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BIO 2210 Introductory Biochemistry

Laboratory exercise 3
Date: February 21, 2017
Test for Amino Acids and Proteins in food samples


Amino Acids (AA), as the name implies, are organic compounds containing an amino (-NH2)
group and carboxyl (-COOH) group. Amino acids are obtained by the hydrolysis of proteins by
acids, alkaline or enzymes. More so, proteins are complex organic nitrogenous substances found
in animal and plant tissues. They contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Some proteins
also contain sulphur, phosphorus and iron. The presence of nitrogen is significant because it
distinguishes proteins from carbohydrates and fats. Proteins are so essential to life that an animal
or plant can survive without fat or carbohydrate but not without protein.


For this activity, you will be conducting the experiment: PROTEIN DENATURATION

Add 2ml of albumin solution to a clean, dry test tube, then add 2 ml of ethanol and mix well.
Observe carefully. Next, add 2 ml of diluted Hydrochloric acid (HCL), mix well and observe
carefully again. Record your observations. Repeat this procedure with milk.


A printed report to be submitted on Tuesday, February 28, 2017, upon entering your lab session.
This report will be done in groups of 4 ONLY. No individual reports.

Your report MUST be typed in TNR, size 12, justified, line spacing 1.5 on letter size page (2.54
cm margins).

List of headings to be incorporated in your report:

1 INTRODUCTION No more than of a page. You are simply introducing amino acids and
proteins (please use your own introduction) and the experiment conducted. Please be
reminded that your AIM/OBJETCIVES are subheadings of the introduction.
2 MATERIALS & METHODS see above. Method must be written in a paragraph form and
in the past tense.
3 RESULTS: A data table (typed in font TNR, font size 10). Include an appropriate title which
must be please above the table.
4 DISCUSSION This is based on the significance of the experiment conducted, stating
reasons why you observed such results for each food sample. Be sure to include your In text
6 REFERENCES Must be done in the APA Style.

Please DO NOT start each heading on a new page and if possible, kindly print back and front, if
you can.

BIO 2210 Kalicharan, L. (2017)

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