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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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An Agent for Consciousness Evolution

F r i d a y, M a y 1 9 , 2 0 1 7

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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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(Mary Kurus) We thank you for your support via

donations or ad clicks.

Psychic Attacks and Dark Negative Energies

Psychic attacks are defined as the manipulation of supernatural energies and forces. Psychic attacks occur
when dark and negative energetic vibrations are sent from one individual to another individual or place UKs Latest Triangle UFO Sighting
creating disturbances in the energetic and physical bodies of the person or place. This negative energy can Caught on Video
be called a spirit, an entity, a thought form or a dark negative energy. Each of these energies can create Signs of Change? 2017: Catholics
harmful effects within the person receiving them. and Protestants to Commemorate
Reformation Anniversary --
Reconciliation of a Divided Church,
What It Could Mean
Are You a Human Being or Just a
Programmable Life Form?
Antarctica Terror Threat or Secrecy
Coverup? Ice-is? Britain Issues

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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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Apple Seeds and Cancer: What the

Government Has Been Hiding From
You for Years
Stillness in the Storm Updates:, Behind the
Scenes Research and
Developments, and Contact in the
Reddit Community Turns To
Full-Scale Revolt On Bill (Shill) Nye
-- Signs of Awakening
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford -- May
Related Etheric Implants and Entities ARE Human Nature Part 1 -- Removing Energetic Parasites, 15th 2017: Negotiations for world
peace proceeding smoothly as more
Symptoms, Science, and Research
bad guys bite the dust

Source - Prepare For Change

by Mary Kurus, May 2nd, 2017

Not everything thats considered difficult in a persons life is the result of a psychic attack, but psychic attacks
Sprache auswhlen
do happen and they happen more often today than ever before. You will hear some people say that negative
energies and psychic attacks dont exist and cannot happen if you dont believe in them or give them energy
by paying attention to them. This is not true. Problems can and do happen as a result of negative energies
and psychic attacks. Recently mothers have contacted me about their teenagers who are practicing bits of
black magic wanting to know how to help their children. There are disadvantages as well as advantages to
Harry Potter.

Ancient Societies and Psychic Attacks

Societies from ancient times to the present have worked with psychic attacks and dark negative energies.
The African and Haitian people practice voodoo and black magic. North American and European cultures
practice black magic and witchcraft. Indian, Chinese and South American tribes have similar practices.

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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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( Daniel Newton ) A
Psychic attacks involve the manipulation and movement of different types of dark energies, entities and mainstream scientist has blown the
spirits. They involve the transferring of dark and negative energies into someones physical and/or energetic whistle on chemtrails being sprayed
bodies. Some of the dark energies and entities that find their way into physical and energetic bodies, and into the atmosphere. A mainstream
homes are sent without awareness, even though they are sent by humans. Others are sent intentionally to scientist...

create harm and damage, often to control, manipulate or punish the individual. They can involve ritualistic
Cobra | Disclosure
techniques or ceremonies or use the psychic powers of the mind or a combination of both. Process -- Fleet of
Mother Ships Entered
Auras are weakened by repressed emotions, negative emotions, through the regular use of drugs and Solar System to
Support Full Disclosure,
alcohol, through smoking and a variety of diseases. The physical presence of fungus, parasites, worms, or Soft Disclosure, Structure of the
metal, chemical or atomic poisons can seriously weaken an aura. Therefore the care and protection of your Universe, and more
energetic body is as important as the physical body so you can repel psychic attacks and stay strong and ( Cobra ) There are great changes
healthy. happening in our Solar System. A
vast fleet comprised of many
motherships of countless positive
Related Auras and The Kirlian Effect | The Electromagnetic Field Around Every Person Becomes cosm...
Depleted with Unhealthiness
Magi of the Sun, the
Blue Avians, and the
2022 New Star
Prophecy: From
Resistance to
( William Henry ) Clare and I are
thrilled to announce our November
4-5, 2017 Magi of the Golden Sun
Intentional Psychic Attacks, Spells, Curses, Voodoo, Witchcraft workshop in Nashville. During t...

Benjamin Fulford -- May

The dark and negative energies sent intentionally by others are called psychic attacks and can seriously
15th 2017: Negotiations
affect humans and animals at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Psychic attacks can include for world peace
spells, voodoo, mantras, invocations, negative energy rays, or other types of black magic. They attack proceeding smoothly as
psyches and can produce debilitating effects on the overall health and energy level of the affected person. more bad guys bite the
Psychic attacks can also be sent unintentionally by someone who has the ability to send these but is not
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) In
aware that they have this ability. honor of Ben's wishes to withhold
posting the full update here is a

4 von 24 20.05.17, 20:15

Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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attributes, illnesses and behavior of the spirit or entity occupying the person to such a degree that there
Human Slavery
appears to be a complete personality change. ( Alex Ansary ) In todays free
exclusive interview, Alex Ansary
interviews Robert Stanley about
Negative Thought Forms humanity taking back their freedom
Another major type of dark negative energy that can be sent to others is through negative thinking, anger,
Apple Seeds and
wishing harm to others, jealousy, animosity, seeking revenge, vindictiveness, or other forms of thought that
Cancer: What the
are based in anger, rage and fear. These are called thought forms and they can be lodged in a persons body Government Has Been
or various layers of their auras causing a wide range of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual difficulties. Hiding From You for
( Healthy Cures ) The mere mention
Related How to Free Yourself From Subconscious Programming And Access Your Psychic Ability to
of consuming apple seeds, cherry
Read Minds pits, apricot seeds, or bitter almonds
tends to cause almost panic a...

Degrees of Strength of Psychic Attacks Reddit Community

Turns To Full-Scale
Revolt On Bill (Shill)
Psychic attacks and other dark negative energies, entities and spirits can have a wide range of effect from
Nye -- Signs of
low to medium to high. The symptoms or changes in health or behavior can also range from low to medium Awakening
to high. Not all health problems or behavior changes are caused by psychic attacks since there can be so (Stillness in the Storm Editor) As a
many causes for the same symptoms. Confusion often exists when other physical and emotional difficulties child, I watched Bill Nye on PBS, like
a lot of kids did at the time. He
are present in an individuals life. Its important to carefully assess all possible sources for the difficulties
helped fuel my passion fo...
including physical factors, energetic factors and emotional factors.
Telepathy will be
Enabled by the Earth's
Magnetic Field on a
Global Scale
Image Source .
(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The
Earth's magnetic field, also known as
the magnetosphere, along with the
Schumann ...

A Groundbreaking Documentary
Exposing The Biggest Cover-Up In

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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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Can We Draw Dark Energies To Ourselves?

We definitely can draw dark energies, entities and spirits into ourselves without any influence whatsoever
from external sources. Prolonged states of anger, rage, resentments, bitterness, vindictiveness, and many
types of fears, will draw and attract these negative energies. Its normal to get angry or fearful when things
happen in our lives. These occurrences do not draw the dark side in to us. Its the long-term and prolonged
states that set up the energetic attraction. Ongoing repressed negative emotions can eventually turn into a
certain type of entity.

Violence of all types, physical, emotional and mental is a very powerful draw for negative and dark types of
energies. The regular use of drugs and alcohol also draws these types of energies. Now one glass of wine is
a social habit and does not affect our energy fields. However, when we become drunk, be it from alcohol or
drugs, our auras becoming weakened substantially and negative invaders are attracted to the energy set up
by this state. Smoking also greatly weakens the energy field and leaves us very vulnerable to negative

Symptoms of Psychic Attacks and Dark Energies

There are many different symptoms that can indicate negative and dark psychic energies, spirits or entities.
The following list identifies a few major symptoms. But these symptoms can also indicate other types of

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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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Major changes in clarity of thinking or analytical ability

Sudden ongoing fatigue for no apparent reason
A drained feeling
Icy cold feeling on part or all of your body
Hearing someones voice regularly
Hearing voices
Recurrent or frequent nightmares
Strange or recurring accidents
Feeling someone is watching you
A discomfort or fear in a specific room or area in your home or office
von Uploaded by user
A loss of self-confidence
A sudden loss of energy Science of Life, The Universe and
Everything? | Dewey B Larson'
Sudden illnesses that elude diagnosis Reciprocal Systems Theory -
Sudden illnesses that cannot be explained Walking the Path of Truth in a
World of Deception
Feeling someone touch you or bump into you when nobody is present /1F9lq1v
Sensing a presence Sensing a large pair of eyes watching you or following you
119 27
Sudden or irrational difficulties with finances or relationships --------------------------------------------------------
Stillness in the Storm
Imagining monsters, animals or frightening shadows Spirit Science
Sudden depression without an apparent cause Seeming ongoing bad luck
Visions or hallucinations
Irrational fear, anger or sorrow
A negative obsessive thought, desire or fetish that wont go away
Print PDF
This is not a complete list but should give you a fairly good idea of areas to look at in the physical, emotional,
mental, or spiritual areas. Each person who is on the receiving end of psychic attacks or dark energetic
forces will have their own indications and effects.

Related #Triggered? Mass Hypnosis and Trigger Words -- Irrational States of Mind That Manipulate
Us Via Our Alter Personalities

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How Do You Pick Up Negative Energies, Entities and Dark

Energies ?

Negative entities, spirits, and dark energies can be picked up almost anywhere where negative people,
emotions or thoughts exist. They are drawn to negatives. Therefore you can pick these up at meetings, in
stores, at any type of gathering, or in your own home. At times when individuals have suffered prolonged
pain in a certain place, the energies of this pain can remain there even though a person has left that place.

Negative entities, spirits and dark energies are strongly drawn to individuals who use drugs and alcohol. Looking Out from Within |
When people get stoned, their auras get weak and these negative entities and energies can easily penetrate Yvonne Palermo: Near Death

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Smoking cigarettes or any other type of drug seriously weakens an individuals aura making them quite
Deschamps and Yvonne Palermo
vulnerable to the entry of negative entities, spirits, and dark energies. Smoking eventually creates holes in an
(Written Responses for Part 1 and 2)
individuals aura so that their vital energy can seep out making them feel fatigued as well as making them
and Video of Part 2 Archive - April
vulnerable to negative energies. 30th 2016 GRooVie Bean Radio

Negative energies can be absorbed or can attach themselves to objects during the process of being made or
by resting somewhere where negative energies exist. If you have the opportunity, ask an experienced
antique dealer to tell you some of their stories about negative energies in antique furniture.

Negative energies can attach themselves to an object when its being made or just by where is lives. These
can be very difficult to eliminate. This past Christmas I received a gift of a small box as gift given in love. One
day as I was checking my desk I realized that negative energies were attached to this little box. They had
attached themselves from dark energies in the store they were sold from. I placed the box in the sun but that
was not sufficient to clear the box. I then washed it thoroughly with soap and water and then placed it in the
sun again and that finally cleared the box. It is much more difficult to clear old energies from antique pieces.

Related Light Workers and The Lost Art of Transmuting Fear into Love -- The Path of Love vs. Path of
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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and
moral perspective. When you have sex with another human being you absorb their very essence mixing it
Protecting Yourse...
with your own essence. You literally absorb their good stuff as well as their bad stuff.
Apple Seeds and Cancer: What
the Government Has Be...
If you have sex with someone who has negative energies, entities or spirits, it is almost guaranteed that
some of this negative energy will be transferred into your body and/or aura through the physical act of sex. Stillness in the Storm Updates:
Its very important to ensure you want to absorb the very essence and energetic elements of the other
person before having sex with that person. The more sex partners you have, ensures the greater diffusion of Reddit Community Turns To
Full-Scale Revolt On Bil...
your own very special essence. It amounts to not being quite yourself anymore.
Full Update | Benjamin Fulford --
May 15th 2017: N...
A client told me the story of her father who had an affair with a neighbor who happened to be a Wicca witch.
This lady conducted many ceremonies and cast many spells. After a period of time, this man, his wife and Yet Another Coup Is Brewing
Within the Trump Admin...
their children were all invaded by negative energies and entities. Be careful of the company you keep.
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There are a variety of methods available for eliminating dark and negative energies, entities, spirits, and State Passes Landmark Bill To
thought forms. The following will give you many ideas of things you can do to help yourself. It will also help End Federal Reserve...
you to ask an energy worker the right questions if you need help to eliminate energies through psychic Trump to Clean Out White House
attacks. Cabinet? Priebus, B...
The NSAs Virus Can Still Destroy
You will read many different methods and find a wide spectrum of suggestions regarding clearings. Some will Your Data, Here ...
even suggest that its important to know who has entered your body or aura whereas others do not believe Magi of the Sun, the Blue Avians,
this to be important. Personally, I dont think one needs to spend time identifying the characteristics of the and the 2022 New...
invading energy. Whats important is to know how to clear and protect yourself and your home. 20-Year-Olds Company Is Going
to Eliminate 50% of...
The following are a number of methods you can use, normally in combination, to ensure you get clear and

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Show Agencys Control O...
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Devouring Mother -- Under...
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Media For the Aw...
#Triggered? Mass Hypnosis and
Trigger Words -- Irr...
An Energy Practitioner Experienced in Psychic Attack Clearing M6.2 Quake, Dr. Robitaille, Storm
Watches | S0 New...
If you believe you are absorbing negative energies or are the recipient of psychic attacks, you should Heartmath Institute: The
seriously consider asking for the help of an energy practitioner who is experienced in the identification, Schumann Resonances are N...
clearing and elimination of psychic dark energies, entities and spirits. If you believe that spirits, entities or
Conspiracy Revealed: Clinton
hard dark energies have penetrated your body or aura, please ask an energy worker experienced in clearing Insiders Reveal Blam...
psychic attacks for help. Its important to identify and eliminate psychic attack energy as soon as possible.
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Please dont try to do this yourself. Without experience in clearing, you are quite likely to draw even more Talks By Blowing Wh...
negative energies to yourself.
5.11 - Uptick in FBI Trafficking
Arrests, GOP Firm...
Smudging With White Sage Benjamin Fulford -- May 11th
2017: The French bran...
Smudging with white sage is an ancient custom of North American Indians who have used and continue to Reverse Speech Analysis by
use this method for clearing unwanted energies. You can purchase dried white sage in a variety of shops Tiffany Fontenot of Bil...
today or you can grow and dry your own white sage. BREAKING: Massive
Ransomware Attack Hits 99
Today most people are exposed to many negative energies in their workplaces, in stores, restaurants, and
almost anywhere they go. Anyone can pick up negative energies by just walking around. BOMBSHELL: Study Suggests
Unvaccinated Could Be He...

People who work in close quarters with others, and this includes teachers, nurses, physicians, therapists, Quakes Coming, Comet 46P,
factory workers, energy workers, office workers etc., need to smudge and clear daily. Some of the negative Food Watch & The Reason ...

energy carried in one persons aura can easily flip into your own aura, eventually causing illness. Daily Water Protectors Were Right:
smudging is a powerful clearing tool to use on yourself and your office to keep your energy field clear of DAPL Already Leaking ...
accidental energy transfers. Unfortunately, this is normally insufficient for any type of psychic attacks. Conspiracy Fact: Geoengineering,
Long Denounced As...

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Cobra Interview by Rob Potter:
Pass the smoke over your head and all around you a number of times. If you are smudging your home, close April and May 2017 ...
all the windows and doors and pass the bowl with leaves smoking around each room, into corners, up to Who Controls the World? - The
ceiling corners, and into closets and cupboards. Leave the doors and windows closed for a few hours. This True Story behind Mo...
smudging can dissolve or eliminate many negative and dark energies, entities and spirits from your home. FBI ANON Resurfaces; Discusses
Plans to Take Down ...

Black Obsidian and Black Tourmaline Spray Concentrates Senate Hearing Summary:
Everything You Thought You...

I make and sell concentrates from the black obsidian and black tourmaline gemstones. You can make a Vault 7 - CIA Hacking Tools
Revealed by Wikileaks ...
spray by taking two teaspoons of the Choming Concentrate of either Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian and
mixing it with one cup of water. Then carefully spray your aura, your car, your home or office with this spray. School Bans Unvaccinated Kids
After Immunized (Vac...
This works in the same manner as the smudging, by dissolving or eliminating dark energies, spirits, or
entities but it is stronger than smudging. These sprays are powerful eliminators. Full Update | Benjamin Fulford --
May 8th 2017: It...
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A Rock Shop Owners Story S0 News May.11.2...

The owner of a rock shop recently told me a story about her experience with black tourmaline. How to Photograph UFOs
According to the US Militar...
She had been having many individuals with dark energies coming into her shop and decided to
use black tourmaline to keep them out. She placed a grid using black tourmaline in her shop The Secret Base Where We've
Reverse-Engineered Ali...
doorway to keep out these negative energies. Well not only did the negative energies not enter
her shop that day, but she found that nobody entered her shop that day at all. She learned an Iceland, Debt Jubilee, and Media
Blackouts -- Cove...
important lesson about black tourmaline. But its a powerful gem for keeping negative energies
and beings away from you. Alchemy - Physical and Spiritual
Examples of Trans...
Black Obsidian is just as powerful as black tourmaline but it is more porous and allows good and loving CERN Upgraded: New Plasma
energies to flow both ways, while protecting and keeping negative energies away. Black Tourmaline tends to Based Tech 1,000 Times M...
keep everything away. Mainstream Media Freaks out
over New Anonymous Vid...

Black Obsidian and Black Tourmaline Gemstones Trump Fires FBI Director Comey --
Corruption Analy...

These gems are a somewhat weak protection to use just by carrying them in your hand or pocket, but they Liens Filed Against the Federal
Reserve: The Key t...

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eliminate negative and dark energies. Anything held on the left side draws energy and anything on the right May Not Know You Are ...
side releases energy. Anonymous Just Warned the
World to Prepare for W...
If you carry these gemstones daily, they need to be re-energized regularly. I have a detailed article on my Arrival (2016) The Films Secret
website at on how to do this. Meaning Explain...
Emergency Declared at WA
Nuclear Waste Facility ...
BREAKING: F.B.I. Director James
Comey Is Fired by ...
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Stealth CMEs | S0 News...
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Feminine & Divine ...
Benjamin Fulford -- May 8th 2017:
It is time for C...
Federal Suit Hits Soros for $10
Billion For Polit...
Clarification of Stillness in the
Storm and Corey ...
Julian Assange Just Destroyed
the FBI, CIA & Fake ...

Tibetan Incense (made in Nepalese monasteries) Hero Congressman Openly

Defying Drug War to Bring ...

There is an incense made today in the monasteries of Nepal by Tibetans that is so pure that it can dissolve Trafficking and Sacrifice (Not for
Young Readers)
negative energies in your auras and home. This incense is made by hand in accordance with Tibetan
traditions preserved through the centuries within the monastic orders of Tibet. Its made in the traditional How the Government Predicts The
Future Inside th...
Tibetan manner with 35 different spices and aromatic substances including nagi, saffron, and red and white
sandalwood. This incense is now being made by Tibetans in monasteries in Nepal and can be purchased Mayan calendar expert says May
throughout the world. 24th, 2017 is more ...
Smart Glass Pad and ET Tech
Its important to know that incense, essences essentially anything made by machine loses much of its Disclosure? Your Next ...

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Latest #Vault7 Batch D...
Roman Church Pope Assumes
Whenever you are thinking or trying to cleanse yourself of negative and dark energies, first ground yourself Ownership of All Land, P...
so you are deeply connected with Mother Earth. Sit down comfortably with both feet planted on the floor, and
LIVE-Style News, Major
if possible, right on the earth. Imagine a thin silver cord that runs from the center of your being or from each
Announcement Tomorrow | S0
of your ankles, way down to the center of the earth, right into the middle of Mother Earth. Hold this ...
visualization until you feel deeply connected with Mother earth. This is an important beginning to many types
Trump Vindicated?: NSA Ends
of work with other dimensions. You want to connect with the majesty of other energies in other dimensions Mass Surveillance Of C...
while remaining deeply connected to this beautiful planet of ours.
The Language of the Angels --
Spiritual Clearing of Intent Antarcticas Collapsing Ice Shelf
Just Sprouted a ...
One of the most complex but most effective methods used to help clear psychic attack energy is through a Bodies of 23 Dead Kids Allegedly
clearing of intent. However, you must be very experienced in clearing to do this type of energy work. I do not Stolen for Use in...
teach this method.
April ( 224 )
March ( 290 )
Prayer and Connecting With Other Loving Spirits February ( 288 )
January ( 295 )
People get very frightened when they believe they have been attacked psychically. They feel helpless and
violated and without the necessary knowledge or skills to help or protect themselves. Fear is one of the 2016 ( 2159 )
greatest problems associated with psychic attacks since fear tends to magnify and intensify the experience
2015 ( 1534 )
of the person.
2014 ( 872 )
Prayer is powerful and can help immensely when dealing with psychic attacks. If the person who has been 2013 ( 1307 )
attacked can pray to the God of their understanding for strength and courage, their fear should slowly abate
and they will be better able to concentrate in applying a number of the suggestions for clearing that I make in
this article. Positive prayer in love strengthens individuals to deal with their issues. Ask others to pray for you
also as you go through this difficult experience. There are special convents and monasteries with sisters and
monks who do nothing but pray each day. Call them and ask them to pray for you as a special intention. disclosure ( 2710 ) self
Believe me, prayer works and needs to be part of the healing process. education ( 2573 )
For those who believe in the spirit world, ask those who are in other dimensions to guide you and help you
hidden technology

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Dealing With Psychic Attacks and Protecting Yourself

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down so that you are relaxed. Begin by inhaling on a count of 5 then hold this breath to the count of five and system ( 1303 )
then release this breath to the count of 5. Take a break to the count of 5 and begin the inhalation again. Do energetics ( 1094 )
this slowly and you should find that you begin to relax after about the sixth or seventh breath. If possible, de-programing mind control
continue this exercise for 10 minutes to achieve deep relaxation. You might consider doing this exercise prior ( 979 ) forbidden history ( 734 )
to the container method I just described above. consciousness ( 730 ) benjamin
fulford ( 384 ) science conspiracy
( 327 ) Hidden Symbols ( 309 )
mass mind control ( 309 ) David
Wilcock ( 302 ) self governance
( 301 ) false flag ( 287 ) we are
one ( 168 ) Bank Fraud ( 146 )
energetic healing ( 112 ) Brian Kelly's
Blog ( 92 ) american kabuki ( 88 ) gold
and silver real money ( 43 )
Protecting Visualization Techniques From Anger or Revenge
This technique works particularly well when others are angry with you and are sending you angry or vengeful
thought forms. The person can be very angry, cursing you and wishing you harm. They probably do not
realize that they are sending you these thought forms that can lodge in your body or aura. You may hear
their voice in your mind, see a blurry vision of them speaking to you in anger, or just be feeling very
uncomfortable. Do you remember the many times when you had angry conversations with someone who
was not present? You may have thought you were talking to yourself but in reality you were sending out
angry thought forms when you did this.

The following is a visualization I have used many times that has worked well when used properly. Visualize
that you are where you are and this other person is about 100 yards away from you. Then visualize a
Plexiglas wall that drops between the two of you. This glass wall is about four to six inches thick and is such
that anything loving can penetrate this wall easily, while negative images or thoughts cannot be heard
through this wall or in any way penetrate this wall. Hold the image of this wall and I guarantee you that the
angry voices and images will disappear almost immediately. This will give you real protection from angry
thought forms so they cannot penetrate or lodge in your body or aura.

Surrounding Yourself in White Light

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practice to connect with the Universe but not very powerful in protecting you from certain energetic practices.

Cleansing and Rebalancing of Auras and Chakras

You will need to ask an experienced Energy Worker to do this for you, but if you have been on the receiving
end of a psychic attack, your chakras will be distorted by these energies and no longer working properly. You
will also have holes in your auras. Ask an Energy Worker to bring your chakras back to their perfect shape,
to ensure they are spinning properly and at the perfect speed and to close the holes in your aura.

At times part of a psychic attack could include attaching cords, hooks and even placing nails in the midriff
area. Ask the Energy Worker to clear all hooks, attachments, markings, and any negative energy rays that
might have become attached to you.

Ask the Energy Worker to seal your aura, to eliminate all holes in your aura, and to make certain your aura is
not leaking in any way. They should be checking you at a distance for two or three days after the sealing to
ensure there are no leakages.

Personal Affirmations
As you think so you will behave. You need to adjust your belief system so that you will believe that you will
be safe and have the overall feeling of the love and protection of the Universe. An affirmation is a statement
you make from the bottom of your heart, with deep felt emotions, stating the effect you wish to experience. I
personally do not believe that affirmations will protect you from psychic attack energy.

Good Living Practices

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Regularly spray your home with Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian Spray
Keep a loving and caring attitude towards others
Keep yourself grounded with cords to the center of Mother Earth or use Gem Essences to keep
yourself grounded. Amber, Hematite and Zincite Essences and gemstones are powerful for
Include time for prayer and meditation on a daily basis.
In your daily spiritual practices, include positive personal affirmations for your overall comfort and
On a regular basis, ask an experienced Energy Worker to clear all attachments, markings, or
negative rays that have become attached to you. Also ask this person to ensure your chakras are
operating at optimum efficiency.
When required to spend time with individuals who are in conflict, make a practice of keeping a
black obsidian or black tourmaline gemstones in your right hand pocket. Be certain to cleanse
and re-energize the stones.
Practice deep breathing exercises when you become fearful and anxious.
When in doubt, call an experienced Energy Worker to work with you to help you clear negative
and dark energies and psychic spells. I am very experienced in this type of work.
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article needs a correction or update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at with the error, headline and url. Thank you for reading.

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been searching for truth all my life, looking to make sense of all the insanity in this world. In that time, I have developed
a holistic body of knowledge linking science, philosophy and spirituality into a single framework of ever expanding understanding.
I want to share what I have with the world, becoming teacher to some and student to all others. My goal is to help myself and
others become better truth seekers, and with the wisdom gained in the process, make this planet the paradise it was meant to be.
I am just happy to give back to a world and universe I have received so much from.

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