combative relationship between t
he media and their respective leaders. While making chitchat with First Lady Mel
ania Trump and the president, Sara Netanyahu said in her uneven English, The majo
rity of the people in Israel, unlike the media, love us. So we tell them how you
are great so they love you. The president replied, "We have something very much
in common, and Netanyahu chimed in, ...

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