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Descriptive questions

1Q)Scrum Master
1. acts as a facilitator
2. takes necessary steps to remove the impediments
3. protects the team from distraction
4. makes sure team goes in right direction
5. time boxing
6. maintains culture within the team
Scrum Master is the one who acts as a facilitator and he/she takes necessary ste
ps to remove the impediments. Scrum master has to protect the team from distract
ion and makes sure team goes in right direction. One of the key responsibilities
is to maintains culture within the team and time boxing.
2Q)In principle, this can not be encouraged. If the PO is not available for that
particular day, the team can manage so the Scrum master can run the show by fac
ilitating, however this cant be continued as a longer run.

3Q)Scrum Master is the one who acts as a facilitator and he/she takes necessary
steps to remove the impediments. Scrum master has to protect the team from distr
action and makes sure team goes in right direction. One of the key responsibilit
ies is to maintains culture within the team and time boxing.
4Q)I can coach one team at a time. Because if I coach many team at the same time
I will loose focus and cannot play the role effectively.
5Q)As a Scrum Master I will make sure the team understands the product vision an
d product backlog sprint goal. I will also Identify the process improvement thro
ugh retrospective meetings. Also I will ensure technical excellence and best eng
ineering practices are followed. There by helping the team work together towards
the goal by coaching them to be self organized and cross functional.
6Q)We need sprints to help reveal problem, impediments faster. We can get more f
eedback from PO and team can work towards shorted goal. There will be frequent o
pportunities to change the the product functionality if any. We can eliminate th
e situation where the customer could bring in a large modification in the functi
onalities in the last minute.
The Sprint length is based on the team decision, the team is responsible for se
lecting the amount of work they feel they can implement without accruing technic
al debt.

7Q)I will ask the team first to understand the essence of sprint planning. Unles
s the team breaks the functionality into smaller user stories and learns how to
make it potentially shippable products for each sprint, the desired end result c
an not be achieved.

8Q)I will ask PO to create a new user story with the refined requirements and ad
d it to product backlog.
9Q)Velocity is a metric that predicts how much potentially shippable products ca
n be delivered in that sprint(Story points per sprint)

10Q) As a Scrum Master ,I will make sure team follows the following
-Adopt Engineering Practices like CI,CD,TDD etc
- Identify MVP
-Change the Contracting Model
- Have shorter sprint
- Revisit release plan every sprint

objective Questions
1. b
2. b
3. a

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