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Monohybrid Cross Worksheet

Directions: Answer each of the following questions using a Punnett Square and the rules of monohybrid crosses.

Lets answers these together

(I) In cows, black coats are dominant to brown coat. Show crosses between the following and give the phenotypic
and genotypic ratio for each cross:

a. a homozygous black coat female and a homozygous brown male

b. a homozygous black female and a heterozygous male
c. a heterozygous female and a heterozygous male

Lets answers these together.youll try it first and Ill help you with the corrections
(II) In four o'clock flowers, red flower colour (R) is dominant over white (r). What will be the possible flower colour
produced from each of the following crosses?

i. Rr x RR ii. rr x Rr
iii. RR x rr iv. Rr x Rr

1.) The allele for dimples (D) is dominant to the allele for no dimples (d). A man heterozygous for dimples marries
a woman who is also heterozygous for dimples.

a.) What is the mans genotype and the womans genotype?

b.) What is the mans phenotype and the womans phenotype?

c.) Do a cross to determine all potential dimple genotypes and phenotypes for the offspring of this man and

2.) The allele for hitchhikers thumb (h) is recessive to straight thumb (H). If a man and his wife are both
homozygous recessive, will any of their offspring potentially have hitchhikers thumb?

a. What is the mans genotype and the womans genotype?

b. What is the mans phenotype and the womans phenotype?

c. What genotype(s) must the offspring have in order to have the phenotypic trait of hitchhikers thumb?

d. Do a cross to determine all potential hitchhikers thumb genotypes and phenotypes for the offspring of this
man and woman. Is it possible for any offspring of the F 1 generation to have hitchhikers thumb?

3.) In a certain breed of dogs, a gene (L) codes for hair length. The dominant trait is short hair and the recessive is
long hair. Suppose a heterozygous female dog and a homozygous recessive male dog mate.

a. What is the male dogs genotype and the female dogs genotype?

b. What is the male dogs phenotype and the female dogs phenotype?

c. What will be the genotypic ratio of the F 1 generation?

d. What will be the phenotypic ration of the F 1 generation?

4.) In fruit flies, the allele for normal wings (V) is dominant to the allele for short wings (v). Suppose two fruit flies
heterozygous for the trait are mated.

a. What is the male fruit flys genotype and the female fruit flys genotype?

b. What is the male fruit flys phenotype and the female fruit flys phenotype?

c. What will be the genotypic ratio of the F 1 generation?

d. What will be the phenotypic ration of the F 1 generation?

5.) A genetic engineer is going to cross two watermelon plants to produce seeds for a spring planting. He is
breeding for size, and wants to have as many watermelons with the phenotype for long shape as possible. In
watermelons, the allele for short shape (R) is dominant to the allele for long shape (r). Would crossing a
watermelon homozygous recessive for the trait with a watermelon heterozygous for the trait give the most long
watermelons possible? Explain your answer using Punnett Squares.
6.) In geraniums, the gene for tallness of a plant is dominant to the gene for shortness. A gardener takes pollen
from a pure short plant and dusts it on the stigma of a hybrid tall plant. When the seeds from this cross are ripe
the gardener harvests them and plants them. They are allowed to germinate and grow to maturity

a. What will be the appearance of these plants?

b. In what ratio will they be produced?
c. If the gardener obtained 650 seeds from the original cross, how many of each type (tall or short) would he
be able to expect?

Incomplete Dominance

In Four oclock flowers the alleles for flower colour are both equal therefore neither dominates over the other. We call this
condition incomplete dominance or codominance and it violates Mendels principle of dominance.

(1) Predict the offspring when two pink Four oclock flowers are crossed.
a. Complete a Punnett square for this cross.
b. What is the predicted genotypic ratio for the offspring?
c. What is the predicted phenotypic ratio for the offspring?


In Humans blood type is determined by three alleles, (A) I A, (B) IB, and (O) i. alleles A and B are codominant to each other
but both are dominant to allele O

(1) What blood types would be expected from the following crosses?

a. AB x OO b. AB x AA
c. AB x BO d. AO x BO

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