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Ethan Clevenger

Interviewee: Mrs. Tsarnas

This interview was conducted through email.

Interview Transcript

1. Q: How do you feel about animal conservation?

A: I feel animal conservation is important. Each animal holds a place in the ecosystem. The

absence of an individual has great effects to the other organisms there.

2. Q: What is your opinion on the amount of animal conservation acts in place at this


A: I think that we are actively trying to preserve our biodiversity. Is it enough? That depends

on the individual situation.

3. Q: What do you think should be done about changing animal populations?

A: Organisms that are detrimental may need to have some sort of human control. Like the deer

population increasing around us. Lengthened hunting seasons, with the hope that these animals

are being used as food is a positive way to control increased populations.

4. Q:Do you think animal populations are declining due to unnatural causes?

A: Some populations are decreasing due to unnatural causes. Pollution (air and water)

negatively affects many animals.

5. Q: Do you think animal populations on the endangered list are threatened by


A: Endangered can easily become extinct. I think we have a responsibility to try to counteract

endangered species to hopefully prevent extinction.

6. Q: In what ways do you think people have impacted nature with modern


A: We have greatly decreased many animals habitats by deforestation. Many animals are forced

into smaller regions or they are having to find ways to coexist with the modernization of the


7. Q: How can we slow down the process of extinction amongst different species?

A: There is no one answer to this question. It depends on the organism and why it is facing

extinction. Animals that have valued parts (ivory on the elephant) are hard to protect due to

human ignorance and greed. Other animals may be hard to save due to habitat loss like the polar

ice caps for polar bears.

8. Q: What do you think is the number one cause of declining animal populations in

the world today?

A: Human activity. Whether it is global warming, deforestation, or pollution they all go back to

human activity.

9. Q: Do you think that eventually we could prevent extinction in today's species as

a whole?

A: No. Unfortunately I do not. Some may be able to be saved in captivity but there are so

many variables to control it would be hard to save them all.

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