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Archangel Michael: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Reval

Part 1/2 /2017/05/12/archangel-michael-a-behind-the-scenes-look-at-the-reval-part-12/

Steve Beckow
In a personal reading with him through Linda Dillon on
May 10, 2017, Archangel Michael went into detail about the factors
involved in the Reval, the process itself, and the closeness to

Posted in two articles. Thanks to Dana for our transcription.

SitRep on the Reval

Steve Beckow: Sheldon Nidle says any remaining obstacles [to the Reval] will be quickly passed so the process is
expected to begin shortly. (1)

Is it going to happen very soon?

Archangel Michael: That is correct.

Steve: So not to pack our bags, but to start to think about where our bags are, that kind of thing?

AAM: Yes, to know where your bags are and what you would pack.

Understand this is a multi-phase project and it is already underway.

The Process Involved

Steve: Can we talk a little bit about that?

Its a multi-phase project. Its a multidimensional, multi-civilizational project. Could you please describe just how big
this is or how complex it is in a general way so that we can understand?

Rather than us waiting every day and saying, Well, it didnt come today or it is going to come tomorrow because
the French election was held.

AAM: And that is absurd.

As human beings involved in this process, and we understand your eagerness, etc., but what you do and what many
of those involved do is mine the news for various events and then you attach all kinds of significance to what we
would call everyday events.

Im going to explain this so buckle up, sweet one!

You attach significance, which may or may not be true, to everyday events and in so doing you are living in
tomorrow and youre living in yesterday rather than in your current reality of the gift of each and every moment of the

So you are always looking forward and you are always looking back and what you are saying is, Oh this is the
reason why it has or has not happened.

We truly would guide you, we would even plead and beg with you, to stop it.

Why the Reval is a Global Event

Now, having said that, this is a human, interdimensional, multidimensional, and divine undertaking.

As we have said to the channel many times, currency re-evaluation fluctuations happen minute to minute, day to
day, hour to hour. That is not a big event.

Why this is a global event is because there has been a higher-dimensional arrangement and a sacred arrangement
to infuse into global economies sufficient funds to finish off healing the wounds that were a result of the false grids
and paradigms of the old Third Dimension.

Because while that energy has been pretty much cleaned up, (yes, you are seeing some of the remnants, that is
true), what is remaining is the physical evidence and the physical manifestation, still in form, of those inconsistent
(well, let us just say terrible) belief systems abuse of authority, violence, control, lack, etc.

So the infusion is to correct that situation, to basically have a fresh start for humanity. Now this does not happen
[immediately], as we well know and understand (because even the Mothers Tsunami [of Love] will not wipe away all
the physical evidence [of those belief systems]), but it is to [happen], over a period of, say, a couple of years, or 2 to
5 years. [It will] give humanity this fresh slate, a clean slate to then be proceeding in ways that will actually move you
beyond what you think of, currently, as currency.

Michael Describes the Groups Behind the Reval

So in that, because it has been a global undertaking, what is required is engagement with the human beings with
not only nations and the politics of nations but the economic situation of nations and what the impact of such a
significant financial shift [is].

Then there is the practicality also of things like computer operators, etc. All the, what we would call, minutiae, which
has been huge and horrendous. Now the minutiae has been dealt with. The politics are mostly [dealt with] enough to
be given a go-ahead.

The financial there is some nervousness on those who truly control both globally and various nations financial
systems. But nervousness is all it is. It is not an absolute refusal to participate.

So this has all been in the undertaking really in earnest only [for] about a year to 18 months, to where there really
has been full enough participation and the renewal.

(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) The Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle, May 9, 2017, at


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