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Alyssa Kawamura

May 25, 2017

Ms.Lance & Mrs. Martin

Work Cited

Brand, Stewart. The dawn of de-extinction. Are you ready?: TED, English translation

by Joseph Geni, reviewed by Morton Bast. Feb. 2013.

Summarize: Stewart Brand talks about bringing back animals that have

gone extinct. He talks about how you can revive an extinct animal by

using its DNA and combining it with its closest living relative. At a

conference which was sponsored by National Geographic was held

between scientists from around the globe that came together to see if they

can work together. They also talked about their stories about reviving an

extinct species. Brands overall speech talks about the steps taken to

revive extinct species.

Assets: This source was very informative and helpful. I do not have

anything to compare this source to yet because this was the first thing I

researched. Stewart Brand is a very reliable source. He gives very

objective information about animals that have gone extinct and about

cases where a species has either been brought back or saved from

extinction. The goal of this source is to talk about how we have the ability

to bring back extinct animals and how we can fix mankind's mistakes.

Reflection: My topic is on preserving the environment while coexisting

with the nature around us and the video talked about bringing back

extinct animals. So the video did not really help inform me on how we

can preserve our environment but it did talk about the fact that we can

bring extinct species back. Although it didnt necessarily talk about my

topic to much, it does help me prove that we need to start taking better

care of our environment. I can use this source as a reason as to why we

need to help our environment and a way we can not only preserve

animals but bring them back. This source opened my eyes as to how

much damage humans have done to animal populations and how we can

bring them back, but they will never be the same again.

Bergstrom, Bradley J., et al. "License to Kill: Reforming Federal Wildlife Control to

Restore Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function." Conservation Letters, vol. 7, no.

2, Mar. 2014, pp. 131-142. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/conl.12045.

Summarize: In this article the authors are talking about the problems lethal

wildlife control brings. According to the authors ecologists have concluded that

the loss of apex predators and small native herbivores caused the appearance of

unwanted species, destabilization of ecosystems, and loss of ecosystem services.

As of now people are beginning to support the preservation of diverse native

species and natural functioning ecosystems. The government is a big part in lethal

control and spends millions of dollars annually killing predators, other mammals,

and birds agribusinesses regards as pests. A government agency that is under the

department of U.S Agriculture is called the WIldlife Services that uses lethal

control to keep certain animals under control. Wildlife Services is supposed to

provide Federal leadership and expertise to resolve wildlife conflicts to allow

people and wildlife to coexist. It is also supposed to apply integrated wildlife

damage management approach assistance and direct management operations. The

article also covers topics such as the lethal controlment of wolves and prairie

dogs. The lethal controlment of these animals caused either the unintentional

death of other species or over population of another.

Assess: This article was very helpful and compared to my other resources gave

more information then all of them combined. Compared to other sources it gave

so much information that it felt overwhelming and hard to understand. I believe

that this information is reliable because the article told me numerous facts about

different animals and how their existence affects other animals. In my opinion this

article is biased because it is stating all the facts about how the government is

handling the control of animal populations. The goal of the source is to address

how the government is controlling wildlife populations and how it is affecting

other things.

Reflection: I feel that this source wasnt very helpful to me for my topic.

Although, the article did give me good examples as to why we need to learn how

to coexist with the nature around us. I can use this source in my project by using it

as something to emphasize the fact that as a society we need to learn how to

coexist with nature instead of killing and tearing it down. The article has taught

me about how cruel our society is when it comes to human survival and

expansion. I feel that it is cruel and unjust for killing a vast number of animals to

fix a problem that could have been solved through a less violent method.
Callenbach, Ernest. Ecotopia.Bantam, Doubleday, Dell, 1983. Print.

"Main Types of Habitat Loss." Web. 25 May 2017.


Nunez, Christina. "Could U.S. Endangered Species Rules Go Extinct?" National Geographic.

National Geographic Society, 18 Feb. 2017. Web. 25 May 2017.



Petra, Tschakert, Zimmerer Karl, King Brian, Baum Seth, and Kunches Daniel. "Threats

to Biodiversity." Geographic Perspectives on Sustainability and Human-

Environment Systems. Penn State, 2016. 30 Jan. 2017. <https://www.e->.

Summarize: The major reasons for biodiversity loss can be remembered

in the acronym H.I.P.P.O. H is for habitat loss such as deforestation or

becomes inhabited by humans. I is for invasive species which is when an

animal, plant, or microbe throws off the balance of the biodiversity,

which can lead to extirpation. P is for pollution which is when a

concentration of toxins in an area makes it a dead zone. A dead zone is

when it is uninhabitable for animals. Bioaccumulation is something

closely related to pollution, which is where toxins become more

concentrated in animal tissue the higher it is on the food chain. P is for

Human Population which is when the population in an area grows and the

biodiversity goes down. O is for overharvesting which is when you hunt,

fish, and gather more than necessary of a specific species.

Assets: This source was very helpful and provided a lot of good

information. Compared to my first source, which was the TED Talk video

about de-extinction, this website gave more facts. This source told me the

five major reasons as to why there are species loss compared to the video

which talked about a plan to bring back extinct animals. The information

provided is very reliable because it was written by trustworthy professors

from Pennsylvania State University. This article was from an objective

point of view that gave facts based on research. The goal of this source is

to state the top reasons as to why there is a loss of species.

Reflection: This source was helpful and can help me backup my guiding

question. The information in this article gives me reasons as to why we

need to preserve our environment as much as possible and learn to

coexist with it. I can use this new information I have acquired by

incorporating it into what mankind needs to work on and ways we can

lessen the amount of the loss of species. This article has opened my eyes

to all the different reasons to species loss. It has changed my views as to

what needs to be done to prevent species loss.

Sharkey, Sarah. "Good Save! Dolphins Rescued From Mass Stranding In

Massachusetts."Awesome Ocean. 06 Apr. 2017. Web. 25 May 2017.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Endangered Species Program. "Listing and Critical Habitat |

Overview." Official Web Page of the U S Fish and Wildlife Service., 17 Apr. 2017. Web.

24 May 2017. <>.

"Wild Pigs and Their Effect on Our Bird Population." Threats to Hawaii's Native Species. Web.
25 May 2017. <>.

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