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The old man must die

If you have decided for something called Waking up from the dream in which you have
spent your whole life, and if the nightmare has become so deep (and obvious) even when it
looks like a pleasant dream, than you have to forget about the man who you used to be
before that decision.

Many teachings have something which is called Initiation. However, to this mystical aspect
people in dream often give significance that it doesnt have, they attach meanings of no real
significance to it. Such attributes are given by people in dream. Why? Because of the force,
or the law, which is called fantasy or imagination. Fantasy or imagination is the basis of
dream, the ground on which the dream is sustained, prolonged, the ground that
provides meaning, strength to the dream. This is the foundation of your
personality, the foundation of your life, of the dream that you are dreaming, of
that which I would call the old man. Fantasy is a made up fact in which you
believe, which is grounded in your beliefs, in not knowing things, in your likes
and dislikes, in imagination which ascribes a stream of imaginary, non-existing
false facts whose purpose is to strengthen your personal beliefs; your notion of
self, or self-image (the so called ego of spirituality), the image you have of others
and the world around.

If, by any chance, you have been studying this form of lying, then you should have noticed
that the whole world is based on fantasy, or in other words, on manipulating with events
seen from a personal point of view and given all sorts of interpretations, interpretations
which aim to deceive and manipulate and are always in accordance with certain likes and
dislikes, and in accordance with specific aims of those people who manipulate unconscious
men. Insubstantial fear, holding mankind in constant fear by projecting real and false
events, maintaining tension on purpose with the aim of keeping up the manipulation of
men, and a whole specter of ways in which negative states are being imprinted into man -
all of this is possible because man is ruled by this specific lie, untruth or fantasy.

Neither is the so called positive free from this fantasy, and spirituality least of all. Usually
we would say that fantasy, that a lie is negative and that it manipulates us by our negative
emotions, moods and mental concepts. The Truth is, fantasy manipulates all aspects of
mans life. It manipulates his personal world-view, his self-image, his image of other
people, his family and personal relations, love relationships, friendships, his free-time, his
work. Fantasy manipulates mans idea that he is already awake, or even fully awakened,
that he is free, it manipulates by ideas of mans greatness and importance in the universe,
etc. When you are under influence of fantasy, as the basis of your personality, you cannot
expect any part of you to be true, authentic or permanent. This is the reason why ancient
teachings called this world and man, the illusion, the dream in which man dreams of himself
and of others, dream in which he believes, in which he lives, gives birth to children, and dies
in that dream in the end. The basis of dream is fantasy, lying, justification, false perception
of oneself; of others and the world, belief in that which does not exist, projection on other
people and the world around us, negative and positive emotions which are dependent on
one another and on the extremes in which they are born, the ideas in which one believes, or
is assured in, the attitudes which one has, etc.

As long as one doesnt question the truth of himself, the reality of ones foundation, as long
as one doesnt question the truth of what one believes in, the truth of what one wants, what
one is prepared to sacrifice, ones own likes and dislikes, ones way of seeing the world and
self, etc., one will be unable to grow up, to become a mature human being ready to
conquer freedom, awakeness, authenticity. The step in which he starts to doubt
everything that has been served to him as normal, everyday, human, emotional-
mental is the step which leads to something called initiation. Initiation is nothing special,
mystical or glorious, as youve been convinced by those in dream. It is an act of affirming
your readiness to change the person you have been till that moment, readiness to
cast off the belief in illusionary personality, so called self which you have been living so far.
This explains why you receive the so called spiritual name. It means you made a step
towards that which the spiritual name represents, towards that conscious being, mature and
awake being standing as a potential behind your personality. Initiation stands for initiating
that process. The person who initiated you is someone who is freed from the influence of
the dream, who has disengaged from fantasy or is still in that process but is partially freed
from the dream. Initiation is an act of affirming the willingness to get out of the
dream, to abandon the illusion of self that you had until then. It is the act of
discarding the old man, the person you used to be.

With that act you are saying you are ready to question everything. Starting from yourself,
from the world around you, up to all ideas, concepts and beliefs you have or had. One of the
things we are questioning is lying and fantasy. By questioning we realize that in most cases
we are ruled by fantasy and lie. We do not know ourselves - we have beliefs,
attitudes, concepts and ideas about ourselves. We do not know the world and
other people - we have beliefs; attitudes, concepts and ideas about the world and
other people. This is a devastating fact which leaves hardly anyone standing on their feet.
Everything we have thought, have been convinced in, had an idea about was just a product
of our dream, of deep sleep in which we are dreaming about us, others, universe. That is
the moment in which initiation has its true weight, significance. New consciousness, new
being, must wake up and give up the old man and the old personality. With this we are
casting away our wonderful spiritual personality, the so called spiritual ego we have created
under the infulence of our self-image and our image of spirituality, because everything that
has been created under that universal force of illusion must be discarded. You cant cast
aside only what you dislike, and this is something most people do. You have to cast aside
everything that comes from your old self, everything that your old personality has gained,
all her ideas, beliefs, attitudes, knowledge etc. It is clear that you wont be able to do this
all at once, and that you will need to put a lot of effort and hard work to mature, to become
conscious, to become aware of those aspects of yourself, while constantly fighting for
consciousness, effort to cast aside everything that is pooling you back into your dream and
to your old self. Its illusionary to think that you can remain as you are, that you can keep
something you like about yourself and be born again as a new being, as a conscious being.
All that remains un-examined or unconscious follows you every step of the way towards
maturity, toward Awakeness. Because, while you are crystallizing and strengthening
yourself, your consciousness, what you hadnt separated from becomes strengthened too.

Therefore, the first step given to a man who enters into something called Work on
Oneself is division into two parts. Although spirituality talks about unity and the need to
become one however this means not only one with some imaginary divinity in heaven,
but one within self you have to divide yourself in two in order to free yourself from
the old self, from the old man. That wonderful idea of the somnambulists, of the
sleepwalkers, about unity with the imaginary, with fantasy in which they believe, has
nothing to do with the truth and the reality. There can be no unity of the old man with
something which surpasses him and transcends him in every way possible. That which you
like about yourself is not that which can be in unity with universe, while the rest of you, the
parts that you dont like, is pooling you down to the bottom of the ocean in which you are
swimming. That is a fantasy. Old man is a creation with no contact with the spirit. The so
called Man without the soul as conspiracy theory somnambulists would say. Men without
soul is not some kind of people who lack what they call soul, and by the way, I still
havent found anyone who gave the exact meaning of soul. Man without the soul or
man without connection with the spirit, and Man with the soul or man connected
with spirit are not two different men at all, they are two parts of yourself. Your
personality has no connection with the spirit, your essence has connection with the spirit.
This story from the Bible, this pre-adamic and adamic man are not two different men, they
are two different parts of you. Within the world of dream this idea is being wrongly
interpreted as two beings created in a different way. As every inner idea has connection with
the outer world this one has too. It is clear that people with a dead essence are people with
no connection with the spirit and those men rule the world. When a somnambulist receives
an accurate idea he soon turns it into something somnambulistic. Because creation of the
world that surrounds you cannot be different from you the contrary is a fantasy of the old
man. This is the reason why we say you must divide yourself internally in order to become
aware of that which has no connection with the spirit, of that which you were up to that
moment. The fight for oneself (The Work on Oneself) begins with this step.

One thing I could say to the man who has started to mature, to awake from the dream, is
you got it all wrong. Spirituality was not made to keep you in the dream state, but to
awaken you, which is not the case in the world around us. However, it has been sad that
that which has the power to awaken us has the power to put us into even deeper sleep. It
all depends which part of you has received the idea, or the seed, like in the parable of good
soil in the Bible. The soil must be prepared, which doesnt mean that the soil of the man
who has started to work is already prepared. You were not born ready. This is yet to be
done and to think otherwise is a fantasy, a lie used by your old I in order to put you to
sleep. Preparation of the soil begins with separating the wheat from the chaff,
like it was sad in another parable of the sacred scriptures, and not only in The Bible but also
in others. Because until you have separated everything within yourself in the field of
Kurukshetra, in the internal field of self, and until you gave up your old family and gave
yourself to ideas which are useful, you cant prepare the soil for true work on oneself. This is
the basic step. And that means you need to be aware of the old man within you and identify
with him no more. This will not be easy, because old man will be constantly pooling you
back. Unconsciousness of that man will be constantly following you until you mature and
until you realize, completely, what he is, whose product he is, from whom and from what he
was made from.

Know thyself means coming to know this very man, while nothing in excess
means not taking sides when the old man does, because the road to hell is paved
with good intentions, or in the words of the oracle of Delphi make a pledge
(identify) and mischief is nigh. These tree laws are literally talking about a man who
divided himself in two: the old man that he is becoming aware of and the new man that
is consciousness. The new man must be crystallized, of this I will talk about in the next
text. Crystallization can happen only on something which is Alive in you, and that
is your consciousness. On the part separated from the old man. But if you associate this
old man only with those parts you dont like, the crystallization will be defective, the part
which is to become the new man, which is to become crystallized as consciousness will be
the wrong part so the crystallization will be wrong, because many snares are in the way .
When the old man dies because of the Work on Oneself, you are being born again and that
is the symbolism of Christs sufferings. The old man had died and the new man has
been born. But the new man cannot be born until you became Awake, a conscious being.

Conscious being is only an expression, because in that conscious state there is no idea
about any kind of being, any kind of man, any kind of I in you. This is the reason why
we didnt say conscious personality, but conscious being.

The Path starts with dividing (separating), and it ends with the unity of the whole structure
sustained by non-identified consciousness. From an illusionary one, through internal
division and work on oneself to the true unification. Though, we didnt say with whom or
with what. Anything you attach to this process is your own fantasy, one based on security,
on a wish to know the destination, fantasy wishing to survive and inventing all kinds of
scenarios based on its beliefs, convictions, attitudes, ideas and concepts it is using to
protect itself. To remain unguarded, to remain in a state on not-knowing I know that I
know nothing to remain conscious of oneself and of ones consciousness, but also
separated from what you are becoming conscious of, begins with separating the old man
from the new man. This is the foundation of any serious work on oneself.

The old man must die and its process of dying is called Work on Oneself. But on
WHICH self? that is the question. This is what all ancient traditions, all teachings, all
techniques, all the ways and advice that we received are talking about. This is the
beginning, the first step in what we call the Way toward the Fully Awakened, Liberated
Being - not man.

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