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Zion DaSilva

Marilyn Fichman

Algebra 2

May 18, 2017

Algebra 2

One topic that I learned about in Algebra is Polynomial Functions. The topic was just

plugging in numbers, like f(3). It would get difficult when their was exponents but I liked a

challenge. I also like graphing the polynomials because the lines were never straight they was

curvy or some odd shape. Tools I learned was to check over my work because theyre can always

be sign crimes, which I would tend to make a lot.

I liked the flipped classroom but at times I didnt, there was pros and cons to having it.

The pros was learning it at home, reviewing it in class and jumping right into it the classwork.

But if you didnt understand the topic you would be behind and catch up, from past experience

this happen to me. I would have to get it on my own or just ask for help. Now, at this time of the

year I dont really like the technique due to me not understanding whats going on and constantly

asking for help when I have to be aware that others need help as well.

Yes, I do plan on taking an advanced class. Math class has always been one class that I

put all my work into since its one class I struggle with a lot. I am always up for a challenge. In

my previous classes for math I would get B average so I feel comfortable taking it. Even though

I messed up a little in this year for math, I feel like I can be good in Pre-calc if I just pay

attention and question the teacher when I dont understand what is being taught.

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