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COMMENTS SHARES President Obama defies
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Congress and the Constitution
Posted December 4, 2014 by
to use his executive influence to
serve illegal aliens, Planned
Parenthood, etc., while playing


This iReport is part of an assignment:

games of deceit & trashing the
Presidents immigration plan: Your views
oath of office & the Presidency
More from Ceyseau
when petitioned by deserving
U.S. Citizens!
Time to quash the nonsense of combining individuals
of good moral character who became HIV positive
through no fault of his or her own, such as tennis
player Arthur Ashe, by comparing his condition with
the promiscuous, immoral acts of Other Individuals!
By Ceyseau | Posted December 4, 2014 | California
LA County, Pasadena being sanctuary jurisdictions
for illegal aliens, of course the investigators, Attorney
Caree Harper, the LA Times, etc., have left out the fact
the unnamed 911 caller who reported the false
information is an illegal alien deportee!
Voting U.S. Citizens Elect and Make it Possible for
Individuals such as President Obama, Attorney
General Kamala Harris, etc., to Hold Office! CA AG
Kamala Harris is yet Another Inept U.S. born Black
elected official representing Illegal Aliens!
We Work for the American People. President
Obama has "proven himself untrustworthy on
immigration"- Speaker Paul Ryan, President Barack
Obama and other disgraceful elected officials are
truly a Disgrace for What it Means to be an Elected YouTube: Theft by Court uploaded by Michael Lofton
The same or a similar set of very deadly
circumstances that occurred in France are very likely
to occur on U.S. soil. President Obama and an inept
Obama Administration have opened the flood gates
for Foreign Nationals to Enter and Remain in the U.S.!


Esther M. Lofton (Address deleted for privacy)

January 7, 2009

Mr. Barack Obama, President-elect United States

Hay-Adams Hotel

800 Sixteenth (16th) Street

Washington, D.C. 20005

RE: Enforcement of the Fourteenth (14th) Amendment to The United States Constitution

Dear Mr. Obama:

Every American citizen is obligated to respect and enforce the constitution and laws of this
nation, some more than others. This obligation is greater with career, constitutional lawyers
and buck-passing stops with the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.

Leon E. Lofton Jr. (01-16-18 to 07-16-03) an honorably discharged, disabled American

combat infantry veteran of a foreign war (WWII) was discharged September 25, 1945 into a
society as cruel as the one from which he was drafted November 14, 1942, a fact proven by
the complete and exact copy of an enclosed court document titled JOINT PRETRIAL
STATEMENT, NO. 895 188: Leon E. Lofton Jr. and Esther M. Lofton vs. School Board, Los
Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Superior Court of the State of California for the
County of Los Angeles. Even though the cited matter has been an already agreed upon
matter since January 23, 1967, it still pends due to massive affinity fraud in every American
institution from sea to shining sea.

Final judgment and order in case 895188 authored by the Plaintiffs pursuant to Amendment X,
USC signed between November 22, 1975 and February 21, 1976 pursuant to ARTICLE VI,
Section 19, CC. by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, the Honorable
Donald R. Wright who as Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles was the last
judge of court of record. Final judgment and order (case 895 188) is in the custody of and/or
under the control of John A. Clarke, Executive Officer/ Clerk of the Los Angeles Superior

Affinity fraud in every institution is further substantiated by a copy of the enclosed booklet
authored and self -published in 2001 by plaintiff Esther M. Lofton titled Theft by Court and
case ............Despite your sermon condemning black males in an apostolic church in Chicago,
IL on Fathers Day 2008 Leon E. Lofton, Jr., .........and Carl A. Steadman, Jr. are all black
males, all descendants of slaves and all citizens of the United States of America.

The DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE adopted by the United States Congress July 4,

1776 provides that when institutions of the people fail to secure the inalienable rights
becoming destructive to that end, it is the right, it is the duty of the people to alter or destroy
that form and to institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form as to them seem most likely to effect their safety and

Execution/enforcement of the judgment and order case # 895188 by Constitutional lawyer

Barack Obama or President of the United States Barack Obama satisfies the 14th
Amendment to the United States Constitution and provides the means of the dictates of the
Declaration of Independence.


(Esther M. Lofton, Plaintiff and Author)

2 enclosures: court document and booklet titled Theft by Court (Sent over-night, U.S. Postal

Cc: Mr. Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor, City of Los Angeles, City Hall 200 N. Main Street; Los
Angeles, CA. 90012.


17 states sue to stop Obama's immigration plan by Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Los Angeles
Times, 12-4-14

Selected Excerpts:

Texas and 16 other states sued the federal government and immigration agencies in U.S.
District Court on Wednesday to try to derail President Obama's executive action deferring
deportation for up to 5 million people, arguing it was unconstitutional and would worsen the
humanitarian crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border. State officials noted in their filing:

This lawsuit is not about immigration. It is about the rule of law, presidential power and the
structural limits of the U.S. Constitution. Greg Abbott, Texas Republican attorney general and
the governor-elect, announced the lawsuit in Austin, accusing Obama of issuing an executive
decree that requires federal agencies to award legal benefits to individuals whose conduct
contradicts the priorities of Congress.

The president is abdicating his responsibility to faithfully enforce laws that were duly enacted
by Congress and attempting to rewrite immigration laws, which he has no authority to do,
Abbott said. The presidents actions amount to executive disregard of the separation of
powers, he (Greg Abbott, Texas Republican attorney general and the governor-elect) said.

The states that joined Texas in the lawsuit are Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas,
Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South
Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Also Wednesday, Texas Gov. Rick Perry called
for increased support from Washington for border security, saying in a statement that
Obamas executive action could spark another mass migration.

After an immigrant influx of more than 68,000 unaccompanied children across the border this
year many via Texas Rio Grande Valley Perry ordered a surge of state law enforcement
and the National Guard. On Wednesday, Perry ordered state agencies to use the E-Verify
system to screen employee eligibility. Texas increased law enforcement presence in the
border region is all the more necessary as the federal government continues to ignore the
very real issue of border security in favor of political posturing on immigration, Perry said.
Without border security, immigration reform is a fruitless exercise.

Copyright 2014, Los Angeles Times


YouTube: Chicago Activists Unchained, Destroy Black Leadership

YouTube: President Obama Addresses The Nation On Immigration Executive Actions

YouLatestNews, 1-22-14

YouTube: America: Obama ordered ICE to release 36,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens back on US
streets (May17, 2014) - SignsofThyComing, 5-17-14

You Tube: Abortion and Black Genocide (Barack Obama and the Negro Project) - LaneCh,
YouTube: "Black People Have Become too Ignorant for Me to Claim, I Need to Invent a New
Race" uploaded Stacey Gear

YouTube: "More Likely Treason, Incompetence and Greed by Other Blacks Keep Blacks
Down and not White Supremacy"

CNN i-Report: "The Democratic Party has used the influence of Black Reverends, Pastors,
etc., to win over virtually the entire Black voting electorate, to grease the palms of the sleazy
and the greedy, While being of no Benefit to the Black community!

CNN i-Report: "Constitutional Protections are Very Important. Unfortunately more so than not,
Black Leaders, Lawyers and the Black community itself are not Competent at Holding Anyone
Accountable to the Oath of Office, the U.S. Constitution, etc."

CNN i-Report: "RE: Want to weigh in? .10TH District Councilman Herb Wesson, and my
experience..Herb Wesson is a Liar, Deceitful, and a Disgrace to the Essence of What it
means to be an elected official! "

CNN i-Report: ......It Should is no Mystery as to the Reasons that U.S. Born Blacks and the
Black community face extinction!

CNN I-Report: "U.S. born Citizens, especially Black voters, should take action to impeach,
recall, and to vote these disgraceful elected officials out of office!"

CNN i-Report: We Work for the American People. President Obama has "proven himself
untrustworthy on immigration"- Speaker Paul Ryan, President Barack Obama, California
Attorney General Kamala Harris, and other disgraceful elected officials are truly a Disgrace for
What it Means to be an Elected Official!"

CNN i-Report: "A Huge High Five to all the Dissenters, the majority of the voters of 26
States, and the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Who Oppose President Obamas and the
Obama Administrations Misuse of Executive and Constitutional Authority!"

CNN i-Report: President Barack Obama defies Congress and the Constitution to use his
executive influence to serve illegal aliens, Planned Parenthood, etc., while playing games of
deceit and trashing the oath of office and the Presidency when petitioned by deserving U.S
Citizens and legal immigrants

CNN i-Report: Unlike Treasonous, Unfit & Brain Dead US Elected Officials who Betray U.S.
Citizens and Legal Immigrants Daily to Favor Illegal Aliens, Other World Leaders of Other
Nations are not as Likely to Betray Actual Citizens and Legal Immigrants Of Other Nations!

CNN i-Report: The major Issue with illegal immigration is that illegal aliens have undercut
many Americans for wages, which has resulted in high unemployment of so many qualified
U.S. citizens and legal immigrants.

CNN i-Report: "Send the LA County DA Fraud Division After Danny Bakewell, Sr. et al.
Typically, Black leaders have been Serving Themselves and not the Black Community!

CNN I-Report: "Somebody Must Have More than a Few Screws Loose in the Old Noggin to
Appoint Waters or Burke to manage taxpayer's money!

YouTube: "Interview with Terry Anderson, Part 1"

YouTube: "Interview with Terry Anderson, Part 2"

CNN i-Report: The "Chickens have Come Home to Roost" U.S. born Hispanic citizens and
legal immigrants are feeling the wrath of Illegal Immigration Too!

CNN i-Report: We Work for the American People. President Obama has "proven himself
untrustworthy on immigration"- Speaker Paul Ryan, President Barack Obama and other
disgraceful elected officials are truly a Disgrace for What it Means to be an Elected Official!

CNN i-Report: "Unsung Heroes Who Have Done More to Serve the Oppressed than Dr.
Martin Luther King, the NAACP, etc."

President Barack Obama, multiple members of the Congressional Black Caucus....AKA.....the

Congressional Black Clueless.....former Congresswoman Diane Watson, Herb Wesson, Mark
Ridley Thomas, and other elected officials, have contempt for his or her "Oath of Office", the
U.S. Constitution, a respective State Constitution, etc., etc.....

It is certain President Barack Obama, the Obama Administration, and the Democratic Party
will be against this......In contrast the actual responsible voting public are truly grateful that
politicians/elected officials/public servants like you, Speaker Paul Ryan, exist.....namely
politicians/elected officials/public servants who truly respect the Oath of Office, the
Constitution, who actually serve U.S. citizens and legal immigrants, elected officials who
mean what they say, who get things done, who are not career public servants misusing
taxpayer's money.

It definitely won't be business as usual.


Michael Lofton

More from this assignment - Presidents immigration

plan: Your views

President Obama is Right on Welcome to America: A life Actually Documented (Life of

Immigration away from fear a Citizen)

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