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Chapter 12: Word Processing

Activity 1

1 Retrieve the document Buying Hardware from the CD.

2 Spell check your document.
3 Bold, centre and underline the heading.
4 Replace the word arrangement in the third paragraph with the word
5 In the first paragraph replace the word given with the word used.
6 Replace the word It that begins the second paragraph with the word A.
7 Over the third paragraph place the sub-heading Office system.
8 Over the last paragraph place the sub-heading Home system.
9 Bold, italicise the sub-heading and change the font type to one of your choice.
10 Save the document as System Configurations.

Activity 2

1 Retrieve the document Buying Printers from the CD.

2 Insert the following text after the first sentence in the document.
Printers are divided into two broad categories: impact printers and non-
impact printers.

3 Move the sentence beginning with Although laser printers are expensive to the
end of the document.
4 Insert a new paragraph at the start of the sentences beginning with Most impact
printers are becoming obsolete and Ink jet printers spray electrically charged.
5 Spell check your document.
6 Centre and underline the heading.
7 Fully justify the document.
8 Save the document as Printers.

Activity 3

1 Retrieve the document Computers from the CD.

2 Left-align the sub-headings.
3 Change the font colour of the sub-headings to green.
4 Change font size of the heading to 18 pts and put it in a font type of your choice.
5 Change the font size of all the sub-headings to 14 pts.
6 Double line space the entire document.
7 Spell check the document.
8 Change all the paragraphs in the document to italics.
9 Save the document as Types of Computer.
Activity 4

1 Retrieve the document Speech from the CD.

2 Replace the words Tendulkar, Sarwan and Ato Bolden with Merlene Ottey,
Palmino Balentine and Linford Christie.
3 Double line space the document.
4 Change the font size of the entire document to 16 pts.
5 Spell check your document.
6 Change the word congratulate throughout the document to capital letters
7 Bold and underline the word Ryan.
8 Save your document as Congratulation Speech

Activity 5

1 Retrieve the document Reflections from the CD.

2 Place the phrase how could you be so in quotation marks.
3 Using a smaller font, centre and italicise the heading Scrapbook of Reflections.
4 Insert the date after the heading Scrapbook of Reflections and left-align it.
5 Left-align and change the font of the sub-heading Journal Entry.
6 Centre and underline the sub-heading Sequence of Events.
7 Move the sentence beginning with It took all my mental powers to the beginning
of the second paragraph.
8 Insert a new paragraph beginning at the sentence I have since realized.
9 Spell check your document.
10 Double line space your document.
11 Insert page numbers to the bottom right-hand corner of the pages.
12 Save the document as Scrapbook of Reflections.

Activity 6

1 Retrieve the document Letter to Aunty from the CD.

2 Rightalign the address.
3 Insert the date after the address.
4 Insert the following text as the second paragraph of the letter.

Well, I am now in standard five and I am going to take my exams next month, where I will
pass for high school. Presently I am doing well in my work, getting eighty percent as my
lowest mark. I am very proud to be doing so well and I hope that I will keep up the good

5 Right-align the signature block at the end of the document.

6 Change the colour of all the names of persons within the document to red.
7 Change the font size of the entire document to 18 pts.
8 Spell check your document.
9 Save the document as Aunty Savi Letter.
Activity 7

Create the following table using 2 rows, 7 columns.

Table 1.0 The physical properties of common solids.

Solid Appearance Hardness Conductivity Effect of being m.p. Solubility

(moh) struck with a ( oC)
Aluminum Silvery, shiny 2-3 Conductor Bends easily but does 660 Insoluble
not break

Candle wax Waxy, white 0-2 Non- Crumbles, breaks up, 65 Insoluble
conductor flattens

Copper Reddish 2-3 Conductor Bends easily but does 1083 Insoluble
brown, shiny not break

Diamond Sparkling, 3-4 Non- Unaffected 3500 Insoluble

crystalline conductor

Salt White 2-3 Non- Shatters into pieces 801 Soluble

crystalline conductor

Sand Brownish- 8-10 Non- Unaffected 1700 Insoluble

white grains conductor

1 Bold and centre the heading.

2 Centre all the headings in the table.
3 Insert a picture for each of the solids that you can find, either on the companion CD
or anywhere else. The solid may be part of a picture, such as sand on a beach, a
diamond in a ring or a copper pot.
4 Save the document as Physical Properties.
Activity 8

1 Retrieve the document My Poem from the CD.

2 Insert the title The Rumours.
3 Right-align the authors name at the bottom of the poem.
4 Copy the text Have you heard the rumours? to the beginning of each verse as in
the first one.
5 Highlight the first line of each verse by italicising the font.
6 Change the page orientation to landscape.
7 Reduce the font size of the poem to 8 pts.
8 Change the font to one of your choice.
9 Change the font size of the heading to 14 pts.
10 Centre the entire document.
11 Save the document as The Rumours.

Activity 9

1 Retrieve the document Software List from the CD

2 Insert todays date where indicated.
3 Insert your address as the customers address.
4 Insert your name as the customers name at Dear Customer.
5 Insert the following sentence before the first list of games.

The latest versions of the following games are available.

6 Move the sentence beginning with Many of these games can be played to the end
of the second list.
7 Leave two line spaces between each list and the beginning and end of each
8 Insert the sentence below as the last sentence in the document.

We look forward to hearing from you.

9 Place each list in two columns.

10 Spell check your document.
11 Save the document as New Arrivals
Activity 10

1 Retrieve the document Spanish Conversation from the CD.

2 Punctuate the document as follows.

Al subir al autobs, el conductor habla con ellos.

Conductor : Adnde van ustedes?
Juan : Vamos al ro.
Conductor : Por qu no estn ustedes en la escuela hoy?
Pedro : Es que, no tenemos clases esta tarde.
Conductor : Verdad?
Enrique : Verdad. Es que en la escuela no hay aqua.
Conductor : Y, por qu no van ustedes a casa?
Juan : Queremos pasar la tarde en el rio.
Conductor : Saben sus padres dnde estn ustedes?
Pedro : Si, senor.
Conductor : Estn ustedes seguros?
Pedro : Si, seor. Estamos muy seguros.
Conductor : Bueno. Voy a verificar. Vamos a la estacin de polica.

3 Bold and italicise all occurrences of the word Conductor.

4 Add a picture of bus from a suitable source.
5 Save the document as El Conductor.

Activity 11

1 Retrieve the document Visit to cave from the CD.

2 Centre, bold and remove the underline from the topic sentence Re: Visit to the
Harrison Caves.
3 Using an appropriate font style, highlight the number of students.
4 Use a bulleted list for the items to be discussed by the tour guide.
5 Double underline the phrase suggest a convenient date and time.
6 Fully justify the document.
7 Save the document as SBA Fieldtrip.
Activity 12

1 Retrieve the document Bandits from the CD.

2 Place the last paragraph as the first.
3 Place the paragraph beginning with Then all of the men left the room as the third
4 Move the paragraph beginning with We believe you son to the end of the
5 Left align the document.
6 Insert the following heading in capitals.

At that moment I became so nervous that did not know what to do.

7 Right-align the authors name at the bottom of the document.

8 Change the colour and font type of all the phrases and sentences within quotation
9 Save the document as A Terrifying Experience.

Activity 13

1 Retrieve the document Grammar Exam from the CD.

2 Number the sentences.
3 For each sentence in the grammar exam, the errors are underlined. Insert the
correct words next to the errors. Do not delete the errors.

Error Correction
busy sunny
kingston Kingston
jimmy Jimmy
sheeps sheep
back (omit, redundant)

4 Remove the underline from the errors and use the strikethrough style instead, to
indicate the error.
5 Change the font colour of each error to red.
6 Change the font colour of the correct words to blue.
7 Double line space the document.
8 The heading should read Grammar Corrections.
9 Bold, centre and underline the heading.
10 Change the font size of the entire document to 16 pts.
11 Save the document as Grammar Corrections.
Activity 14

Create a poster using the following information. You can be creative, use different
font types, font sizes, font styles, Clip Arts and the photos provided on the CD. BUT
please note: Too many styles may make your poster unreadable and distract from the

Students of Caribbean schools, draw or paint your idea of the following

A learning environment begins with a clean environment.
Win $10,000 dollars and a computer for your school. See press for details.
Deadline for submission June 30th, 2004.

Activity 15

1 Retrieve the document Ancient Art from the CD.

2 Double line space the document.
3 Capitalise, bold and centre the heading.
4 Number the pages at the bottom centre.
5 Start the paragraphs The origins of architecture and Painting and sculpture
on a new page.
6 Increase the font size of the heading to 16 pts.
7 Insert the following text in font size 8 pts, bold, italics and centred after the

By Melissa David
Form 4 Business Group 2

8 Fully justify the body of the document.

9 Replace the word comprehended with understood.
10 Spell check the document.
11 Place the second to last paragraph as the second paragraph.
12 Chose four (4) relevant pictures to accompany the text. This could be from the
companion CD or any other suitable source.
13 Save the document as Art in Everything.
Activity 16

1 Retrieve the document What is Art from the CD.

2 Insert an appropriate graphic after the heading using Clip Art or a photo from the
3 Resize the graphic so that it is not too large and centre it over the document.
4 Place the text excluding the heading in two columns with a line between.
5 Change the page orientation to landscape.
6 Highlight the names of the famous authors.
7 Insert and centre the following text after the heading. The font should be a different
size and type to that of the main body of the text.

By Jenelle Ramsaran
Form 4 Business 2

8 Insert the following text as the last line in the document.

I will not disrupt Art classes again.

10 Spell check and save the document as Art Class.

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